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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 774x606, morningbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26339819 No.26339819 [Reply] [Original]

hello friends :)

I just want to make sure you don't waste your money on the filthy scammers that are abusing our board for their Rubic scam.

I know it is very annoying because they don't stop flooding our board - but I have a little trick for you in case you don't know it:

You can use the filter and enter the words "Rubic" "RBC" etc. and viola, the board is free of the spam.

I wish you all that you get rich some time and that you don't fall for scams like Rubic.


>> No.26340058

Funny thing about these threads, there is absolutely no information on how they are scamming people. I've only seen that there was a lie told that liq was not locked. It was. And someone inspect element saying biz was going to dump. Also fake and gay. These posts are now officially shill posts to buy rbc. Amazing to think

>> No.26340174

imagine the smelle of belle

>> No.26340361

Thanks. I almost bought but now I guess I will just buy ADA.

>> No.26340411

Filter or blocking is absolutely reddit tier.

>> No.26340415

that is a very good choice :) ADA is a great project.

>> No.26340454

if scammers are constantly shilling something worthless it gets annoying you know? Why not filtering the scammers?

>> No.26340532

Its a PND scam you fucking dope.

>shill coin like mad
>get shit loads of people to buy by shilling effectively 100xing it
>coordinate sell offs
>keep shilling during sellouts
>dont sell too much as to not scare people off
>know EXACTLY when to buy and when to sell by doing this

Why do you fucking think its been swinging wildly between .10 and .20?

>> No.26340574

you are right friend. the scammers of course will say it's not true for obvious reasons.

>> No.26341400

friendly bump :^)

>> No.26342253
File: 116 KB, 720x720, 1608096198993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.26342417

Rubic remind me of SAFEX,
Stay away from scams, specially those who promise dividends and founders have Polish names.

>> No.26342474

roobic will be $20 EOY. You're just mad that you've been priced out. Should have bought last week like the rest of us when gas was $12. Sucks to be a loser, I guess.

>> No.26342510

>founders have Russian names
FTFY. That's why I never invested in Chainlink and ETH, it's all snow nigerian PND scam.

>> No.26342539

>inspect element
What does that mean?

>> No.26342543

He means jews, anon. But they're white.

>> No.26342615

I would unironically pay the million dollars she said in order to have sex with her, but only if i can creampie her multiple times.

>> No.26342665


If you don't DYOR. Never gonna make it anyways.

>> No.26343294

I don't have to imagine, I bought her panties for $50

>> No.26343382

She takes much less than a million, I would estimate it 10k.

>> No.26343472
File: 46 KB, 480x270, south-park-nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26343514
File: 63 KB, 720x720, HellofellowNPCs0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this board sometimes.
Imagine being an altcoiner in this scammy time period. Anything better than the dollar I suppose.

>> No.26343547

Thank you fren, need this. never stop spreading truth.

>> No.26343558

Found the brit

>> No.26343719

You use your web browser "inspect element" panel to change what appears on a website.

>> No.26343720

eth, link, and rubic are the future. btc is losing share and will continue losing share. when tether bursts, btc goes with it.