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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26380275 No.26380275 [Reply] [Original]

Thread got archived before I finished my reply...

Original: >>26375705

>I haven't been looking at DSD. What did they do wrong, specifically? Also, despite their shortcomings they at least have bigger volume and liquidity. Which is way better than where DAIQ is right now, you can't deny that.
>A single whale exiting couldn't have pushed the price back down to 0.04 cents in DSD like what happened earlier today.

In DSD the coupons are expiring soon and the solutions they've come up with to reach peg haven't done anything. There's also too many whales with a huge supply that can suppress the price and force coupons to expire that way.

During a debt cycle there's little incentive to provide liquidity, so the price moves easier. It's intended to be that way, and the 4c dip was also eaten in no time.

> And what would you use the treasury for? Pajeets have asked time and time again for the team to buyback or add liquidity, and their excuse for refusing both was:
> >muh draining bots
>So it basically only leaves more marketing, meme campaigns, airdrops or whatever.

Your lack of creativity speaks from the suggestions you give that the treasury could be used for other than buybacks or liquidity adds.

First of all, the protocol is designed to be self-sustainable and go to peg without collateral. Using the treasury would defeat the entire purpose of the token, and it would destroy the balance. It would just provide exit liquidity and it will mostly be bots that will be selling each buyback in the same block.

The treasury gives us a lot of options. We haven't decided anything concrete yet, but DAIQ could be just one part of an ecosystem, where the treasury could be a central part for other dapps still to be developed. One thing that has been suggested is to offer flash loans. May be it could be an investment fund controlled by a DAO.

>> No.26380518

> Sure the formula is better. However blind faith in the coupon system for DAIQ or any project of this category is a little naive considering we both know this doesn't solve the inherent issue with these tokens, a lack of real value and justification for the supposed peg price

The value is to create an ultimate algorithm / concept that can keep a price at a certain peg without collateral backing. Why there may not be a direct use for it now, it's going to be fundamental for future concepts of decentralized finance.

>> No.26381320


>> No.26381970
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I almost missed this thread. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me anon.
I had a look at the DSD chart. It's really a shame how they finally succeeded but all of their effort got thrashed. Not gonna lie, but after looking at it I started wondering if the same couldn't happen with DAIQ if it ever reaches the peg again. One whale exited earlier today, but what about the others? Especially the ones who bought coupons.
>Your lack of creativity speaks from the suggestions you give that the treasury could be used for other than buybacks or liquidity adds.
>First of all, the protocol is designed to be self-sustainable and go to peg without collateral. Using the treasury would defeat the entire purpose of the token, and it would destroy the balance. It would just provide exit liquidity and it will mostly be bots that will be selling each buyback in the same block.

I did say that I was kind of short-sighted after all. Now at least I fully understand WHY, it would indeed be bad if the treasury was used to unnaturally manipulate the price - ruining the whole purpose. Same for liquidity allowing for bigger fluctuations in price. I can be really stupid at times.

I get it now. Thanks again for replying anon, I'm actually interested in seeing DAIQ grow in the near future. Flash loans would be really great

>> No.26382007


>> No.26382064
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Right here. Almost missed the thread

>> No.26382094

You can find it on daiq.io / @daiquilibrium sirs

>> No.26382579

> One whale exited earlier today, but what about the others? Especially the ones who bought coupons.

The whale sold only a little bit of his stash, may be he needed money for something else and sold only the portion that he bought for less. The dip was eaten straight away.

One of the reasons DSD drops so far under peg is because the system as it is is not properly balanced. Expansion is too much to be sustainable, especially because there's a 12-24 epoch lag between unbonding, and even when the price eventually drops below peg, many people are in such insafe profit that they can easily sell at 80c or lower, which hurts the protocol. Expect us to mitigate this problem with a creative solution. Dynamic is one of our pillars for a reason.

The goal of DAIQ is not to be a pnd or a quick cash grab, the goal is to actually find the right mix to be a stable token, through proper, sustainable incentives. To attract whales and to keep them, it should only be a bit more profitable than for example farming at AAVE or COMP.

> I get it now. Thanks again for replying anon, I'm actually interested in seeing DAIQ grow in the near future. Flash loans would be really great

You're welcome, happy to clear things up!

>> No.26382674

Face it, algorithmic stables are terrible at what they're supposed to do. The system got gamed and they're just fucking ponzis. DAIQ is no different.

>> No.26382927


Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. DAIQ addresses and balances every part that can be gamed so it actually functions the way it's supposed to do.

It's been a rough start but every day the protocol improves and it becomes clearer we're gonna make it.

>> No.26382994

DAIQ is 2nd gen obsolete just DSD with better settings...

Look into the next gen omega that is Apollo Protocol anons. My fat stack of DAIQ is getting sold Feb 3rd

>> No.26383363
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When talking about the whale, I wasn't worrying about now. I when the price would be close to the peg. Without volume and agressive marketing I wouldn't be certain the dip after he sells, if he does of course, would be bought as fast.
>Expansion in DSD is too much to be sustainable, especially because there's a 12-24 epoch lag between unbonding, and even when the price eventually drops below peg, many people are in such insafe profit that they can easily sell at 80c or lower, which hurts the protocol. Expect us to mitigate this problem with a creative solution. Dynamic is one of our pillars for a reason.

Thanks for these words of hopium. I'll be sure to mention this when shilling next time, in one way or another.
As things stand right now, it seems to be that way, not gonna lie. The coupons sure are attractive but it's almost like a prisoner's dilemma situation. Despite the fact that everyone stands to gain if you buy a coupon below, many people (me included) won't do it because I stand nothing to lose just holding the token and waiting for others to bear the brunt of the risk seeing as it's not guaranteed it'll go back up. Unless more positive stuff comes around like what the other anon talked about it, you'll end up being right. We just have to see how things goes I guess but now I'm really positive
I saw it being mentioned in another thread the other day. Had a look at it, but I can't say for sure if it'll be better than DAIQ

>> No.26383631

How do coupons work? Is it an all or nothing thing where if it doesn't go to $1 you lose everything? What are epoch's anyway?

>> No.26383989
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>What are epoch's anyway?
Think of them as cycles/time period

>> No.26384190

Hi uwu

>> No.26384196

An epoch is a way to mark passing time, so you can make measurements and assign actions to them.

In ESD/DSD epochs are a fixed time, in DAIQ they are dynamic, based on price: the further from peg, the shorter the epochs are, ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

With DSD coupons expire after 180 epochs (360 hours), after that their basically worthless. This is a failsafe for the protocol, as the coupons are purchased by burning the tokens (eg. DSD), in order to reduce the supply. If this is not enough to put the price back to peg in a certain amount of time, it's also very unlikely the protocol can handle the sell pressure of the insane amount of coupons.

DAIQs coupons are different. They are more lucrative, as you can choose your own expiry time, and effectively gamble on when the price will be back to peg. A shorter expiry time will give a significantly higher premium (meaning you will get more DAIQ in return than you spent), but will come with the risk that they expire before peg is reached.

You can set the expiry up to 100,000 epochs, which is basically forever.

>> No.26385078
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>> No.26385175

How long is a DAIQ epoch?

>> No.26385288

>DAIQ addresses and balances every part that can be gamed
But they didn't? Whales made bank by farming LP during bootstrap and dumped it into the abyss, like always.

>> No.26385418

How is the DAIQ for coupons generated? If everyone currently holding decided to turn all their holdings into coupons, and then it went to $1 when new investors come in, where is the bonus DAIQ for the coupons coming from?

>> No.26385436

It's literally written in the post you're replying to

>> No.26385479

I was speaking in future tense. It's also something that is going to be addressed through better balancing.

>> No.26385483

Ok, sorry I missed that part. But what about >>26385418

>> No.26385549

Every epoch that the average price is above peg, there will be expansion. How much expansion there is, depends on the price. This expansion can be claimed, first come, first serve, meaning only a limited amount of coupons can be redeemed every epoch.

>> No.26386583

Saw you were sick sir, how's your health

>> No.26386776
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>> No.26387311

It's just an experiment like all the others, its success is not guaranteed, but every iteration gives us more answers.

>> No.26387589
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why this shit mooning yall lmaooo

>> No.26387786
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People done with DSD moving over

>> No.26387806
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I like you anon. We should be frens

>> No.26388116
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Getting better, thanks for asking anon. It was like a big flu, headaches and all the like. It calmed down and my family almost got worried thinking I had caught chink-19.

>> No.26388154
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>> No.26388279
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I look away one second and the price is at .25
What happened this time? This is making me happy

>> No.26388292

to iterate on this, designing a protocol like this is similar to trying to invest a perpetuum mobile or a machine with 100% efficiency.

The slight difference with it is though, that with the right parameters and incentives, it can be stable enough to be a viable stable token, and then the volume will keep it all going.

>> No.26388597

Trash shitcoin ponzi, do not buy this biz.

>> No.26388693

The shilling is starting now.

>> No.26388785


>> No.26388928
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Assess the risk and think for yourself, anon. I agree that right now it's not really that far from being one and I've been warning people TIME AND TIME AGAIN to think twice or at least understand fully what they were buying before getting in so I can sleep with a clear conscience.
On Twitter or whatever, it seems. But as far as /biz/ goes:

Just in case some nigger comes out and say that shills only came here after a pump to offload their bags

>> No.26388993
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Oh I see, now it all makes sense

>> No.26389479
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>> No.26390203
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>> No.26391112
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bump bump bump BUMP

>> No.26391672
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last bump for now, I'll make a thread later unless someone beats me to it. Good day today and finally some interest

>> No.26392115

good night fren

>> No.26392633


>> No.26393106


>> No.26393482

I know I know, it's working!

>> No.26393544

it's all true... DSD is trash... this is the way. $1

>> No.26394537

Okay actually this is the real last bump. Feels good anons I'm glad to think people who listened to me are actually in the green

>> No.26394789

>this is the real last bump.

me on every rave I go to