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26378577 No.26378577 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody always memes UBI. Surf is making it a reality. The first token in the history of crypto to do this. 0 investment required. Imagine that.


>> No.26378875
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$10 FEB14

>> No.26378902

Okay I know proof n pep are behind this but could you give me any background on them? Who are they? Why are they such a big deal?

>> No.26378906
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More alpha. One of the most advanced coins in all of defi.

>> No.26379090
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They’ve been in the sphere for years. They both have a history of fulfilling every one of their promises. Including the $2m market buy that they could have rugged but instead bought surf for the whirlpool.

Here’s some more alpha

The Surf Dynamic

The Whirlpool - the true passive income machine. stake SURF LP’s in the whirlpool to begin collecting daily payouts from the revenue generated by the surf ecosystem

The Swell - community donated LP’s and NFT’s in exchange for SurfGov tokens that will help feed The Beach

The Beach - A secondary whirlpool that doesn’t require any investment. Focused on growing the community and being the first crypto to provide UBI through the Towel distribution

The Towel - UBI token. Simply hold your free towels for daily payouts. 0 investment required. True UBI.

Peps Atlantis Core: easiest surf can be made here besides staking in the WP.


-Sit back and collect-

The first decentralized hedge fund and
one of the few coins in all of crypto to bring in outside revenue. Surf uses community locked liquidity from the unstakes to generate additional passive income revenue for the surf holders. Allowing the holders of Surf to do nothing but exist.
1. Peps Harpoon - based on stablecoin strategies through other projects which ultimately buys/burns surf
2. Utopia Revenue - 6% of all casino revenue will be allocated to the surf platform for buybacks and burns as well
3. MPH integration

SURF and Leviathan NFT’s
The first NFT’s with a real use case
Surfboard - only 100 exist. feature unique perks that include additional revenue distributed to the owners of them.

Leviathans - Aegis DAO NFT

They have built surf to provide passive income forever.

>> No.26379117

checked, can't wait for february

>> No.26379211

Biz will sleep on this and then Fomo once they realize they can collect outside revenue without doing anything. Only two coins that I know of that are doing this is surf and mph.

>> No.26379514

Thanks for the explanations. What else have they done in the space? Any past projects or what? How did they build their reputations? (Aside from SURF)

>> No.26379682

Pep is part of aegis DAO who exposed the myx scammers and took them to Kleros court. Proof is a well known developer in the space who quit his full-time job in order to work on surf.

>> No.26379720

Integration with MPH? They're blowing up on crypto twitter lately, what does the MPH integration look like?

>> No.26379929
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Pep is mainly known for ethercraft.io
They released in 2018 and he built the project from scratch and its now on kovan. I believe surf is the first project that proof has put his name behind but I think before that he was mostly coding irl stuff.

Proof did a 3.5 hour ama last night explaining everything that’s coming ahead https://files.catbox.moe/xn9b6t.mp3

These two guys are geniuses and are building stuff that hasn’t been done in crypto yet. There’s a ton of alpha out there. They have a 2m and have top 100 liquidity on all of Uniswap. The UBI token will set it off.

>> No.26380038

Pep is currently working on the integration using mph stablecoin protocol. Surf is bullish on mph and mph seems to be bullish on surf. Two of the best coins in defi. Outside revenue is a huge factor in all of this. And both of them are doing it.

>> No.26380379

Im in Dracula.Sucks
We wrecked you.
You are just bloodbags for us.

>> No.26380444
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Nice bait. Dracula is a one trick pony. Goodluck with that.

>> No.26380445

Thanks for shilling me this guys. I've been paranoid about 'anon' teams since a few rugs, so having this info is really useful and means I can believe in their project vision. Will be buying myself a bag.

>> No.26380600
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>> No.26380746
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>0 investment required
What am I supposed to ape my money into then?

>> No.26381000

I haven’t seen this talked about to much, but programmatic money has the potential to create a more equitable monetary system driven by people rather than institutions. Providing liquidity for SURF is our labor, and we own 100% of that labor, which is paid for from volume through the platform. That money is used to buy new investments, fund development of the ecosystem, and really just let people live their lives. What we have therefore is the first socialized, democratic, decentralized hedge fund that anyone can participate in, even for free, with a deflationary, highly liquid base token.

>> No.26381072

Once surf launches it, they’ll airdrop the ubi token to holders along with other projects as well. It will be similar to the Uniswap/1 inch airdrop but it’ll bring passive revenue instead of a one time disbursement.

>> No.26381426

There's alot to take in here and I don't have alot of time. Can someone just tell me exactly what I need to do? Thanks

>> No.26381881
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I’d recommend going to surf.finance and reading the whitepaper and then heading over to their discord and checking out the ama as well.

>> No.26381975

This is also a good article

>> No.26382300


>> No.26382615


>> No.26382672

Jump in the discord and ask questions too

>> No.26383023

I'm not sure how I hadn't heard of SURF before now with how much the team seems to building. How is there so much liquidity? There's more in liquidity than its total market cap which seems pretty weird? I've been listening to the AMA and am impressed so far

>> No.26383526

SURF is in its alpha stages, feb 1 is when things will really start to kick off. The liquidity/market-cap ratio will always be outsized because of the whirlpool, which incentives holding SURF-ETH liquidity tokens. Optimized liquidity provision is SURF’s primary function and everything spins off of that

>> No.26384369
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UBI begins officially on the 14th of February!

>> No.26385156
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Nobody has been shilling this because those in have been accumulating since November/December. Surf is a project that is built to last forever. It will be extremely successful, it’s just a matter of time at this point. The UBI token from them is a good starting point to kick off the marketing. Anybody that fuds at this point is fudding free money. Lot of good things ahead.

>> No.26385381

Yeah and ghost is a fag. He started drama to pump his dracula bags because he was down from liquidity providing (notice he dumped them to send it dracula to the ATL right around the same time the drama ended). Anyone else who says otherwise is a moron.

>> No.26386561

Peps atlantis core is just about ready. All you have to do is call the transaction and pay gas and you get the surf fee sent to your wallet. It has to be one of the easiest ways to make money these days.

I don’t disagree with you.

>> No.26387371

I’m curious what the next acquisition will be with all that locked liquidity, something juicy for sure. The fund will just keep expanding and adding new revenue sources