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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26341945 No.26341945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some "fun"/'rewarding" careers/jobs that don't make you want to kill yourself every second

>> No.26341963

gay escort

>> No.26341968

There are none

>> No.26341977

professional feet sniffer

>> No.26341978

i work on movies and live off unemployment the rest of the time. pretty sweet

>> No.26342021
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No such thing. The idea that you will ever find a job you enjoy is propaganda shoved down your throat by the jewish capitalist elite to keep you in line like a cattle. Don't be a bigger cattle.

>> No.26342117

Navy Seal

>> No.26342159

im a courier, it's kinda fun.

>> No.26342202


Take all your hobbies and interests and mash them into something that people will pay for

>> No.26342264

drawing? I wish I could, then I would draw comics and porn for a living

>> No.26342265

film industry can be a big money maker if you have an in, love irregular and retarded long hours and no job security

>> No.26342381

yes not having a 9-5 horseshit job is why i went for it. you can still find security through film unions and if you're not a fucking moron and live in a state with good film incentives you will find plenty of work.

>> No.26342385

The military is actually terrible, SOF included. There's a reason the suicide rate is so high.
Rewarding is whatever you naturally gravitate towards/are good at. Most people never enjoy their jobs because they are pushed towards things they don't excel at, so they don't succeed at them, so they don't fall into a positive feedback loop of success.
Obv I can't guarantee success at becoming a popstar or underwater basket weaver, but lots of people's "dream" careers (youtuber, freelance author, FIRE/investor) are more achievable than you think.

>> No.26342528

If you have to do it actively for a long time you’ll eventually start wanting to kill yourself.

I personally couldn’t see myself doing the same thing forever, maybe things in the same space, but I just think that would make me become stagnant and ornery.

>> No.26342554

How'd you get into the biz?

>> No.26342571
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>> No.26342612

customer support. you'll always have a smile on your face while helping an angry person who thinks everything is your fault. :) It legit makes me NOT want to put a bullet in my head every day. Im so happy!

>> No.26342664

I’m a forklift mechanic. I like it. Makes about 20-25/hr depending on company

>> No.26342695

Electrician. $40/hr in my area in the Midwest. much higher in urban areas. great bennies, too. Get to talk to your coworkers how ever you please and you get to have the satisfaction of building cool shit with your hands.

>> No.26342716


>> No.26342749

start being passionate about something and figure out a way to make money out of it.

>> No.26342850

literally owning a business is the only way to "work" without wanting to kill yourself every day. wanna sleep in on a tuesday? go ahead. feel like going go the gym at 2pm? go ahead. wanna go to thailand and bang ladyboys for a month? go ahead. It's 2021, you can start & run just about any business on your laptop.

the secret cheat code is taking "unsexy" shit and modernizing it a bit with a nice website & half-decent marketing.

>> No.26342983

i started loading planes. after two years of seniority i applied for a courier gig and got it.

>> No.26343013

Heckin doggo petter

>> No.26343398

I’m a nurse and it’s pretty sweet and the pay is fantastic if you live outside any major metro area.

>> No.26343441

Security guard at a warehouse
You can trade stonks and shitcoins and research almost 90% of hours

You need to find jobs where you can shitpost 80% of your day

>> No.26343443
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Don't listen to that guy. I know a guy who knows a guy in the business that got domed by a guy in a tacky suit and buried in a shallow grave. All because he had a collectible poker chip or some shit on him. Fucking Nevada is like Baltimore these days, I swear.

>> No.26343469

This, find something you can tolerate and somewhat useful to you and others like a trade

>> No.26343508

If you are functional human that is going to make it, you need to find joy and satisfaction in anything

>> No.26343524
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Was a trucker for a while absolutely the worst job in America hope that shit gets automated honestly. You'll spend months living in a Chinese apartment basically with no social life, stuck in a truck limited to gas station food, 70 hour work weeks or 168hrs since you live at work, Health goes down the shitter real quick since you spend 11 hours a day driving a truck and live at truck stops they're disgusting piss bottles right when you step outside your truck so if you think about getting out or walking it's probably not a good idea. I made 800 to 900 a week before taxes fuck that job stay in school. There's a reason why this job has a 99% Turnover rate. Ain't no shortage just shit pay for a shit lifestyle.

>> No.26343590


where all the freight brokers at?

>> No.26343636


>> No.26343647

Any IT job that involves building a full end to end solution with a small team - aim for a start up with between 50 and 150 employees tops. That way you don't get the crazy hours for low pay hamster wheel that fresh startups get at 10 employees, but you aren't just a number in a corporate environment. You get to work on projects with new tech, contribute to the design, and see the work you do actually impact the product. It also gives you good potential for promotion if that's your thing. Oh and nobody will look at you weird for talking crypto over lunch.

>> No.26343718

Ain't that a kick in the head

>> No.26343757

If you're going to seriously drive trucks and make money you need special hazmat and safety endorsements. Make much more money and more likely to have routes that let you go home each day.

>> No.26343802

I’m a “wine specialist” for a hotel chain where I get paid 60k usd/year to recommend them wines to sell with their meals. I lied on my resume about being a sommelier and having licenses and shit but I don’t know Jack shit about wine and always just randomly recommend them something high rated on Vivino lmao.

>> No.26343812

Programming, if you're an autist

>> No.26343838

Nursing home nurse
You make over double what the aides make from distributing pills while they wipe assholes
You feel like you have slaves working for you it’s funny and comfy

>> No.26343849

for the month i worked at a small coffee shop before it closed (and subsequently went bankrupt) bc covid, i actually really liked it.
nice boss, cool coworkers, mostly regular customers who id actually talk to, small enough to not be stressfully busy.
RIP ***** coffee :(

>> No.26343885

What in the goddamn?...

>> No.26343920

freelancing and creating something that gives you passive income

>> No.26343930

This. I work in STEM where even though ai have to be onsite, many tasks are automated and just need to be monitored to make sure nothing fucks up. My current pay is shit but I am sat in front of a desktop computer so might as well make goos use of it.

>> No.26343937

Anything you do 8 hours a day 5 days a week you will learn to hate. You don’t want to do something you enjoy because you won’t enjoy it anymore. So something you’re okay with. Like networking or programming or cleaning shit.

>> No.26343964

Lighting primarily

>> No.26343972

Spend the summers teaching tourists to zipline in Alaska and spend the winters in Hawaii teaching tourists to surf.

>> No.26343977
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I would also recommend this excellent idea to anyone willing to work and try new things:

TENDIES: Tactical Edibles & Nutrient Delivery, Ingres, & Egrees Services
TENDIES is the revolutionary idea in food delivery services. We are the first delivery app to prioritize our business model on providing restaurant and grocery delivery services to food deserts, no-delivery zones, and anyone else in Baltimore that wants a piece.

Every TENDIES dispatch unit consists of an up-armored junkyard pickup truck with a camper. Our 3 man crews consist of a driver, food runner, and gunner. All crews are trained in small unit tactics, defensive driving, and trauma first aide. All vehicles are equipped with multiple hi-point brand pistols and carbines, plate carriers, directional spotlights, CS gas launchers, and CB radios. In larger cities, we have close air support (CAS) available from super Tucanos.

Our payment app is set up to accept payment in SNAP, WIC, and local food stamp benefit equivalents, day one. Don't trust your food delivery to the amateurs: when it counts, get TENDIES.

>> No.26343986

park ranger or any wildlife role. most careers suffer from a huge disconnect from nature.

>> No.26344011

I run an aerial photography company, I consider it fun.

>> No.26344027

Now tell us the horrible part like running 10 spools of wire across apartments

>> No.26344031
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Independent insurance adjuster. Get to travel to different states (other countries of you're good). All you gotta do is climb roofs and write estimates. Steep learning curve but gets easy once you get the hang of it. Only problems are steep and high roofs, and being away from home for a couple of months and crippling loneliness

>> No.26344050

i play video games and gamble money on internet tokens
how do i profit from this

>> No.26344052

Always wanted to do this, but the pay is low and you end up living in small remote towns often. Sounds like a ton of fun, though.

>> No.26344067

It's all fun and games until you have a 24 karat run of bad luck

>> No.26344097

Data analyst

>> No.26344118

I could literally go on a fucking field day with trucking. I remember taking home time literally everyday I'm fucking home fuck face DM calls me asking when I wanna head back out mofo I told you the first time. People who got kids are nothing more than a glorified uncle who comes home every so often to eat dinner and be gone.

hazmat and endorsements ain't gonna change much I have my tankers and hazmat don't mean shit, home movers make well over six digits with just a CDL A and experience. LTL blows dick it's literally everything you hate in trucking in one description.


>> No.26344119
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3rd year compsci student here. Had to take a year off because financial reasons + covid; returning in the fall. Currently a housekeeper at the hospital saving my shekels until the fall when I return. In the meantime I have learnt js, css, and HTML along with bootstrap and node. How can I earn money with these skills? Should I just start cold calling business in my area asking them if they want a website? I want to continue this after I go back to school as well so I can earn money.

>> No.26344194

What do you do to people living on BLM owned forests
>t. Not living in BLM forest

>> No.26344212

i did it for a summer, no internet for 95% of the day (ranger station had it), would just chill and campfire and read at night. comfy as fuck in that regard but yeah pay is shit. now im a corporate wagie and hate it

>> No.26344279


How many people you seen fry? I am thinking about electric but every electrician I know has some crazy horror stories.

>> No.26344312

call up local homeowners associations. they are all looking to setup online for the first time because they are all run by people who are completely sold on covid.
it’s a gold rush

>> No.26344377

kek theoretically if those people didn't bother anyone or hang around roads too much they probably wouldn't get noticed

>> No.26344397
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Based, thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.26344412


God bless you sir. Those cretins don't know the difference, they get what they deserve.

>> No.26344442

Read industrial society and it's future. Work shouldn't be fun. Life shouldn't be fun. We aren't built to have fun but you know who brainwashed us into believing hedonistic pleasures are what we need in life. The best thing you can do is find a nice girl, wife her up, and support a family. My life became 10x happier when I made my main goal in life to raise a family. Also try gardening and hunting. Crypto gains and money are so I can leave my kids a large estate they can hunt and grow food on so they can live free. My girlfriend was unsure about it at first but women want to bread. I literally said "babe, I'm going bread your children and put forth all my effort so our kids can be free," and now I cream pie her every night.

>> No.26344444

or like neighborhood associations, renters groups, stuff like that

>> No.26344515


>> No.26344536

tell me more about nursing pay outside the metro areas. i am a nurse in a metro area, how much greater is the pay

>> No.26344566

How'd you get in?

>> No.26344607


>> No.26344617

Kek great game

>> No.26344632

Personal support worker in a group home. Or as 4chan calls them "tard ranglers"
Can be a lot of fun and tou get to actually make a change in peoples life in the simplist ways.
You also get to be involved with some crazy shit in whatever those you support decide to do.

>> No.26345556

i live in a state with a lot of film work. just applied to an indie film and networked from there basically. just try not to be an idiot when on set

>> No.26345632
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wildland firefighting. i feel very privileged getting paid to witness nature in its most raw and brutal form. also my serotonin levels go through the fucking roof after a hard days work.

>> No.26345675


>> No.26345700

yes, anything in medical/social work can be really rewarding. Also, working with people no day is the same, so it doesn't get as boring.

>> No.26345756

Go to community college for a nursing degree, travel contracts pay $100/hr+ in california. Experienced ICU nurses are pulling 6-7k a week right now. My goal is to save up, invest and work part time, like 4-8 shifts a month

>> No.26345803

You're telling me that Groves and Theo are fucking loaded?


>> No.26345821


found the burger flipper

>> No.26345843

I do Automation/IT for a ski lodge. I am literally high all day and have free room and board on top of my salary.

>> No.26346043

>You can trade stonks and shitcoins and research almost 90% of hours
yep, pretty much. though it depends on how high value your site is.
Side note, how does one get into drones, particularly the logistics/delivery side? Would I have to get my license, learn how to build them, have a start up? It's a relatively new field and Idk where to start

>> No.26346229

Tips for getting into the trade?

>> No.26346511

Offensive cyber security. I get to do illegal things to my company legally. Then I verbally slap dipshit sys admins for being lazy cucks on Reddit that don't update anything.

>> No.26346627

farm work. you actually feel like you're doing something for a reason.

>> No.26346886

Only working for yourself. Mostly we're under the pump. It's pretty sweet though. I enjoy it

>> No.26347340

A "fun/rewarding" job seems really subjective, it's work and the person paying you is only paying you becuase they don't want to do what you do' themselves.

>> No.26347752
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I make rails and gate frames and shit for houses, mostly just working with cash. Work on my own time, drive around the county, cheat the IRS, make connections with lots of nice people, work with cool tools all day, get to shoot guns behind the shop at will, very comfy.

>> No.26347777

... that would be illegal for me

>> No.26347779

oof yeah
dunno how i did a run of grocery store --> WEDDING AND BANQUETS HOST ---> Waiter

I think I just blocked out those 5 years of my life. Now I just do data entry an shitpost on /biz/ all day kek.

>> No.26347894

I’m in Ontario Canada and the pay is the same across the entire province in most hospitals as it’s all union. It’s like this in a lot of other jurisdictions too.

>> No.26347930

It’s not that the pay is higher, it’s just the cost of living is so low compared to the salary. In some very remote places here the pay is actually higher but you NEED a high knowledge base because there’s no doctors around.

>> No.26347954

There are none

>> No.26347973

I know a guy who spends his summers being a fishing guide in Alaska and then does whatever the fuck he wants the rest of the year.
Motherfucker figured it out.

>> No.26348014
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JAV actor

>> No.26348112
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Lawyer here.

Not fun, but is usually really interesting. That being said, I had more fun being a barista. You go into work, pour coffees which can be satisfying to do, then leave. Don't have to worry about anything when you get home.

If you want happiness, find something that

>> No.26348157

>If you want happiness, find something that
If you want happiness, look for jobs that aren't stressful. You will realise how much of a toll stress takes on most people - your sanity, wife/partner and kids will all be better off if you aren't burned out by stress in your 30s-40s.

>> No.26348248

actor on trannytube

>> No.26348406

This is the truth. In an "interesting" job too but stress is brutal.
I have lots of Chainlink though.

>> No.26348591


>> No.26348666
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I did professional poker for a few years until my gf's parents made an ultimatum between her and poker. Not really planning to linger in this thread so I'll just answer questions now:
Pay is pretty good, I was up to about 50/hr after a year of play, started at only 10 though. You have to study a lot - not uncomparable to a college major. I reviewed about 1k hours of footage + hand analyses (Doug Polk, Splitsuit were my primary analysis channels) and read two books before I stepped foot in a casino, still was barely better than breakeven for months.
I played live, cash + tournaments (even though they're both Texas Hold'em they're basically different games), not online. Online poker makes you want to blow your brains out - it's like taking a standardized test, or a tedious data analyst job.
Pros: pick your hours, income not reported to the IRS, literally any casino is an "office space" (I lived for a bit in Vegas and also in Maryland)
Cons: social stigma is the biggest one. I guess it doesn't have to be like this, but my sleeping hours were super irregular. Bankroll management isn't a problem unless you're retarded.
Picrel, a good session - bought in for 400 bucks 90 minutes before that pic

>> No.26348692

You fucking god damn faggot. I am an ICU nurse currently on a high paying Covid contract. I am making 150 an hour and 300 over time and honestly fuck this. I hate this shit. Fuck you nogger.

>> No.26348827

>boo hoo I make so much money
Don't you have a tiktok to dance in?

>> No.26348916

I don’t have time since I am changing the pressors on your fat ass family members so they don’t die from the chink flu. Fuck these obese corona patients. America needs a famine.

>> No.26348992

Fuck you, you lazy gay retard. I’m a doctor in Australia and I am so FUCKING pissed we didn’t get a mass covid outbreak here. I could be making $300/hr doing 80 hour weeks. But nooo we had to shut the fucking borders

>> No.26349011

Then quit? I work in psych. why are there so many miserable cunt nurses that act like martyrs as if they can't do literally any other type of nursing or leave the field altogether. Go give covid vaccine's for $60/hr if you hate it so much.

>> No.26349064
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private contractors are a good entry point.
theyll have you do a pack test which is 3 miles under 45 minutes with a 45lb vest, then about a week of classes. crews are the most fun, engines are meh.

>> No.26349130

Pest and niggercontrol

>> No.26349150

Is it possible to do this job part time?

>> No.26349163

I am an architect that switched from corporate office wage slavery to buying my own land around town and designing/developing my own residential units on them to sell or rent. Much more risk, but I actually have fun doing it, and the money is vastly superior. Designing your own 4-plex and seeing it built is maximum /comfy/
Though at this point watching my link stack grow has been pretty fun too.

>> No.26349271

big chips at the front of your stack Alec

>> No.26349586

probably going to wear your lungs and joints out.
that said seems like a good job for lazy add type. would consider it if i didnt want to get rich so bad.

>> No.26349640
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if private contractor yeah. you're essentially a "call when needed" guy. when they call, you can choose whether or not you want to be deployed. if you say yes be ready for a 14 day commitment, possibly without cell service.

>> No.26349809

I drive a taxi. I unironically love this job
You ever take night walks? It's like that but driving. I work from evening into the early morning. Sometimes you get to see spoopy shit. Mostly you see nothing, and no one, might be my favorite aspect.
Wasted. Do not contribute to the home*wner's association cancer.

>> No.26349849

its more of a short term thing, 3-5 years then i'm out. investing everything i earn. joints aren't really an issue unless you're a frale dyel

>> No.26349883

I was an extra in a movie, I can attest movie industry is fun, you dont even need to be a big a list actor or director lol

>> No.26349895

I am working as a biotech scientist
Pretty sweet and I can do things that could actually change the world.

>> No.26349934

Doctors are the lazy ones, always have to fix your fucking orders and not do half the shit you retard say because once you fuckers graduate medical school the only research you cunts do is which shade of red your going to get on your leased ferrari.

>> No.26349961

Can you make a water additive that castrates all niggers?

>> No.26349967
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You could get an Airframe &Powerplant. Troubleshooting is like solving a puzzle.

Not allowed to smoke weed and you need to have a good memory.

>> No.26350264
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>> No.26350274

I was in the car with someone who I found out tested postive for Covid. He was fine and I didn't report it, nor get tested because I didnt want to be a selfish faggot and keep the state locked down. Oh and nothing happened, nothing burger

>> No.26350330

That does it to non-niggers too

>> No.26350399

cattle farmer

>> No.26350413

My plan is to teach A-levels (15-19 year olds). As long as you don't work at a ghetto school the teenagers won't cause trouble, and it's a job that makes you feel like you actually are doing something to help others.
Salary is 88k once you have a few years of experience.

>> No.26350432


>> No.26350492


>> No.26350538

Imagine wishing harm on your own people for the sake of making a bit of money. What a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.26350610

>but lots of people's "dream" careers (youtuber, freelance author, FIRE/investor) are more achievable than you think.
How could a person actually believe this

>> No.26350612

Yea and these retards still complain non-stop and make uber cringy tiktok vids all day

>> No.26350673

damn whats your education for this?

>> No.26350715

Data Scientist, I enjoy it because I get to translate autism into real world problems.

I don't know what you enjoy or makes you tick so I cant answer it. Also depends how much you have made it from internet currency.

If money isn't an issue. Try something which directly helps people or is on an issue that you are passionate about. Do something that shares a passion of yours with others or makes other people's lives better. You'll feel better. I promise

>> No.26350760

very good Sir, many sex you?

>> No.26351056

>unstressful jobs
Such as?

>> No.26351062

Pot dealer, I live the life of a NEET and make more than any wagies I know and don’t pay Jew taxes lmao.

>> No.26351360

Massage therapist only taking women clients

>> No.26351415

All jobs are ass. Propaganda makes people think otherwise. Easiest job I've done is be a security guard. In 3rd shifts, a lot of spots was me basically patrolling or just being on my phone. I still hated it. I hate being away from home

>> No.26351528

idk, office assistant

literally all they do is walk around the office and run errands. when i was a student i was an office assistant/paralegal and half the day i listened to podcasts while walking up and down to the courts and other law firms delivering documents. the other half of the day i was just printing and filing shit

>> No.26352298

Become a lab technician, all you do is fuck around testing samples and you can take unlimited breaks. The job itself involves problem solving depending on what analytical method you do and once you have enough experience you can learn new analytical techniques.

>> No.26352316

do whatever you like even if the wage is low

>> No.26352456

I work at an upscale cafe. Im 45 years old but I just twist my moustache and wear a vest and people think Im some old "master" at my craft, which is really just making expensive lattes. It makes me look a little less pathetic working as a barista at my age. Only other coworker aside from the boss is this hot piece of 20 year old ass that Im banging. Tips are pretty fucking good too.

>> No.26352779

>I've been looking for you, got something I'm supposed to deliver

>> No.26353188

>45 yr old banging 20 yr old
LMAO okay

>> No.26353382

Through the front door

>> No.26353522

Most modern heavy industry jobs aren't that bad. All the heavy lifting is done by machine these days and the pace of work is slow. You spend most of your day just drinking cups of coffee and standing around and there's no woke PC culture.