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File: 220 KB, 1280x887, sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26203145 No.26203145 [Reply] [Original]

>cosmos ibc main net final code released
sentinel will be one of the first projects to integrate with cosmos and be tradable on their cross chain dex, then sent will be traded against ATOM, cosmos hubs has massive amounts of liquidity that will be flowing into cosmos based assets like sentinel

>> No.26203170
File: 173 KB, 2400x1350, mxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^right now sentinel can be traded on uniswap , soon it will be available also on MXC

>> No.26203222
File: 794 KB, 1280x720, imagdddddddddde(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^here you can try the dVPN dapp for free (till main net)

^here you can check sentinel blockchain testnet speeds, general stats and validators

^here you can check SENT dVPN total sessions

^info about the liquidity pool

^here you can see the historic data on the dVPN userbase, currently it has 250k weekly users

So far 2 apps #dVPN apps have been built on Sentinel and more are coming.

Sentinel dVPN on Android:

Velocity dVPN on Android:

>> No.26203498

The cosmos narrative is finally materializing

>> No.26204584

yeap cosmos is about to moon hard , the stars are aligning

>> No.26204830

no thanks

>> No.26204851

make it stack ?

>> No.26204891

When moon. When pump. These are the questions little Rankesh asked himself every day. He soon was angry, that India could not make the Moon landing. After he sold his bag, enough shit fell off the rocket, to take us to mars. True story.

>> No.26204932

1m. Look how much Cosmos is pamping. The Cosmos is > than the Ethereal plane of Vitalik virgins.

>> No.26205288

Atom bag holder here. A lot of the top cosmos guys love sentinel and once Sentinel is integrated into cosmos I expect to see a big jump in price. I have a small bag of 1.2million sent but plan on selling 200k at 100million marketcap and staking the rest. Can you tell how much a VPN service will cost for me to set up?

>> No.26205355
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 20210104_105213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy SENT at 10 sats
You were here
>didn't buy SENT at 11 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 12 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 13 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 14 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 15 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 16 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 17 sats
You are now here
>didn't buy SENT at 18 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 19 sats
>didn't buy SENT at 20 sats

>> No.26205598
File: 77 KB, 1280x698, E66381BE-41EA-47E8-8696-C0FBD0CF8535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT only goes up and there is no stopping it. Parabola soon. Don’t miss out.

>> No.26205687

Same. I am an Atom whale. Everyone owns SENT. See you on the cosmos bro. Were leaving the infertile asteroid field of the Ethereal Vitaliks any day now.

>> No.26205823

I'm making $1k a month in staking fees. Until now I've been buying more atom but feel buying sent is going to pay off more in the long run from here.

>> No.26206066

Kek. Are you saying ethereum was temporal and the cosmos is eternal?
Dam you can net 1k a month? That's enough provable income to get perm residency in Costa Rica.

>> No.26206180

sentinel will be mainly traded on cosmos ratio, so it will outperform for sure, same as erc 20 outperformed eth during the ico boom

>> No.26206300

This is all alpha.

>> No.26206348

Cosmos is where it's at. Tell the sentinel Devs to get to Cosmos asap. I'm sure there is a genuine hold up though, Sentinel is an OG project and price WILL reflect that in the coming months. Uniswap has helped it become more liquid. And it shows.

>> No.26206426
File: 42 KB, 384x512, 20201212_090903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a better thing to stake SENT for the Lord than to hold shitcoins. He who sent forth his apostles without SENT had not need of SENT to form his Church. The Church possesses SENT, not to hoard, but to scatter abroad and come to the aid of the blue frogs.

>> No.26206612

COSMOS does not exist with out her projects. Same as ETH. You might want to ask, what came first. ETH, or the planning to make projects on ETH to make "eth" a thing....

>> No.26206657
File: 329 KB, 503x477, sent2433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gospel of the SENT guild will spread across the globe.

>> No.26206701

cosmos market maker with inbuilt leverage would be super dope, imagine how hard cosmos tokens would moon

>> No.26207201

Already being worked on AMM/Bal. In built leverage will be there to. People who don't understand Cosmos, are the same tards who were market buying eth after 100 USD kek.

>> No.26207991

Right now I can not even think of a better shitcoin to punt.

>> No.26208696

This is total bullshit. HAHAHAHAH

>> No.26209311
File: 97 KB, 1280x677, dvpnroadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel has that nice leveraged AMM being worked on

>> No.26210101
File: 1.51 MB, 320x180, men.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are sliding into a dystopian censored world, our duty as sovereign individuals with a strong online community is to inform and educate ourself on how to circumvent goverment restrictions, and spread alternative narratives trough red pills ,memes.

>> No.26210919
File: 648 KB, 800x800, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags often seethe in anger or humor. Its cute. Move on poorfag, this is for big boys only.

>> No.26211524

It's dead just give up

>> No.26212166

Should be a huuuuge red flag to people that this project is that old with so little to show. I think many new readers assume it came out this year.

>> No.26212916

dude sentinel has literally multiple products with 250k weekly users

>> No.26213602

dvpn is not needed just use nord

>> No.26214098

Exactly why should I use this over nord.

Besides cheese pizza.

>> No.26214918

until I see this on larger exchanges or delivering on its promises I'm not buying any more.

>> No.26215807

v3 should come before the end of the month ios was already released to the community

>> No.26216348


And why exactly should I use nord instead of sentinel?

>> No.26217093

nobody is building on cosmos only looser projects like sentinel are

>> No.26217739
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, private-mecca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can own Sentinel and be happy, or you can eat bugs, up to you lads...

>> No.26218460
File: 120 KB, 1280x1001, SENT always wein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a solumn obligation to buy SENT anytime it's in the red.

>> No.26219237

sentinel shill squad reminds me of alley cats who want some tuna, shut the fuck up already

>> No.26219304

imagine missing out on this

>> No.26220235

The poorfags in the SENT threads are going to regret when this turns into a parabolic nigger.

>> No.26220912

Ok bought 100k, cosmos is mooning this coin will follow

>> No.26221719

sentinel is used in regions that actually need safety from government surveillance

>> No.26222410


>> No.26223116
File: 28 KB, 512x302, branded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will sentinel routers come?

>> No.26223401

moon soon sirs, please buy sent my family is hungry

>> No.26224125

Arabs are to stupid for Sentinel

>> No.26224835

i bought sent and caught herpes

>> No.26225430

Vicotry is near boys. Sent to 250m market cap.

>> No.26226000

dead project

>> No.26226574

Sentinels are growing! very nice to see!

>> No.26227133

sent shills will be gone soon

>> No.26227832

Sentinel is the next pop culture.

>> No.26227969

UNLESS they show some progress on gifthub, this project is a real redflag

>> No.26228556

You people are so dumb.
You thought that the shilling was the Discord group. And you were correct.

Then you saw all the Pajeet FUD and sold. How did you not realize the pajeetposters were the same exact people who’d been shilling SENT?

We knew SENT was legit. So we pumped it, dumped it, and bought even more.

>> No.26228669
File: 50 KB, 760x491, SENT Blessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thread ended on such a positive note. It'd be a shame if more people weren't able to see it.

>> No.26229358

sent reports fake users data

>> No.26229881

100k. 1M is next level making it. If everyone held 1M, there would only be 2000 holders on the planet. A lot more than 2000 people will want this coin.

>> No.26230574

What are the speeds like on Sentinal?

>> No.26231266
File: 871 KB, 767x767, shrek-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

privacy is about cost and man hours vs value of the target.
making the surveillace cost rise is an accomplishment worth in itself, we might never reach perfect privacy but we can for sure reach good enough privacy.
the more people use privacy tools the more safe we are hide in the crowd

>> No.26231880

SENT doesn't force any utility token upon people, sentinel thanks to being built on tendermint it will allow to pay in ANY crypto (included BTC XMR ETH etc...) thanks to the interblockchain communication protocol

>> No.26232738

sentinel threads are giving amazing exposure to cosmos

>> No.26233414

The best thing sentinel has over other dvpn project is the ability to be currency agnostic thanks to tendermint and ibc.
Forcing consumers to use a shitcoin and learn how to use eth gas creates crazy amounts of friction, no dvpn project on ethereum or dapp will ever reach mass adoption for this reason

>> No.26234220

How many janitors does it take to get to the bottom of a Sentinel node bros?

>> No.26234490

ok explain cosmos atom and sent, are they different coins or something else? I'm willing to drop $250.

>> No.26235116

How about like a p2p encrypted network where anyone with a browser plugin pools resources? Like if you have 100kbs a portion of this is afforded to other random network members. Random geographic position would be important not to cluster even though it would cost latency

>> No.26235828

HEHE the anger, the jannies. It makes me warm and comfy anons. Were going to make it.

>> No.26236560

How much you fud is = to how poor you are. SENT is going to 1$.

>> No.26237306

I can smell your curry from here Rajesh.

You know, I took a trip to New Delhi last year and stayed there for 3 months for a job with the UN. During that time, I fucked so many of your women :) they were so easy to get and I didn't use protection with half of them. After fucking them, alot of them would tell me how they'd never date "regular Indian men".

How does it feel knowing that your own women find you disgusting and even the beautiful ones are so willing to give their pussy to an average white guy?

Hahahahaha don't worry brah, you can have my sloppy seconds.

>> No.26238034
File: 188 KB, 1155x764, senttoEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the make it stack?

>> No.26238594


>> No.26238683
File: 3.95 MB, 2400x1600, QmXSLw2oCjDCodjRmwS5oMVaQWxHE4wuK73uA3bJW7YTsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1m or bust

>> No.26239566
File: 361 KB, 720x472, Stop Fake News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel protects freedom of speech, and the first amendement.

>> No.26240460

how do i launch my own dvpn on top of sentinel?

>> No.26240493

the lair of the globohomo

burn it to ashes.

>> No.26241532

The CPU is the new hand cannon. The pesant destroyed the knight with his hand cannon. What do nigger. Run a SENT node. If you get it you get it.

>> No.26241543

the poo are selling!!!!

>> No.26242326
File: 95 KB, 1193x670, sentinel_virtues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is what you will think about the day you die poor thinking how much better your life could had been

>> No.26243082

Please save us. EU is cucked.

>> No.26243840

Run a sent node, and make the jannies seethe. They fear the Sentinel.

>> No.26243865


>> No.26244701

Bitcoin disrupted centralized banking and fiat control. Sentinel will disrupt centralized bandwidth, censorship, and internet surveillance for billions of people around the globe.

They both share the same values of privacy and freedom. Both are here to fight for your right to information and freedom of speech.

Why would you not support the decentralization of bandwidth and privacy?

Do you enjoy having your data sold and spied on?

Do you enjoy having every move online tracked and logged in a giant database?

Do you not value privacy and freedom of speech and unrestricted access to information?

>> No.26245512

The highest alpha in a market is something that usually deconstructs value systems or completes value systems. This can be for better or for worse. Sentinel has huge alpha here. Its the next moral defualt as internet standard.

>> No.26246240

While I think tendermint/cosmos will be the basis for a lot of new platforms, I don't think ethereum dapps will go away entirely.

One downside to the tendermint architecture is that each hub needs its own validators. This can make getting new projects off the ground more difficult when compared to a dapp that can use the existing eth validators.

Another piece is being able to use tendermint to wrap assets and push them onto the ETH Blockchain. Existing dexs may be able to use this to avoid a migration. I'm curious to see how easy this interoptibility can get- it may be possible to have the best of both worlds and use cosmos only as an integration layer for small dapps that may not have enough users to get a large validation group.

Still super bullish on cosmos. I just don't think it'll replace eth just yet. It made tradeoffs for the sake of interoptibility, and it may not make sense as a platform for every dapp yet.

If someone created a platform within cosmos for these smaller dapps to live within via some sort of VM that can share validators then I think it can become the be all end all.

>> No.26246855

don't trust the brown skin

>> No.26247485

wen flags

>> No.26248112

show hand

>> No.26248115

Ready for the relaxed whale life.

>> No.26248617

The backbone of the SENT ecosystem is the Proof-of-Bandwidth protocol and the relay network.

>> No.26249238
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1000, Get In! All Are Welcome!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stack was 2m, now it’s 10m

The longer you wait, the more it will cost you

Have you missed the boat?


>> No.26249271
File: 443 KB, 760x502, SENT IsReal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Sentinel is Israeli you absolute brainlet

>> No.26249762

How much does this cost a month as a regular internet user? Lets say 50-100gb a month. How much can I expect to pay for the service.

>> No.26250268

lmao nobody is using this shit it seems

>> No.26250875
File: 44 KB, 363x551, young.dvpn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run a node bros.

>> No.26251545
File: 831 KB, 800x534, museum2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently as i explained above there are 3 ways to get exposure to sentinel ecosystem:
-get some SENT coins
-run a dVPN node
-run a validator node (for SENT DPOS blockchain)

>> No.26252124

dVPNs will change the privacy landscape like uber changed the taxi landscape, everybody will be able to host relay nodes to earn from tehir unused bandwidth without having security risk, and with the cryptocurrencies earned you will be able to pay to make your browsing session private, bandwisth will become the first digital commodity (like oil wood etc...).
because the network is decentralized and number of hops can be customized he exit node will be unable to know the original user who requested the data.
also one of the most important things is the provable encryption and tunneling . Your VPN provider may say AES 128 encrypted but are you sure?
you cannot trust the centralized VPN providers (unanimously irrefutable claim with solid references) as they are capable of altering the routing protocols and also removing the encryption layer.
If anyone attempted to edit the Sentinel VPN exit node docker images, the node itself wouldn't be able to connect to the network to provide service. That means you are ASSURED that the node does what it says it will do. Unlike no other commercial VPN out there.

>> No.26252970

what a faggot thread. you should all be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.26253677
File: 179 KB, 953x1280, leap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent deserves this Pump whatever the fudders might Say this Is a project with actual users and a working product

>> No.26254374
File: 303 KB, 421x614, SENTINEL SHIELD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not buying this when it's literally guaranteed to be 200 million mcap by eoy

>> No.26254414

The validator thing is a valid critique, but it depends on who your market is. Cosmos will tend to cater towards project teams with more capital at their disposal. Groups that WANT control over their validators and chains for internal reasons (Binance Chain for instance. They don't want other validators fucking up their internal coin model because it could negatively impact their exchange/product) I think this is in line with your second statement about smaller projects using ETH/DOT with provided validators/chain security.

Your take is solid, amigo.

>> No.26255280

just sold all my sentinels

>> No.26256103
File: 98 KB, 560x787, WOMANSENTINEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Stinky SENTies

>> No.26256961

how high of a price can you see this reaching?

>> No.26257416

>-get some SENT coins
I just want to use the damn thing. I'll buy the coins or whatever. I'm looking for an estimate of how much it costs per GB to use the service. I'm not looking to invest, I'm not looking to become some node or whatever. I'm just a regular user that wants a VPN, HOW MUCH IS IT? Right now I can go to any vpn service and they'll tell me how much it'll cost me to use the service. If Sentinel cannot do the same it will always be a fringe service nobody but the same people who invested in it hoping for a moon will use.

>> No.26258085

shill me on this coin, /sent/. why should I choose this coin over others? I understand the privacy aspect, but other coin like monero have similar benefits. how do I know it’ll moon?

>> No.26258193

see >>26252124

>> No.26258937
File: 527 KB, 598x586, Shortcut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nordvpn and they assure me the logs are deleted. wtf?

>> No.26259756

Sent is dead, I'm sorry

>> No.26259794

what's the suicide stack for SENT?

>> No.26260727
File: 3.09 MB, 320x178, eu and dvpn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will buy some sentinel when i get the next paycheck

>> No.26261580

This is a pump and dump scam. Fuck off SENTjeets. Not buying your shitcoin.

>> No.26261709

are you going to give any proof or...?

>> No.26262560

centralized logs from "no logging" vpns have been used in courts many times, dvpn is the only solution

>> No.26263463

Biz of all people should be encouraging more privacy solutions. I don’t have any SENT but hope they succeeded in a creating a truely decentralized VPN.

>> No.26264245
File: 29 KB, 600x600, poke-sent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poorfag fears the Sentinel, its a mystery of the ages. One that is simply solved by getting some of this alpha.

>> No.26264989

The virus is here anon. many downloads in china where people are heavily censored. The censorship has just begun. Notice the trends, de-platforming, increase in totalitarian regimes. Don't forget the creepy companies like facebook twitter. The internet and the people need proper tooling to survive this cultural onslaught against the fundamental natures of privacy and fungible data sets. the legacy markets will not provide it due to their parasitic nature benefiting on it all. The only place such tooling can come is grass roots capitalism

>> No.26265097

Daily Reminders:

> poorfag fears the sentinel
> ccp fears the sentinel
> glowies fear the sentinel

>> No.26265821

the pajeet Dev team are all trannies using sent to pay for their dilation surgery. YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL WOMAN

>> No.26266034

the anti-SENT shilling has never stopped, has never changed, has never become more sophisticated than the same few tired unsourced claims. i'd say it's bullish but it's so weak and low-effort that it's just confusing. and they've kept it up for years. very, very strange.

>> No.26266595

Sentinel should integrate with Tor, so that whoever runs a Tor node can get payed

>> No.26267428

the targeted users are simply people that want a cheaper and more secure dVPN.
not only it will be cheaper because based on consumption, but you will also be able to cut costs completely "host a node during the night browse for free during the day" with main net release node hosting will be inbuilt in the wallet and very easy to use, consumers will be able for example to pay their netflix subscription by hosting a relay node (a type of node that never comes in contact with the end dat but only routes it to a exit node) relay nodes will ensure no risk for consumers.

>> No.26268075

God I'm getting bored. When is this going to pump again?

>> No.26268813

I was buying this when volume was less than 500 bucks a day, everyone was fudding, now were hitting 200k plus and alt season is upon us. WEB 3.0 pumps will be greater than defi.

>> No.26269593

ATOM value comes from staking
DOT value comes from staking
XTZ value comes from staking
ETH value will come from staking
SENT value will come from staking

staking is the next big trend, most DPOS chains have not really pumped yet

>> No.26270209

I used sentinel to watch porn at work, it didn't work and now my IT department know I visited Blacked.com is there anyone on telegram that can help me delete the history?

>> No.26270250

fake fud

>> No.26270378


>> No.26270533
File: 188 KB, 700x596, Hit this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue frog gang unite

Search $SENT on twitter

You’ll be blown away

This shit is going 100x

>> No.26270749

>>26270533 (checked)
not saying i disagree with the fact that this is going to 100x, but get the hell off twitter

>> No.26271370

code proficiency looks like that of a kid with down syndrome

>> No.26271933

lmao the pajeets have sold, its over

>> No.26272624

>sentinel upcoming releases:
-public release of the IOS app
-V3 client update with microservice api
-wireguard integration
-private nets
-Sentinel Node Management Tools
-incentivized tendermint 3 blockchain testnet
-main net launch of sentinel DPOS blockchain

>> No.26273110

you think we'll be able to see the fudders from the moon?

>> No.26273686

The luddites are to uneducated to understand math, concepts like fungible data, and the control of information packages thru distributed node networks. You can't expect normies to understand a path to freedom.

>> No.26274313
File: 168 KB, 1196x1188, trade-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel is probably one of the few usecases that actually needs crypto to work, for a dVPN censorship resistance and the ability to create a common market for bandwidth is the most important feature

sentinel will unlock an untapped market of unused bandwidth across the world. amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving to everybody a global pltform on which to sell and buy goods

sentinel will do the same, it will give to everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a provable way on an open and decentralized market without middlemans.

>> No.26274961

want to feel sick? take a look at the sent charts

>> No.26275599
File: 40 KB, 640x640, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT is listing on Yobit soon. Big news Ruskie bros.

>> No.26276220

sentinel is one of the biggest red pills in crypto

>> No.26276860
File: 2.06 MB, 1304x1967, dull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin started on bitcoin talk anon. one of the last OG ones.

>> No.26277522


>> No.26278349

Only faggots like privacy

It is self evident

>> No.26278898
File: 86 KB, 1080x1026, bopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built an app that tracks /biz

Pascal, link, now sent it seems.

>> No.26279551

ive been dollar cost averaging slowly into SENT and selling part of my other shitcoins cause it has shown amazing strenght against BTC last time it dumped

>> No.26280211
File: 64 KB, 1200x627, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P2p networks are the next big thing. SENT is one of the first ground breaking platforms in this arena. The fudsters are fking clueless. Stupid shitcoiners.

>> No.26280919

Someone needs to make a "virgin surveillance coin" vs a "chad sentinel" meme.

>> No.26281632

sent team will pnd on you and you will not be able to report to authorities cause team is anon

>> No.26282314


>> No.26283012

sent is only on scam exchanges

>> No.26283670
File: 111 KB, 1536x839, the-sovereign-boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Bannon runs a few Sent nodes I hear...

>> No.26284398

>Hummmmmm bugggg

>I'm all in SENT. Just got myself another bag.

>Hello. Just got myself a bag.

>A bag? Yeah, I just got one.

>Hello I have just acquired a satchel of tokens. Feeling very cozy as heck.
sirrs rankesh here

>> No.26285079

code proficiency looks like that of a kid with down syndrome

>> No.26285939

Sentinel dVPN is the ONLY way to ensure provable encryption, obfuscation of IP address and integrity of data

>> No.26286615

give it a rest pajeetas

>> No.26286783

God damn. Staking Cosmos/ATOM earns me more interest in a fortnight than my bank account with ten times as much does in a month.

>> No.26286835

Is 1 million SENT enough to make it? Been holding this shit for years.

>> No.26287735

Pajeets and jeets, Sadith, and Retth, go back to pooing in the Loo.

>> No.26288348


>> No.26288581

poo in loo sirs please sentinel

>> No.26288598

Sent is legit friens

>> No.26289255

i posted in sentinel first shill thread on /biz

>> No.26289908

few understand

>> No.26290484

Alpha leak bros, EU parliment is going to require Sentinel dvpn for all poltical bodies.

>> No.26291213

>excited about the impending 10-20x this thing will do
>excited about the multi hop relay net
>excited about newfag shitcoin peddlers missing out once again on a guaranteed moon mission and buying my bags at 1$ then posting pink wojaks when it corrects to 0.50$

Life is good fellow sentinels

>> No.26291907

why does a VPN need a token? honest answers.

>> No.26292493


>Hummmmmm bugggg

>I'm all in SENT. Just got myself another bag.

>Hello. Just got myself a bag.

>A bag? Yeah, I just got one.

>Hello I have just acquired a satchel of tokens. Feeling very cozy as heck.
sirrs rankesh here

>> No.26293153
File: 137 KB, 512x512, photo_2020-08-31_19-37-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the next tor. But modernized for 21st century consumer. The fud is nonsense

>> No.26293235

yes sirs very good sirs top coin 1488 good vpn

>> No.26294012

sentinel did the right thing wireguard is definitely the way to go, its much safer and faster then openvpn and it can avoid the chinese firewall

>> No.26294767
File: 818 KB, 800x452, polarity x SENT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only losers and haters with room temperature IQs wouldn't pick up a few million SENT right now

>> No.26295378

sentinel will be the worlds largest VPN network

>> No.26296075
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, kramer(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1m SENTs is the perfect moonbag only 2000 people could get as much

>> No.26296529
File: 222 KB, 500x500, 1610977834040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26297085

Same concept as Tor network. Persons become nodes

>> No.26297555
File: 879 KB, 1280x853, BBC NEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the jannie fear the Sentinel? Because he works for free.

>> No.26298139
File: 4.02 MB, 500x261, purple.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is literally one of the top projects on Cosmos. The transactional throughout of 1m dVPN users using the network by eoy 2021 will pump this baby to $200m market cap easy.

>> No.26298647


>> No.26299359

any r a r e sentinel meme?

>> No.26299915

Keep this shilling up and it will be link 2.0

>> No.26300037
File: 149 KB, 526x928, E57932BA-E974-4036-A7BA-399184CD53F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one safe haven.

Feels good man.


>> No.26300080
File: 1.28 MB, 2550x1336, Crypto Universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you, but only because you asked so nicely...

>> No.26300168

ah the bot go fuck urself

>> No.26300891

you dont need to buy the token to pay for the service so its basically worthless. and for added laughs they plan to allow node operators to get paid in other crypto as well so the token itself is basically being used to fund development. after that the devs will dump their bags.

>> No.26301563

Bump good thread

>> No.26301649

guys i could only accumulate 72k, will i make it...

>> No.26302284

Did /pol make a shitcoin?

>> No.26302694

I can't believe that anyone who would have been in biz more than 4 months would buy this pajeet pnd shitcoin lmfao

>> No.26302947
File: 322 KB, 400x500, 1610808881917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26303593

sentinel became absolete since orchid launched

>> No.26304309

Transgrenders have 55% post op suicide rate. Jannies who don't get exposure to SENT have a 100%. You have been warned.

>> No.26305002

sentinel is the new blue new deal of freedom

>> No.26305797

cosmos is a dead project eth is about to launch their scalability improvements

>> No.26305972

doubt that's a bot considering I'm the one mentioned 100k/20,000 holders / 1M/2000 holders. And if it is a bot, I'm glad it's parroting me and not being a faggot like you

>> No.26306162

And people buy dividend stocks that pay out in fiat. Those stocks are worthless, right?

>> No.26306833

no1 gives a fk about sentinel anymore

>> No.26307490

CCP can't stop all the Sentinel nodes. Free fungible data for everyone. They can't stop the growth, its a tumor to global homo.

>> No.26308153

DVPN index x400 2021-2023.

>> No.26308842

I heard rumors Sentinel was an Israeli project. Are Israeli military using Sentinel nodes?

>> No.26309546

any idea how much txn fees cost on sent chain?

>> No.26310314

Big if true

>> No.26311003

I have a bad feeling about downloading this app

>> No.26311659

sentinel is breaking open source license of openvpn by using their code

>> No.26312228

this coin only pumps when Eth does it's a zombie coin

>> No.26312794
File: 224 KB, 410x450, Blue Watchman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high IQ token.

>> No.26313337

>LARPing as market maker on yobit, constitute most of the buy and sell sides
>large buy walls form up to 3000 vit on hotbit for some reason
>move all my SENT over and sell, absolutely crashing the hotbit price singlehandedly
>move over to IDEX and buy back in at 2000 vit
feels good

>> No.26313538

Its a gpl license literally anybody can use the code even for closed-source, proprietary, for-profit/commercial use (which SENT isn't even closed source).

>> No.26314204


>> No.26314827

How do you stake this

>> No.26315458


>> No.26316139

sentinel is the pajeet you don't expect

>> No.26316781
File: 391 KB, 660x553, 1599156048620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel has the best memes, if you know you know.

>> No.26317630
File: 3 KB, 74x68, sentinel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SENT hub is going to have a AMM module. So if your part of this guild, your exit is on you, not on some jew. Big boy stuff, for big boys.

>> No.26318486
File: 2.59 MB, 520x520, mind-pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have over 200k, not selling

>> No.26319143

Run a node, and support human freedom.

>> No.26319882


To loose 31 pounds of fat in 31 days.

>> No.26320593


>> No.26321179

2 years and still not a finished app, it doesn't inspire confidence.

>> No.26321803
File: 323 KB, 691x712, 2020-0jj9-09 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need sentinel to host a dvpn node?

>> No.26322580

sent to the moon

>> No.26322880

is sentinel the new pajeets' standard?

>> No.26323551

>Empty git = closed source = backdoors
>Leaks IPv6


>> No.26324254

d - VPN is like mixing chicken with pasta. disgusting!

>> No.26324907

As a cosmos ico investor i follow top validators and copy their investments thats why i have 10% of my portfolio in sent

>> No.26325580
File: 189 KB, 1080x552, shrek2(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel was without wanpela lain bilong Jisas wanpela great idea; i will not deny that ami balus. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able karamapim tok look ami the code-base karamapim tok identify flaws that could be catastrophic, bot in terms of economic, security, karamapim tok overall functioning in bosim signals

>> No.26326329
File: 1.80 MB, 1000x828, heaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im hosting a dvpn node , im not even doing it for the profit, im doing it to spread freedom.

>> No.26326965

Literally every time I buy back into this stupid shitcoin it stalls and dumps.

>> No.26327518
File: 1.42 MB, 1031x1280, Chessmaster Sent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stake my sentinel?

>> No.26327894

Sent is cheap. Less than a penny. I will prob start dumping at one penny. Thanks for the free money bros. Happy holidays.

>> No.26328394

We will all make it.

>> No.26328909

>buy SENT sirs

>> No.26329475

always higer highs

>> No.26330024

not installing this app defo a virus to steal your private keys.

>> No.26330503

double top or rocketship?

>> No.26331158
File: 567 KB, 1700x1329, Tortoise-Hare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dvpn niche is one of the most undervalued in the crypto market, everybody understands prediction markets dexes privacy coins gambling dapps, and all those projects have a fair market share, while the dvpns are the most undervalued, cause there has not been enough education.

>> No.26331671

Chinese love sentinel

Freedom spreads like love

>> No.26332475

I like de link token because it has de solid foundamentals and de stacking sirs. LINK dVPN will be de number 1 VPN in de world sirs dey just partner with the spiderVPN router parntership everyone in de world will have spider vpn router and host de senitnel node sirs

>> No.26333285

sentinel will be the only dvpn with a physical router node

>> No.26333950

Dvpn are one of the most underlooked crypto niches

>> No.26334510
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, great-resent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tor was Naval intelligence first project, Sentinel is the second. Alpha leak.

>> No.26334935

Whether or not SENT is a real project I don't even care, the use case is paltry. It has no long term chance at survival, and the recent price action absolutely STINKING of PnD doesn't help it in my eyes.

>> No.26335544


>> No.26335992

You did buy when we warned you, right?

>> No.26336641
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x708, DVPN HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't lie, the ability to stake SENT has me feeling very B U L L I S H

>> No.26337157

Why do jeets love poverty? Anyone smart, has already bought their ticket to the SENT pump celebration party in Miami.

>> No.26337752

Anonymity for many by many

>> No.26338502
File: 537 KB, 969x1040, pepe-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Tuna can I buy with Sentinel pump to prepare for the great covid famine of 2021?

>> No.26339236

ccp should be afraid a decentralized VPN makes them compete not only against people (like them) who rent data centers, now they have to compete against all the unused bandwidth that normal consumer can monetize which is a massive amount, dVPN is like the uber of vpn rekting normal taxist

>> No.26340066
File: 50 KB, 1280x586, moonssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sovereign individual for the win, encryption is the new gun powder revolution making defense from thugs cheaper ,more effective and easier to use for non tech people

>> No.26340802
File: 1.93 MB, 1080x1080, SENT Lambo II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be able to black list all residental nodes because jannies don't have super powers like that.

>> No.26341444
File: 188 KB, 786x799, sexypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is safe from the orwellian government and its survielance.. It goes beyong any technology a civilian has..

Although on a more local level, federal, state or local laws can be bypased with the VPNS.. I dont do this, but i understand the nature of the orwellian shit and i know the orwellian survielance doesnt police on federal, state or local levels even if theyre aware of what your doing.. they might take not of it and record it but probably not..

>> No.26342090

cant find it on coinbase or pro

>> No.26342889

Had high hopes for SENT but team never deliver

>> No.26343597

Poorfags, please leave the thread. You guys are the white trash kind of toxic.

>> No.26344161

Those who don't have exposure to SENT, are just NPC's.

>> No.26344768

NAMBLA fears the Sentinel

>> No.26345553

Sent is a cult

>> No.26346217


>> No.26346905
File: 51 KB, 366x512, comfy-sentinel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddity crypto boards are all run by Sinophile spies, they fear the v2ray sentinel fungus HIV BLUE FROG FLU

>> No.26347538

yeah but this is a good thing

>> No.26348345

sentinel is such a scam that im sure it will pump

>> No.26348996

the GitHub was abandoned in 2019. AVOID!

>> No.26349787
File: 2.51 MB, 1832x1754, Calais Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a "virgin surveillance coin" vs a "chad sentinel" meme.

>> No.26350016

Bought another 10k Orchid, thanks OP!

>> No.26350880

The next big thing is p2p stuff like bitcoin, beechat, Sentinel.

>> No.26351245

yes sirs very good coin sirs. SENTIJET TO THE MOON!

>> No.26352249
File: 33 KB, 500x500, sent-WAVE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes shape reality

>> No.26353027
File: 674 KB, 1023x1014, ONE SENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at PC, can anyone post up some TA / chart?

>> No.26353759

you're currently way better off just not using any VPN at all instead of Sentinel

>> No.26354450

These pajeets prolly don't even own the token, they are prolly getting paid a few rupees an hour to pump this scam. It will disappear like the rest of them soon, just don't get caught holding the shitbags.

>> No.26354633

many rupees very good sirs sent to the moon!

>> No.26355366
File: 42 KB, 591x595, photo_2020-09-21_16-19-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26355973

imagine not being in sentinel

>> No.26356598
File: 2.28 MB, 2400x1600, made-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Clinton foundation fears the Sentinel

>> No.26357169

so you cloned openVPN code slapped a logo on it and scammed $2million in an ICO and you still post here?

>> No.26357708

I almost bought this 2 days ago and pussied out.
I'm going to kms.

>> No.26358319

This thread is potent with buy signals. Gonna wait for a retrace and cop some SENT. Thanks, frens.

>> No.26358989

don't sell the news

>> No.26359609
File: 2.26 MB, 600x338, drive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting cucked as a burger newfag on all the exchanges
had to learn how to use that metamask/uniswap stuff but i'm glad I finally got some even though I wanted in at > .0020, I even did my research on this one

>> No.26359863

Ah yes sirs good project top coin. Very good moon.

>> No.26360514

How is sentinel a scam?
Is the product not working as intended?
Is the roadmap not being respected?
Sentinel is the only crypto project withan actual userbase and sent team keeps delivering

>> No.26361164
File: 144 KB, 314x416, Blue King Pepe SENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The decleration of Sentinel states that everyone gets to be on the Yacht party in Miami.

>> No.26361931
File: 302 KB, 600x654, the rarest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am waiting for a retarce to get in.

>> No.26362693

I honestly don’t give a shit where the price of sentinel goes. I don’t care if it goes to 10$ tomorrow or 5 years from now. All I’m concerned about is having the least amount of niggers owning this coin as possible. That is why I FUD this coin. I don’t care if some white reddit faggots get on board because they find out more and more about it before it takes off. If it takes 5 years for senties to moon and that means more black people end up selling because they need to buy more pork rinbs... then that is the optimal mooning timeframe for me.

And make no mistake all you black sentinels out there. You will undoubtedly be invited to the yacht party when it happens and I’m personally going to sell 100k or so senties to build you your own seperate faucet to drink cheap malt liquor out of on a seperate area of the yacht while the rest of us have a faucet with Grey goose vodka pouring out of it

>> No.26363501

I just don't see the need for a dVPN over a regular VPN

>> No.26364145
File: 3.40 MB, 500x412, 5-points.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when dump pls. My village needs it

>> No.26364214
File: 127 KB, 1083x1665, 1611274394646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This or ALGO for passive gains?

>> No.26364879
File: 162 KB, 1280x721, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent has a higher parabolic nigger advance than the first days of KFC. Each KFC, one SENT node. Think about it boys.

>> No.26365555
File: 401 KB, 1024x697, Sentinel Tank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the blue frog flu, coming to curse CCP and sinophiles every where.

>> No.26366214

Tunak tunak tun
Tunak tunak tun
Tunak tunak tun
Da da da

>> No.26367035

bought a measly 50k senties. Still fun :D

>> No.26367658
File: 721 KB, 320x252, nodes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is an ideology

>> No.26368335
File: 137 KB, 361x321, 1610731833723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26368376

DVPN is the future, don't be a retard. Tor is just some stupid baby boomer honey trap.

>> No.26369218

nordVPN is infinitely better

>> No.26370008
File: 302 KB, 1280x718, kramer4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been SENTpilled

>> No.26370920

imo since privacy is getting more and more important day by day and more and more applications are taking privacy in mind that means that most applications that wants a privacy layer on COSMOS will go through the Sentinel hub and therefore SENT.

>> No.26371870
File: 105 KB, 668x809, loose_lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fungible data footprints make me hard

>> No.26373072


>> No.26373086

sent ;)

>> No.26373974
File: 82 KB, 398x409, Shark Pepe SENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a sentinel stats website?

>> No.26374807

The Tor network called out the sentjeets for not needing a token. why try to scam us??

>> No.26375683

Yeah i was hanging out in cosmos validators chats and they talk about sentinel a lot too

>> No.26376482

Hello?? Sirs??

>> No.26377403

Btw I feel very good about my 300k sentinel stack

>> No.26377580


I just don't see the need for a regular VPN over a dVPN.

>> No.26378573

ITT: Indian chatroom

>> No.26379437
File: 544 KB, 1024x415, Sentinel Exidio Cosmos Powerhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales wallets keep accumulating

>> No.26380484

the plan is simple
>get as much sentinel as you can
>be rich

>> No.26380689

Thanks op