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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26321061 No.26321061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /biz/'s political views?

>> No.26321143
File: 107 KB, 720x720, EC0CD4F2-DFD5-40FF-9563-67D9777D4973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I straight up do not like trannies

>> No.26321166

my political view is that all politicians should be raped, tarred and feathered

>> No.26321181

unironically a communist - after i realized what a scam the market it, made some good cash from it though

>> No.26321187

i hate chinks niggers kikes and trannys

>> No.26321209


>> No.26321216

I don't care about politics. I care about making money.

>> No.26321221

just wait until you realize what a scam communism is

>> No.26321229

Simple as.

>> No.26321239
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>> No.26321238


>> No.26321246

or taxes

>> No.26321260

kek it true

>> No.26321273

what's not a scam?

>> No.26321284
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Radical centrist

>> No.26321290
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>> No.26321307


>> No.26321335
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Libertarian racist who thinks leftists should get chopper rides.

>> No.26321342

Freedom > security

>> No.26321356

Constitutional Monarchist

>> No.26321363

Pan-Gentile Decentralized Cryptographic Anarcho-Resistance


>> No.26321375

I’m lib right until the trannies and commies try to tax me to hell and take my guns. Then I go full adolf hitler

>> No.26321378
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America is turning homosexual, will be more cuck than Sweden and Canada in 10 years. I'm leaving to ANYWHERE even Africa would be better than this gay country

>> No.26321382


>> No.26321385

Classical liberal. "Conservative" today.

>> No.26321398
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>> No.26321405


>> No.26321408

Leftist authoritarian

>> No.26321449

communist. marx traded stocks in his spare time, i'm trading crypto -- it's all part of the grand proletariat tradition

>> No.26321456


>> No.26321458
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>> No.26321500

fuck the government
fuck all normies

>> No.26321508

that's a based from me

>> No.26321562
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pic related is your designated politician to rape, anon.
Me, I just want to string them up and have the second half of the day free.

>> No.26321576
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pic related

>> No.26321585



>> No.26321602

still socialism

>> No.26321612

return to monke.

>> No.26321633
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>present day (((communists)))
pick one and only one you neoliberal trust fund baby

>> No.26321635


>> No.26321644

Some blend of Strasserism and Marxist-Leninism

>> No.26321654



>> No.26321669
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hate jews taxing me, hate niggers wanting handouts, hate faggots wanting me to pay their gender studies

>> No.26321709


>> No.26321718

socialism =/= communism

>> No.26321723
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Yeah, I'm heading to east asia later this year. Not sure on the country. America is a jewish playground at this point, and leftists whites are their slaves.

>> No.26321745

i'm a wagie just like you brother

>> No.26321748

I believe AH was the greatest man that ever lived. Despite that, I really love libertarianism. I also like fucking trannies in Bangkok.
I have a Master's in Politics but I guess I'm pretty confused.
Lately idgaf about politics and just want to get rich af.

>> No.26321771

Centrist leaning towards libertarian. I think the far right and far left are both equally retarded, and just designed to rile up all the retards so there's a constant conflict in the country. I mostly just don't want to deal with or even think about the government. The government shouldn't be in every aspect of our day-to-day lives, we shouldn't even notice they exist.

90% of government positions could be eliminated tomorrow, and we would never notice, because most of their jobs are totally irrelevant and useless. Private companies are better than governments at absolutely everything.

>> No.26321808

>says the leftist traitor
Not him, but that's disgusting.

>> No.26321814

classical liberal, with occasional doubts towards the democratic system.

>> No.26321816

Mine are all that make me rich or start a real war for shits and giggles.

>> No.26321831

>I really love libertarianism. I also like fucking trannies in Bangkok
very based

>> No.26321852

the government only exists to brainwash normies into think the government needs to exist, so that lizard people can use the governments resources to eat babies

>> No.26321866

What stops corporations from destroying our environment? Putting poison in our food? Lying in their nutrition labels, etc. It happened historically and was worse before

>> No.26321871
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red/brown alliance when

>> No.26321897


>> No.26321908

I live in a communist country. It's great here.

>> No.26321944

oh right, i forgot national capitalists can't into theory

>> No.26321951

>political views?
those are just derived from your total networth
poor tier: gommunism, factsicm or theocrazy doesn't matter
means please big daddy state help me become less poor
middle class tier: lolbertarianism
i need as little state intervention as possible to get my make it stack, i am pro free competition cause i believe i can outmanouver rigid behemoths
upper class tier: corrupt every other form into oligarchy
guy from previous class that made it now likes gov interventions as they limit others to climb up
try to buy whoever makes the rules to favor your continued place on top
create circus for the peasants to roll over the streets fighting as method for social control as well as good old entertainment

tl;dr whatever silly beliefs you have now, they will change if you acquire currency

>> No.26321953
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I wanted to do a bread about this, but I'm sadly rangebanned.
What's yours, frens?

>> No.26321956

What are communists and socialists doing on /biz/?

>> No.26321968

>rainwash normies into think the government needs to exist, so that lizard people can use the governments resources to eat babies

sooooo based

>> No.26321993

just dont buy their stuff retard. i'm pretty sure "poisoning" your consumers is not a lucrative business as there will be no more consumers to profit from

>> No.26322008


Looking for free money in crypto like the lazy sacks of shit they are

>> No.26322026


lol eat shit retard. i am a friend of all wagies, united together in a mortal struggle against the eternal NEET of capitalism -- he bourgeoisie

>> No.26322030

Pretty accurate, bizanon.

>> No.26322032
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Leftypol raids. They're desperate about trying to fit in.

>> No.26322036
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>> No.26322050

This is only a problem because we allowed them to insert themselves into government and write their own laws. We need private auditing/regulatory firms that are external from the corporations. I agree with you though, it's impossible to self-regulate without bias

>> No.26322055
File: 127 KB, 1080x1145, 6EEA8EFC-80A3-43F2-8D42-A8E7A9DC1D89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No niggers , Kikes and trannies

Right Libertarian

>> No.26322063
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>> No.26322069

Markets are not incompatible with socialism.

>> No.26322081

I voted for Joseph Biden

>> No.26322094

lol i'm here to pump rubic, leftypol is very dull

>> No.26322129


they're patently anti free market

>> No.26322151
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Here's mine. I don't like abortions, so that makes me a statist. kek

>> No.26322157

just like you

>> No.26322158
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>> No.26322161

Are you retarded? why do you think US food is so shit compared to EU food? Have you read The Jungle? Are you 17?


Gay faggot tranny commies unironically have more a grasp at how sick this society is than you nigger

>> No.26322164

I'm a social democrat and I wish my capital gains were taxed at ~50% instead of 19% and my government used that money to provide better quality health care, higher pensions and better infrastructure.

>> No.26322173

Liberal socialist

>> No.26322179

Same as >>26321187 in that order too.

>> No.26322220


>> No.26322230

What do you mean you don't like them? You don't like getting one, or you think people should be forced to carry unwanted pregnancy to term?

>> No.26322256
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>> No.26322277

fuck politics, fuck politicians, fuck everyone

>> No.26322287

The free market will be harnessed to provide and care for the nation (our people only)