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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 318 KB, 1080x1585, 20210122_140253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26377498 No.26377498 [Reply] [Original]

Best DeX hands down...why are you not in it anon?

>> No.26377628

Bump faggots

>> No.26377724
File: 555 KB, 800x800, deeeeeeeeeeexblueaaarrhgghhghghghg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudders will rope sooner than we think

>> No.26377793

Wait is this something actually worth looking at?

>> No.26377875

Stop shilling this piece of shit. The code is literally a fork of fucking Dash.

Why do you think nobody with a brain gives a flying shit about this?

The blockchain is 10 year old tech. You can't run complex logic on it, so smart contracts are out the window. The coin itself is not used in BTC lightning transactions nor can it be since that's not how the network works.

Lightning network itself has massive vulnerabilities that are yet to be solved, plus there is opportunity cost associated with locking up your collateral in lightning the sense that you miss out on higher yields by collateralizing your assets on Ethereum.


It's 2021. Nobody is trying to buy Dash in 2021. That's the bottom line.

>> No.26378298
File: 418 KB, 1343x1062, 1595683173922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work, anon. We value you highly here at Stakenet.

>> No.26378421

There are no VCs, no institutional interest rushing to cash in on this piece of shit because instead of creating a token network that can run on Ethereum, they decided to use an L1 that's a fork of Dash.

Imagine thinking Dash is relevant in 2021.

>> No.26378495

You may want to move to a lamp post free neighborhood by the end of the year for your own safety

>> No.26378640

Who the fuck cares of its a fork. They have achieved something that (to my knowledge) no one else has ever done.
Yes others have claimed to maybe so something similar at some point in the future, but no one has the same capability nor the forward looking ambition that xsn does

>> No.26378676

It's trash. I'm sorry that you can't comprehend this.

I mean, the team itself exit scammed PoSW.

I know this hurts your feelings, but better your feelings get hurt than your wallet.


>> No.26378840

Imagine knowing in July 2020 that the DEX will still be "beta testing ERC trading manually" 6 months later.

>> No.26379453

I hope you're secretly trying to shill for this thing, because this is kindergarten level fud

>> No.26379462

Thanks for the bump

>> No.26379466

Keep the price low....more stakies for me!!

>> No.26379576

You're being super helpful. Please do not quit FUDing until Hydra.

Thanks, anon!

>> No.26379603


Reddit spacing

>> No.26379809

It's not FUD. FUD implies that it's untruthful.

Team exit scammed PoSW and the blockchain is a fork of Dash.

Reality is now FUD?

These are things you should rationalize, but for some reason, you're not. I think it's because you have unrealistic expectations, so you're blinded by your own imagination.

>> No.26380387

Blast off.

>> No.26380595

You sound like someone who is trying desperately to make enough money at McDonalds to get a Masternode before the price goes up. Nice try faggot. NGMI

>> No.26380848


>> No.26381394

The 173k sell wall on bitfinex is extreme cancer. Looks like the whales are going to keep the price down until the DEX releases.

>> No.26382368

I don’t buy this why buy when I buy can Rubic instead?
Stakenet is just playing of the catch-up to Rubic

>> No.26382600

Pajeet, what?

>> No.26382662

Literally LOLed at this.

Xsn which has been in development for years is playing catch up to the unknown Russian scammer team who is developing a L1 solution with a "pulled out of their ass" road map and timeliness.

Absolute kek

>> No.26382891

>who is developing a L1 solution
Rubic is L2
Not Pajeet, I’m from Chicago U.S.A. my name John Smith I run high rise corporation with the many successful investings

>> No.26382975

It was garbage three years ago and it is garbage now. Biz still shilling.

>> No.26383144


>> No.26383364

Rubic will have L2 integrations in Q2 this year. It's gonna eat XSN's lunch and beat it to market

>> No.26383698


>> No.26383710

He brings up a point and you rebuttal with trash. Can you provide proof? Constructive criticism? This is an outsider looking in. I don't care either way.