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26342595 No.26342595 [Reply] [Original]

Full time FUD edition

>What is Stakenet(XSN)?

>Whats the easiest way to set up a Masternode?

>Official Site



>Developer updates

>Latest Development Update

>Hardware Wallet Cold Staking

>Additional reading

>Quick rundown
>X9's contributions to LTC
>Exertive Proof of Stake
>Great write-up of Cross Chain Proof of Stake (i.e. stake XSN, receive BTC)
>The Cypherpunk Standard of Banking
>Ethereum Scalability Solutions, Connext and Stakenet | XSN Research
Scalability Solutions

>> No.26342623

>Stakenet has built a true next-generation DEX solving many of the issues that currently plague the DEX industry, such as ever-increasing costs and transaction times. Stakenet has built their DEX from the ground up using time-tested Layer 2 technologies such as the Lightning Network and Connext Network.

>Using Stakenet’s technology it’s possible to make a layer 2 instant swap between BTC and USDT, and that’s just the beginning. Their tireless efforts have rendered them irreplaceable for crypto.

Key highlights of Stakenet’s Layer 2 DEX:

>It provides instant and virtually feeless cross-chain trading.
>Users retain full custody of their funds at all times as they own the private key for their wallet.
>Projects and users can run their own hub of the DEX which adds further liquidity to it and can support their chosen currencies.
>“Vortex” enables the DEX to share liquidity with other exchanges, both centralized and decentralized.
>It is run entirely on their decentralized Masternode network.
>The community members who run a master node will earn a share of the fees earned from the DEX.

>> No.26342641

>Layer 2 allows Stakenet DEX users to trade faster, cheaper, and more privately than any other DEX available today. Professional trading tools can also be used on Stakenet DEX opening the door for decentralized high-frequency trading. With Stakenet DEX there are only two “expensive” on-chain transactions. Moving your funds off of their main chain to Layer 2 and moving them back on-chain to their main blockchain. Once off-chain, there are no on-chain/gas fees and transactions are settled instantly making it ideal for high-frequency trading.

>With more users going towards Layer 2 solutions, Stakenet is a great choice because of its inevitable connection to all other chains.
>They’ve ensured their long term survival because of Bitcoin’s lightning network infrastructure. Any other project that implements the lightning network is instantly compatible with Stakenet.

>Stakenet utilizes their arbitrage/liquidity mining functionality dubbed “Vortex” by their community which is connected to any Centralized Exchange (CEX) or Decentralized Exchange (DEX) that allows API access. Vortex allows users to trade on the DEX and access the liquidity within the other exchanges order books, such as Binance, by utilizing the instant transactions to complete orders on the opposing exchange with confidence.


>> No.26342673

Stakenet is a fork of Dash.

Who gives a fuck? Fuck off with this scam.

>> No.26342688

Thanks for the bump

>> No.26342717
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The momentum of the cryptocurrency space has snowballed exponentially over the past decade. Each market cycle to this point has brought a cornucopia of new strides and breakthroughs in blockchain technology. The rapid growth has led to immense profits for an uncountable number of long-term participants.

Adoption continues to spread with increased institutional backing and consumer payment channels. Indeed, all signs point to cryptocurrencies reaching a new plateau on the stage of global commerce. An essential question must be asked at this transitory junction in what appears to be the early stages of another bull market. How far will profit allow the underlying blockchain technology to deviate away from the roots of its essence and justification? There is no better source to reflect upon than the Cypherpunk Manifesto.

That which ages among the best is that which only becomes more biting and significant over time. Originally published by Eric Hughes in March of 1993, the Cypherpunk Manifesto has a short, sweet, and directly to the point message with an especially understated foresight about it that’s decades ahead of its time. It is a must-read for any digital native. It emphasizes the essence of digital privacy, decentralization, censorship-resistance/immutability, and the freedom to remain anonymous at-will. It argues that these principles be made manifest for any form of communication or commerce. Its backbone lies with every individual coder who cherishes the fruits of civil liberties and dares to counter and obsolete the many intrusive and invasive forms of technology with open-source, cryptographically effective solutions for the greater good of society.

>> No.26342739
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These were the principles that Bitcoin was constructed with and designed to honor. While its inherent technology stays true to this nature (mining aside), the infrastructure that has been built up around it is flawed by design and sacrifices a good number of strengths and freedoms. Most notably are the many vulnerable points of exchange run by central authorities on trust where funds are at risk to be frozen or stolen, KYC (know your customer) policies, and the traceability, restrictions, and risks that come from these two points.

Shortly after BTC found a value that could be directly pegged to the USD (and with the USD, every global currency), a number of exchanges offering trade between the two opened for business. The first of these exchanges was the infamous Mt. Gox which implemented KYC policies by 2011 before exit scamming in early 2014. KYC policies were initially introduced to comply with the many regulations regarding the exchange of various fiat currencies for crypto in addition to demanding a deeper sense of customer accountability. Up until the point that they were introduced, the only sure way it would have been possible to trace specific addresses is if the recipient publicly disclosed their wallet address. KYC brought a considerably more advanced form of traceability with it. In addition to e-mail addresses and bank accounts, everything from names, addresses, full ID info, and pictures of each and every customer became tethered to their respective deposit and withdrawal history. Though somewhat convoluted with the nature of exchange wallets, there are patterns that can be followed and traced.

As BTC continued to grow, so did the number of its forks and competing cryptocurrencies pegged to its value in satoshis. The forks grew to be numerous and with them, the number of centralized C2C exchanges where you could trade them for BTC. Like the fiat-to-crypto exchange points before them, KYC was implemented on numerous C2C exchanges as well.

>> No.26342748

This project was dogshit 3 years ago and it is dogshit now. Learn.

>> No.26342758
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Centralized exchanges of all sorts are perhaps the weakest link in entire cryptocurrency space. They have repeatedly proven to be weak in terms of security. This year alone, the following exchanges have been compromised: Binance, Bithumb, Coinbene, Coinbin, Cryptopia, and QuadrigaCX. What’s worse, they’ve sacrificed many of the core principles of the cypherpunks that built Bitcoin in the first place.

How can crypto be censorship-resistant and immutable if exchanges can decide to freeze funds or put a certain wallet into maintenance at whim? How can it be private if every account has every bit of trade, deposit, and withdrawal history it has done tethered to its name? How can it be anonymous at-will if full documentation is demanded, sometimes as a ransom for frozen funds? How can it be secure when billions of dollars have been hijacked from weak security? It could be argued that these exchanges are the antithesis of the cypherpunks: an easily-exploitable honeypot of funds and user data with a central authority.

>> No.26342781
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Consider the efforts of the X9 Developers building Stakenet. True to the nature of the cypherpunks, they have been working to make these numerous vulnerabilities in the cryptocurrency infrastructure obsolete. To strengthen censorship-resistance and decentralization in this space, they have been implementing an immutable and purely decentralized exchange into their network where no central authority can freeze funds, where exit scamming is impossible, and where security is as tight as the blockchain technology it runs atop. To restore the principle of at-will anonymity, their immutable DEX will have no KYC, nor will it require registered accounts. In the interests of privacy, they have built a solution that allows for one-click TOR lightning swaps that strengthen the privacy of every participating coin and the Lightning Network itself. To strengthen the nature of the decentralized exchanges that are already out there, they are working on a DEX aggregator that pools together the offerings of many promising DEXes suffering from low volume or difficulty of use.

>> No.26342802
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Put briefly, this team has the foresight and skill to acknowledge and address the numerous risks and shortcomings that anyone coin may face the second it is sent from a private wallet to any other point in trust. They are compounding these solutions into one streamlined and convenient wallet where funds are firmly secured, trustlessly staked, and instantly tradable from one singular point.

To build up the world of cryptocurrency is to honor the ways of the cypherpunks and carry on their torch. It is to fight for freedom from the intrusiveness and corruption of centralized authorities by obsoleting them. It is preserving the privacy of funds, resisting mutability, and decentralizing any and everything which stands to benefit from it. Whether that be a store of value, the means by which that value is secured and traded, or the platforms on which these mechanisms are discussed. This era of mass-censorship, intrusiveness, digital balkanization, and monopolies from many of the premier digital spaces not only shows how right they were 26 years ago but that there is still a considerable amount of work to do.

>> No.26342844

>tier 1 exchange listing
>FUDers still as desperate as ever

not sure if you kids are aware, but tier 1 exchanges have to do a high amount of due dilligence on any project they list. they have a strict critirea and will only list genuine products.

All fraudulent accusations were nullified the day Bitfinex, the exchange of iFinex, who also owns Tether and is one of the most influential forces in crypto, decided to list XSN.

>> No.26342875
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(X) I know DEFI is the entire purpose of crypto. Its why btc was created. So we can be our own bank.

(X) I know BTC did not succeed because it didn't scale and for btc to succeed now it requires lightning network. For similar reasons, I know for eth to succeed, connext is required.

(X) I know a DEX with atomic swaps is too slow to be commercially feasible. A lightning and connext dex is required.

(X) I know people are fearful of trading on CEX due to situations like Cryptopia and Quadriga.

(X) I know XSN is the only project with a true dex integrating lightning and connext. It will allow people to trade peer to peer directly from their computer. They always hold their coin. Never transfer to an exchange.

(X) I know XSN has an actual working product available for public beta testing, and full launch date being announced this month

(X) I know XSN is not a project that talks. They just do. I don't have to worry about an exit scam.

(X) I know XSN masternodes will process transactions on the dex and will receive the fees.

If all of the above are true, FUDers will be swinging from lamp posts and Stakeholders will be sailing into the sunset on superyachts.

>> No.26342938
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Each of the following coins below are layer 1 DEX's with a native currency, or otherwise has a use case that will be rendered obsolete by Stakenet DEX:

UNI $2,000,000,000
SNX $1,850,000,000
SUSHI $850,000,000
LRC $470,000,000
ZRX $405,000,000
KNC $240,000,000
CRV $215,000,000
BNT $178,000,000
1INCH $100,000,000

This is a combined market share of roughly $6,300,000,000. There are many more layer 1 projects, and the real number is much higher.

Stakenet DEX will render all layer 1 DEX's obsolete.


And unlike the majority of these shitcoins, Stakenet actually has utility and is required to run the network.

I expect XSN to exceed this valuation by the end of the year. And this is not even taking into account the market share of the existing CEX's that XSN will absorb.

>> No.26343048
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Checked, fudders seething hard after the btc-usdt drop.

>> No.26343626

was it rashid or ganesh who tasked you with the creation of this thread?

>> No.26343639
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>> No.26343897

Thanks for the bump

>> No.26343948

Why write a wall of text? Just tell people to buy Dash since this shitcoin is a fork of Dash.

End thread.

>> No.26344005
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Thanks for the bump

>> No.26344040
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This is STRAIGHT from the CTO of Bitfinex in late November:


>1. I believe that DEXes are a key component for the future of crypto, but current DEXes are easy targets (as in liquidity providers, token holders, companies promoting the product, eventually will cash out from CEXes) hence their best feature to me is being non custodial.

>2. But then you can still have non-custodial solutions with central high perf matching

>3. If you want to have a real DEX it has to be P2P, with a network structure similar to #LightningNetwork You can still have central matching and P2P settlement and thousands of micro-exchanges.

>4. @bitfinex is working to provide a standardized interface to centralised matching for non-custodial exchanges. This is the next frontier.

>5. Then if you want to build the next unstoppable underground cyberpunk DEX I'm with you. Why it is not born yet such product? Because in order to make it unstoppable it won't generate profits for the developers but just for who runs a micro exchange node.

Everything he describes here aligns with XSN. He then proceeds to get several replies from XSN shills on twitter detailing the project.

Granted, we already had an anon here at the start of september claiming the XSN devs have a 'deal behind closed doors with a top 10 CEX to pull billions of $ in volume through the DEX'....

More 'larp' posts drip feed over the months, including one in november that claims a deal was reached in early september and they were under NDA, so they couldn't discuss it. If we search the discord history, we see the devs refer to the fact that they are under NDA several times...

Then we can start looking at Bitfinex and it's history, its ownership, and see why it's owners would clearly be very motivated to possess the utility that Stakenet will provide.

>> No.26344324

Multi-Currency Wallet and Lightning Swaps — Stakenet Solution

Whilst a lot of blockchain projects are struggling with scalability and trying to prove their decentralization, Stakenet (XSN) is swiftly moving forward in creating interchain capabilities and services that will help in fulfilling its vision of a trustless profit-driven economy. In this article, we will be discussing two important pillars that we are pioneering to provide a highly secure interchain economy for cryptocurrencies and making the world free of centralization.
>Stakenet Multi-Currency Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is an important and integral component of the cryptocurrency universe. It is a secure digital wallet which helps in storing and transacting digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Most of the coins and tokens have their official wallets but with changing times a lot of independent third-party wallets have surfaced providing a variety of features. Here comes the problem; for every cryptocurrency that a user holds, he also requires a wallet to store it, thus making it cumbersome for the holder to have so many wallets.

Stakenet provides a solution to this problem as Stakenet’s Masternode Network will hold databases and run full nodes of multiple blockchains allowing Stakenet to create a wallet that can securely send, receive and confirm a transaction on separate blockchains. These separate blockchains are held in the second layer which communicates with the first layer nodes providing users a single wallet which can house multiple wallets.

>> No.26344337

>Lightning Swaps

With decentralization slowly finding its roots in today’s world, people are showing an inclination towards replacing centralized intermediates with decentralized ones. Although the acceptance of a complete decentralized organization is still distant, there has been the emergence of a lot of services which now help people in carrying out transactions without an intermediate party. Atomic Swaps are one of these. In simple terms, an Atomic Swap is a smart contract technology that enables the exchange of one cryptocurrency for another without using centralized intermediaries, such as an exchange.
In August 2018, we released a new Lightning upgrade along with the implementation of Lightning Network and Atomic Swaps. The combination of Lightning Network along with Atomic Swap allowed the execution of “Lightning Swap” which is an instant and nearly fee-less cross chain trade. The successful execution of Lightning Swap has taken us a step closer to our trustless one-click Lightning Swap solution which provides the user with a unique interoperable peer to peer solution that is only available with Stakenet.
To elaborate, Lightning nodes validate transactions between two separate chains. A Lightning node is an endpoint communicator that should have data from both chains. In other words, it needs to monitor both chains and thus is able to validate the transaction. With the upcoming development of the Multicurrency Wallet, Masternodes will be holding the separate chains in a decentralized manner, so you won’t need to download both chains. The Masternodes will also provide Watchtower services, so if anything goes wrong it will execute automated scripts to claim the punishment rewards.

>> No.26344359

>Stakenet Solution

Crypto exchanges are the mainstay support for the cryptocurrency market as they allow trading of coins thus providing liquidity. Even after being such an important component of the crypto markets, most exchanges are centralized and are operated out of a single central server making them vulnerable to hacking or forced closure by the regulatory authorities. Also, once a user places a trade with a centralized exchange, their coins leave their possession and are stored with the exchange, thus making the user lose the utility and benefits that one receives from the coins. These are some of the potential risks which Stakenet aims to answer with its proposed Stakenet dx (Cross-Chain Lightning Swaps).

With important components such as the Multicurrency wallet and Lightning Swap in place, we are only a few steps away from creating this solution. There are some DEX’s which are currently operating but all of them have some vulnerabilities of centralization, whereas Stakenet would be the first to operate a completely decentralized solution which would be entirely run by Masternodes and not supported by a centralized entity.

>> No.26344371

Apart from that, the other advantages of the Stakenet’s Cross-Chain Lightning Swaps are:

>The coins which the users hold never leaves them unless the transaction is completed giving them unlimited access to their coins.
>With coin in their wallets, they also benefit from all the utilities, features and staking rewards of the coin.
>The user remains anonymous as he doesn’t have to provide any Know Your Customer (KYC) details to anyone providing the user with complete anonymity and freedom to trade fearlessly.
>Not being in hands of central authorities, the Stakenet dx cannot be shut down by anyone, not even Stakenet.
>All transactions are done on a peer to peer basis without the involvement of a central authority, making the transaction more secure and less expensive as the fees are lower.

>> No.26344387

The question is what’s the point of a native token on a chain that facilitates Lightning Swaps?
There have been two main criticisms of Lightning Network thus far:

1. Decentralization
2. Liquidity

By using the XSN native blockchain to host a one-click Lightning Swap solution, it gives the advantage of utilizing its second layer Masternode collateral to solve both of these issues.
Masternode collateral can only be achieved by using a native blockchain, since the rules need to be baked into the first layer to have secure Masternode’s in the first place, so you cannot use DApps or off-chain tokens to have the same effect or solve the problems that require a dedicated Masternode network.

With our native blockchain you will be able to take this collateral and allow Masternode owners to make that collateral work for them by generating fees from routing Lightning payments, becoming Watchtowers, holding other chains, providing Light Wallet TX broadcasting services and liquidity for the Lightning Network as a whole.
Furthermore, all major infrastructures will be built using Masternodes to provide a decentralized service without hurting normal users on the base protocol.

XSN users and owners will be rewarded accordingly via demands for XSN to set up these Masternodes or using it as a medium of exchange, because it will be one of the most liquid Lightning Networks necessary for high volume trading and general payments.

This is one of the major selling points along with other exciting capabilities our second layer will allow in the future. As new technologies regarding smart contracts, DApps, and scaling come into the scene we will also be able to uniquely solve problems that these technologies might face using the same approach we are taking with Lightning for example.

>> No.26344460

In short, all services running on the Masternode network will generate fee’s that will be paid in XSN in one way or another. Many users may not even realize they have paid in XSN as it will all be handled by Lightning swaps in the background. For example, if someone wants to trade BTC/LTC then the fee will be initially collected in BTC, however this BTC will be converted into XSN via a Lightning Swap in the background. That XSN will then be distributed back to the MN holders for providing the services.

This will happen for every service that is run on the XSN Masternode network, such as the Privacy features and upcoming DApps. We believe this economic model will provide a constant demand for XSN with fees collected constantly being converted to XSN and then distributed back to Masternode holders.

We have also partnered with professional trader Frank Amato (current Block 5 Capital Co-Founder, Former Executive Director of JP Morgan, Former Managing Director of Bear Stearns), to help design the Stakenet dx, as he provides insights on how the one-click Lightning Swaps can meet the expectations and requirements of seasoned traders. It will have a “Pro-Trader Mode” which will serve ambitious and also seasoned retail fund investors.

>> No.26344676

Why is XSN being a fork of DASH considered a FUD?

>> No.26344813

Because both dash and xsn are shitcoins that didn't do nothing.

>> No.26344837

Also, how do you guys run masternodes? Do you guys rent a server or do you actually run one at home?

>> No.26344944

Does the rewards if XSN outweigh the cost of renting a server to run the masternode?

>> No.26345393

Thanks for the bump

Read the OP. It's there for a reason.

>> No.26345638

With MNaaS, in which you use the XSN cloud service but retain your own coins, the cost is something like $0.1 cents a day per Masternode and the rewards are many times higher, so it's not a problem. Refer to OP for the MNaaS guide

>> No.26345690

Yes, it's outweighed the cost of the server even when it was sub 15cents.

>> No.26346101
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Friendly reminder.

>> No.26346194

>masternodes in 2021


Aleph is what RLC could have done. Hope you're not stuck bagholding dead shitcoin scams this year.

>> No.26346222

Cope harder sanjay.

>> No.26346273

Thanks for the bump

>> No.26346291

bitfinex was a bust. what's next?

>> No.26346301

>bitfinex was a bust
>4th largest exchange
>over 800k volume
Kys faggot.

>> No.26346518

>A tier 1 exchange listing was a bust

What did he mean by this?