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26389196 No.26389196 [Reply] [Original]

anyone from 2017 still here? are you guys freaked out right now? what is your sentiment? I have 112 ethereum i've been sitting on for years that i just sold. i can't take thinking about the retracement to $95 again. all the regrets

>> No.26389278

It's just a shakeout. We are going much higher.

>> No.26389308

never selling
once you decide this then you will find inner peace

>> No.26389337

Ngmi. You just had to wait a few more months anon

>> No.26389406

Took some profit to avoid the mistakes I made in 2017/2018, but still have a lot in crypto simply because:
- It seems the bull market was comparatively short and may not be over yet
- 6 figures hell is real and I need to hold and trade more to make truly life-changing money

>> No.26389460

I made $3.8 million with link. I cashed out 600k, bought a house, got married. My wife is happy she can fuck around in the garden all day and "work" remotely and I just play vidya, read books and shitpost all day. Still drive a shitbox. Life has been pretty fucking chill.

>> No.26389483

this makes absolutely no sense. If youve been holding this whole time, why would you sell now?

>> No.26389491 [DELETED] 

oldfag here. triggered the stop loss when the extremely big dip from china happened. still don't know what happened but it triggered my stop loss and 5sec later everything went up again. lost a lot now i try to accumulate again

>> No.26389515

how much did you start with in this fantasy of yours?

>> No.26389547

nice larp linkie

>> No.26389565

Because everything that everyone is saying now was said in this exact same time frame before when it fucking plummeted like a rock
Are you still in Crypto? Nice
Aren't you nervous though?

>> No.26389629
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Got into crypto in 2017. Sold most of my stacks in Jan. 2018, bought some bags low, been comfy ever since. Patience is key with these markets lads.

>> No.26389727
File: 100 KB, 1453x885, okcoin vs coinbase usd june1-nov19 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am still here, cursed to lurk these halls forever. pic related, some ancient image i made in 2016 comparing the bitcoin price on coinbase to okcoin for chinese exchange arbitrage purposes

I sold half my bitcoins at 34k, sold all my eth at 1400, still holding my litecoins for some fucking reason, the chainlink is long gone sold that at 10

im expecting bitcoin to top out, wouldnt be surprised to see it test 10k within the year

>> No.26389781

This. It’s such an obvious shake out that I’m not sure our overlords are competent anymore.

>> No.26389823

Dump it in etc for shits and giggles

>> No.26389875

I inherited 72k in 2017 from my grandfather, didn't put everything into it. Had savings, shitcoins too (REQ) but I fell for the memes luckily.


>> No.26389894

I used to post regularly way back when ETH was $15 but took a hiatus from /biz/ for a couple years and instead went to pol for most of my shit flinging for the 2016 elections, biggest mistake of my life. thankfully I came back to buy LINK but I was a week too late for sub $1 (fuck you whalekiller)

anyway I still consider myself a newfag but I only consider selling based on cringe. Right now though I don't think there's any chance of us going back below 30k until the end of the cycle, this seems like a textbook and blatantly obvious first selloff to me

>> No.26389992

>Aren't you nervous though?
No. Like I said, I pulled out some good money.
If the market tanks 50%, it will halve a sum of non-life-changing money.
If the market or my trades grow 50%, it will change what I have to life-changing money. That seems to be a possibility, especially in ETH and some of the other trades I'm doing.
I'm not a neet and making a FAGMAN style salary though so I do not depend as much on crypto as the neets around here.

>> No.26389999

i weep for a shepherd born in an age of alchemists my nigga
2018 taught me a lot of things, one of those was to always take profits on the way up. im now in a better financial position than i ever could be, it's all a game to me at this point. i long for the dips, i cherish them and pick up as much eth and shitcoins as i possibly can, then i ride the pumps and sell on the way up.
rinse and fucking repeat wagmi.

>> No.26390084

Still here. Not freaked out. Last week was all still meme posting and comedy threads on reddit. This week had its first bad psyop of the season after the Tether shit got delayed.

The first actual media attention reminiscent of October 2017 just started yesterday. Shit like Jim Cramer saying to hold 5% of your portfolio in BTC. After that comes weeks of "I told you so" articles from people like him. Then the wealthier part of retail floods in like in December 2017. But maybe that part lasts longer this time due to enough fiat liquidity that middle aged traders can't crash it when they start taking their profits every 20%.

Then musical chairs as the insiders wash trade and try to cash out their alts through BTC and everything collapses.

>> No.26390104

Yes, speaking, sir.

>> No.26390151


>> No.26390161

Ive been here since 2017 and I'm in the red, I lost all the money I made with Verge and Raiblocks betting on shitcoins in 2018.

>> No.26390201


Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.26390211

I guess I'll keep holding the other 50% of my stack guys. I feel like a bitch for being shaken out and I guess i'm just looking for validation. This shit is just really getting to me. I'm afraid of the drop again when this money is enough to help me out quite a bit

>> No.26390343

I started on biz in Nov 2017 and was so caught up in the insane mania of the place I didnt buy any crypto though because I wasn't 18 yet. I literally made $1500 USD spamming Kucoin referral links. This run hasn't even moved into 3rd gear yet.

>> No.26390368

>i just sold

>> No.26390393

There's nothing wrong with taking profits. Follow your heart

>> No.26390511

In the game since 2014.
Only touched ETH once from $3 to $7.
Made it big in Altcoins 2016 and 2017. Mainly Stratis, Maid and Monero.
These days I hold a 50:50 spilt of BTC and XMR. Hasn't done too bad but could have been better if I had taken the DeFi boom more seriously. Still not sure what to make about it. Seems like everybody is just gambling around and not even using proper ETH wallets and just Metamask and these cringy as fuck Hardware wallets.

>> No.26390522

>telling the exchanges your stop loss
Why haven't learned by now?

>> No.26390565

Sentiment wise this is a shakeout. We have maybe seen 1/4 - 1/3 of the bull market.

>> No.26390594

Yeah I’m here all in nano, now all in nano again since the bottom. Nah I’m not worried. In order to truly live, you must be willing to die.

>> No.26390648

june 2017 reporting in. i think btc will set another ATH this year, but we're not going super high. i'm not even sure we'll reach $50k. and the final crash will probably be like 70% like usual

>> No.26391512

>what is your sentiment?
Rough and bizarre times ahead but that's part of being in the crypto game

>> No.26391557

>Nah I’m not worried. In order to truly live, you must be willing to die.
this is the quintessential /biz/raeli train of thought

>> No.26391866
File: 47 KB, 1426x858, DA9B0977-6A1F-4E99-BDF2-CF1683477022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016 reporting in. Can thank /biz/ for getting me into 6 figure hell, and hopefully soon the 7 figure abyss

>> No.26392372

not the only thing she'll be fucking around with

>> No.26392565

Did you mean to say 100k?

>> No.26392678

If you were just “getting in” with 10k, where would you put it?

>> No.26393062

not freaked out. I've been iron hands this whole way. shits not over til probably Dec. institutional fud is not new.

>> No.26393081


>> No.26393128

what does your stack look like? USD wise and what are you holding?
curious to hear from more fellow 2017 fags and their insight. for nostalgia, any of you guys remember ARK and Waltonchain? What about Neo?

>> No.26393185

you think this shakeout makes a crypto vet flinch? it's not for us. it's for retail.

>> No.26393279

how the fuck are you in the red right now. did you really never sell that shit?

>> No.26393304

what do you hold? How big is your stack?

>> No.26393322

unironically Link

>> No.26393349


Not selling.

> LINK ICO buyer

>> No.26393399

Been in this since 2013.

>> No.26393412

how much do you have? Have you made it yet?

>> No.26393426

I was a poorfag that bought ETH at $500, watched it go up to 1k+, bought one more when it was $100 and sold both of them recently.

How retarded am I? I could be so rich if I didn't just stop paying attention after the dump...

>> No.26393433

USD: 0
I'm betting on oracles. and a shitcoin.

I made it to 6 figs with this stack. Got in on LINK @ $0.60 and API3 on opening day @ 1.07. XDB is a coin toss as to whether they get their shit off the ground. I liked their sales pitch half a year ago. Not sure what they can pull off.

>> No.26393523

same question, just trying to gauge sentiment -- what is your stack?
nice job anon. i'm in low 6 fig hell. $300kish. i think that's where a lot of my dillemma comes from. i could sell right now and have a decent chunk for my poor flyover state (US) or hodl and see where it goes... just the PTSD from 2018 crash fucks me up

>> No.26393556


I've done well on it. Not selling though.

Honestly, my household income is ~600k/year. No LARP. I made it a long time ago. Hoping that my linkies will help me retire a little early.

Wife's a part-time anesthesiologist and I'm a complex implantable device rep.

>> No.26393562

Any committment makes you happy

like marriage

>> No.26393670

Why take profits right now, I understand it is typically wise decision. But where we are right now is most likely going to be below the absolute bottom of the 2022/3/4 bear market.

>> No.26393708

TAVRs, watchmen, or impellas? I worked supply chain analytics for a hospital. we were always told to treat reps like shit for some reason but I never did. all the reps I worked with were very nice. Good for you for making it already. Do you have a target to sell?

>> No.26393801

thanks brah, feels good to have more money than I ever thought I'd have

>> No.26393807



>> No.26393849

I've dai'd up Tbh

Will buy back in expect 2 more alt runs like this

>> No.26393875

Gotcha. Not super familiar with neuro implants as we didn't have a service for it but I worked with a lot of neuromonitoring reps.

>> No.26394023

I haven't sold a thing. In mid 6 figure hell at the moment 8k link/ 4ish btc main holds. Have a decent sprinkling of other stuff.

The money I put into crypto is money I consider already gone so it doesnt really worry me day to day. Also I'm pretty well off already so I'll only sell once its real life changing money if that ever happens.

>> No.26394038

Those folks will mostly work with spine surgeons for fusions / decompressions / etc to make sure there's no sensory / motor impact during procedure. I work with them occasionally.

>> No.26394110

Been in crypto since 2015. Here since 2017. Not worried and not selling until btc is 300k+

>> No.26394139

Came in late 2017 as a poorfag. Link is the only reason I survived the bear market. Sentiment wise, I would be shocked if the bull market ended here. I've been priming myself for this ride for 3 years.

>> No.26394203

Taken any profits, or continuing to hold?

>> No.26394234

Didn’t realize how much he resembled bert’s Titan

>> No.26394241

Mid-2017 here. 2x 2017, 1.5x 2018, 1.5x 2019, and 1.5x 2020. Can't help myself from cashing out way too early.

>> No.26394310

I have no idea what's going to happen. I threw $4.5k at things in 2017, most of it took a shit (REQ, VET, QSP, etc), but with that said I've got about $70k in LINK/ETH/BTC (80% is LINK sadly..too many eggs in one basket). I just don't know what to do..so I will continue to hold. I figure that I'll either get close to million, or I'll lost my initial $4.5k investment.

>> No.26394492

jesus how the hell do you get into that line of work? I am an engineer with a fairly comfy, yet mostly boring job, and """"think"""" I could sell. I suppose I'd have to jump into some technical sales job first - yea? I also work in "industrial automation" which is pretty fuckin old, decrepit, and the returns aren't that killer

>> No.26394593

Your wife name start with k?

>> No.26394795


Most people do what I do by learning to sell business equipment or by being trauma reps and developing relationships with surgeons and then jumping product lines.

>> No.26394854

you have $56k in LINK and you're worried

jesus you dumb fuck youre going to be a millionaire

>> No.26394916

See my buddy is just like you - how in the hell can you be so certain of the claim that you're making?

>> No.26395037

go read this shit


when you understand the inevitability of link, youll be a bit happier

>> No.26395151

ahh so this has to do with you guys mentioning and shilling Klaus Schwab so hard.. thanks..

>> No.26395192

Why do you think I'm up 22,000% on a position and I haven't sold one iota of it?

Biz told me in 2017 that $LINK was the next $ETH and I listened. Now it's time to hold on and wait.

Worst case? I'm out half a month's fun money.

>> No.26395222

I’m not certain but have only identified that the risk to reward ratio is favorable

>> No.26395307

eth could easily collapse to like $500-700 or so, but if you think it's going to <$100 at this point, you're pretty dumb

>> No.26395422

I don't think it's going to $100 dude. It was just a comparison.

>> No.26395806

I'd buy $50k in $100 ETH.

>> No.26395842
File: 70 KB, 1021x580, PRRelease-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here,
Made gains from XRP, lost if all on NANO, NEO and Req.
Somehow saved by Coinmetro ICO that i forget it exist, i even lose track how much i spend on that ICO
I sold at 35k,

>> No.26396174

I don't feel anything particular. It looks healthy until now and I am expecting the bull run to happen this year.
I just wish it finally went up enough for me to reach 8 figures finally...
It's a strange kind of state to have 3 millions and not being able to retire because I can't be 100% certain I can keep this wealth without having to work again.

>> No.26396191
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2017 here. Eventually I just moved everything into bitcoin and hodled. I held some eth up until around 900. I don't think any of the altcoins will make it including link

>> No.26396631

Current market sentiment?

>> No.26396652
File: 129 KB, 1080x1185, why yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even slightly afraid

>> No.26396836
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I made a 12x on XRP in 2017 and held all the way until july of last year when i converted it to ETH. Nearly back to what it was at ATH but i still wish i sold

>> No.26396857


>> No.26396887

I know you're full of shit because if you were around before 2017, you sure as fuck wouldn't be selling eth right now.

>> No.26397066

nope. just one nervous guy thinking about the market crashing again while i sit on my hands

>> No.26397160

2016 faggot here
Nothing fazes me, iron hands, we are only going up from here

>> No.26397275

Current market sentiment? Frothy, bullish

>> No.26397316

Are you retarded?

>> No.26397323

Super frothy. Super bullish. Feels like August 2017.

>> No.26397409

Still holding my measly 49k LINK stacklet. I haven't sold since then. But now I am more diversified into DOT and ETH.

>> No.26397412

From 2017 and you're selling now? Ha ha. I laugh at thee foolish one.

>> No.26397451

>Why take profits right now, I understand it is typically wise decision. But where we are right now is most likely going to be below the absolute bottom of the 2022/3/4 bear market.
>most likely
That's the thing - we can't quantify the likelihood. There are certain systemic risks that could lead to a sharp drop rather than prolonged bull market. Right now we have the risk of heavy regulation or bans, which could intensify as the devaluation of fiat currencies accelerates. Gold bans have also been a thing in the past. Then there's the tether fud which could amount to nothing, but there's a chance that it might have an impact. There could always be a catastrophic bug, or miners colluding for an attack, or governments taking over miners, or Climate Change being used as a reason to ban PoW (and then, yes, we might move to a different approach but it would have an immediate impact), ...

>> No.26397499

> Selling before breaking the ATH during a bull run
I see your hands were made of glass

>> No.26397611
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Blue line is bitcoin. Google search terms popularity against a proprietary set of background signals.

We're far above August 2017 in search terms terms.

>> No.26397633
File: 73 KB, 708x518, 1b5cvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 2012 fag
All of my emotions were destroyed during the Great Winter of 2014. I feel nothing anymore. No joy, no fear, nothing, I just stay zoomed out and wait, and number goes up.

>> No.26397806

And what do you hold exactly?

>> No.26397839

How much BTC do you hold?

>> No.26398096
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More than you. But so so much less than I once had. I did a lot of panic selling in the low three digits that I'm not proud of.

>> No.26398155

I'm confused, shouldn't you be immeasurably wealthy by now then in terms of fiat? Have you already made it and just stay in for fun?

>> No.26398207

I'm gonna go to sleep soon. I still have 100 Ether left hopefully its enough to buy myself a beautiful rope at the end of the year. I'll keep holding the rest. Maybe 1250 will be the bottom next year and I can buy back in. 2017fags keep bumping this thread with sentiment / sells / portfolios

>> No.26398286
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yeah basically

>> No.26398335


you held through for yrs just to break even. that's a losers attitude.

>> No.26398379

>op here since 2017
>somehow still has paper hands and sold
What the fuck dude?

>> No.26398486

I 140x'd my investment.
Still have half my stack left. I'm taking profit this time man

>> No.26398805

>sold at the first pump in a golden bull run
NGMI, stay poor

>> No.26398957

I'd suggest adjusting your investments until you can sleep at night. IMO there's nothing wrong with taking profits, as long as it's only in small increments. For example sell 5% after a big run-up, then sell 5% (of new total) after it goes up a bit more. And so on. Or aim for certain percentage of your total holdings and sell if it goes overweight. This way you're covered in all cases. If it keeping mooning you aren't missing out. And if it crashes hard instead, it will be easier to hold those bags knowing you sold (some near) the top and walked out of the casino with a bit of cash in pocket.

>> No.26399405

Thanks anon. This is great advice. I've become pretty emotional about it and have made some shitty trades. Being in the market so long, how high do you see BTC and ETH going this year?

>> No.26399445

I'm not freaked out right now because the big boys are invested now. Before it was just plebs. But now we have paypal grayscale microstrat visa working with crypto blockchain everywhere. theres elss reason to fear now

>> No.26399564

I'm back after turning 2k into 100k, then losing all of it on a margin call from China FUD.
Heard whispers of another alt run, came back and only found stagnant HOLO in my wallet. Bounced it to memecoins and I'm already up 1000% in two days.
I want to hope I'm wiser now, but I doubt that to be true