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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26364979 No.26364979 [Reply] [Original]

No tipping please, carry out service is my pleasure.

I’m happy to pay for union fees as well. I accidentally was 1 minute over my lunch break so I’m going to stay late tonight cleaning the floors to make up for it.

>> No.26365405

God please let me die. I'm sick of living in this reality.

>> No.26365478

Lol the death of the middle class coincided with the death of unions. Kys chang

>> No.26365499

Why would this upset you when we all made millions from chainlink?

>> No.26365663
File: 522 KB, 500x737, JFMSU2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all my rage I am still just a wage in a CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.26365686
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>> No.26365942

Even if we make millions do you think we are not all going to live in the sheep pen together? We will just be around a "higher class" of sheep.

>> No.26366064

Yes, I’d rather die, thanks
I’ve been waging for years, built my character through eating tons and tons of shit but right now I would even accept a 3 millions/year contract, FREEDOM has no price.

>> No.26366109

What do ya do now anon?

>> No.26366365

Saved 50% of my incomes x month (again, seeing my friends coming at me with brand new cars and shit), half invested (stocks ecc. you name it) and half used to open my business. I’m still earning like a wage or less sometimes, don’t get me wrong. But as i said before, freedom has no price (to me). Or better, you constantly live in anxiety in exchange for freedom (unless you got like a shit ton of money and undepreciating assets like home ecc), as you are always about to fail (ex: see what ‘rona did to restaurants).
It’s not easy but it’s worth it

>> No.26366523

Based. I wish I knew what kind of business to open.

>> No.26366569

I do carry out services at walmart and accept every fucking tip handed my way

>> No.26366621

Well, what do you like/ do you like to do?

>> No.26366654
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I am a meat manager at publix and it sucks....

>> No.26366836

Why do all autists look the same? I thought it didn’t affect physical appearance.

>> No.26366879

Yeah, for three months I’ve been delivering trash bags. I was young, but still one of the lowest points of my life.

>> No.26366910

"I will never be anything more than a helpless sheep"

>> No.26366941

>no tipping please, carry out service is my pleasure
shut up and take my money

>> No.26366981

This is kinda where I'm at, minus opening my own business. I just invest everything versus being a consoomer like everyone I know. My buddy has like 300 knives of $200 a piece. I've been selling a lot of old junk I dont use anymore and just buying nothin.

>> No.26367064
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, TENDY SUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey do you guys have any tendies available?

>> No.26367111

Once you decide who you’re going to be and how you are going to do it you are pretty much ahead. We got only one life anon, let’s spend it wisely and by doing a work that can greet us

>> No.26367125

>I’m happy to pay for union fees
Kek, I always mark enough extra hours each month to cover my union dues. If you aren't stealing from your company, they're stealing from you

>> No.26367152

That's the deli but I'm sure they got some fren.

>> No.26367269

No I will not because I'm self aware of how retarded everyone's thought process is about "making it" and know not to think like that.
>oh I only need 1 million or so to make it
>you really don't need much to make it
Meanwhile your governments tax the hell out of you and most people don't care. People's mindsets have not changed in thousands of years. You'd think more people would see this but they don't and it sets us back evolution wise.

>> No.26367364
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I think the less friends you have and the less thots that are in your life, the more you're ok with just having freedom.

Societal peer pressure if you will.

>> No.26367524
File: 30 KB, 477x640, wagemonke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sing for me wagie


>> No.26367570
File: 2.94 MB, 1000x562, wagecuckin-it.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, wagie: be happy or be sacked


>> No.26367574

I would probably do real estate over starting my own business. I'm kinda handy. There's tons of flips around here and fixer uppers. Maybe in the next downturn. For now, just focusing on my family and investing and depriving the consoooooomer culture we are surrounded in. Recently traded in my Cayenne for a 4Runner. Was best decision of my life.

>> No.26367754
File: 1.06 MB, 1231x1080, 3d smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.26367967

Real estate are super cool. Suggested.
Yeah, cars are a pain in the ass. They’re black holes claiming money