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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26414145 No.26414145 [Reply] [Original]

A few disclaimers I'm not necessarily shilling all the tokens I'm listing below, but their services are integral. I personally hold ZCN and LINK but am highly considering LINKPool and UNN as well, especially LP.

1)The IRS does not consider loans income. There are no taxes.
1B) Celsius provides direct USD for over collateralized loans at 1% APR. 25%, 33%, or 50% for 6, 12, 24, or 36 months terms. You can pay it off anytime but at least must pay 6 months worth of interest even if its closed before then.
1C)Celsius also gives a return of 4.51% APR paid out in LINK(my personal example). NEXO gives around 6% in LINK

2)UNN supposedly is producing C-OPs (Collateral Optimization Product) by the end of Q1. It appears it will probably limited at first in scope.

>> No.26414162

2B) These are essentially put options that reduce the over collateralization requirements and add stability to the loan by offsetting your losses with leverage. Puts give you a right to sell once it crosses your strike price. The puts then can be sold themselves because they grow in value as the underlying of your collateral decreases.
2C)UNN's service protects your underlying from liquidation and drastic moves in price action. That is important as your APR on the underlying is much higher than the APR on the loans.

3)Soon we will have a extremely opportunity through a combination of services. You can effectively cash out with 1% tax or the APR of the Celsius loan.

>> No.26414201

4)-You have 3Million USD value in LINK
-At at mandatory 25% ration for LINK you collateralize 1MM for $250K loan. The other 2MM will be getting some kind of APR through staking, single sided liquidity pools, or CEX interest.

-As an example you get a little over 5% from NEXO and Celsius now averaged out. If the price of LINK stays about the same that would be nearly 100K in interest. That isn't including the appreciate of the asset let alone the compounding dividends. If you look at the S&P500 and metrics of portfolios with those who compound and those who don't its drastically different. You pay the payment each month with loan(36 month time frame) and as you run out you refinance and take out more. In this scenario you never sell your LINK so its always compounding each year. There is no selling and there are no taxes.

>> No.26414245

So to recap, C-OPs protect you from volatility and loan liquidation. They will cost less in their premium then your dividends and both will limit how much you are able to adequately afford the loan and premium costs and still pay yourself.

Your LINK will continue to compound instead of ever selling and the your stack will double in 10 years at 7% compounding. You can just forever refinance your loan when you need more cash. This also gives your money on hand to buy LINK at a discount and then loan back to yourself.

Buying properties that give cash flow like apts/duplexes with the loan money can make things snowball quickly as fuck. So much more we will be able to do here

>> No.26414314

Didn't read and don't care but here's a bump since you are putting some effort in

>> No.26414358


Are you American? If so this a legitimate tax loophole.

>> No.26414376


>> No.26414451


Well Idk you might have similar laws in your country. If you don't get taxed on loans then it works.

>> No.26414490

Yep, just take out a crypto backed loan, use it for investments that produce cashflow. ezpz. The part about put options is new to me, honestly a little over my head, but that's insurance that you don't get liquidated right?

>> No.26414749


Exactly. Your just buying the ability to sell on leverage in order to lock in the necessary price you need to prevent massive liquidations of the underlying.

You get to compound the underlying, pay no taxes, and pay to invest more cash flow producing assets. A lot of us will be at 8 figures in 3 years imo.

>> No.26414790

pay yourself*

>> No.26415164

I'll read all of this again when I'm not as tired but thank you my man. Crossed 7 figures today so this is something I need to seriously start looking into.

>> No.26415389

Sounds good but I’m too fucking retarded to understand it. I’d be too scared of losing my linkies

>> No.26415457

Literally gibberish to me. Absolutely no idea how any of this works

>> No.26415504

Can you explain like to a child wtf this s?

>> No.26415596

i have wondered before why i shouldn't take out a loan with celcius to buy USDC and then put it in the celcius wallet for 13% APY and get rich as fuck. is it actually a valid strategy?

>> No.26415789


Did you read it? Your holdings will compound faster than the loan APR and Put premium. Do you know how compounding interest works?
Read the post a couple of times but Idk which part you don't understand?

>> No.26415855

>I personally hold LINK
stopped reading everything you wrote

>> No.26416029


Its 10% but if you go to USDC you can't spend that without paying taxes as USDC to USD is a taxable event. It would accrue excellent dividends though to pay back the loan.

>> No.26416075

I bought at .35 and you should read its legit.

>> No.26416276

ok so what are you saying we do exactly? we're brainlets around here