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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26349617 No.26349617 [Reply] [Original]

- 100% fair launch, awesome distribution
- Bots which always buy/sell lose 10% ON EVERY TRADE
- these coins go to the human chads still holding their coins
- 500k MC, not even on coingecko yet
- liquidity locked, safe to ape in
- the logo is a fucking gorilla
- TG is full of chads with adamantium hands



>> No.26349697

Chipped in with my apes yesterday, made 1200 tokens overnight. This is gonna be a good day

>> No.26349730

R3FI works by applying a 5% fee to each transaction and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
Holders do not need to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are immediately reflected in the holders balance.
There's no chance of losing funds due to an attack, no gas fees to "harvest" your rewards. Tokens are in your wallet and they are growing with every single transaction.

Website - r3fi.finance
Github - https://github.com/r3fifinance
Twitter - twitter.com/R3fiToken/
Coingecko - (submitted)


UNISWAP: info.uniswap.org/pair/0x7d5952eb1779bcf35022cb33e6e24b804278e864
Dextools: www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7d5952eb1779bcf35022cb33e6e24b804278e864
R3FI Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x13572851103bed49ff743af4c4bb5ace88b22e2f



FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/r3fi/wiki/index

>> No.26349802
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>> No.26350003

Hi lads - I like seeing a new one of these threads arrive every day. Happy I got in - 10/19 would recommend

>> No.26350102
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Current distribution of coins

>> No.26350120

lmao nice

>> No.26350132

19/10 would recommend.
also fuck OP for muddying our board with faqqy reddit links BASED CHADS NEED ASK NO QUESTIONS

>> No.26350146

How often do they dole out the coins to the hodlers?

>> No.26350176

It’s an automatic process, happens instantly as a transaction is executed

>> No.26350188

With every TX, so almost continuously tokens get added to your address

>> No.26350212

I'm buying just for this lmao

>> No.26350256

Nice, I'm just a humble stacklet but I guess there's a few more coins since last night.

>> No.26350303

Everyone receives equal amounts, no matter how small your initial holding. There isn't much traffic atm, so when that changes you'll see bigger increases

>> No.26350324
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>> No.26350429

I would advise anyone to ape in now while it’s still cheap, price is gonna rocket once people start catching on

>> No.26351012


>> No.26351338
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>he’s not even 1m mc yet

>> No.26351832

This is great

>> No.26351896

At least they know it’s not a paid shill because of how shit the memes are kek

>> No.26351899
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>> No.26352270

i love the idea so i just aped in. i think it's headed straight for $1 bare minimum

>> No.26352433

Hahaha memes are shit? Come on bruddah, they’re bery bery professional

>> No.26352780

if you dont ape into this you're a moron. its gonna 5x from here in the next week

>> No.26352815

aiit, i'll throw in some bucks

>> No.26352964

I might make a freelancer profile and quit my day job to do memes. That is, I would if I wasn’t going to make it with R3FI kek

>> No.26353214
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Don't worry wgmi

>> No.26353217

Oh fugg we finna moon now?

>> No.26353273

this is gonna moon lolz


>> No.26353290

We just reached ATH chads, congrats

>> No.26353324

gonna sleep comfy and get my free r3fi. goodnight anons. we are gonna make it

>> No.26353333

We are about to find new planets

>> No.26353376

New ATH reached! Good work all, next stop the moon, pack your bags!

>> No.26353385

We just entered price discovery on this shit. Next stop 1 USD.

>> No.26353401

Just threw in. Fuck it. Whats a few hundo in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.26353433
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>> No.26353498

Fucking bots are taking over the world jesus christ its like watching siri and alexa talking about the meaning of life fuck me

>> No.26353514

ape in boys. 5 eth brings you in top20 holders. you will never have such opportunity in any other coin. Distribution is absolute dope here. No fucking whales to dump on us

>> No.26353534



no seriously, get yourself a bag you autist fag

>> No.26353626

You know this is a sim right, like, you’re the only human here

>> No.26353628

Literally the exact same thread with the exact same replies about rubic or whatever that absolute shitcoin is called

>> No.26353641
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Listen to this man

>> No.26353662

Yeah man this is surreal im interested to see how it replies, there was only a thread there on pol about sims and AI bots, pretty funky stuff

>> No.26353737

He who thinks that everyone is a bot and stays poor.

>> No.26353874

From any transaction 5 % is going to holders.
Last 10 h 458 tokens extra . Nice ?

>> No.26353914

I’m not sure if rubic was a paid shill group or not, but there was a lot of organic growth there, go to telegram and join the rubichads group, it’s all /biz/ autists holding rbc bags. These memes are organic, and all the replies are humans, just go to the tg, simple.

>> No.26354010

Shit is literally sitting at 600k mcap. Potential is 15mil+. Can you faggots imagine how early you are

>> No.26354037

We're so early we don't need to return to monke, we're already there

>> No.26354492


Beauty about being so early is not just x10'ing in terms of $$$ but your stack of tokens will increase because of the 5% tax as well.

So when we x10, you'll probably be x12 already

>> No.26354563
File: 99 KB, 670x351, 331347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant i see the price in Blockfolio? Just says 0.

Threw in some in this. Hopefully it's not a pajeet scam...

>> No.26354595

can't be, worse case scenario would be early buyers would be dumping on you.
i think they have submitted the blockfolio

>> No.26354608

Gecko/CMC and Delta/Blockfolio are submitted. It's all coming. We are very early.

>> No.26354657

Alright, lets see what happens!

>> No.26354861
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>> No.26354879
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>> No.26354943

Visit Telegram

>> No.26354962
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Watching you guys ape in and see my token stack growing. Got to love it. Even if you get a very small bag you will be rewarded every time somebody sells or buys. Comfy hold while other coins lose value.

>> No.26355005


Another point to make is that every time you get rewarded fees, your % proportion of the pool increases exponentially, increasing your rewards constantly.

>> No.26355011

as the world turns my r3fi stack fucking grows bitch niqquhs!

>> No.26355036

Ape in before other apes, and profit from each apes

>> No.26355181
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So many green ids in this thread. ARE WE GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.26355207
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I did my part

>> No.26355210
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Desktop BG

>> No.26355261

Great job anon
>holders increasing
>stack increasing
>price increasing
I really like this coin

>> No.26355446

Can you make a white version for a phone

>> No.26355492

Thanks to every single seller for free coins,

>> No.26355497
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>> No.26355541

Thanks anon

>> No.26355547

Kek this is some serious pnd scam. At least they haven't rugged on you yet.
Enjoy it while you still can.

>> No.26355569

dumbfuck there's no rug to pull. There's no dev wallet, no funds, no "advisors", no whales. Go and look by yourself retard.

>> No.26355583

Begone thot

>> No.26355612

So you are telling le that the devs are definitely not in on it when you see straight fucking red dildos doing some -20 to -40% and instant buybacks.
Gee thanks, just got myself a bag a 10000 vishnucoin

>> No.26355620

Weak fud

>> No.26355689

That's last dip was someone who only made 20% or something kek, just follow transactions bitch, he gave us his coins, and an opportunity to buy more at a discount. stay poor faggot at least do 5 mins of research on a public blockchain.

>> No.26355699

DYOR and check the wallets fucking kek shill.

>> No.26355712

there's one dev and one incredibly simple solidity contract which doesn't require any maintenance. Red dildos you see are presale investors with a very low 10 ETH hardcap. More than 80% of them have sold already. Spend 5 fucking minutes on research you pussy.

>> No.26355781

And they already x15 on your ass kek.
For them to get out so early on some curry so advertised is either dumb or fishy.
Anyway, i don't like fish nor curry.

>> No.26355793

It’s still not listed on anyrhing, like coingecko or dext or whatever today’s kids use, when it gets trending, market cap will grom, you’ll pity yourself if you don’t buy a small bag now.
Look what RFI has become and they only have 1% which is for pussies.

5% is the sweetspot.

>> No.26355819

who cares if they're up or down they give me free coins when they sell

>> No.26355872

Yes, the only project where we embrace when weak hand sells because it means more tokens for us.

No, seriously, I bought only couple of thousand and have more than 200 tokens more now, thats around $20 in 2 days

>> No.26355870

See you in a week anon.

>> No.26355959

Stay poor.

>> No.26355980

Are you fucking stupid or what, he bought at .98 and sold at .145. best thing about this early adoption shit is you can see exactly who is causing price movement, all the dumps are retard whales, all the upward momentum is little guys buying the dip.

>> No.26355997

>5% is the sweetspot.
I think this is why R3FI is so important. 1% does not prevent bots from manipulating the market. 5% absolutely does. Combined with the declared absence of the devs funds I think this is a promising project. With that said, I am a suspicious person and I would like proof that the devs aren't hiding funds in random wallets.

>> No.26356013

Time to buy more
Before Rocket start

>> No.26356026

Seriously look at the chart cunt, look at he holders. This is happening right now... Look at fucking BAO chart cunts got one wave of giddy pajeets and now its floundering.

>> No.26356180

A week.
I wish you good fortune tho.

>> No.26356203

looking through wallets that bought r3fi i see no transactions giving r3fi back to holders. also 100k liquidity lol

>> No.26356448

i dont see it on etherscan either but i know it works, bought 1615 coins yesterday and now i have 1622

>> No.26356476

are you able to actually sell all 1622 on uniswap rn? like do they all show up?

>> No.26356504
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>> No.26356616

I hope you're wrong mate, but as always I haven't put in what I'm not willing to lose. Happy trading to you too anon.

>> No.26356633

fine i guess i'll throw 1k at this shitcoin gamble with full faith that i'm going to lose this entirely

>> No.26357002

Checked, bots getting rekt

>> No.26357084

it's not transactions, it would make sense with gas... the tokens add to your wallet automatically. It works for AMPL, FLOW, RFI etc... nothing new or suspicious.

>> No.26357091

i have more money than sense anon, but in a market full of retards and shills it doesn't seem sense matters all the time

>> No.26357124

yeah i noticed my buy was immediately scalped of 5% which makes total sense, also seeing the total gain slowly. wild, i have no fucking idea how to account for this in taxes though

>> No.26357199

Janet Yellen just flew over my house!!

>> No.26357295

You have to be an absolute retard to not put in at least something when you know you can start taking in from fees anon

>> No.26357312


Telegram official channel

>> No.26357516

The community is awsome

>> No.26357523

Dear sirs,
this is a one in a lifetime opportunity


>> No.26357862

I'm telling you I have never seen an uniswap coin with a better and more fair distribution than R3FI.
This is truly a community coin.

Go and fucking check etherscan if you don't believe.

>> No.26357892
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All friendly monkees

>> No.26357935

Another 1500 tokens overnight. Thank you weak hands!

>> No.26358425

How much are u holding if you get 1500?

>> No.26358501

You'd better get in now retards. You've been warned.

If you don't understand what I mean google what price discovery is. After 14 cents we're going into price discovery mode.

>> No.26358556

Welcome new ATH

>> No.26358642
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>> No.26358682

I’m starting to smell moon stones already

>> No.26358686

We're about to break .15



x10 incoming

>> No.26358711
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>> No.26358818


>> No.26358878

I smell $1 guys !!!!

>> No.26359139

Easy moon anon

>> No.26359191

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HtyF0jux2Q&ab_channel=UltraMusic

>> No.26359423

so how does these rewards work? I get some everyday? Or is it in realtime? I get small amouts all the time?

>> No.26359477

I've been getting tokens every minute or so.

>> No.26359497

you get them everytime there's transaction (uniswap buy or sell, regardless) proportionally to the stack that you hodl. All automatic.

>> No.26359554

Alright. When i look at Etherscan my stack have been the same since i bought 2 hours ago. Only have 3000 tho.

>> No.26359603

Doesn't that just show your transaction value? I'm looking at my tokens in wallet and on uniswap and they're going up every transaction.

>> No.26359650

Hm no you see the amouth of tokens you have with decimals. But i will keep an eye on it and see what happens. Will check on uni aswell.

>> No.26359722

You won't see new tokens as transactions on etherscan, because they are not distributed this way. But you will see your balance increasing slowly with every transaction.

>> No.26359730

I'm just viewing them on uniswap R3FI --> ETH and it's updating in real time.

>> No.26359931

Got it. Saw that it had incresed in uniswap. Thanks.

>> No.26359962

R3FI works by applying a 5% fee to each transaction and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
Holders do not need to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are immediately reflected in the holders balance.
There's no chance of losing funds due to an attack, no gas fees to "harvest" your rewards. Tokens are in your wallet and they are growing with every single transaction.

Website - r3fi.finance
Github - https://github.com/r3fifinance
Twitter - twitter.com/R3fiToken/
Coingecko - (submitted)


UNISWAP: info.uniswap.org/pair/0x7d5952eb1779bcf35022cb33e6e24b804278e864
Dextools: www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7d5952eb1779bcf35022cb33e6e24b804278e864
R3FI Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x13572851103bed49ff743af4c4bb5ace88b22e2f



FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/r3fi/wiki/index

>> No.26360104

this is easily going to 5 dollars, 20 milion mcap, EASY.

confiest hold of my life

>> No.26360726


>> No.26360750


thats because it's not a transaction, the whole smart contract is also a pool.

that's why uniswap pools are locked.

your wallet is a pool.

i already received 40 or so tokens since 10 hours ago

>> No.26360981

$10 easily

>> No.26361035

I know no one in /biz cares but I will ask anyways: How would the rewards be taxed? I mean you can't reliably track them because they are not transactions right?

>> No.26361125


they would not, since there's no transaction, they don't have any laws about passive token income, i believe.

when you sell you pay the taxes of your transaction, that's it.

>> No.26361334


>> No.26361808

when do you think it will hit 5 dollars?

>> No.26361876

All this crypto stuff is way beyond any tax officers understanding. Make an honest effort if you wish. Record the "free coins" with entry price 0$ when you sell, so you lower your entry price on the whole lot and you pay tax on them

>> No.26362037

This is unironically the new biz coin

>> No.26362322

Only 442 members
Only 343 holders
THIS just begin
60 h old token

@r3fifinance just step by and check

>> No.26362468

All I'm saying is get on this shit or you will regret when we moon.

>> No.26362760

Stupid here. What is this trying to achieve?

>> No.26362904

make you money

>> No.26362955

threw 100 bucks at it, why the fuck not

>> No.26363012

When was the last time you got in on a coin within 2 days of it coming out?

Never, that's right. I'm just a fellow autist, but I threw $1k at this. If it fails, oh well. Losing $1k after being so high up on ETH is no big deal. But if (when) it succeeds, that $1k becomes $100k

>> No.26363035

Before I ape in. Who the fuck will put it on coinmarketcap and coingecko if developer is no more involved? Are you planning to shill it only here on /biz/? In this case it will be a short-lived pnd.

>> No.26363191
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ape strong

>> No.26363206


>> No.26363287

The developer IS involved. He already applied for it to go on CoinGecko

>> No.26363321


>> No.26363322

developer is involved anon.

He holds 100k stack.
+ liquidity will be unlocked in 6 months

>> No.26363323

Fuck you niggers actually created a ponzi scheme and I'm part of it...

>> No.26363490

I will buy the dip...

oh shit there won't be any dip because apes don't want to lose their 5% too early!


>> No.26363731

This is going to make me filthy rich

>> No.26363911

Ok if we weren't already, we are now going parabolic lmao

>> No.26363984

we're not yet anon. Less than 1 million cap still

>> No.26364093

That's crazy low

>> No.26364138

When coingecko listing? Is there a telegram or discord?

>> No.26364168


there's a telegram search for r3fi 400 or so members

>> No.26364169

gecko applied.
tg @r3fifinance

>> No.26364272

thanks r3friend

>> No.26364314

Trump should invest is R3FI ?

>> No.26364790

pomp iet

>> No.26364914

$1 usd incoming frends

>> No.26365050

I can feel it fr3ns

>> No.26365215

Literally watching people realizing they will be able to live off of trade fee income in real time

>> No.26365263


>> No.26365588

aped in as best i could lads

>> No.26365751


>> No.26366247
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>As our smelly protagonist Pajeet posts yet another shitcoin on /biz/, he spies a fair maiden walking on his designated shitting street.
>He licks his crusty lips and wipes curry from the small amount of facial hair he could grow past puberty.
>Wishing to rape her he moves towards the window, but stumbles on his Cow-Piss-Cola™.
>Nearly falling over, he grips a box of Moon-Cow-Pies™ with his skinny, brown arm and saves himself from falling through his rotten wood floor.
>This blunder cost him his pink pants, the brown slurry already seeping through, dripping.
>"I cannot get pussi like this, bich bastard fuck." he mutters and quickly runs to the Ganges river, to steal some pants from a corpse floating nearby.
>Relieved to have hired his cousins to shill for him on /biz/, he returns for the girl.
>As he finishes after a minute, he moves back and lets cousin Ranjeet have his turn.
>Squatting nearby, he smiles and thinks "When /biz/ buys our scam, I will buy my dream cow".

>> No.26366250


>> No.26366284

im a big bag holder now lets see where this goes in the next weeks

>> No.26366693

Next ATH

>> No.26366759
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To the fucking moon

>> No.26366767


not buying this is the most retarded decision you'll ever make

>> No.26366840

i made 100 bucks last night alone qnd I didnt put a crazy amount in (went from $300 to 4)

literally a miracle neet coin

>> No.26366911

rubic is pajeet but were ape meing

>> No.26366920

Visit Telegram

>> No.26367183

Holy fuck it’s mooning. Why does stupid gas have to be so expensive :(

>> No.26367345

Finally a solid 1 million market cap.
Next stop 1 USD. Happens this week.

>> No.26367848

This really is it isn't it?

>> No.26367871


>> No.26367876

Less then 500 members

>> No.26367891
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Fuck it, just bought some more

>> No.26367922

I can't believe i'm actually early for once. Thank you whoever told me about this 2 days ago.

>> No.26367953

Um so what does the token do? It pays holders? And we trust that this is early enough that there are greater flools out there? Just double checking that this coin has no utility, it’s more of a game theory play

>> No.26367993

>Just double checking that this coin has no utility
It's a coin which does what it says on the tin. It's not pretending to be connected to a 'use-case;...

>> No.26368020
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>> No.26368028

Um so what does the token do? It pays holders? And we trust that this is early enough that there are greater fools out there? Just double checking that this coin has no utility, it’s more of a game theory play

>> No.26368116


>> No.26368413
File: 41 KB, 847x389, distribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the challenge for you: go to etherscan and find at least one coin with better distribution than R3FI

>> No.26368683
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You make bag gas from passive fee income in not time

>> No.26368778


based coin

>> No.26369462

Don’t miss the early days. 300% gain before even on coingecko

>> No.26369470


>> No.26369618

IP of one of the coin holders location showing Maralago right now. Crazy

>> No.26369773

How do you verify that liquidity is locked? Can't find on uniswap browser

Using 0x13572851103bed49ff743af4c4bb5ace88b22e2f

>> No.26369806

Uniswap keeps giving me errors but i want in before you guys pump it to 50 cents

>> No.26369855


>> No.26370064

Why is it locked through team.finance and not on uniswap? Maybe I'm a dumbass but I searched the uniswap pair on uniswap browser and it says no locked liq

used 0x7d5952eb1779bcf35022cb33e6e24b804278e864

>> No.26370088

See >>26349730

>> No.26370095
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Increase slippage to 10% and buy a round numher or tokens!
become ape

>> No.26370189

this is the new biz-coin. get in fools

>> No.26370626
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This. We are at 1 mil just through word of mouth.
And remember the earlier you buy, the more you will make of all the trades that happen after you

>> No.26370934
File: 76 KB, 1280x937, r3fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you see what I see

>> No.26371311

Yeah and we have half the supply of RFI so double every number :D

>> No.26371431
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We parabolical now kek

>> No.26371781

Biz getting priced out yet again lmao

>> No.26371819

Weak hands sell, i Make $$$. I made $500 bucks overnight!!

>> No.26371977


>> No.26372061

>Biz getting priced out yet again lmao
6 gorillion threads on Rubic but they're sleeping on this lmao

>> No.26372345
File: 208 KB, 1080x1485, never_learn_biz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ never learns

>> No.26372365

Buy in now for a one way ticket to the moon!

>> No.26372539

Incredible screen cap when it was .02. i got in balls deep at .04.

>> No.26372575

So if I understand correctly, the trading 5% fee will be deposited into your metamask wallet?

>> No.26372632

The price is still so low. It has only been out for 2 days. You have the chance to be early as fuck but you're a retard who will die a poorfag

>> No.26373125

that is correct.

>> No.26373217

Yes. It goes quite fast, you can watch it live how it adds up

>> No.26373307

R3FI works by applying a 5% fee to each transaction and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
Holders do not need to stake or wait for fees to be delivered. Fees are awarded by the smart contract and are immediately reflected in the holders balance.
There's no chance of losing funds due to an attack, no gas fees to "harvest" your rewards. Tokens are in your wallet and they are growing with every single transaction.

>> No.26373410

I put in .7 eth at .08. The fees added to my wallet since then have been nice, helps pay for the gas.

>> No.26373504

are you me?

>> No.26373565

How is this not just a ponzi scheme

>> No.26373670

Did you also buy RBC at/near the top?

>> No.26373883

I actually bought RBC early but sold at the bottom of the dip after the pump. I was apprehensive about investing in RBC because I felt it was a bit scammy desu. I think r3fi has good fundamentals as a store of value and im impressed with the token shares and the fact that the dev can't rugpull so my hands are a little stronger with this microcap.

>> No.26373984

You talk like Schiff, you should be ashamed of yourself. It’s not R3FI fauˇt that you don’t have eth for gas to buy it and so you’re seething

>> No.26374033

How is bitcoin not just a ponzi

>> No.26374089

Ok, they missed the first 10x, ok. But we’re still early, don’t miss out the next 5x from here.

>> No.26374160

Everything is a ponzi scheme. But with R3FI there are minimal whales involved. Also, it's a token which just does what it says on the tin. It's not trying to losely connect with a 'use case' to justify its value. It's essentially a token which rewards holders and avoids bots from taking profits.

>> No.26374215

i shouldve bought in and rode this pump and dump to for a quick money double

>> No.26374326

Stop thinking with your heads and instead feel with your gut what you know. That this will make you rich.

>> No.26374431
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What happened for me was I had 10million bao, then I fomoed Into RBC at 17 cents. Pretty soon after I bought RBC started to dump and at the same time BAO was pumping because some youtuber covered BAO in a video. BAO went 3x that day and I took around a 30% from selling RBC. On the upside I bought into R3fi, I probably wouldn't have bought If all that didnt happen so I still feel fortunate. I do like how straightforward r3fi is, cheers my friend.

>> No.26374463

why i'm receiving an error on uniswap?
increased slippage

>> No.26374519

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: undefined. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

please help

>> No.26374572

here sir. >>26374519

>> No.26374681

Basically no decimals as it says in that post. no 500.623, just a flat 500 for example

>> No.26374739

Round number of procured R3FI and slippage ~10%.

>> No.26374864
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pamp et

>> No.26374915

So you buy it in hopes that the trading volume continues?
Sounds like a game of hot potato. Might join just for the fun.

>> No.26374962

>bought 4M bao at .15
>sold at .10
>bought 2eth RBC at .08
>sold at .12
>bought 1eth R3FI at .08
I think RBC just proves that you should never sell a dip. But i was genuinely expecting a rugpull on the project because of the biz shills and discord screenshots. I still am desu. I have strong hands with r3fi though. Been watching a few days and I've delved quite deep into the big holders addresses. Pretty confident it will hit RFI market cap.

>> No.26374977
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thank you frens it worked

>> No.26375147
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Moon Monkeys!

>> No.26375195
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Still pumping
The train just doesnt stop

>> No.26375316

If you can I would recommend farming Bao. Even though I sold off a bunch of Bao I have 14 million bao/eth staked, its comfy. If you have some PNK for example you could use that and some eth to farm for BAO. The website shows the APY for each pool. https://bao.finance/farms

>> No.26375443

Thanks, will look into it. I might wait for a dip though. Am holding 8.5k PNK at the moment. It's really done nothing since I bought in a month ago or so.

>> No.26375491

this will go to 1$ in the next days I can feel it

>> No.26375522

We’ve literally just started.

>> No.26375911

absolutely insane watching your bag increasing

>> No.26376079

You could say in a way im grateful for PNK, because of pnk i was able to get the uniswap airdrop. Which was nice because during that time I sold my pnk for FLOW protocol near the top. Had a 50% loss from buying and selling FLOW. Also, another tip my friend. I don't know how much you know about blockchain games but I would also suggest looking into AXS token. I think it's worth a peek. I really do think play to earn games have a bright future ahead. https://playtoearn.net/blockchaingames

>> No.26376587

just sold Im scared this will crash pretty soon lol

>> No.26376676

Literal fucking smoothbrain

>> No.26376704

Where can i see the price chart for this?

>> No.26376748


>> No.26376882

>blessed R3fi general vs pajeet rbc spam
What more do you want, /biz/?

>> No.26376897

Thanks for the tokens chump

>> No.26376950


lol, look forward to seeing you buy back in at $1 next week lol

>> No.26377105

thanks for the free tokens lad much appreciated

>> No.26377124

nothing wrong with taking profits anon. I'm personally gonna hold. Finally got in early on something.

>> No.26377185

gonna buy a pack of chewing gum from your donation.

>> No.26377193

>go full ape
Fuck off scammer

>> No.26377350


>> No.26377470
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ape in boys

>> No.26377492

See: >>26349730

>> No.26377523


Slippage tolerance to 10% and use round number of r3fi. Fuck knows why but it worked for me.

>> No.26377671


>> No.26377749


>> No.26378712


>> No.26379355

Yes, its based. I've read everything available on the project its solid. anti-bots and hard on swing whales.
Bought a huge bag

>> No.26379450

Ape in or stay poor

>> No.26379645

how long does it take to be listed on coingecko?

>> No.26379766

so is there no real way for me to track gains? theoretically i guess when I sell I could consider that as 'realizing' the free coins/being airdropped them at that point?

btw i agree, I bought a few thousand last night and am up 50 tokens in less than 12 hours

>> No.26379829

Thanks for giving back to the community. We appreciate your sell.

>> No.26379916

I went to have a dinner and when I came back I have 20 R3FI more. Basically it paid my dessert.

>> No.26380031
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Thank you for your tokens anon. Will thank you again when you buy back in again for a higher price. Keep swinging. Keep making me money. Already $60 up in token value from contribution today. Easiest money i ever made.

>> No.26380108

we're gonna make it
holy fuck

>> No.26380989


Pre sale is locked on trustswap for 6 months.

98 eth

>> No.26380995
File: 48 KB, 418x750, tumblr_p60lixQa5C1w6h51ko1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pamp it

>> No.26381026

Fuck it, all in with my poorfag 2k.. missed out on the other pumps, at least this one has hodl incentive..

>> No.26381085


>> No.26381259
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Take my energy

>> No.26381275

It’s pissing money and we have just been starting!

>> No.26381289

I've earned 400 r3fi just by holding. really comfy

>> No.26381388

Locked liquidity keeps rising



>> No.26381615
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Crash eaten, still pumping lmao

>> No.26381783
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This just gonna look like a small bump long term. We are just starting

>> No.26381869

Is there even a point in buying anymore, jesus x30 in 60 hours
I think imma wait for the next gem

>> No.26381989

This looks like tradingview but doesn't seem to be
Where's this chart

>> No.26382059

dude this is not even on coingecko yet

>> No.26382168

Put a moderate sum in. Let's see where this leads

>> No.26382171

Ill consider it but realistically it’s gonna take a long time for even a 6x from here

>> No.26382622

RFI is $2.5 and has only 1% which is not enough to deter bots and gives nothing to holders
R3FI has half the supply and 5%, so we fuck bots and only handful of people know about this yet.
Unironically 5-10x from here before the real FOMO even starts

>> No.26382705

And the best part, because of the fair distribution and incentive to hold, there is nobody to dump on you.
I have few eths already in unrealized gainz and I am not even thinking about selling.

>> No.26382736

Check rfi. I wont spoonfeed this to you.
Ape in or stay poor

>> No.26382834

This is my comfiest hold I had so far

>> No.26382989

>A coin literally designed to please autistic hodlers
>Zero actual use cases
You are not even trying anymore.

>> No.26383064

It’s absolutely fuckin nuts, isn’t it. Peak clownworld. This ks why R3FI will moon.

>> No.26383099
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Same my simian

>> No.26383238

how will 2.5k do me lads?

>> No.26383239

stay poor you fucking rat

>> No.26383317

It is super early anon. It will be $1 in a week

>> No.26383338


Miss out then you autist

I am 10x already ree

>> No.26383373

A few people are making absolute bank off this pump

>> No.26383586


>> No.26383657

>A few
Yeah exactly

>> No.26383829



>> No.26383917

why is the value not showing in MetaMask? I did add R3FI manually. It's obviously in my wallet as I can make trades on uniswap but can't see it in my wallet

>> No.26383935

The early buyers were very cautious, buying only fractions of ETH. The volume is growing only recently. The bigger investors did maybe 2x or 3x and it’s not even whales size, rather dolphins. Real whales are yet to come when they realize this is going to dethrone RFI

>> No.26383994
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>> No.26384108


because it's not on coingecko yet and ethscan monitoring.

give it time, it exists only for 60 hours

>> No.26384132

Come ask in our group, someone will help

t me / r3fifinance

>> No.26384168

Technically is you only have 1 R3FI you still get the 5% tax and accumulate?

>> No.26384217

in proportion to your stack

>> No.26384301

K fuck it I am aping in with a part of my RBC stack but getting an undefined error on uniswap. Do I have to use eth or what? Help out a newfren

>> No.26384327

Aside from yield farming, is there any purpose to this coin at all?

>> No.26384387

so, all I have to do is hold this in my wallet? I don't need to pair with eth to get rewards right?

>> No.26384414

utility is memes and frens. And green color. And sweet gains. What else do you need?

>> No.26384434

wealth generation

>> No.26384439

try increasing the slippage to > 5% and buying only a round number

>> No.26384479

rewards are added to your wallet automatically

>> No.26384645

We have monkey memes, what more do you want?

>> No.26384674
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Damn. Almost got 100 R3FI in about 8 hours. I REALLY hope this wont rugpull and fly away. The mechanism is magically simple so holding all the thubs I have.

>> No.26384733


>> No.26385028

Cannot rug and there is no whale to dump. Thaťs the safest bet in Defi right now.

>> No.26385197

What will 2.5k be in one day?

>> No.26385445

Round number did it, thanks fren. Target is 5$