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>> No.26387026
File: 537 KB, 1024x683, 1581746391937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still alive, BFARFy bois?

>> No.26387040

Fuck you ZOManon!

>> No.26387051
File: 68 KB, 214x199, 1561335449163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are at the tippity top of all the tops that ever were, and I fucking love it.

>> No.26387058

how much money do u guys make daytrading ?

>> No.26387059

Damn I forgot to buy EoD SPY calls to sell at open next week since its literally illegal to have a red Monday.

>> No.26387064

I shorted GME

>> No.26387065
File: 40 KB, 598x292, Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 5.41.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold all my socks that were red, so now i'm all green baby
all the way up from here

>> No.26387076
File: 253 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210122-182008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post stuff about FNGA until the anon who told me about it posts that infographic of possible targets just ignore me

>> No.26387077
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>> No.26387079

The worst performing stock in my portfolio.

Thinking of selling it to retire margin.

>> No.26387086

Yeah. But I only have small position.

>> No.26387089
File: 78 KB, 278x235, 1611271340360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on with BCRX?

I thought the japan approval was gonna get us a pump?

>> No.26387099

How much money do you guys make day trading?

>> No.26387109


>> No.26387115
File: 50 KB, 800x800, 1289786310761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I without stocks?

>> No.26387128

I would saymost people here swing trade, not day trade

>> No.26387137

@Hunter when are you talking to Cramer answer us

>> No.26387142


>> No.26387145

>How much money do you guys make day trading?

>> No.26387146
File: 78 KB, 612x687, 270A51F3-5D7B-4AA0-82DE-C84C44147C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomers, i didnt sell any shares

>> No.26387147

4k shares. Not selling

>> No.26387149


>> No.26387153

>selling bags
>not holding bags
i'm sorry anon but when bitcoin recovers this things still gonna be a tenbagger

>> No.26387175

I don't think day trading is very popular with people anymore. It's mostly computers that do it.

>> No.26387179

Is Cathie getting DDoS'ed?

>> No.26387180
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>> No.26387182
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Tell me you know this feel.

>> No.26387186

there's not a single daytrader found here

>> No.26387189

based and stronger hands than me, I'm down to a sliver of my original position

>> No.26387193

AMC bro. Post your positions so we know whether or not you are pretending to be stupid or just show how fucking stupid you really are.

>> No.26387197

This. It’s a comfy hobby. Easy too, once you get the hang of it.

>> No.26387199

Cinema is dead. Every normie on the planet has Netflix hulu disney + hbo max amazon prime. The rona cattle conditioning is real no one is going to rush to the theater and want to be anywhere near crowds. Studios aren’t stupid this time next year every major release will be available at home. 2-3 theaters in major cities max. No good movies anymore regardless.

>> No.26387203


Bullish for CLF

>> No.26387219


>> No.26387228
File: 129 KB, 850x477, good kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've tried talking to him. I told him that's waaaayyy too much money to throw into speculative options.

>look, you've got 1M bucks
>park it into something boring and safe and just don't touch it
>you'll make enough money to live on if you are smart


He needs to get his shit together.

>> No.26387233
File: 296 KB, 599x697, erika3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-surely it cant go to 80
60s level was it all time peak
Might as well start shaving before the financial release next month

>> No.26387234

idk what to do with my gme stack

>> No.26387241
File: 499 KB, 945x745, 1610550766349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting shook out

>> No.26387244

>be up on a position
>do nothing and celebrate, sell when you start dancing
>be down on a position
>masturbate and go back to sleep
Is there any comfier trading style?

>> No.26387254

based retard
im holding for 4 figures

>> No.26387269
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Where did the INTC shill go? Show yourself INTCel.

>> No.26387277
File: 62 KB, 800x535, gmo-salmon-3068377_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell gme, buy Salmon

>> No.26387276

>charge your phone you neet
>who is Monica Rheaume?
>you must be 18+ to post here

>> No.26387280
File: 444 KB, 1280x720, 1611355957133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I get my shit together, fren?
I know there's opportunity out there

>> No.26387279

Neither anon, I threw in another $1000 as we first approached 50, I was in a state of bliss
Now we're far beyond where I thought we'd be and I'm not sure what my plan is

>> No.26387282
File: 33 KB, 660x425, redit 500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else seethe with jealousy when they see reditors post shit like this?

also anyone notice the coincidence that WSB went private yesterday?

>> No.26387283
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 1583000207471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. I'm thinking, no.

>> No.26387294

Only retards sold, the squeeze has just begun

>> No.26387305


Ask yourself these questions:

>How much have you made/lost?
>Do you think the party is over? Or close to being over?

You don't want to sell the top - because that's unrealistic. You want to sell near the top.

>> No.26387318

I’m currently in a super liberal anti trump state so lockdowns are pretty harsh. The county I’m in only lets bars do outdoor seating and there are people WAITING IN LINE to sit in a cold ass tent to order drinks and be around other people.

>> No.26387324

>Thinking of selling it to retire margin.
also what did he mean by this, bfarf isn't marginable, so if you're claiming to have bought it on margin you're a dirty liar

>> No.26387325
File: 50 KB, 546x550, 25EE713D-C376-4A61-887B-79AF4414AA55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planned on shorting GME today
>buy an itm option at $42
>get scared and sell it off at $45.50
>shut laptop and take my measly $120
>check back later and it’s $73

>> No.26387333

He literally just needs to do nothing and enjoy a life of respectable wealth. Instead he's gonna lose it all.

>> No.26387345
File: 104 KB, 1080x2093, hxom1s46kxc61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>CLF tranny could have made 1 million dollars throwing 5k into these options

>> No.26387356

Why is day trading not popular here? I made 500 in one day my first day

>> No.26387360

GEVO chads how we holding up?

>> No.26387361

amc is a buy

>> No.26387366
File: 42 KB, 460x456, 1608767039911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in mother fucker the show's just getting started.

>> No.26387373
File: 60 KB, 705x563, amc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not him but i am an AMC bro sort of. but im trying to figure out if i should sell or not

>> No.26387379


new Ceo seems realistic; probably bullish long. Just look at vmwares success

>> No.26387381

Jesus fucking christ im depressed.

>> No.26387389

ok mom finally figured out im a NEET loser who will do nothing with his life and gave me $120k to mess around with
I get an allowance every month so dont really need money short term
I was thinking 40k to some boring bonds but what do i do with the other 80 do i just buy a bunch of aapl and amd to hold for a while and resell if a good real estate opportunity comes around

>> No.26387395

>It's mostly computers that do it.

>> No.26387396

Because tomorrow you'll make -1000, then +100, then +200, then -300, then -100, then -200, then -500, then +500, then -300, then -200...
And this will be your life for at least 4 years of active daytrading.

>> No.26387401

kek, anon, everyone knows the first one is free

>> No.26387404

because we're too poor for the $25K big boy club

>> No.26387408


People with larger stacks and larger total profits sold. If i dumped $500 in and now it's $$3000?

now imagine doing that with 500k and making 3M. you would have looked for the exit long before that lol
yea i'm selling.

>> No.26387419

ya really think? I bought at $14 and sold at $33

is it worth hopping back in the coom train?

>> No.26387424

Any liquidity you add to your account automatically goes toward paying off your balance.

>> No.26387425

try suicide unironically

>> No.26387435

you make just 200 dollars

>> No.26387443

Unsustainable without fuck tons of DD. It basically has to be your job. OR you can do some light reading on the weekend, set up trades once or twice a week and still work a 9-5 to feed the pig.

>> No.26387445

kek man you are all over the place. get your shit together and just buy some shares and diamond hand that shit

>> No.26387459
File: 58 KB, 540x960, SMGAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do i buy on the dip??

>> No.26387460
File: 102 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210122-175140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this chart called?

>> No.26387461

To get a drink and meet friends, sure. Will they do it to watch a movie, in a public location, for more money, when they can just subscribe to netflix and get the same experience? That's another story.

>> No.26387468

so will GME do a Volkswagen and go to 1K

>> No.26387475

what happens if you just spam the most popular stock with 25% of your earnings? that seems really safe, no?

>> No.26387481

who the fuck is he?

TSM getting obliterated

>> No.26387488
File: 144 KB, 1160x773, 1604521737249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting more AMC and BB in my shopping cart for next week
What are you going to spend your GME gains on, /smg/

>> No.26387494

I'm up 800k on GME options. Idk what to do now, feels like it would be a bad idea to not sell, but I also kind of want to reach a nice round 1M profit number.

>> No.26387500

the chad hydroplane

>> No.26387502

25k requirement and probbaly like $3k investment into cutting edge computer rig multimonitor setup, software and subscriptions to market and data services, and t3 or fiber optic internet is prohibitive to most college age NEETs here if you want to be competitive

>> No.26387511

It'll probably go as high as 2-3k

>> No.26387524

>return of the theater, cruise, and airline boomers
Market about to take a fat shit. Buy that dip.

>> No.26387533

Don’t compare a bar experience to a movie theater experience

>> No.26387541

take some profit and let the rest ride

>> No.26387544

eh funerals are expensive and mom would be sad

>> No.26387551

yeah but when i first bought i thought AMC would go to $4/share again like it did just a couple months ago so im debating if i should keep holding or just sell and take my profit

>> No.26387553


Hope you bought the TSM dip

>> No.26387560
File: 135 KB, 1020x1525, 933E4779-C98A-465B-B728-E70F2163B61A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Chinese vaping ipo opened today and exploded on entry

>> No.26387561
File: 6 KB, 162x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about? I literally said I'm not in AMC. The positions I'm in are pic rel, plus a bunch on other brokers.

>> No.26387585

Sell half, let the rest ride.

>> No.26387587


>how can I get my shit together, fren?
I know there's opportunity out there

well depends on how much money you have. if you have $1000 in investments, it's not the end of the world if you lose it. Generally speaking, the more money you have in the market, the less risk you should be taking.

>magically turn 1k into 10k with risky plays
>so i'm going to try and do the exact same thing and find a risky play to turn that into 100k
>only made 70k

yeah, it's time to start playing it safe because you just made made 7000% profit. greed will make people do stupid things, and you will eventually lose it all if you constantly make risky plays.

>> No.26387592

not so much a dip rather than a well-deserved pullback

Time for TSM to crab for like 3 months now lol

>> No.26387597

thats what everyone on redit seems to believe

>> No.26387598

>mom would be sad
would she tho?

>> No.26387605

No wonder I haven’t seen him spam 20 times a thread lately

>> No.26387608

Also I don’t live in a cucked state theaters are wide open but barely any people at all i know 2 already shut down near me

>> No.26387612

thanks for the heads up asshole, chinks love to vape

>> No.26387614

-100 per day

>> No.26387619

ive always been too much of a sped to enjoy going to the movie theater, it feels the same as watching a movie at home and i can just pirate them.

anyone else like this?

>> No.26387622

Standart chink stock scam.

>> No.26387630
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>and mom would be sad

>> No.26387648

Bitcoin ain’t recovering until it half’s again and you’re out of your god damned mind if you think anyone is gonna trust it again this soon

>> No.26387649


those chinese vape products are know for exploding in your face.

>> No.26387654
File: 19 KB, 700x426, saupload_trading-hours-full-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that seems really safe to you I suggest you try it out for yourself and see. Are you allergic to holding a stock overnight and exposing yourself to potential after hours gains?

>> No.26387657

mate take the fucking money, I promise you you'll regret the loss a lot more than what you could've gained. At least cash in a good amount

>> No.26387660

tickets will be a dime a dozen when stuff opens up, prices will rise, soon its going to be like trying to get a concert ticket to see the moveis

>> No.26387659

What do you guys think about NIO?

>> No.26387667

not him but i bought in at 45 and they just raised the divi on me so im pretty cozy

>> No.26387670
File: 328 KB, 561x561, 16516851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB is the comfiest stock ive held so far

>> No.26387677

tough call. imagine how sad you would be if it totally crashed next week to $14. would you be more sad that you lost a ton, or would you be more said if you took $800k now and missed out on antoher 400k in gains if it goes up to $80 next week?
if you are a poor fag i would take at least some money now, if you are already rich and just doing this to gamble then might as well hold

>> No.26387679

its already recovering bro
short it if you're so certain

>> No.26387680

For like 2 days. Then secretly relieved. Then way happier forever.

>> No.26387685

im still in fuck I hope I made the right decision

>> No.26387690
File: 9 KB, 251x200, cannamek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Net Loss (149.1M)
>Total Assets 13,675M
>Total Liablities 12461.6M
Im not doing the math for you but Im gonna let you know that the company is heading toward a high velocity impact splatter

>> No.26387691



>> No.26387696

sexy booba girl , and ill buy Monday idrc

>> No.26387713

Popular by which metric? Most of the time a sudden volume increase means you're post the peak of a pnd, so getting in will kill you.
In any case you're no longer properly daytrading in this case, you're just gambling and might as well just swing like everyone else in /smg/. If you mean a strategy like buy the close, sell the open; it has similar risk profiles as just holding anyway, even worse on promising (as opposed to average) stocks.

>> No.26387726

Is crypto worth it just so weekends aren't so boring? I don't really want to be a coinfag.

>> No.26387729

chink stocks are pumped artificially by their country especially on IPO to compete with legit american company stocks. its just the commie way of stealing investors

>> No.26387737
File: 410 KB, 1079x1791, Screenshot_20210122-155832_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm still objectively poor and will be mocked but I'm pretty proud of this. $6K principal invested over the summer. No options, just long shares.

>> No.26387739

throw it into BB. rinse and repeat

>> No.26387742

What if...by some sort of of mathematical sorcery, you sell at +200....or at -100, and do that until you've made enough consistent +200 trades. Then...get this, increase your price target and stop loss risk, so you're making either +300 or -150.

>> No.26387762

So sell Monday?

>> No.26387765
File: 300 KB, 599x899, big5book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically hyped for the suicide that comes after. Trust fund babies are all the same. They all end up blowing it all on dumb shit. Prime example was big5, now CLFtranny.

>> No.26387768

pretty based. Don't forget about PIPP

>> No.26387769

I tried that 3 times with otm gme options 3 times and all 3 times were when gme was crabbing or dumping

>> No.26387770
File: 80 KB, 575x558, instidata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have some kind of this data or know where to find this?

>> No.26387771

sell half of it and hope the rest will do another +50%

>> No.26387774
File: 2.92 MB, 540x540, 1611190270303.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lost $1,200 in my the last year of trial and error plus paper hands. But I collected $20,000 in unemployment bux so I'm still ahead.

Now I buy dips and dollar cost average.

Hands of bismuth.

>> No.26387785

>investing in China
when will they learn, good for you if you can take the gains - but no stock under the jurisdiction of the CCP can be a comfy hold

>> No.26387789


I don't know what BTC is gonna do and i don't care, because i'm not fucking buying it. Not at this price. If it hits 10k, i'll consider it, but i'm worried about them banning it in the US, or taxing it like 50% or some bullshit.

>> No.26387804
File: 731 KB, 1170x1291, 36AF642C-0C3A-4E59-9777-99652A796C3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the AUPH press release

>> No.26387808

Most movement of tickers is AH and in PM. Intraday movement is, on average, just noise. Anyone here should try it. You go from staring at charts for 8 hours to staring at them for 10 minutes near EoD and for 5 minutes maybe 30 minutes after opening bell.

>> No.26387818
File: 1.42 MB, 768x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your food budgets like bros? I hate cooking, so I spend about $60 weekly on frozen Trader Joes with some fresh greens thrown in. They actually make damn good stuff, far better than I could make spending far more time on it.

I could probably get my food budget down lower if I wanted to eat like shit or (heaven forbid) cook, but $250/month is fine for now

>inb4 the fucking gay tranny jannie bans me again for shooting the breeze after market close. Kill yourself tranny

>> No.26387851

fukin hell lad I could go for a pie and a pint rn

>> No.26387857

HEY! What's going on in that room? Why is that racist beating up a defenseless Asian man?

>> No.26387861

never. we got rugpulled

>> No.26387871

Your win% needs to be consistently above 33% (closer to 45-50% in practice because lmao slippage, unborrowable shares making you miss good trades, and worse if you have fees for your broker), in practice it's probably not happening until you've been doing that for several years. Then yes, you become profitable and can enjoy your 100%+ yearly profit.
But you could also not bother doing this literal fulltime job and instead buy into a /smg/ meme and enjoy that same 100%+ over just a few months.

>> No.26387872

Recovering my ass, it’s no where near it’s all time high. I didn’t say it was going to zero, I’m just saying you’re fucking retarded for holding crypto related stocks over the weekend

>> No.26387885


dude. take the profit and find the exit immediately. you've won. you've made it, you will never have to work again if you don't want to.

could you make another 200k-400k? yeah sure. you could also lose 600k on Monday if it crashes.


you've already won the game. take the victory.

>> No.26387898

Should I get into crypto or stick to stocks

>> No.26387901

Do we still believe in UUUU or should I just forget?

>> No.26387909

post portfolio

>> No.26387912


>> No.26387918

Is there any difference any more?

>> No.26387921


>> No.26387927
File: 367 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210122-160917_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon. All you have to do is a x4 then a x10 and you make a mil.

(Made 1.4k today, fidelity is just not showing it correctly)

>> No.26387928

it always surprises me how bad movie theaters are run. it took them 50 years to figure out selling beers and cocktails was a good idea. and they love to screen only the dumbest mass produced modern hollywood garbage. imagine if they replayed classics the way indie theaters do. i would definitely go to the theater to watch my favorite old school movies. i dont give a shit about the same SJW filled superhero movie that comes out every week

>> No.26387934
File: 136 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_Robinhood_20210122-180340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy day. Didn't even into GME

>> No.26387944
File: 348 KB, 896x1266, 5A9E69C3-04A5-4C0C-92E1-5CF67156A275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr why BB??

Keeps ducking dipping

>> No.26387943


he might be a bouncer. it looks like some sort of business

>> No.26387946

It's delicious, I always keep some on hand for when it rains

>> No.26387949

Ive been riding the spac train for the past few weeks.

CCIV doubled and i left with a cool 3k increase
now im gonna dump the earnings into high dividend yealk stonks and reinvest into CCIV and SPCX after the 7 AM crash.
Even after the increase the merger hasnt been announced but rumors are going towards it happening so if you want to join be weary its all running on hype rn

>> No.26387955
File: 595 KB, 601x982, 1610982943724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.26387963

more hedgefunds started going long GME and siding with the retail side narrative, albeit with small positions relative to their fund size. I'll leave you to decide what to make of it anons.

>> No.26387966
File: 493 KB, 1100x1007, 1609759500929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is AMC ever coming back to $2?

>> No.26387967

That only applies to "the average market" e.g. some ETF with lots of stocks. It does not at all apply to promising stocks, who tend to have a small overnight change, then huge intraday moves, preceded by nothing, and followed by correction or dump overnight. In that case, you'd capture negative gains every time.

>> No.26387969

Has there ever been a comfier time to be a swing-trader?

>> No.26387971

Get the fuck out right now
It isn't worth the risk. Learn risk management and invest into safer stocks and diversify, maybe partition some money into meme plays like GME.
Get the fuck out of GME, do not get greedy I've lost way too much by being greedy or stupid.

>> No.26387980
File: 385 KB, 1440x2560, CE50A3EF-A539-44FE-B2B5-F0BA18DE69F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me what you look for or where you learned?

>> No.26387997

5x leverage NOK on monday open? will WSB pump it?

>> No.26388002
File: 50 KB, 600x325, 171094AC-0C41-4229-B821-B59C834EBB3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I listen to smg

>> No.26388003

I’d sooner invest in dogecoin before Bitcoin. I made my money off crypto stocks, I won’t get greedy with false hopes

>> No.26388005

Take the money, fool.

>> No.26388018

Realistically, if I play stocks right but only put in around 50-300$ at a time maybe once or twice a month and flip over and over, how long will it take to get to $50k?

I've got a lot of debt I have to pay off and I want it gone faster than the estimated 5 years at 700$ a month

>> No.26388021
File: 343 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210122-190631_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NIOchad. I will never sell my NIO,

>> No.26388022

i dont know what their strategies are, sometimes chinks pump stocks for months. it depends on what their strategy is and who their competitors are. look at all the worthless EV stocks that they were propping up this last year to cash in on the TSLA hype

you have to understand the mentality of the communist chinese. they see the western world as a garden of easy money to loot and plunder, free for the taking from dumb naive racially inferior western people who dont know how to clutch their coinbags

>> No.26388040
File: 544 KB, 1079x751, Screenshot_20210121-204604_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting on /smg/ on a friday night? Where did i go wrong bros i miss highschool. I miss her

>> No.26388053

>That only applies to "the average market"
Yes, because on average it works best. Yes, in theory you could maybe catch a few movements before they happen during the day but the odds just keep working against you over time.
It is also nice because it prevents you from micromanaging yourself into emotional trades.

>> No.26388059

There is a lot of money required to run a movie house. I used to work at AMC as a manager a couple of years ago. The reason you don't see old movies in new theaters is because it costs money to show a copyrighted/trademarked film each week. It is not cheap. Plus only 10% of tix sales go to the house, the other 90% goes to the film makers, distributors, producers, etc. That is why concession prices are out of their mind expensive. The only profit a theater is making is through the concession stands.

>> No.26388069

Don't use the phrase "trust the plan". It's been permanently jinxed.

>> No.26388071

My shilled stock gains for the week are EHang up 74%, ASDN up 53%, TIGR up 29%. Listen to me if you want to make money...

>> No.26388072

You could have made 50k today with 300 off GME

>> No.26388074

You’re a normie, stop whining.

>> No.26388081

I want this

>> No.26388093

Ill be ok. I only have 15 shares. How many you have?

>> No.26388099

Get the fuck out senpai.

You can invest that 800k somewhere much safer and EASILY make over a mil and never work again. gme is very high risk rn of crashing, regardless of what reddit says.

>> No.26388105

At the very least scale out anon. keep some shares so you can coom with frens along the way

>> No.26388114

5.6 billon stocks. Good luck with the pump

>> No.26388118

But then you're not daytrading at all, so the whole point is moot. Again, you might as well long in this case, I'm almost certain the tax treatment becomes far better than the intraday average loss as per your graph, for example.

>> No.26388128

yeah thats their main problem. also now they have to compete with increased costs for rights because netflix and the other 5 media conglomerates all have their own streaming services now and they have the billions to bid up the prices on rights

>> No.26388129

the line goes up, you're doing well

>> No.26388134

Make a trip

>> No.26388135
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I guess so better than reddit tho

>> No.26388150

Not really, no.
Probably better to just gamble on options with meme plays if I want

>> No.26388153
File: 236 KB, 828x1792, 6FEE5779-5E24-4AFE-A4EC-5CBFB6247C12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you get

>> No.26388156

guy, back in early november there was more gme hype that im seeing today. i went into crypto and havent visited smg in a few months but why is no one going nuts over this? surely some of you actually bought at 14 bucks right? i thought id be single that rat meme everywhere rn

>> No.26388163

Didn't this guy die?

>> No.26388168

You see, I'm a fucking meet and recently decided to better my life blah blah fucking life story

I fucking threw away my ID by accident and until I cash in my $600 stimulus check, I have exactly $5.18 in my fucking bank account

>> No.26388174


>> No.26388177


basically this. if you want to make riskier plays, just set an allowance of 10% of your stack yearly into risky memes.

>you have 1M in assets
>you can put a maximum of 100k into bullshit every year
>if you lose that 100k, no more risky investments for one whole year.

>> No.26388178
File: 55 KB, 999x867, 7CF4E654-706A-48EF-B877-F35F3269B535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $8 calls for 2/19

>> No.26388180
File: 64 KB, 593x665, No Monopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, faggot. Let this be a lesson - you don't short a clown market based on fundamentals and data.

You short it when black people start buying in.

>> No.26388194
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>> No.26388193

>The reason you don't see old movies in new theaters is because it costs money
but if old indie theaters can afford to screen the 80s classics like the first terminator or rambo i dont understand why AMC cant?

>> No.26388200

Share us your wisdom, what should we buy?

>> No.26388206

a 3% gain each day for 24 trading days will double your money, so just do that for 8 months or so, but finishing every day with 3% gains. that's pretty unreasonable so you should probably focus on paying off debt

>> No.26388212

Go get some kneepads then

>> No.26388223

just identify yourself as EHang bro in your posts and people will probably listen to you. It's hard to stand out in a sea of shills

>> No.26388233

should I sell TSLA and throw them to some meme like BB for a while, got only 10k in TSLA and doesn't seem to move much now

>> No.26388260

Yeah I know. I sold GEVO at $2, ABML at .25 and ZOM at .17. I’m just here for the shit posts

>> No.26388272

We all recognize him as a chink shill

>> No.26388275
File: 280 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210122-180819_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is something like this ok for babies first diverse investment approach? I only started a week ago and I'm still going though the op links and learning terms and what things like futures are, but i'm trying a few risky volatile stocks with fun money while also having a few ones I can just hold and not get too concerned about for weeks at a time. Any suggestions aside from reading up on the op?

>> No.26388276
File: 137 KB, 700x549, 1605543947905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal w trading losses, I've been up so much these past two weeks, then I had one little red day and I feel bad

>> No.26388286

Yeah, he leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. It fling him a block away before he landed it someone's yard.

>> No.26388294

Get a job, that's a +20 000% in one month

>> No.26388320

Idk anon. Depends on if you want to pay gains tax.

Tbh, I think tsla will keep going up so its probably safe to keep it there. But its not going to x5 or something. I have 15k in NIO, im not selling, I dont expect it to do anything crazy but imits safer to me than fucking BB or GME

>> No.26388321

I just dont feel anything anymore, its that easy

>> No.26388324

Put a non-trivial amount of your money into crypto and wait a few years without selling. After living through an 80% loss and a few 40% losses, equity markets are ez mode.

>> No.26388328

>50%+ of holdings are /smg/ meme stocks
Yeah I'm thinkin based

>> No.26388334

Lose a lot of money then make it back. The next time it wont hurt as much.

>> No.26388342



>> No.26388351

Stop being poor

>> No.26388352

I binge eat and binge smoke and binge masturbate and pace around my room and write letters to my ex that I will never send and sometimes I cry

>> No.26388358


right now i'm 50/50 NOK and BB

>> No.26388370
File: 921 B, 90x70, 614130024126951819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys hate Xiaomi?
They're the one who broke smartphone market for us, Without them smartphone price will be x2-x4 more expensive

>> No.26388379

How insane would one be to make a call on GME currently?

>> No.26388380
File: 197 KB, 220x451, CB7CDE8A-2BEE-4E94-B71D-FB41FED3D564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You COULD have gotten in ok BB
You CAN get in on NOK
> also this is the first day I ever made more from stocks than from waging thank you frens

>> No.26388389

I'm trying damnit!

>> No.26388391

Fuck why did CCIV pump so much? Did the merger actually happen? I bailed at like 18 bucks

>> No.26388394

AMC can legitimately go to zero, be careful with it.

>> No.26388400
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1599367947592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not selling until 7 figures, ill probably donate a fraction of my profit to legit charities and then ape the remaining into more meme stocks

>> No.26388402

did he touch one of the hostesses?

>> No.26388403
File: 1.28 MB, 1992x1992, filthy3.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. I just don't lose money.

Ah, a fellow NOK chad I see

>> No.26388404

To "make a call" as in sell one? To buy one? To predict the direction at all?

>> No.26388414

Buying calls.

>> No.26388419
File: 407 KB, 1145x1457, Sir_Winston_Churchill_-_19086236948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bailed at like 18 bucks

>> No.26388426
File: 259 KB, 600x1080, 1602815513212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is a trader

>> No.26388430
File: 331 KB, 750x1010, 956ECC30-9F47-4AD3-A7CE-4C0279303C9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It made it to Bloomberg maybe it’s not a scam

>> No.26388439

Bitcoin is going to zero. If you hold it long enough you will lose it all.

>> No.26388446

>New redditor
>Shills a meme

Im shocked

>> No.26388447

Because it is a monthly expense based on a movie that anyone can see online or in the walmart bargain bin. Foot traffic barely works for old holiday themed movies. You would have to sell enough tix to cover the cost to run the movie. Than assume that people coming to see the movie are interested in the concession stand. It is safer to show newer movies. Plus AMC has contracts that they already bought into. The legalize just never discussed "streaming" so paramount and disney don't have to abide to the contract the same way that AMC or CNK does.

>> No.26388450

Give it to me straight, how stupid was I to listen and buy AUPH? Put 2 grand in it, should I market sell on Monday asap?

>> No.26388453

Since I've never had a job in my life (mentally ill) I'll be working minimum wage which is 7.25 in my state, and that's 1,600 a month, with tax I'm getting like fucking 1000 a month, and if I want to save up for moving out, I only have 800-700 to spend on other things, aka: if I spend 700 a month on debts, I'll pay it off in 5 years and 10 months

>> No.26388455
File: 31 KB, 500x413, 1610909167778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who NNDM here? How much higher can it go?

>> No.26388462
File: 198 KB, 438x550, 612E91E4-2B26-4B30-A6E7-C13F21138E56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he bailed at 18 bucks

>> No.26388467

IIRC They're at a drink shop and the white dude got a drink and tried to leave without paying. Asian guy works there and wouldn't let him leave without paying up.

>> No.26388475

Yeah i'm a bit nervous about it, thinking of selling it on monday to put more into ktos or to try bb

>> No.26388480

BB above 15. I love berries now

>> No.26388483

>I've never had a job in my life (mentally ill)
You are gonna fit right in

>> No.26388495

It's not insane, just a coinflip. By the 29th it could be at 10, could be at 100.

You're right. So's the US dollar. And so's every company on the S&P 500. All depends on the timescale.

Unless you're one of those retards that shorted the latest bear trap. You're not one of *those*, are you?

>> No.26388497
File: 46 KB, 639x607, 68C9A1F8-E9F8-4746-B228-5B43F46E2DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> been here for a year and a half but too poor to invest
> made money you didn’t

>> No.26388505
File: 352 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210122-192008_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.26388515

I have 70% on index funds and I don't give a single shit about their red or green days since I'll cash out in like 2 decades. I swingtrade with the rest. I'm still safe if I fuck everything up so I fear no red, but there's considerable gains to be made with the remaining 30%. It's a boomer-hybrid plan

>> No.26388519

Those three stocks are my long plays. Luckin Coffee is my lottery ticket win stock LKNCY. It's crabbing up slowly right now ready to moon any day they release earnings. They'll be back on Nasdaq and continue road to 100 billion plus market cap. High risk/reward but super cheap right now!

>> No.26388526
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nah hes ok he got down

>> No.26388530
File: 229 KB, 1920x1276, 1920px-XQ-58A_Valkyrie_demonstrator_first_flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both KTOS and BB, good choices fren

>> No.26388537

You can't stop being poor you can only start being rich
-some chink somewhere, probably

>> No.26388538

in finland we have this special account type where you can put max 50k eur but when you sell, you don't pay taxes immediately, only if you withdraw from that account.

I have like 10k in NIO, not selling that one for sure

>> No.26388543
File: 58 KB, 640x960, 1596727324985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write OTM weeklies on AMC
>robinhood shows an increase in call premium after you write the call as a loss
>any gains from stock price movement is negated by the "loss" from the call premium increase
i just wanted to watch the line in my portfolio go up

>> No.26388560

Copy that!

>> No.26388567

What is /biz/ opinion on the Exodus shares offering? Is it a SAFU investment?

>> No.26388585

>35% tax on 1600
What the fuck

>> No.26388586

a lot probably. it just started.

>> No.26388587
File: 28 KB, 334x506, 1603925589321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember CRBP schitzochads, they consistently have double-digit millions in volume with nearly one-cent changes in price hour to hour. If this isnt literally a jerked-off moneycock ready to blow a shekel load idk what is.

>> No.26388596

son of a bitch i had BB at 11.40. WHEN WILL I LEARN TO HOLD

>> No.26388610

>get money
>cash out half of it
>move to cheap countries like Philippines or Brazil or other countries that have living expanse less than $150 per month
>pay debt

>> No.26388614


>> No.26388620
File: 136 KB, 925x842, Brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, GSX.

>> No.26388644

It's time


>> No.26388648

Anon isn't accounting all the drugs they do. Garunteed if they stopped huffing boi or tina they would be able to afford to an studio apt.

>> No.26388660
File: 533 KB, 1650x920, 23105BDA-0D06-4F3B-9C0A-52F91184F967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought into this and am up 13%
KTOS is based

>> No.26388666

currently holding 30 shares, should i pick up more on monday?

>> No.26388672

Make a trading diary and write down that fact. It will help even if you never open it again. Just writing it down will magically make you remember.

>> No.26388674

If you want to double your investment this weekend, bet everything on Tom Brady

>> No.26388681


>> No.26388682

AMC is fucked. All that loan did was add to the debt pile. All the big tent pole films, the ones that bring in the most money and get butts in the seats are all being pushed out till mid/fall part of the year. That is if they even bother. They may decide to just stream them all. Remember; the longer those films sit in cans they are costing the studios money. Also it fucks up everything in the production line behind those films.

>> No.26388697

CRBP will unironically 2-3x

>> No.26388698
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>> No.26388702

I was in with 5x about that price, paper handedly sold for a little profit. If I only held...

>> No.26388706

Any interesting plays for RTX now that one of their guys is head of the DOD?

>> No.26388708
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 1611126136192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw multiple stocks up 10x while crypto crabs into hell
Why do people say stocks are low profit again?

>> No.26388723

painful realization

>> No.26388727

Minimum wage is more like 1200 a month, assuming you do 40 hours a week. That's like 15k a year. Join the army or something.

>> No.26388730

>The Superhero movie timelines are cucked

>> No.26388735

how do i write a narrative short story

>> No.26388739

Why? Give me the details, I'm interested.

>> No.26388744
File: 461 KB, 600x337, 1604376169973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is GME out of coom or should I wait for the Monday opening dip to buy?

>> No.26388747

Syria war is on, and iraq war is planned. t. biden.

>> No.26388751

stocks are a joke once you realize tinfoil is making money

>> No.26388755
File: 538 KB, 1600x1067, joker-suicide-squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26388763

Anon before you buy a stock, you have to ask yourself, are you going to hold through dips? What is the price you will cut loses? What is the price target you want? How long do you want to hold? Is this stock good for what I'm trying to do with it? (Like long hold or short flip)

Once you buy you can't let other people fud you, and you can't look at other stocks and fomo sell and buy the other one while yours crabs. I've made that mistake too many times. Never again will I fomo sell them buy into a stock that people are shilling.

>> No.26388765

With all this talk about infrastructure, highways in the sky cost nothing so EHang has another edge over every land vehicle. Everyday I find another reason this company will change the world...

>> No.26388770

>BB @ 15
>AMC almost @ 4
Monday might be a good day

>> No.26388775
File: 1.13 MB, 934x798, PIPP TEAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26388779

is it?
seems like cat is buying

there's no fucking way.. is there?
link me to the dd

>> No.26388782

Just set a take profit and a stop loss when you open the trade bro
If you think the hype is still there when it reaches TP you can re-enter the trade

>> No.26388786

Isn't that just https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=Ah15 ?

Found by DDGing "institutional money market fund assets by month"

>> No.26388810

>mfw up 50% the last year just on pretty safe plays
No fucking idea

>> No.26388811

anon its... its 2$ a share.

Yes anon, please spend more than one big mac plus tip on any investment.

>> No.26388820

>drone memes
>AI memes
>space memes
all in one company, with a single digit B market cap

>> No.26388822

Ching chong ching chong bing bong bing bong

>> No.26388833
File: 80 KB, 574x197, 1611190738940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really regret putting stocks in AMC, i'm getting out of it first thing monday for KTOS

>> No.26388851
File: 49 KB, 460x550, 1609749068784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

price momentum, the only strategy that matters, says I am a retarded bastard fool for buying 150 PIPPbois

based and resourceful

seems a little memey

>> No.26388853
File: 115 KB, 750x749, F6F62A36-B8E6-4C50-AFD6-A9FB6218B2A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26388859

Space. It's heating up over the next decades. RTX is expanding more in that area.

>> No.26388860

>Gme will never break 12$
>Gme will never break 20$
>Gme will never break 100$

Typically this format is used to shill people on something, but why dont you look at the price action and ask yourself if you think its a good idea.

>> No.26388863


>> No.26388874

Am i bagholding APXT?

>> No.26388880
File: 141 KB, 900x860, pepe srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it made it to the globalist-owned, china-cozy leftwing propaganda outlet so maybe its not a scam

>> No.26388898

I put in 5 grand and I'm doing that so take that as you will

Just look at the switch in how AUPH bro is talking in his posts now, not half as confident as he was in his 9000 copy paste shills, he knows he fucked up

>> No.26388901

In my state its 30%, sorry, was doing is me guessing, guess its more like 1200$? I'm too lazy to pull out a calculator at the moment
Due to my goals and need for constant medical care, I can't move to anywhere that doesn't have good medical care.
Can't join the army with schizophrenia, arthritis, and a weak heart, but that used to be my life goal as a kid
If you mean antipsychs, sleeping pills, cbd, and cigarettes, yeah lol. Parents buy those for me though

>> No.26388902

Oh shit, i'm retarded, i searched that but i missed that and only found investors by sector. Thanks anon

>> No.26388906


>> No.26388934

>literal schizo on /biz/
can't say I'm surprised honestly

>> No.26388947

youre better off getting into BB at this point. Same gameplay, less risk youre at the top.

>> No.26388950

Fed printing and 'rona not literally killing 1 in 20 people. Being up 50% in the past year (or 9 months) is pretty average.

Glad to help.

>> No.26388969

>50k eur in QQQ
>40k eur split in AAPL, BB, NIO, PLTR, NET, TSLA
>23k eur crypto
>5k cash

still feel like I will never make it

>> No.26388970


>> No.26388984


>> No.26388989

Seems real nasty. That dude can really fight. Do you think he is professional fighter?

>> No.26388994

Rob a bank. At worst you'll get put in a mental institution and eat for free every day.

>> No.26389000
File: 13 KB, 352x352, 1585868523765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess I can play with (((them))) for a bit.
I get paid on Monday, so I'll split some into both. Maybe I can break out of wagecuckery yet.

>> No.26389003
File: 124 KB, 1200x800, yakuza_6_dad.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well consider what you want to say or expess with every scene. Pacing is really important too, read your stuff out loud once you get finished, get a feel for the length of a scene. Read a few different books by a few different authors to get an idea on timing and to find a style you really like, and then emulate it.
Most importantly, have fun and accept you're not going to put out gold at first until you really get a hang of things. Good luck, anon

>> No.26389005

fug 15 seconds

>> No.26389012

I fuckin loves this meme so goddamn much

>> No.26389013

You are a hero. Gonna buy some TR on Monday.

>> No.26389017

You and tinny need to meet up and be bffs

>> No.26389022

which do i go 2

>> No.26389033


>> No.26389051

Why are the warrants so overpriced? Looks cool though.

>> No.26389054

no. I mean big-boy drugs. It is okay anon, if you live at your parents place then you have no bills. You should easily have money to invest. Other wise I am going to continue to rightfully assume you are dopesick more then you are working.

>> No.26389064

after seeing all the shilling, this post might've pulled me in.

>> No.26389076

I'm stable now, but lol
Sucks when people don't listen to you because of the diagnosis
"Doc, my bones hurt 24/7"
"Have you been taking your meds, when's the last time you were in the mental ward"
"my fucking bones doc."

>> No.26389089

Same. One of the true gems from /x/.

>> No.26389209

so why did gme go up again?

>> No.26389230

short squeeze and citron giving up

>> No.26389232

I spend about $200/month on chicken, rice, broccoli, bacon, eggs, milk, and cereal. Where I really splurge is my sandwiches for lunch. I get nice deli meat and high quality cheeses and spinach and the boujee bread with the seeds and shit.

>> No.26389322

Anyone in arks IZRL? thoughts on getting long calls on it?

>> No.26389456

Of you don’t know, you shouldn’t buy

>> No.26389494

Are you fucking serious? Because I sold at $15. And at $58. I'll fomo in again for the third time. Anything to tell my boss to fuck off.

>> No.26389497

have u guys done any DD with the clinical trials?

lenabasum prevents progression of fibrosis in vivo, its mCRISS score vs placebo looked good, and the ACR CRISS scores from the phase 2 open-label extension pretty much made me 100% confident in the success of the clinical trial.

I looked at the clinical data about 6 months ago and now im just seeing that the trial failed. Was there a high # of adverse events? im confused as to why it failed. I havent read anything about it and thought i could come here for a quick rundown

>> No.26389569

I know what warrants are, I'm trying to upsell.

>> No.26389706

its for children, can only be 2500-5000 words, mostly dialogue

>> No.26389831

I’m holding a mix of both, heavier on the warrants because I’m confident they are going to take off

>> No.26389866
File: 106 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
