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26313266 No.26313266 [Reply] [Original]

Is a treadmill a good investment?

>> No.26313454

Might save money you'd otherwise spend with medical care.

>> No.26313533


>> No.26313541

Make sure you lubricate the belt from time to time otherwise the fucking things crap out after a year or two

>> No.26313544

Buy a jump rope instead... Cheaper, more fun, takes up no space, and better on the joints.

>> No.26313568

> buy cheap treadmill
Breaks instantly
> buy expensive treadmill
End up not using it

>> No.26313626

You'll use it for a month, then it will sit folded up in the corner until you have to move, and you'll just give it away.

>> No.26313671

>cheap treadmill
One of the most soul destroying experiences in life is a shit treadmill that's too small for your running stride. Pay the extra.

>> No.26313749

Buy a rowing or elliptical machine. Easier on the joints.

>> No.26313818

No, buy a spinning bike. Trust me.

>> No.26314003

Get a Peloton bike

>> No.26314039

Very good for drying clothes sir, would recommend

>> No.26314172


It is literally one of the saddest, most dystopian and repulsive machines I know. You are paying a premium for a machine that lets you run while not running. All that manufacturing effort, environmental damage and material wasted so that you don't have to do the one thing nature designed you to do.

It is the ultimate "fuck you" to the outside world and to yourself. I cannot comprehend the appeal of these machines.

If someone has a different opinion I am honestly eager to hear it.

>> No.26314215

It’s too cold outside and fuck a gym membership

>> No.26314244

nu buy 'ferrium instead

>> No.26314301

And get cucked for 50 bucks a month to be yelled at by negroid wyman

>> No.26314309

Imagine not running outside, even in cold weather. Treadmills are fucking gay

>> No.26314324

Very true. If you don't run outside then you won't run on one of these. Pointless machines. I run when it's freezing all the time with just an under armour base layer and t-shirt. Get warm very quickly.

>> No.26314368

Checked but what about when its super cold or raining?

>> No.26314371

and more effective

>> No.26314380

Why not just go outside and run? A spinning bike makes more sense like other anons have said.

>> No.26314433

Running when it's raining is euphoric.

>> No.26314440

just go outside?

>> No.26314472
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Buy a real bike and then a stationary trainer for riding at home. Get those thicc legs and actually go have some fun sometimes.

>> No.26314482

this but you will also need a floor pad.

jump rope is a life hack. also get a kettlebell and do the swing thing. you won't believe what it does to your overall strength and wellbeing.

>> No.26314498

you're a giant pussy. people run in extreme weather conditions.

>> No.26314508

>too cold outside
nah, you're too much of a bitch
in very few places is this true

>> No.26314600


Fair enough.

I run in anything above -10 Celsius, but I see that there are places colder than that and maybe people who cannot handle cold.

>> No.26314606

It's useful if you want to watch something on a screen while running and if you're a NEET who doesn't want to go outside

>you will also need a floor pad
not if you wear good running shoes I think?

>> No.26314738

No, run outside

>> No.26314754

Julian Assange has one so it's probably worth.

>> No.26314793

Just got a treadmill today. I already know this feel.

>> No.26314848

>I run in anything above -10 Celsius,
Running in the cold is the best, anon. You don't overheat at all, so you can keep going for way longer, hours even

>> No.26315807

i have one and it was great for building up some confidence to run outside where i have mt plenty of girls and had sex with them

>> No.26315858

Go outside

>> No.26315928

running fags are the worst
just lift you lanky faggot

>> No.26315968

>so you can keep going for way longer, hours even
>doesn't eat
>doesn't sleep
>just runs

>> No.26315976

I think that a treadmill is easier on the joints. With a jump rope you're taking all the force of each jump, while with a treadmill that force is distributed into the belt as you run.

>> No.26316023

A treadmill is better than running outside imo. The reason is because it's easier on the joints than concrete, so you can train daily without ever getting shin splints or other pains.
Shin splints are a bitch that can take you out of training for 2 weeks.

>> No.26316086

lmao get a load of this pussy

>> No.26316095

I prefer eliptical

>> No.26316097
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>> No.26316120

Recumbent exercise bicycle is best cardio investment. You can watch TV and cardio becomes a second nature

I converted my ordinary exercise bike to recumbent and has been biking everyday watching tv for a year .. lost over 40 kilos

>> No.26316287
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treadmills normally ends up being a really expensive coat hanger. just run outside on the pavement.

>> No.26316308 [DELETED] 

Never had one. Are they comfy?

>> No.26316336
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checked but take the roman chair pill instead, best investment i ever made

>> No.26317327

Bong here

I run on road even now when its cold + raining at times. But I plan on buying a commercial treadmill (2k+ bongs) because I can't really pace myself as good outside as I do on a treadmill when I'm doing a fast but short (>3m) distance run.

Also, depending how often anyone runs, if its something like 5-6 days a week I think its good to maybe do a recovery run once a week on the mill since its easier on the joints. That's my thoughts but as someone said here, if you don't run outside regularly you're probably not going to use it.

>> No.26317565

This is a response to you and the OP as to why a treadmill is a great investment (or atleast can be). The best form of cardio is the one that you will consistently be doing. A treadmill is great because its really efficient at burning calories (max incline at 3mph burns about 600-800/hr) and can be used at your own time or comfort. you'll never be able to use the weather as an excuse to skip cardio. Also running is bad for your knees but walking on an incline isn't

>> No.26317638

stfu you stupid incel faggot. you're probably a skinnyfat or fat tendy eating neet

>> No.26318212

Yep treadmills are simply superior, anyone who isn’t concerned about injury risk either doesn’t train or is in a wheelchair by 40.

>> No.26318221
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Get squat stands, a free standing bench, a 45 lb bar and some plates. You can now do everything relevant and get yoked. Squat, deadlift, bench, OHP, Chinups.

>> No.26319256

Jump rope is fine, but treadmill/bike are way better for fitness

>> No.26319259

If you have to ask, its time for extra strong rope

>> No.26319443

Is it any hard?

>> No.26319867

go for a run fattie