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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2641284 No.2641284 [Reply] [Original]

apparently ethtards are ready to get wrecked again

>> No.2641297

Has Coinbase refunded people their ETH yet?
If they have, then it's the reason for the dip
If they haven't, then get ready for the pump and dump again

>> No.2641301

says who

>> No.2641304

Put your money where your mouth is and show us your leveraged position

>> No.2641327
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>> No.2641338


>source: my ass

>> No.2641364

It's clearly on a downward trend

>> No.2641385
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You're welcome to kiss it.

>> No.2641401
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>> No.2641534

Why what happened

>> No.2641546
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>> No.2641560

Isn't this whole crypto coin market just penny shares in disguise?

>> No.2641588
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>> No.2641595

That's what I like to see. I hope eth starts trading in the 100s again

>> No.2641671

i think there's still a fair way to go down
won't make me rich but won't wipe me out either

>> No.2641688

can someone explain coinbase to me?
why do i not see anything in my accounts even thought multiple people have said they've sent me money?

>> No.2641692

I never go all the way but I sold half my eth near the top. Nearly bought back in at 190 but gdax is such shit.

>> No.2641714

sent ;^)

>> No.2641723


Kinda hoping ANS and ETH flip with each other desu but that's the bagholder in me.

>> No.2641735

lol start a new flippening meme

>> No.2641900
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>> No.2641909

Basically penny stocks for millennials.

Prove me wrong homos.

>> No.2641929

moon mission in progress, get ready

>> No.2641947

>be on mars
>moon mission in progress

>> No.2641949


>> No.2642179

No-one will because you're right. Doesn't mean there aren't mad gains to be made.