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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26334017 No.26334017 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck?

>> No.26334102

Short squeeze plus Ryan Cohen, founder of Chewy is involved and is looking to turn it around with e-commerce and more PC shit.

Mostly the shorts getting fucked.

t. 1200 shares.

should join us on wallstreetchads, you missed out on NIO, Palantir, BlackBerry JFL at cryptotards.

>> No.26334152
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>> No.26334160

It's called free cash flow, the Earnings of Champions.

>> No.26334168

>should join us on wallstreetchads
you mean wallstreetbets?
>short squeeze
what's that?

>> No.26334186

whats the next hot tip anon

>> No.26334213

people buy calls forcing market makers to hedge their short calls with long stock

>> No.26334270

BlackBerry is gonna moon, I just dumped 10k into it.

>> No.26334293


>> No.26334352

BB is ok. NOK is good as well. boomer tech is making a come back

>> No.26334372

I remember at least one anon who made that call to buy back then, looks like he was pretty much spot on.

>> No.26334410

BB hasnt peaked yet? Seems too late to buy in. NOK looks good.

>> No.26334471

NOK would be good but it has too many shares outstanding

>> No.26334499

Reddit has a huge boner for GME. I'm planning to buy puts for GME soon because the hype train is going to run out of lemonade soon.

BB is a fucking moon mission. Ive been loading my bags up of stock. Thought about calls but this shit is gold, so stock it is

>> No.26334621

wow u guys just picked upon this
wsb memed like 10 days about this stonink

also some melvin capital was short shares
and michael burry has 2.5 mil shares
also ryan choen jew on board apparenlty 10 pecent how much hnigher can it go like 50? never bought

>> No.26334672


>> No.26334692

We're gonna make it with BB, I am gonna load up more tomorrow and maybe buy some more if it starts dipping next week

we're gonna bare back to the moon nigga.

/biz/ is too retarded to deal with stonks, literally missing out on free money.

>> No.26334740
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He means /smg/ we have a much higher rate of success and have been way ahead of WSB.

>> No.26334783

>buying puts on 400% IV stock

>> No.26334821
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FOMOed in too quickly on BB calls but its been treating me well since. Similar thing happened to me when GME hit 21 and it turned out just fine.

>> No.26334859

I've heard tips they're getting into the banking sector

>> No.26334866
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Do you think uranium will moon in the next year like some are saying?

>> No.26334950
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>wants to turn gamestop into the "amazon of video games"
>amazon is literally already the amazon of videogames
he wants to compete against amazon? he knows we can buy games on amazon and get them delivered in 1-2 days right? what is his strategy other than triggering the short squeeze?

>> No.26334978

nice, i'm a UKfag so can't really do options trading so just have to bag hold shares.

>> No.26335032

>in 1-2 days right? what is his strategy other than triggering the short squeeze?
yeah, but fuck amazon.

>> No.26335050

Two things are crazy to me
>GME growth
>GME hodlers acting’s like it’s bitcoin a decade ago.

>> No.26335092
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You are stupid as shit for buying puts on GME. April puts are all above 180% IV don't be stupid. The majority of them are +190% IV.
Probably not Uranium my man. Steel.
Netflix used to mail dvds. Companies turn around. If Cohen comes out with a sexy plan that people like, the short squeeze will happen 100% and will likely hold at a decent level.

>> No.26335118

true. maybe if they get some cash from their new contract deals they will buy back some shares. Reminder NOK is still getting royalties from selling off their phone business

Im getting LEAPS for NOK. its a long term play

>> No.26335128

They may want to be acquired by amazon.

>> No.26335146


>> No.26335156

OTM weeklies or you're a fag.

>> No.26335304

people were talking about this one a couple months back too

>> No.26335418
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What cryptocurrency is this?

>> No.26335460
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What is the strategy?
> Experiential physical locations.
Think escape rooms, boardgame cafes that kind of shit where people drop hundreds of dollars on cardboard shit.
> Online cross platform subscription model.
You can see inklings of this with their Microsoft deal.
>900% increase in online sales
Cohen's main area of expertise is e-commerce. He picked a good industry like videogames to hitch his wagon to.
1. It's not a horse and buggy industry, its still growing exponentially.
2. "Gamers" are fanatical like pet owners. They identify with vidya and they have extremely high brand loyalty.
> Good balance sheet
Regardless of what happens GME is a value pick at $20. Debt is cheap and they are swimming in cash.
>Console Cycle
Influx of cash will give them the capital required to pursue a new short/medium/long term strategy.

>> No.26335493

you don’t browse /smg/?
they shilled this in the summer

>> No.26335522

Yes you can. Interactive brokers

>> No.26335557
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If BB moons do you think theyll make a Key3?

>> No.26335612

based, I use trading212 jfl.

>> No.26335677

>GME is a value pick at $20
It's $45 now friend

>> No.26335709

Why do you think Steel is going high?

>> No.26335756
File: 10 KB, 193x293, 51pL5WZlftL._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is “honest work”? Selling poisonous food to poisoned people? Selling useless shit to useless retards? Selling things to people that then sell those things too? In this moment, the noblest trade is mastering the art of leisure. I can’t think of a smarter person than someone who figures out a way to rob the modern world blind and never work again. I can’t think of a smarter person than someone who successfully leeches of government programs, with good taste of course. The best of all trade work is aristocracy. Our working class is completely dead inside; anyone who’s spent a day’s time around them can tell you this. The “honest work”- building dollar stores, mall temples, ratholes- it takes hostage the soul of many could-be heros. If “honest work” was human, he’d be charged with many crimes one of which against nature. God sits above and mourns the construction of yet another strip mall. It’s true, I’ve seen and felt him do so. God to me sometimes feels like a close and personal friend, and he looks constantly disappointed, even in me. He mourns destruction of his lush and hungry forests for GameStop number seven thousand and Chinese buffet number whatever. Those responsible for decision like these will pay dearly for this level of sin; you’d have to be a fucking idiot to think you escape free of punishment.

>> No.26335777

I know, but the bear argument is that it is going to be imminently bankrupt. Insane how reckless they were to continually short it at $4.

>> No.26335891

1300 shares here. He stock is going to $400+. Buy in before it’s too late. The short squeeze hasn’t even happened yet.

>> No.26335940

100 shares more than me, makes me sad mang.

>> No.26335995

Mike ma wasn’t this autistic

>> No.26336024

Because it already is high, its the highest its ever been. The share price of steel producers and iron miners hasn't reflected those increases.
Browse around.

>> No.26336033

NOK really needs a 10 for 1 reverse split like ODP did, preferably after NOK regains market share and has good earnings/balance sheet

>> No.26336090

i remember some anon created a thread shilling GME back in early sept. Never really visited /smg/ before that. Rest is history

>> No.26336099

Yeah, same. t212 isa for tax free profits. Interactive brokers for options

>> No.26336111

So which one would be more ideal, Nokia or Blackberry? Gamestop made me 300 dollars so I'm happy with it.

>> No.26336139

>what's that?
When you short something you sell first and buy back at a (hopefully) lower price. Everyone closes their shorts at once = Everyone is buying = green dildo = people fomoing on that green dildo

>> No.26336222
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Too soon or too late?

>> No.26336260

it'll print.

>> No.26336279

Much better off buying shares at this point. The IV is insanely high.

>> No.26336314

>NOK or BB
just split money in both. Although BB maybe more lucrative given they are jumping into EV software

>> No.26336416

BB is also going to be pumped by an insane amount of guys on WSB. There are probably 300 dedicated posters on /smg/, there are millions of people exposed to WSB. Read what is posted on that subreddit, its starting to get scary how retarded people are and the amount of new money flooding in. They have started a pretty incredible pump scheme.

>> No.26336457

Which steel stocks do you recommend?

>> No.26336594
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Cleveland Cliffs, Vale, US steel corp, Arcelor Mittal to name a few. Earnings are starting to roll in during February at the same time as the infrastructure proposals. The combination of the two will create massive upward pressure.

>> No.26336601

Buy more tomorrow

>> No.26336672

Page 36

>> No.26337497

A lot of us are balls deep in CLF calls because of some pothead Hungarian who brought this thesis to our attention.