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26419882 No.26419882 [Reply] [Original]

suicide stack was always 1k and make it stack 10k. don't let the demoralization threads stop you from accumulating, frens. we're all gonna make it. :^)

>> No.26419928

I aint buying in at this price. I'll just sit on my baby stack

>> No.26419954
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I have 175

>> No.26420007
File: 24 KB, 960x540, 4620e483c2fe13f9b0e2035f0f2fec1965302cd4a815b128cd8af960ac459f18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Measly 48k and I am depressed because everyone has 200k

>> No.26420714

>1k suicide stack
Is it called a suicide stack anons will commit suicide when the realize they can't afford it, or because they will sepukku when they realize 1k is not enough to ward off the spectre of suicidal regret?

Stop doing this, you're hurting people. 10k was always the suicide stack.

>> No.26420790
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you make it a lot faster if you join the Big Pump Signal Group


>> No.26421693

me too brother, stuck at 53 stinkies ...
Not one day goes by where i dont think of minecrafting myself

>> No.26421808

100K suicide stack means LINK can only 4X from here and that that will be the top for all time. Why even hold at that point when you could sell into ETH and BTC and probably do better in the long term. Unless they don't believe what they're fucking saying.

>> No.26421818

He said thousands not just 43 link, idiot
Suicide stack has always been 10k

>> No.26421885

I only have 63k LINK which is nowhere near enough to make it

>> No.26421906

A suicide stack is the minimum amount to reach 1 million dollars, at the all time high, while everyone with a make it stack makes it at the all time high. People with several make it stacks will brag on the way up. What part of this don't you understand? Or you know? You believe it can only 4X from here and are a fucking idiot for not divesting into safer assets because LINK topping at $100 means it will never deliver.

>> No.26421989

i don't know what you're talking about but if you think ETH and BTC will do better than LINK long term, you're definitely ngmi