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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 640x285, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
262367 No.262367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>260314

>> No.262368

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 101 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.262374

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy votethread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.262375


>> No.262376

1 Doge is still 1 doge

>> No.262383


>> No.262382


has comedy gold been added to the tipbot script?

>> No.262386


we can put 2 addresses now?

>> No.262387


>> No.262390
File: 13 KB, 552x109, Nice ID though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're going to have to update again.

>> No.262392

It has changed name. Make sure to kick out addressfinder out of the userscript manager.

>> No.262393


>> No.262395


>> No.262396


right 2 scripts were running

though i just got an idea

>> No.262397


you piece of doge :)

>> No.262398


damn, i was hoping both scripts would find each id seperately, but i can see how the syntax would be wrong

Though you should work on multiple wallet address id reading in a future version maybe?

>> No.262400


/^mailto:(?:\s+)?:(\d+)(?:\s+)?$/ prevents what you're doing.
Multiple addresses will be added in the future but this will require some extra thinking.

>> No.262402

by knowing address length I wouldn't think it would be too hard to parse where one address ends and another begins, especially if they all start with : after a space?

>> No.262406

Yeah, all you have to do is split by :.

>> No.262407

It's not about parsing them but about placing them. I can't paste 100+ coins after the mail field, I will need to use some sort of submenu per post, most likely with the one from 4chan X though that's where chrome will give problems when calling the API..

>> No.262411

Just have them show up when you roll over the name/tripcode/etc

>> No.262412

limit it to 3?

>> No.262414

This is already a pain with the shortened filename.

I could probably do that temporary.

>> No.262419
File: 212 KB, 721x969, 1396721190975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.262429

Yo dawg, i heard you like stereoptypes.

>> No.262431

i wish the multipool showed the distribution of Hashrate towards Doge and PND payouts seperately somewhere

>> No.262432

It would help if it displayed absolute values on hover.

>> No.262436
File: 290 KB, 1423x1080, brpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Exchange - Current Price 101 Satoshi

>> No.262444


>> No.262449
File: 1013 KB, 300x207, 1393624116692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le Test

>> No.262450

amGET indeed.

>> No.262451


>> No.262452

You need an extra : before the number.

>> No.262459
File: 432 KB, 320x224, 1393388973626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Testing again...

I can't see anything but "56" or "92" in the mail fields... how am I supposed to tip these kids?

>> No.262461

You have to install the 4chan tipbot script. tipbot.bamboohouse.info

>> No.262465

install the plugin :^)
also, sent ;-)

>> No.262469


It's installed, but doesn't seem to decode anything. Using FF it that matters.

Thanks 1337 guy!

>> No.262479

Make sure that you are not using https, just go to the address bar, delete the s and press enter, that did it for me on nightly

>> No.262485


>> No.262487


That did the trick!

>> No.262491



>> No.262493
File: 17 KB, 542x104, 1396724408299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple wallets are now available in unstable. Personally I think it's very clunky.


>> No.262497
File: 230 KB, 500x544, Tr0PP1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aah reddit, you funny

>> No.262498

Remember goy-guys 1 DOGE=1 DOGE, also TO GANYMED-MOON.

>> No.262500

Does it need to be with or without spaces?
Also, you might need to mention this>>262479
on the page, that BTW looks nice.

>> No.262508


western society is so decadent

>> No.262511


>> No.262510

pls go elsewhere

>> No.262517

Isn't working for me, I'm on the unstable script.

>> No.262518

Doesn't matter.
There's some inconsistency with it and it appears to skip some numbers so I'll revert the commit for now.
>you might need to mention this
Can be done.

Greasemonkey(?) only updates periodically. You'll have to reinstall it directly.

>> No.262520

Wonder why.

>> No.262523


>> No.262524

Why what?

>> No.262526

I mean, I clicked Check for Updates.

>> No.262531

Might be CORS being stupid.

>> No.262533

can you add a way to add your IDs to the script so it automatically puts them in the email field and or does that already exist?

>> No.262535

UI which will allow saving / editing values is planned later on.

>> No.262540
File: 156 KB, 960x960, dlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending doge to all those who have the tip tool installed. post em

>> No.262541

Are you restarting each day?

>> No.262539

please excuse my noobness but is it normal that I got 700 doges after mining about 3h at the panda multipool and today I got 27 after 5 hours?
a single 280x btw.

>> No.262542


>> No.262549
File: 160 KB, 420x420, Cute doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.262545

Can't hurt.

>> No.262546


>> No.262548

I can't let my computer run non-stop because I don't trust my PSU and have to leave the house several times a day..

so yeah, I can't mine for a long time without interruptions

>> No.262550

It's normal then depending on when you've entered the first round.

>> No.262552

ah, okay!
thank you.

>> No.262551
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1391003850215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, it'll be the first DOGE I didn't buy.

>> No.262554

I can see other people's dual addresses but not my own with and without space


>> No.262557
File: 28 KB, 414x173, xscreenshooter a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amdoge pls
(no coin showed up on >>262549)

>> No.262562

I can see the coin in my own post.
you are seeing 2 because you have 2 different versions of the tipbot running at the same time.
I should know, I do the same

>> No.262565

Nah, he means the latest addition, you can have 3 addresses at once.

>> No.262568

like this...

>> No.262574
File: 20 KB, 415x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using 2 on a binary market

>> No.262575

I only see one for you. Are you putting a space?

>> No.262576

see >>262518

Same fetching error as before. There's still no error handling included, only hit or miss.

>> No.262578
File: 289 KB, 1368x768, 1396725956904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more...

>> No.262584

No. Not like that. You don't put a space.

>> No.262586
File: 311 KB, 1368x768, 1396726023751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's skipping numbers

gret...I can see everyone elses I think though ;_;

>> No.262589

You don't put a space.

>> No.262596

Try not putting a space.

>> No.262592

I tried both and they said it doesn't matter

>> No.262598


>> No.262600
File: 296 KB, 1368x768, 1396726161116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's with no space

pixels BTFO

recaptcha: canned tutypite

>> No.262602

I was just saying try it. Also, seems the change was reverted so I guess it's not happening any more.

>> No.262603
File: 138 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The commit was wonky and I reverted it for now. Please stop testing reverted commits.

>> No.262621


>tfw cant check because left device with doge wallet at home

>> No.262626

Daily reminder that amDOGE is an assnugget

>> No.262628

#shotsfired #uncalledfor

>> No.262629

nice numbers

>> No.262631

How long do you wait to comment in each thread?

>> No.262636


i am guessing atleast 2 hours?

>> No.262641


are those on freenode?

>> No.262644
File: 507 KB, 610x609, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doge testan

>> No.262650

Thanks to the person who gave me the 210 Ð

>> No.262657

indeed, thanks m8e

>> No.262664
File: 1.90 MB, 400x300, fabulousdealwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing tipbot

Did it werk?

>> No.262665


>finally check wallet at home now, noone tipped me doge


>> No.262669
File: 80 KB, 398x392, neetcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 100 Ð
testingu MONA

>> No.262675

Thanks for the 10k mystery tipper!

>> No.262680


got it you generous shibes

>> No.262685

is that a real thing yet?

>> No.262690

Pls tip bby xo

>> No.262696

For 2 addresses it should be like ":16 :103" in the mail field right?

>> No.262697

PND becoming POS when?

>> No.262699

i dont think so, would you guys mine NEETcoin?

>> No.262702

>You must stay at the computer to mine it

>> No.262705

No, :16:103

>> No.262708

it has a built in game that you have to play in order to mine

>> No.262709

Alright, testing

>> No.262710

>mine it by filling out captchas
>has some sort of authentication system outside of google
>sell the captchas for 10c a piece
>dumps all the money from this back into NEET coin
>redistribute the now bought coins using POS
>it becomes the most successful coin ever

>> No.262711


Every coin is NEETcoin

>> No.262712

How would that verify?
So HunterCoin is NEETCoin with extra mining?

>> No.262716

other people mine by reading the answer and veryfying it's correct

>> No.262720

How about every sent transaction you have to type a captcha, and people mining it have to verify it in time?
If you disagree with over 50% of the network you do not earn coins, however if you do it correctly you do earn coins?
I still don't see how this'd work.
>wallet asks if you're there every recieved transaction with 20 minutes of inactivity
>if you wait 5 minutes the transaction is dropped
>this kills the exchange owner

>> No.262719

I don't even

>> No.262721
File: 74 KB, 1463x343, 1396729453468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to change. Are there any forums to spread how stupidly awesome PND is?

>> No.262726


you can always put up ads linking to the multipool

>> No.262727

But the last /b/ thread died really quickly

>> No.262724

>I still don't see how this'd work.
well they're poor for a reason in the first place

>> No.262725

We've tried 4chan, how about shilling it in the multipool posts? Have a share on x hover in the corner of the display and the default post mentions PND and hails it etc.

>> No.262731

I was the one who paid for the ad last time, I can do another one of the same if you guys want but it needs to be well done.

>> No.262732

Well what about [s4s]? They'd probably go for Comedy Gold though...

>> No.262734

>multipool posts
Where exactly?

They seem to be against cryptos now or maybe it was just badly timed. Doesn't mean we couldn't try again.

Ping me if you need funding.

>> No.262737


is there going to be a rebranding or is the PND logo gonna remain the same

>> No.262735

No, I was in the comedy gold thread for [s4s] and it was shit, it lasted a while just because the OP and 3 other guys got doubles, but that's about it

>> No.262739

The big 3, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit.

>> No.262740

It was just 20 bucks, so it's not a big deal, I've spent 20 bucks in worse things like the 20 that DAXP jewed me out.

But if we are going to do another 4chan ad, it needs to be well executed, also a lot of us here have adblock, I never saw my own ad because adblock

>> No.262745

Yes. It will go along with the new thread on bct. I've posted about it at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.msg6081091#msg6081091..

I'm already on the watchout on reddit for people that are interested in joining multipools but most of these posts are for doge.
Otherwise, status updates for the PND accounts would be good. Who has access to these accounts anyway?

We might just try the first batch again.

>> No.262747

I disable it on 4chan and never saw the ads either, I think its related to that problem that moot said happened with self-serving ads on /biz/

>> No.262750

>I never saw my own ad because adblock

i am also pretty sure moot fucked up by not having self serv ads enabled in /biz/

>> No.262754


It was site wide, the guy who made the banner (because I only paid for it) saw it once in /v/ and once in /d/ (not judging but come on)

>> No.262755


>> No.262759


the thing was a lot of newbies on /biz/ could have been recruited since they are basically the target audience (people with interest in cryptos)

However the ad link should have been bamboohouse getting started guide rather than pnd threads on /biz/

Next time the ads should have links to the multipool getting started guide or something. Since that is what is needed, miners for the multipool

>> No.262760

how do i double address in tipboat?

>> No.262761

You made the thread? The problem is b& spree.
I was b& for a week for making one of the last /b/ threads when we were making them on a regular basis, and I think a lot of people got b& for posting there too

>> No.262762
File: 476 KB, 513x237, ENHANCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE I think you broke a few things, this only happens for me.
I never saw them on /g/ either.

Frankly if we put together NEETcoin it probably would succeed.
Maybe you could shill the tipbot? Then again it would be a bit over doing it, what with the tipbot not being one click to set up. I'm surprised /b/ has the patience to set up the PND wallet.

>> No.262763

I'll join in.

>> No.262766

tipboat has thrown double address overboard for the moment

>> No.262768

Update the script.
The fetching error is know.
Email addresses don't work on /b/.

It's good to have just general conversation over there to keep the thread bumped at least.

>> No.262772


Here is the imgur for the guy who made the banner that I used last time, and the times he saw them, one in /biz/ apparently, one in /b/ and one on /d/,

>> No.262770

awesome could i get sum mona nao?

>> No.262775

>is know.
*is known

>> No.262779

I never actually installed a Mona wallet.
Reinstalled and reloaded, I still have two coins.
Though seriously, why /d/?

>> No.262784

I choose to show it site wide, the creator was the one browsing /d/, not me.
Everyone faps to different things, I'm not here to judge.

>> No.262787

Me neither, I was just curious.

>> No.262788
File: 142 KB, 640x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know then. The only errors I can reproduce are the ones I mentioned.

>> No.262791

Me neither. Only idea I have is cache. Doesn't bother me, I was just curious.

>> No.262800

have you tried moving these threads to /b/? did moot throw his sweets outta the pram?

>> No.262804

I don't know how ban-happy the mods over there are still.

>> No.262802

>I never actually installed a Mona wallet.

>just installed mona wallet

>13 weeks outta sync

>That will take atleast a day or 2

>close wallet

>> No.262807

/biz/ was created because people were complaining about us being on /g/, it's kinda like a containment board for cryptos, mods love to ban every thread about cryptos outside of /biz/

>> No.262808

*an hour or 2
My internet connection is okay.
I don't think there's actually a global rule stating crypto has to stay inside /biz/.

>> No.262810

>*an hour or 2

was taking about me ;_;

>> No.262812

Looks like you're right. I guess we could try moving there for a while.

>> No.262814

No, donation threads are enough. If we moved the entire moderation team would probably flip out.

>> No.262813

>I don't think there's actually a global rule stating crypto has to stay inside /biz/.

you never know

>> No.262816

The issue is that we need more frequent bumps for people to read over it. Bumping once every 10 minutes won't do.

>> No.262819

Agreed, I don't think is a good idea, because /b/ threads die really quickly, and also because mods, I got b& 2 days ago from posting on a /g/ thread about nixie pixel, a crypto general on /b/ would be a ban-happy mod feel like christmas

>> No.262820

Fair enough, but I still think it is a terrible idea.

>> No.262817


/b/ is a reckless place to move for official stuff

they could just go leejun and shit and end up harming PND image

>> No.262826
File: 113 KB, 500x497, fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.262829

We need more support on the /b/ thread, it's pretty obvious for the IDs that we are just the same 5 people bumping.

>> No.262835


dont have dynamic IP?

>> No.262844
File: 128 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That board is way too fast.

>> No.262848


we could try /r9k/

>> No.262852

>/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.
I don't know about this.

>> No.262857

Just add your captcha when replying instead of saying sent? Do one PND donation thread?

>> No.262862

I'll do one after the one on /b/ dies.

>> No.262879
File: 83 KB, 409x351, 1360437600199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no crypto gf
just kill me pls

>> No.262887
File: 138 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's not bumping in the first place.

>> No.262911


this is hell.
you are already dead.

>> No.262915


Shit. My sides. Hahaha

>> No.262925

based amDOGE, git repo isn't available to mo today.
Is it just me?

>> No.262927

Which repo?

>> No.262931


>> No.262935

Let me check.

>> No.262942

Looks like your IP got in the filter. Sorry about that.

>> No.262945


maybe that's why I weren't able to dw the tipbot.

Did I do something to trigger that?

>> No.262949

* mrpandacoin (6c4b88b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
<mrpandacoin> anyone know what happened to the gameofdeception IRC? I can't connect
wew lad

>> No.262947

There have been some people knocking on ssh so I guess normal usage triggered it. I'll just look closer next time I'm blocking something.

>> No.262958

Thanks, you're awesome as usual. Committing.

>> No.263022

<johnnn_> coin is fail
<johnnn_> exchange is fail
<johnnn_> i want my money back.
Looks like TenFiveCoin died while I wasn't looking.

>> No.263026
File: 34 KB, 516x591, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder which coin theme they will come up with next.

>> No.263027

RIP 10-5. Expecting jacobnobux's new shitcoin any time now...

>> No.263039

Can't remember where I posted it, but JacobUX once said something along the lines of "I'm done making altcoins"
That worked out "well" for him.

>> No.263041

Do you mind adding Orgcoin in the next tipbot update?

>> No.263042

I don't know what that is.

>> No.263050

Found it.
Feb 27 16:00:56 <JacobUX_> I am not creating coins anymore
Feb 27 16:00:58 <JacobUX_> I have 2
Feb 27 16:01:01 <JacobUX_> unobtanium and pandacoins
Feb 27 16:01:24 <JacobUX_> i honestly didn't want to create pandacoins
Feb 27 16:01:54 <JacobUX_> but now it is a challenge so I like it

>> No.263051
File: 67 KB, 749x578, Selection_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mistake you people make is that you follow what everyone else is doing ... everyone shouts Litecoin so you buy Litecoin. Everyone shouts Dogecoin so you buy Dogecoin. But don't you see that by then it's already too late? You're always too late.

I invested in Zetacoin a few months ago everyone told me it's a shitcoin with no future ... I made 400% (four hundred percent) of my investment in just these few days, and it's still growing.

>> No.263052


>> No.263054
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, 1dashupdate20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1dash update

I've pushed the MintPal change to live.
The data is much more detailed and consistent now. Since it's much richer, I had to (temprarily?) trim the data to the last 7 days.

I didn't work on the autoupdate yet.
Since MintPal has much less trading pairs, some of your charts will be broken. I'm sorry I'll try to fix this soon(tm).

Some minor bugs and enchantments have been sorted out, mainly that the layout is save on all user events, not just drag&drop and resize.

Have fun!

>> No.263059

What's the initial? O I take?

>> No.263061

And then you end up investing in a shitcoin with no future? What do you do then?

>> No.263062

It's V

>> No.263067
File: 86 KB, 426x640, 1396740022344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.263068

it's not really hard to do this with cryptos, but only when you're not throwing serious money at it. as soon as you make a serious investment in most altcoins, the sell walls are destroyed and you're paying a fortune for a coin whose price you just rendered unstable. i've made 400% too, but only on minuscule investments.

>> No.263080

It should be available in unstable.

>> No.263089
File: 29 KB, 550x414, 1396740414898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't be serious.

>> No.263096

Did you cancel? I find that suspicious.

>> No.263098

It contains a snapshot of the blockchain which is completely unnecessary.

>> No.263104

I guess it makes it kinda faster???
I don't know.

>> No.263105
File: 5 KB, 634x120, 1396740722325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't and it still has 9 weeks to catch up while bloating the installer to 77mb.

>> No.263109


>> No.263110

I get the feeling that the devs were not very competent.

>> No.263121


>> No.263128

test 2

>> No.263130

Looks like I can't use the double address thing with mona and org

>> No.263131

IRC, please respond.

see >>262603

>> No.263141


the name literally says it all™

>> No.263159
File: 9 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 minutes to go.

This doesn't sound very appealing.

>> No.263176
File: 48 KB, 866x588, 2014-04-05_200713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDoge owns org?! its it happening?

>> No.263177

I don't.

>> No.263180

oh, mining? block reward is only 90 coins, I can't believe how cheap people are selling this shit for on cryptorush

>> No.263186

I'm not interested in orgcoin. I was only testing out the wallet.

>> No.263194

really... why not? the wallet's really stable, it's great and the first donation is already being voted on. It could go viral as soon as it gets on coinmarketcap or something. 10000% isn't out of the question.

>> No.263198

>the wallets really stable

as opposed to one that crashes all the time?

>> No.263202
File: 364 KB, 1803x1351, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.263204

my windows qt has never crashed.

>> No.263207

goodnight amDOGE :3

>> No.263211


>> No.263285

Does anyone have the nodes for the MONA wallet?

>tfw mined at diff 6 and now it on an exchange with a Gh net hashrate.

but my wallet isnt syncing for some odd reason

>> No.263295

>tfw mined 1000 MONA at diff 1 to 3

>> No.263298


I only have 220 and i thought i did good. I only have a little less than 1 mh.

>> No.263356

will credits ever be worth anything?

>> No.263359

is there anybody here?...

>> No.263366

Wondering if I should mine CateDoge

>> No.263389

This is a slow board
Chill out and do something while you wait for a reply

>> No.263411

What's been going on lately? I've been out for a while...

>> No.263472

Me too. Read about the PND multipool. Pointing .7mh, 1.4 once I get another cable. Burned a port and shit. How do I tip bot thing with the address thing or whatevs with the name thing. I got a handful of these. I see the price steadily rising. I feel like I'm missing out on a community start. I wanna help. Shill me dudes. Also holding doge as well. I see they've suppressed it very well. Just keeping it under most profitable coin so multipools don't attack it further. Smart. So when will it finally bull? Like when 80% or so are mined? That's my guess. I kinda get the feeling this thread is kind of slow so I'm spewing all my autism at once so you guys don't have to deal with it more than you do from this post. Anyway I am glad to see people are still interested in this. I kind of suck at a lot of stuff but as you can imagine I'm great at knowing how to entertain a certain niche by using my brain and such. Wherever I can support please tell me so I can begin to support. Thank you for your time and consideration


>> No.263539

pnd needs more hash, like a *lot* more
prices need to be supported, and they are currently going nowhere. a lack of volatility is killing it

>> No.263551

There are 36LTC worth of sellwalls to go through before prices can go anywhere. No question that a lot more hashes are needed both on the coin and on the multipool to make it happen.

>> No.263553

any way the multipool's hashrate could be 'redirected', accidently, of course

>> No.263556

This. If you mine DOGE on the multipool, 1 out of 20 of your shares should be redirected to PND mining as a tariff.

>> No.263558

5% is too extreme
maybe 1/50 ?

>> No.263565

Or how about letting users decide instead of enforcing it. No one likes being told what to do.

>> No.263616

it's a pool fee, just a creative one

>> No.263620

I got my tipbot. does it work...

>> No.263624

Eh, I suppose.

>> No.263626


>> No.263631

wait it works here >>263620
but not here >>263626

>> No.263671

where is the cgminer config for linux?

>> No.263736

update your wallet
KGW hard fork occurred a while back

in other news a simpledoge clone is in the works for mona

>> No.263780

>tfw doge is now worthless and dying
wat do

>> No.263819


trade it all for pnd

>> No.263822

has the Credits Dev fleed ?

>> No.263845

No, they are busy in terms of development but quiet on the forum/thread side, probably because its the weekend.

>> No.263846

been silent since past couple of days

>> No.263881

>have fun mining and talking about doge when it was at 10-20 satoshi
>hits about 50 and the community becomes significantly more cancerous
>hits 200 and I put all my doge in a paper wallet and wait
>check back and it has been on a downward slope for 30 days, hovering at about 100 now
So much for going to the moon, doge is fucking kill.

>> No.263896

youre a fucking loser,
learn how to baghold you whiny little bitch.

>> No.263909
File: 57 KB, 911x95, multipool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF happened this morning?
This is beautiful! I usually get 1/10th of this every 4h.

>> No.263908

>implying you're not just assblasted because your shitcoin is worthless

>> No.263917 [DELETED] 

can I have some pizza plz

>> No.263920

you really were expecting it to rise with 300M mined each day? its a miracle that its still at 100 sat, one that fags like you dont appreciate
>doge is fucking kill.
just sell and die

>> No.263922

lets be honest now,
we're all waiting for doge nascar pump to finally get the fuck out of doge
selling right now just hurts

>> No.263924


you are free to send me your useless coins. they just use up all of your HDD space, so you better get rid of those stupid coins!

>> No.263927


nascar and the next halvening won't do shit.

when all coins are mined AND bitcoin is rising again, then we could see some jump in value.

if bitcoin is permanently fucked, so is the whole crypto market.

>> No.263928

then why are you here?

>> No.263932

le you are le free to send me your le useless coins lel

>> No.263941

damn i also got 10 times more pnd than usual... the fuck did we mined :l

>> No.263943

It was an error from the exchange.
>apparently either the Mintpal or Swisscex API returned a price of 0 for PND
>it caused the pool to use 5 litoshi as the price and thus pay about twice too much

If you can, please send the amount that was over the top back to PE1DmnZVK7Hw8bb7673muQr5X3YwFbzkNC

>> No.263946
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 1346065999565[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real

>> No.263945

I'm here because I still think doge has a nice future.
I just don't think it will be soon, nor do I think anyone will become a millionaire with it.
it can take months or even years till things get really going.

>> No.263947


was the doge side of the pool affected, too?

>> No.263951

i got 2m should i send 1M or more?
i didnt get more doge

>> No.263948

Then should I send back half of that amount, or the whole 9/10th that was over?

>> No.263949

No, only PND. The are now stronger checks in place that will prevent this from happening in the future.

>> No.263952

Usually I would get around 3-4 million but got 24 this round so I would send back 20 million.

>The are
*There are

>> No.263955

Sent ;)

inb4 amDOGE gets banned for posting the an address

>> No.263957


>> No.263958
File: 8 KB, 87x32, peka5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dun goofd bro
consequences will never be the same

>> No.263959
File: 41 KB, 631x595, 4b6cF6X[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.263982
File: 3 KB, 255x238, OH FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying back 1.4m i got over the top then

>> No.263985
File: 346 KB, 580x872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your address.

>> No.263986
File: 3 KB, 257x237, CAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.263987

sent ;)

>> No.263988
File: 18 KB, 248x249, I AM SHOCKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.263989
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>> No.263992
File: 9 KB, 217x223, IM RETARDED LOL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand these things

>> No.263993

The pool constantly buys in which is good for the price of PND. When there's nothing left in the buffer for it to pay out users then it won't be able to run anymore which leaves PND dead in the water.

>> No.263996
File: 3 KB, 246x245, THIS PUP IZ DEAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a bit broken english confused me.
You meant something like that it's a shame i should have to send away what i just got because of someone elses error, but it's needed to keep the pool solvent?

Then it's a bit silly to send me back 2m. But if you think that's okay then i guess should say thanks.

>> No.263998


>> No.264002


think of it this way

the excess PND you have due to the error can get you less in total value for the rest of your stock included than you would if you returned it

>> No.264001

You crazy?!
Thanks ma'am

>> No.264004

I understood as much
For whatever reason i thought amdoge ran the pool so it seem strange that she send me a bigger sum back, but someone explained it to me off-thread.

>> No.264020
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, shibe wise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends.

>> No.264023

Lol, if that happens or is even just so slightly considered I'll make sure the masses will know.

Don't force your PND down DOGEs throat even more, these merged threads are enough

>> No.264025

dont worry one could samefag any rumour to the moon tho

>> No.264034

amDOGE, can you put in place this?

>> No.264035


time of death: 1 Doge

>> No.264036
File: 76 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what purpose?

>> No.264039

more hashpower for pnd
it could be considered a 'pool fee' of a more creative type, other than a simple "1.5%" or whatever

>> No.264040

[FUD spreading intensifies]

>> No.264049

have you read? don't force PND down people's throats.

people will know and simply make their own Doge multipool

accept the fact that most people don't give a shit about PND, ok? sick of this totalitarian bs

>> No.264061

Calm your tits, forcing PND on DOGE miners is out of the question.

>> No.264086

>I'll make sure the masses will know.
Thank you neckbeard knight

>> No.264092

what silly person decided to send me 1.337 doge

>> No.264095


an elite person?

>> No.264117

Are you D5jf(...)?

>> No.264125
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.264130


>> No.264140
File: 71 KB, 640x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.264148

yes i am

>> No.264149

How do you compile wallets on linux?

>> No.264150

cd src && make -f makefile.unix

>> No.264157

cd ~/wallet/
qmake USE_UPNP=1 USE_IPV6=1
make -j3
If you want wallet-qt, that is

>> No.264158

Install the requirements before doing that.

>> No.264155

>alert.cpp:6:53: fatal error: boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp: No such file or directory

>> No.264160

Welcome to the future

>> No.264162

pls gib .ogg

>> No.264163
File: 265 KB, 480x480, video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.264170

You're welcome, then

>> No.264178


>> No.264233

that the price is still where it is with so much mined is bretty good.

Many services are available, ex:

With less getting mined... I'm thinking we are going up. Just a matter of when.

I'll be happy to take that doge from your weak, puny hands though.