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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26332028 No.26332028 [Reply] [Original]

Like many of the people here, I knew about the true evils of finance in the modern and old world.
We all know about the cult who prints money out of thin air and lends it to governments which they also created. (idiots, there is an eyeball on the top of a pyramid on your fucking money)
Many of you think it is impossible to overcome these cult members because of the TV, internet phones (lil tvs), and police keeping everyone in line. Neighbors ratting on neighbors over grass and noise... and much more sinister acts are prevalent throughout our society throughout the world generally.

The keys to our success are the same keys when there is no evil in the world. Think about that.
>Healthy Food/Real Medicine
>other types of energy and resource cultivation
>Education/7 Classic Liberal Arts

But the issue is that there is a cult which demands tribute through an erroneous claim of slavery over people with Natural Rights which exist throughout Nature. Natural Law. The issue is that we never fought back against the true culprits and instead chase boogeymen in caves who beat billion dollar NORAD.
This is a neglect of responsibility and the second pillar of enlightenment. Self Defense, the first being the NAP or Golden Rule.

>> No.26332040
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So what now?
Under Natural Law we have the right to use deadly force against violence, the initiation of force against another sentient being.
So the plan simply is to find a place in the world were we can live like there is not a government demanding taxes for property we rightfully own... and simply deny any and all of their intervention in our lives. When they decide to use the threat of deadly force with a squadron of FEDs of whatever may happen when the government decides that this group of people must not be allowed to continue doing what they are doing....
We simply fight and win or lose when it comes to that situation.
The satanic government either leaves us alone, or kills us all. No inbetween coercion like the life you live now.
Simply live free or die... and we only die because we decided not respond to their violent claims of slavery lightly.

>> No.26332152

Any candidates for places to pick up and move to?
I think Islands and coastlines are a decent idea.
Free range cattle along with sea life for heavy vitamins and minerals

There are many places to succeed on planet earth if you use natural systems

Where can we go?

>> No.26333008

The seasteading projects look interesting, but I think it will only take off if someone rich pioneers it first and invest in the initial infrastructure that a society like that would need. There is nowhere on land you can hide from state tyranny unless you disappear inawoods completely off-grid.

>> No.26333407

NIGGA just give me your demonic money

>> No.26333566

I have spent the last three months researching how to live on a boat for this exact reason. There's a reason the rich flock to mega yachts... they are better than private islands as you can relocate. All sovereign individuals and masters of the fourth turning will need to be mobile to operate outside of the one world government. Boating to safe havens seems like the only chance.