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File: 208 KB, 890x936, imagem_2021-01-22_032057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26347507 No.26347507 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on log vs linear charts.
I assume linear charts are true because they are straight forward but the log scale one is completley different and makes one differently biased. How to conciliate?

>> No.26347543

your post makes no sense

>> No.26347565

Linear is retarded unless you are looking at assets that barely change in value.

>> No.26347576

If you knew how log charts work it'd be a simple answer

>> No.26347598

What the fuck do you mean you assume linear charts are true? Are you implying log charts are fake/not true? You do know they show the same data only presented differently, right?

>> No.26347602

Ask me how I know you're american.

>> No.26347630

you’re fucking retarded and fuck your linear charts faggot log is a better representation lmfao “muh linear gains” faggot kys

>> No.26347658

The log shows you the ROI over time. A log graph maps a constant ROI as a straight line instead of a curved one, so it’s easier to tell if the annual ROI is worsening or getting better.

>> No.26347662

i had a good response typed out but you sound like a faggot so fuck you

>> No.26347670

I meant that its trivially true. Its harder to derive the log chart since i dont know how it works. Yea im pretty sure its also true,

>> No.26347690

Well, you see, linear grows slowly and log grows very quickly. So I measure all my wealth in log charts so it will grow more quickly. It's all there in the mafs.

>> No.26347725

Linear chart is useful for absolute amounts, log is useful for percent changes across different orders of magnitude. It's retarded to treat $1 of growth the same when bitcoin is $30k as when it was $3.

>> No.26347728

Log is loser hopium chart that is not based on technical logic and liner is chart that actually represents reality. Crypto is in massive bubble and will pop and have a 99% drop

>> No.26347776

Think of how much of a faggot you are. Now think how much you were 5 years ago, and 10 years ago.. would that fit into a linear scale? it wouldn't, because every time you eat a dick you're twice the faggot you were before, and faggotry has no upper limit, therefore you need a scale that allows you to visualize magnitude changes.

>> No.26347822
File: 27 KB, 325x326, 1609866909201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good and simple answers. >>26347662
is clearly a brainlet.

This also makes sense, besides sounding conspiratory.
Like, only the ones into crypto care about percentual changes in the price. For any normal person only the absolute price will matter.

>> No.26347896

Oh, so you really are a retard. Have you ever considered learning what a log chart is before assuming it's fake because you don't know what it presents? Or are you too stupid to apply the concept of learning something for yourself if you're not told by an authorative figure?

>> No.26348035

Man, even when i use different words you still cant understand. I guess you dont even know what epistemology is. I'll not keep debating with your entitled bullshit. Just needed just a quick redpill on log vs linear. Take your pills.

>> No.26348117

log charts are more useful for determining a rate of change rather than the numerical increase or decrease of values

>> No.26348173

log is for moonbois that don't understand math or charts and want to make insane price predictions and lure dumb money in with said predictions

>> No.26348178

A linear chart might have y-axis grid lines at 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, and 50k (separated by intervals of 10k). A log chart might have y-axis grid lines at 1, 10, 100, 1k, 10k, and 100k (separated by intervals of 10x). It's the same exact data presented in two different ways. What's not to get?

>> No.26348274

same data, 2 descriptions of the data

>> No.26348330

We went to $40k in January from $20k in December you nigger, how much more moonboyish can you get?
How's your linear chart help you with that?

Bitcoin is not I the process of normal trading or even "price discovery" like stocks or commodities are, Bitcoin is undergoing capitalization
That's why is going up just about as fast as it can possibly healthfully go up

>> No.26348342
File: 507 KB, 1200x628, macropenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linear charts are for pajeets.
log is for macrochads.

>> No.26348374

Do you know what the log function is?

>> No.26348398

log chart gives a sense of the movement in percentage, moving up a certain distance on the chart represent the same gain or loss in %

>> No.26348523

Probably not retarded. Just in 9th grade.

>> No.26349410
File: 293 KB, 2152x1268, 1589977686979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You should use log scale for a long term chart because a 10% move in 2015 is shown the same as a 10% move now. You're investing to make a certain % returns and linear scale completely misrepesents that the higher something goes on the y axis.

Put differently, a $100 move for BTC back in 2015 was a massive move and now it moves $100 in a minute easily. Linear scale makes it look like a $100 move back then is the same as a $100 move now.

>> No.26349587

What logarithm function is used for chart scalings anyway, ln?

>> No.26349768

it should be regular log, which is base 10

>> No.26350079

They are literally the same data.
Linear scale represents both axes with the same distance on the chart between each unit. Basically a perfect grid.
Logs show you at least one axis with a logarithmic scale. I don't know what to tell you. The distance between two points can be the same but represent a much different change in values.
Log-log is when both axes are in log scale.
Log is better when the data has an extreme range. This is why we use it so much for bitcoin. The values range from 0.10 to 42,000 (or hundreds of thousands in extrapolations). Thus using a linear scale on the Y axis distorts the shape of the trend.
Since ape brains are dumb and hate vertical price movement, using a log scale can help you see that it isn't actually vertical.
The basic intuition is that if you have data that is increasing exponentially it is useful to visualize it in log scale because logarithms are the inverse to exponentiation.

>> No.26350462

You use the scale that makes you feel better and confirms your bias.