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26311855 No.26311855 [Reply] [Original]

Kirby edition

The whole market keeps crashing, but we're staying afloat
Although this is not surprising
Let's observe a minute's silence for all the faggots waiting sub-$10 to get in
Leave your expectations/doubts/FUD/opinions about Avalanche below on this thread.

>> No.26312226
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>childhood friend starts to get into crypto around same time as I did
>last month we were talking about some coins
>he tells me he found out about ADA, while I tell him about AVAX
>he doesn’t talk to me since last week

>> No.26312351
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send him this image anon (pic related), he'll understand

t. avaxbro

>> No.26312653

Bless this dip, ride it all the way down and buy buy buy

>> No.26312689

How low do people honestly predict it will go? No FUD or shill allowed.

>> No.26312697


>> No.26312737

i'll be super honest with you
if you wait for sub $10, you'll be waiting on forever

>> No.26312741

Ok Im buying Avax now!

>> No.26312743

someone said "I'll buy AVAX at 5$" actual quote.

>> No.26312818

Oof, yeah that's the trap. I don't want to get caught out. Is why I was hoping for honest realistic dip predictions.

Sub 10 would be amazing but I honestly can't see it happening (Would love to)

>> No.26312853

When should I buy AVAX $10 is it good?

>> No.26312916

Avax hodl

>> No.26312924

For avax just the beginning!
See you son top 10!

>> No.26312943

Avalanche is the greatest counter indicator to the market, buy when btc is going up sell when btc going down

>> No.26312983

I've targets set from $6-$4

>> No.26313002

I already won this game by buying AVAX. I sit now with a solid 300% profit

>> No.26313003

I've always said single digit avax is a no brainer :) i still do, imo we'll see 50+ by eoy

>> No.26313073

You guys are missing the point. Him saying "I'll buy AVAX at 5$" was him highlighting how unrealistic and greedy people are getting about the dip

>> No.26313148

were you that delusional guy?

>> No.26313160

It's up 300% in the last 30 days. You're the one being unrealistic. A pull back will happen especially if this turns into a bear market

>> No.26313191

I've made this mistake in the past and missed out of big opportunities. Just trying to do the same for you

>> No.26313346
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AVAX has completely ignored market sentiment and you can tell by this
BTC crash and market general dump has literally done shit to AVAX's price

>> No.26313449


There's always more opportunities. I'm not going to buy the top when a perfect storm is brewing to get it cheap

That's cool bro. You have your strategy and I have mine

>> No.26313460

to add to what you have said, around 70% of AVAX is staked right now, making it essentially impossible for an actual dump at this point

>> No.26313493


I've heard this before, got a source? I wanna check it

>> No.26313547

Believe in Emin Hodja, he will deliver.

>> No.26313628


>> No.26313668


Based thanks

>> No.26313675

Yeah, but that's because a ton of tokens are still locked from presales. They only thing you can do with them is stake. They'll go liquid this year

>> No.26313678


>> No.26313725
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i’ve heard this before. the first token unlock was a while back, and the price didn’t even move

>> No.26313894

Burger friends I have good news, it's confirmed that Voyager will be allowing AVAX withdrawals in the near future. Soon we won't have to VPN into binance and use disposable canadian phone numbers just to put this shit in a wallet.

>> No.26313943

That was at the start of the bull run. Smart money will pull out when market sentiment changes. Might be this upcoming unlock or the next one.

If I miss the boat, I miss the boat and I'm fine with that. I'm willing to bet 1M that I can get it sub 6

>> No.26313976

I only have 70, but I'll probably liquidate some other shit to buy more

>> No.26314008

the biggest token unlock was like a month and a half ago (>100% of circulating tokens), the price not only held still, but it even pumped.
as a legit game changer, there are major interests on Avalanche.

>> No.26314067

what other accurate predictions have you made, in order to want to bet that amount?
I don’t see any logic in dumping something that is multiplying your capital as time goes on

>> No.26314149

source? great news

>> No.26314198

Yeah I don't understand either, I would rather stake for a future return in AVAX than a short-term return in fiat. Your overall return will be far larger gathering staking rewards and getting the compound effect of appreciation relative to fiat.

Also true for token unlocks - many of them will just get staked.

>> No.26314247

There was a PR newswire announcement from them and I also opened a ticket with voyager support and they confirmed. We might be looking at a month or more but its happening.

>> No.26314703

You'll never understand whale games. If I were to buy now I'd push the price far past $15. It's best to wait until the sardines are scrambling and freaking out to gobble them up in one fell swoop

I've been in crypto since 2012. I've cashed out on many ICOs. Called the BTC top of 2017 and sold in December. I play both sides of the market while most people only go long on here

>> No.26314722

great, more time to buy AVAX also

>> No.26314781

The difference is I'd rather move my money around and take 10x profits when I can. I don't need to chase 100x. Also playing both sides is better for profits if you know the game. You could be stuck in a 3 year bear cycle again holding on to your bags

>> No.26314832

It works on business days autist be patient

>> No.26315026

can you prove you’re a whale? i don’t understand how you say that you chase 10x but don’t chase 100x. it’s literally chasing 10x ten times

>> No.26315188

I think your mentality changes at higher numbers. 10x 100k = made it guaranteed vs a possible 100x but possible crash too. At some point fear beats greed I was willing to yolo my whole net worth on moonshots when I had 4 figures, less when I had 5 figures, and now that I'm in 6 figure hell I never risk more than 10% on a single project.

>> No.26316195

>8 figures
>don't buy into the diversify meme
50% link 50% avax currently

>> No.26316213

>10 x 10 = 100x
>2 10x to equal 100x
No need to prove myself to you. It's all about managing risk with this much capital. I can't play the same game y'all do.


>> No.26316230

yea but the flaw in your logic is that there’s no 10x ten times guaranteed, although i agree with most of your comment

>> No.26316318

This is the comfiest fucking thing I've ever held. I love you, bros.

>> No.26317157
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>LINK and AVAX portfolio
my guy

>> No.26317499

I mean once it's already 10x'd not before it 10xs, i.e. you already have an unrealized gain to be harvested

>> No.26317796

Thanks just bought 100k :^)

>> No.26317886


>> No.26317944
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I will grab a bag of Zero as well

>> No.26318136

Can’t wait to read your salty greentexts about missing the avalanche run 4 months from now. Promise me you will share your story then, please?

>> No.26318181

Is there a better return rate for locking up your steak for a year vs the 2 weeks?

>> No.26318240

I'll be fine if I'm wrong. You can't win 100% of the time. Don't rope yourself if I'm right though anon.

Took a screenshot for the lulz

>> No.26318664

The wager is on then I guess. I don’t think the unlock fud has merit because it’s already priced in and secondly this isn’t some random shitcoin to make a 2x on and then bounce. Most investors understand that it has potential to become the number 1 L1

>> No.26318811

>tfw dont mind whatever happens because minimum 1 year staking

>> No.26318911

checked double doubles

>> No.26319038

This year will be a fight to the death for L1s. I imagine only one or two will truly survive. I wouldn't be so quick to say AVAX will come out on top. It's still immature tech and hasn't been battled testes (It does have great biz/marketing tho). It shows promise but so does everything else.

>> No.26319189

what are your thoughts about good investments now in january 2021?

>> No.26320112


>> No.26320259

holyshit checked

>> No.26320730

What's the minimum amount of AVAX need to get into this staking stuff. I have 100 AVAX rn

>> No.26320899

2000 as of today, but it will get lowered to 500 later this year

>> No.26320949

how is this immature tech
>4600+ TPS
>sub-seconds finality (faster than VISA and Apple Pay)
> 0.05 fees
> FULL brand new consensus (Avalanche Protocol)
>supports MILLIONS of validators
>fully customizable 100,000+ subnets (making them legally compliant)
there are even more things but those are the most relevant

>> No.26320973

perhaps because AVAX shills are dickheads.

>> No.26321054


>> No.26321185

Any site that saves my TA and doesnt whipe it all every time it updates or the page refreshes like the pice of shit DEXtools? Binance has me covered for alts but I obviously need something for the microcaps and shitcoins.

>> No.26321770

Personally I've pulled out of all small cap coins. I'm holding a substantial amount of BTC/ETH/LINK/DOT at the moment. There are plenty of gains to be had elsewhere but I'm not taking any more risks given where we are headed

Do you know what immature tech is? Those are all good things but comparing tech in a vacuum means nothing. We have to see how it actually handles scale. Even if it is the best tech out there it doesn't mean it'll attract developers. Look at Microsoft in the 90s as an example. Inferior tech won.

>> No.26321973
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Ill buy 2000 avax for a node right now its about 25600 dollarinos
Talk me out of it bros

>> No.26322089

The tokenomics seem odd though
If everyone will be staking since you get rewards
No economic activity will take place
Thats like the same as ETH shitty fees

I mean there is a cost obviously to not staking but transacting

It would be sooo sweeet with avalanche-like protocol Snowball Snowman but without staking. Just coins like bitcoin.

>> No.26322961


Which part seems odd to you?

>you hold tokens on two different chains
>one for staking
>other for trading
>people can trade with super quick and cheap transactions
>tokens are burned in the transaction process
>it results in less abundant tokens
>it is also possible to create smart contracts (Zero exchange for example)

>> No.26323064

minimum to run your own node and become a validator is 2000 (but likely to get lowered to 500)

minimum to delegate i.e. stake on somebody else's node is only 25 AVAX and is easily done via the official wallet.

the only downside of delegating vs staking is paying a small fee to the validator.... the fee level is set by the validator so varies but is generally about 2% of your staking reward.

t. delegating 600

>> No.26323095

Bitcoins can be held offline storage for years
Who will hold avax offline when you stake them and then an attacker finds a remote code exploit in your node and steals your funds. Your funds not safu. Suffered a stolen.

>> No.26323399

Can't fucking wait to run my own node

>> No.26323432

oh I see what you mean, you're insinuating the system is insecure. got it

>> No.26323932

>RCE in a smart contract
anon, I...

>> No.26324028


RCE in the node software you fucktard
Avalanche node has to always be on, uptime of 60% at least otherwise network and consensus grinds to a halt

all nodes must sign their votes
they have private keys in their memory

1 only has to find 1 little tiny puny remote code exploit in the entire stack
all the way from stdlid to the go libraries used
across the networking code and libs used

just 1 exploit just 1 wormable one and your avalanche network is as good as bitcoin. ded.