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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2641167 No.2641167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Quick rundown on the new biz_classic ARK delegate:

- magnet / biz delegate was ousted after losing or stealing an entire week's worth of earnings and we are now rank 52 on biz_classic after overtaking him and knocking him out of delegate status so he can no longer steal /biz/ users' staked ARK earnings.
- me and Uncle Chang, the technical team behind the old biz delegate, ousted him and created biz_classic.
- We're IT and cyber security professionals by trade as well as programmers.
- Chang is a well known public figure and we were both doxxed at the he will not divide us event, so you know who we are and what we look like and where we live, so you have a reason to trust us.

Payout structure:

- 100% payout for first 2 months and 100% FOREVER if you own less ARK than the average amount in our pool.
- 90% MINIMUM payout forever for everyone who joins pre-51.
- Whales (above average wallet sizes) get 80% - 99% on a sliding scale.
- Other details to follow, but 100% for first two months, 100% forever for below average wallets, and 90% grandfather rule is SET IN STONE.

What we have planned:

- Fully automated payments so we won't poo on your ARK like magnet did.
- Sliding payout schedules based on your staked amount (small bagholders get paid less often so their fees aren't eating up the profits). YOU WILL GET DAILY PAYOUTS BY DEFAULT IF YOU MEET THE 1 ARK MINIMUM. OTHERWISE YOU ACCUMULATE EARNINGS UNTIL YOU GET 1 ARK.
- Website similar to mining pools where you can see your current payment and choose your OWN payment schedule, along with other pool stats and your payout percentage/weight.


Verification tweet from Chang. My twitter has retweeted it (@MoonManHWNDU).

Delegate name: biz_classic
Previous thread: >>2634380

>> No.2641180
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More info:

We are <200k away from forging. Earlier a whale split their pool so we have a bit to go to overtake them.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/KWGZanR

>> No.2641195

based moonman
holding 15k ARK
voting biz_classic

>> No.2641199
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>> No.2641215

how do we get more of the old biz voters over to biz_classic?

>> No.2641216

The ark community is more reliable than antshills and digibyters etc.

Just hop on board, you know? 1000 ark is /comfy/.

>> No.2641226

We basically have to wait until they notice what happened. There have been probably a dozen threads on here in the last day asking about the delegate and why they didn't get paid or why we're dropping ranks / sub 51. We have to get the word out until they realize their stake is meaningless now.

If you see those threads, direct them here. The original delegate still has over 500 voters, but we converted over 200 and we're above the old delegate now.

>> No.2641252

Remember that the first time it took us a week to get this far. We achieved this in a single day. We're gonna make it.

>> No.2641254

how the hell do the other 500 people not realize they didn't receive a payout?
do people not check that shit?

>> No.2641258

Apparently not.

Here's the link to see stats for yourself:


>> No.2641273

based, thank you
that link needs to be in the OP

>> No.2641281

Some people made a new account and transferred all their ark over there so as to not have to pay 1 ark to unvote biz. I assume they still count as votes

>> No.2641285

Doxxed at the hwndu event?

Polfags? Cool

>> No.2641287

Thanks for not abandoning the ark, moon and chang.

>> No.2641291


I have a paltry 113 Ark. How is this a benefit to me and how do I do it?

>> No.2641292

They do but given our vote count I think that was a very small minority.

>> No.2641308

sure but even ignoring voter count he still has over 500k ark voting for him

>> No.2641310
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You earn free money and our delegate pays out the most. We're operating at a loss for 2 months and after that only benefit a tiny bit off whales. A wallet that small won't make much but it is free money.

Follow this image. Skip the first part about unvoting if you weren't in the old biz delegate.

>> No.2641340


Done. Ty. Does the amount of money I earn go up as I increase my ark holdings?

>> No.2641345


>> No.2641352

Compounding interest is a beautiful thing.

>> No.2641361

good to see you both on here supporting this
t. former polack, now 100% bizreali

>> No.2641365


Sweet. One more question, do I need to leave my ark client open?

>> No.2641367

Ark pump incoming

>> No.2641375

Guys how do I change my bote its not letting me do anything it says I already voted??

>> No.2641382

just vote, and you can close it
ez pz
restart your wallet and then try. worked for me

>> No.2641384

1. Uncheck the old delegate.
2. Submit the vote.
3. Close wallet.
4. Reopen wallet.
5. Delegates tab should be empty now.
6. Add "biz_classic"
7. Vote

>> No.2641400

nevermind I figured it out the ark client was being a nigger but now after I've voted for then unvoted "biz" and now I've got my 50 ark on"biz_classic" so can someone gib me like 3 ark so I didn't get totally jewd for this

AVkzuMsnjoYG4r3XLye2ALaTz3C1Aou9ej tia homies we're gonna make it together enjoy my fiddy ark

>> No.2641417

alright, shit
sent ;)

>> No.2641429

thx bb

>> No.2641465

do you guys think it'd be worth shilling to pay people's ark fees for changing votes?
if so, i'd throw in for that

>> No.2641470

Only if they're whales, and at that point the 1 ARK would be irrelevant to them.

>> No.2641492

> do people not check that shit?

some people have jobs. they don't jerk off on here all day like you

>> No.2641510

too late to delegate and be added pre-51? I have ~1900 Ark to contribute

>> No.2641516

we're at 52 nigger, get in here

>> No.2641526


Coming, looking up how to get in on this to support :)

>> No.2641536

Damn it's comfy to see the original hwndu over here in /biz/. Unfortunately, all my shekels are tied into an ICO right now, otherwise I'd join up. Might still do it if it even matters by then.

>> No.2641540

hell yea. read the thread, theres some info pics and steps on how to unvote/vote

>> No.2641545

what info you need?

>> No.2641547

I trust specifically because hwndu was great.

>> No.2641552

how will a complete noob get into this?

>> No.2641553

So how exactly does this work and how much profit would someone be expecting to get out of it daily/weekly?

>> No.2641557

Basically how to set up the vote. I found an article to read through.


Reading this:

>> No.2641580


Done. Took about 5 minutes to offload my holdings on bittrex to a local client and vote. Looking forward to future keks with you sirs.

~ Glowcloud

>> No.2641596

Lots of people are in ARK for HODL so many have probably voted and walked away from it.

>> No.2641613

i change all my votes to you
now what are we going to do?

>> No.2641614

i got 25 ark and voted now i just wait?

>> No.2641624

true, but it never hurts to check and see that you're still voting for a top 51 delegate

>> No.2641638

Dicking around with new trips. Follow the ID for now.

>> No.2641647

Pretty much, I mean most of my holdings are long term (months to years). Good to set notifications on price to periodically get notified of good price movement.

Look at Ether for example, $1 - $8 for like a year until any serious action. We're at the ground floor for so much new tech this year. Granted, not everything will be an Ether, but I think a lot of projects have a future.

>> No.2641667

Can someone explain how much profit is paid out of this, if, for example, you put in $100 of ARK

>> No.2641680

hmm debating how much i should put in but I'm pretty uneducated about ark

>> No.2641681

You'd probably earn about 1 ark a month.

>> No.2641698

1000 ark is gonna be roughly 10 dollars a week which isn't bad

>> No.2641702

Slightly more but it comes out to between 10 - 15% a year before compounding.

>> No.2641703


That seems pretty worthless. You'd make more riding waves on the charts.....\

>> No.2641708


So... This is going to be outdated, I ran these numbers like three weeks ago and these rates were at the time where Ark stood in Coinmarketcap and where it *could* go based on where other coins were worth. This was my estimated long term potential for ARK:

COIN - POSITION - SUPPLY - (Market Cap) (Price)
ARK - #45 - 95,559,466 total ($87,214,545) ($0.912673)
- get to 25 @250,000,000 mkt - $2.61 (+$1.70 185%)
- get to 15 @500,000,000 mkt - $5.23 (+$4.32 473%)
- get to 10 @1,000,000,000 mkt - $10.46 (+$9.55 1046%)

I can see this as a top 15 if not top 10 token. When? Dunno. Long hold. I value tech/tokens like these over PnDs anytime. PnDs are way too volatile and often are missed boats riding someone else's coat-tails.

>> No.2641709

Well duh. This currency is for those who want to hold and try to ride ARK while making free money. Compare it to normal stock interest of ~4% yearly.

>> No.2641715

how much more we need until were in 51

>> No.2641720

Passive income for just holding. Same as loaning out BTC or ETH on exchanges.

Why not make money on something you're not directly day trading?

> I don't want free money
> 1 ARK could be worth a lot one day

>> No.2641725

As of this second, 153,570. We want at least 200 - 250k to keep a healthy lead and not get knocked out by someone else later.

>> No.2641737

153,569 more ARK

~ 35.14733703 BTC worth (current price on bittrex)

>> No.2641778

is bittrex best place to buy, cheapest?

>> No.2641805

From what I've seen, yeah. It has the highest volume.

>> No.2641870

~150k until we're forging.

>> No.2641999
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I can lose my position at any time. If you still don't trust these 2 delegates you have your votes in, or don't want to waste your votes on a non-forging delegate. Your Arks' aren't gaining anything sitting in a delegate that isn't forging. I can always extend my offer by setting up another delegate

>> No.2642000

are we raising, or are others lowering?

>> No.2642011

We're raising.

>> No.2642015
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And "biz" is falling

>> No.2642017


Yes. Because I trust a delegate with 3 voters in rank 18.

arkfuturesmartnode 993,764 ARK 3 voters

>> No.2642023


>> No.2642025

We knocked biz out a few hours ago and surpassed him. He's no longer stealing money at our expense.

>> No.2642026
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sick digits newfriend

>> No.2642047

He is still holding 505 votes from people that aren't aware of his bullshit, I won't be satisfied until he has 2 votes, one from himself and one from the whale he gave all our ARK to.

>> No.2642078


just added 465 :^)

>> No.2642131
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This is another wallet I have setup for a forging position for those wanting to remove their votes. The delegate isn't registered yet.
I will pay out weekly 90%%% profit sharing with a some of the 10% going to The Ark Community Fund for further development with https://ark.io/

https://ark.io/ https://ark.io/slack/ https://github.com/arkecosystem https://ark.io/roadmap/ https://blog.ark.io/ https://ark-news.com/ https://forum.ark.io/ https://ark.io/whitepaper/ https://explorer.ark.io/delegateMonitor https://arkstats.net/ https://www.arknode.net/VoteReport.txt https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkEcosystem/wiki/jarunik
https://www.arknode.net/ https://ark-guide.readme.io/
If you want to see a great video about ark from one of our community members head on over to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgD4WqHJFtU [Embed]
Current Ark.io exchanges are
https://exchange.coss.io/pair/ark-btc https://www.litebit.eu/en
https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Home https://bittrex.com/

>> No.2642150

Fuck off retard. Quit spamming garbage.

>> No.2642162

You have 3 whales, why are you shilling here?

>> No.2642169

He only has one, and it's not his, the whale is just using him. The othe two wallets are a random small fry and the delegate wallet itself.

>> No.2642176
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>> No.2642181
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Now it makes sense, thanks.

>> No.2642184
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>> No.2642201
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Last bump before bed.

150k to go.

200k - 250k to get a solid lead.

>> No.2642215

I thought all anons were cowards so what are you doing here coming to shill to us?

>> No.2642298

One more.

We're less than 150k from forging and our nodes are ready.

>> No.2642519

I didn't want to buy into another /biz/ delegate, but the fact that you guys have your public info out there makes me feel better about trusting you

>> No.2642571

should i buy another 4k arc?

>> No.2642578

Just 225 ARK, but voted anyway.

>> No.2642585

Yes. You should. I doubled down today myself.

>> No.2642718
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We are now listed on https://arkstats.net/

>> No.2642864
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140k away

>> No.2642888
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>> No.2642899
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Was probably just an artifact of it freshly being added.

It'snormalized now.

>> No.2642908

Damn bro you got a wide screen.

>> No.2642914

Thanks, my mother's very proud of me.

>> No.2642968

just casted my vote, thanks for the heads up

>> No.2643029

Feels good having people who can actually code and automate a system running this