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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26346374 No.26346374 [Reply] [Original]

hi bros I accidentally locked 4k usd in a stablecoin because I dont have eth to cover the fees and cant buy any easily. What do?

>> No.26346477

Based. Just hold, it'll go up in value eventually.

>> No.26346594

Cant believe ive done this to myself bahaha

>> No.26346655

u again retarded

>> No.26346680
File: 7 KB, 443x474, Soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the smartest thing you could do. can't have weak hands in this situation

>> No.26346684
File: 4 KB, 623x153, chrome_tVXrhGtUiO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, im not lying though.

>> No.26346743

Did you hit max when exchanging them for ERC-20 tokens?

>> No.26346772

kind of. I bought them in a non kyc way and now I cant get it out lol

>> No.26346790

oh nonoononononono

>> No.26346798

post your address, bro. I'll send you 0.01eth so convert it back to eth or something

>> No.26346800
File: 8 KB, 340x232, images - 2021-01-08T182857.332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a sharpie?

>> No.26346817

buy more ether, ironically

>> No.26346836
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i've done this before. but it was getting cucked out of a 3x because i didn't have gas fees to sell and by the time i'd bought more eth it was dumping

>> No.26346852 [DELETED] 

if real would appreciate bro, i have another locked up 1k in here from my retardation and could use the eth from it to cover tansactions now

>> No.26346932

it's sent. Don't be a dummy next time, anon

>> No.26346973

you absolute savior thank you anon

>> No.26347098

aww cute thread

>> No.26347157

wholesome biz

>> No.26347213


>> No.26347234

Holy shit. What a kind human.

>> No.26347354

Sorry to come back everyone, but how come even though it says gas fees are 56 gwei (it says thats $1 on etherscan) costs $11 gas fees on uniswap. Just a bit confused.

>> No.26347471
File: 38 KB, 900x787, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the crypto equivalent of locking your keys in your car.

>> No.26347723

You are a good guy sir
Suck that anon's dick immediately

>> No.26347763

Smart contracts = more gas

>> No.26347768

The pajeet scammers are learning.

>> No.26347826
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, a96f05bca4c45c91ead70313f8a0de06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best finance board on the planet

>> No.26347961

Uhhh, buy some difficultly? What did you think, you could just put in a cheat code and lower the gas fee?

>> No.26347991
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Posting in a wholesome thread.

Seriously anon, you're a good person.

>> No.26348072

Based and wholesomepilled

>> No.26348301

you have 100 ETH in your main address you faggot

>> No.26348312

dude why are you gonna come in this wholesome thread and make accusations... That wallet isnt mine, i bought the eth in a non kyc way