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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26310906 No.26310906 [Reply] [Original]

Wall Street says sell while you can. The big wigs lost faith.

>> No.26310967

ok im bullish now. best way to make money is to do the opposite of what jews advertise

>> No.26311005

just bought

>> No.26311015

This is a heavy, heavy buy signal. I cant believe folks are panic selling their BTC.

>> No.26311037

Remember that companies brought BTC as investors long-term. This is just a shakeoff

>> No.26311041

If it’s a repeat of 2017, we will crash 30%-40%, then go sideways until June. Then a mini moon with a crash in September, then following a push to 100k between December 15-Jan 15 2022. Uniroincally just hold.

>> No.26311044

I imagine it's mostly twitter normies who bought $100 worth, but multiply that by 10,000,000 people

>> No.26311050

Huge buy signal! These morons are always on the wrong side of every call.

>> No.26311073

Yeah I'm sure all the Wall Street kikes are spamming the sell button as we speak

>> No.26311139

buy signal.

>> No.26311174

this guy gets it

>> No.26311178

You mean 2018. We are in early 2018 now. Price may easily drop over 80%.

>> No.26311227

(((they))) want your crypto

>> No.26311389

always do the opposite of what these kikes say

>> No.26311410

This, sell it goyim so we can have it.

>> No.26311436

this. holy shit we are all going to make it.

>> No.26311441

JP Morgan wants your bitcoin and silver. Dont give them either.

>> No.26311445

2017 was fueled by stock gains and a favorable crypto market. Sleepy Joe is retarded and seems intent on fucking up the foundation Trumo laid. All that demented fuck has to do is nothing and it'll go up, but it seems like he wants us all to suffer.

>> No.26311478

He needs to siphon every dollar to give it to blacks and trannies man it's PARAMOUNT.

>> No.26311514

But the jews know that you'll do the opposite of what they say


>> No.26311577
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The main point of this is to cause confusion. Jews don't just always lie, they sometimes tell the truth when it benefits them.

>> No.26311578

>tether fud
>kyc wallet fud
>yellen fud
>environmental fud
>kyc wallet fud
>biden tax fud
>china fud
>bitcoin futures fud
>cz jerking off to blacked porn fud
>satoj wright whitepaper fud
and now
>jp morgan sell-off fud
My list keeps getting larger by the hour.

>> No.26311585

reminder that they can't tax coins so first they went with taxing transactions and now they're going after whatever you make after the transaction
just hold until fiat dies for good

>> No.26311634


>> No.26311679

Damn that's crazy


>> No.26311712

>JPM: 400k EOY!!!!! Buy now!!!!!
>price crashes
>price rises a bit and starts to even out
>JPM: Sell now!!!!! It's a sinking ship, get out while you can
>price ????
Fuck these guys. I'm literally going to do the opposite of anything they say from now on. Good time to buy the dip though.

>> No.26311738
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>> No.26311750

How many will there be by the end of the month?

>> No.26311775

>weak hands
I remember *my* first btc cycle

>> No.26311778


Yep I'm selling

>> No.26311796

you forgot the double spend fud

they are trying to shake us out. we are going to 500k this cycle and firing a warning shot at gold itself. next cycle we comfortably take gold and fire warning shots against the dollar itself.

don't sell your coins

>> No.26311806

tell these useless boomers to fuck off crypto

>> No.26311828

most normies dont even associate banks with jews. wrap your head around that. they think its a bunch of rich white guys

>> No.26311834


>> No.26311964

>thinking you may see ~$7k btc ever again
kek, newfags are so obvious.
history lesson is free, just go skim the btc chart for a few years and use your brain on the changing fundamental factors
^ he's right, and definitely means 2017.. 2020 was relatively 2016...

>> No.26312016

if you ever needed a buy signal, it's this
fuck JPMorgan, they can buy my bags at x100

>> No.26312017

He wears his cuckmask even in his profile photo.

Why are they like this.

>> No.26312711

>$100 worth, but multiply that by 10,000,000
so, nothing.

>> No.26312780

>The same exact shit they did to Oil, Gold & Silver.
You sell now you stay poor

>> No.26312795

clearly we are still in the denial phase of the impending crash

>> No.26312809

theyre looking for another buy in point lmao

>> No.26312859
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>> No.26312869

He is a soulless husk.

>> No.26312885

bullish for DOT

>> No.26312972

Thankgod they dropped everything to put this message out to us just in time

>> No.26313017

>jp morgan sell-off fud
its actually bullish unironically

>> No.26313040
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Pretty much any time mainstream media cucks say it's risky or bad, its value dips for a bit and soars within a few months. This makes it a pretty great time to buy. Based on the shit math I did, if you can buy BTC when its at or under 31,000 and don't panic sell, you're set. It always goes back up at some point, just ride it out.

>> No.26313059
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>> No.26313192

Just hodl, feggit

>> No.26313262

BTC was doing just fine before all these stock boomers joined in. They can fuck right off back to their coca-cola stocks.
Always do the opposite of what Jews say.

>> No.26313267

They say sell, you buy.

Simple as.

>> No.26313291

See you in 3 years

>> No.26313327

I don't do anything JPMorgan Cucks say. Bitcoin is worth holding past 100k.

>> No.26313378

Holy shit, buy signal

>> No.26313383

Kek, Wallstreet trying to get our BTC. No, you can pry it from my cold, dead digital fingers.

>> No.26313410

Id rather hold and potentially lose gains than give my coins over to fudding kikes. I bought at 12k so I dont really care if it crashes short term.

>> No.26313492
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>fellow white people are oppressing and controlling the people and people like me get all the undeserved blame and hate and it's good because bullying people like me is not unethical in the normie world unlike bullying women or blacks unless one is ugly or falls outside their forced standards (but god forbid it's blacks or women or other "minorities" you say something towards/about that they don't like)

>> No.26313496


>> No.26313535

Lol this. I like how they came out and said bitcoin was heading for 170k or some shit not too long ago and now they're telling people to sell. Even if they are right and bitcoin dumps like a mofo, they were wrong first to suggest itd reach nearly 200k by end of year.

Its all jew fud. Its actually insane to think its a reality.

>> No.26313653
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/biz/ is really shit these days
so much /pol/ posting
this is my sell signal

just shut the fuck up about jews already
I literally do not care at all what JP Morgan says

>> No.26313694

your coins were created by kikes

>> No.26313719
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>> No.26313723

>talked massive shit last bullrun
>Recently suggested BTC could go to 150k on this bullrun
>Building "Onyx" blockchain platform and "Liink" platform

>Just got greenlight for more BTC Futures

Hedge Funds
>Still buying crypto

Yes definitely sell your bags. Institutions definitely aren't buying anymore. Go buy corn and tesla stocks like a real genius. Make sure you pay your taxes and show up to work on time for the next 30 years too. The system is good, you should help perpetuate it as much as possible. Congratulations on escaping the schizo mind trap of crypto.

>> No.26313741

do the OPPOSITE of what wall street says. how new are you?

>> No.26313807

ah, I'm new to /biz/ but I'm glad to see this board is just as based lol

>> No.26313965

smells like bottom

>> No.26314148
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>> No.26314170


>> No.26314216

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.26314217

whales market sell 400m usd at once and you're worried about normies

>> No.26314332
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>> No.26314379

omg I'm cooming

>> No.26314420

isnt it weird how they all happen at the same time? must be a coincidence.

>> No.26314438

I bought when Jamie Dimon called Bitcoin a fraud. It was trading around $5000. Ancient banks are a good counter indicator.

>> No.26314477

Problem with low liquidity is that it also makes prices more volatile and easier to manipulate.

>> No.26314481

Less liquidity doesn’t mean higher prices

>> No.26314540

lmao, spot doesn't matter. Derivates are way bigger

>> No.26314573

When you spend time, and money in their world, you get repilled quick, or you go broke.

>> No.26314583

i was worried when they were calling 140k BTC. now i fucking know for sure they're expecting a higher price target. this year is going to be infuckingcredible.

>> No.26314611

holy based

>> No.26314612

It was the exact day in 2017 when bitcoin bottomed out just below 3k. Should've been calle d the Dimon-low since then.

>> No.26314627

dilate and go back

>> No.26314637

so this is the power of industrial fudding. don't let these jews scare you /biz/ crypto is your birthright. fuck them

>> No.26314688

how do you know that this isn't institutions dumping on all the maxis?

>> No.26314720


>> No.26314747


>> No.26314780

go back

>> No.26314787


>> No.26314795
File: 92 KB, 800x800, F4EB7774-5029-4FB2-8B68-ACC287E36584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re gmi

>> No.26314799

>cz jerking off to blacked porn
That's it I'm selling. Crypto is a joke

>> No.26314800


>> No.26314916


when it crashes you will blame jews again even though they told you today to sell

your problem is you just always blame jews, never yourself

>> No.26314952

Meanwhile they're buying up half a billion in bitcoin every other day. hmmm nice try jews

>> No.26314957

They’re absolutely trying to shake out the weak hands. I would not be the least bit surprised if the FUD in this list was 100% manufactured. Even on /biz/ I’m seeing a higher amount of coordinated FUD recently.

>> No.26314984

fuck you, the jew is a existential representation of the world trying to steal what's rightfully yours. Don't let them. Grab a knife and kill any jews trying to reach you.

>> No.26315100

>buttcoin crabs for a week

>> No.26315241

>he thinks they don't know what they're doing

>> No.26315608

the volume in BTC futures is much higher than spot. You dont even need BTC to trade futures

>> No.26315686

>isnt it weird how they all happen at the same time?
No. BTC went to an extreme record breaking high and was approaching ridiculous "elbowing out gold" territory, so of course you're going to hear a lot more news coverage and people will report on and freak out over any negative turns of events much more than if it had been trending at lower numbers earlier.

>> No.26315986

>interesting.. a jew within a jew
>but that many jews within jews is unstable

>> No.26316156

They are trying to shake weak hands. And yes, bitcoin will dip, it might even crash. But it won't go below 20k. I bought at 6k, so my hands are iron and diamonds. If you bought above 30k,sell now and cry when it moons to 150k in octover-november

>> No.26316275

Lurk more.

>> No.26316297

Bought at $34k but will hold. Might sell some alt coins if I can make some. Probably roll them into boomercoin and stock.

>> No.26316360

why does this faggot have to wear a mask in his profile picture

>> No.26316363

they are going to print like madmen. Will be good for stocks shorterm and great for crypto

>> No.26316410

but they told me to buy at 40k...!

>> No.26316463
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How does it feel to have the most pathetic and disgusting group of mentally ill freaks live in your head rent free?

>> No.26316529
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$CLF baby

>> No.26316668

>The white man cries out in pain as he gasses you

>> No.26316766

>Trust the big banks
>It's not like JPM is well known for manipulating the price of silver
>It's not like investment banks actively bet against their clients
unironically wrong
a (((cohencidence)))
You see how hard the pajeets shill their shitcoins for $4k imagine what a behemoth can do in terms of internet presence

>> No.26316966

Is that a grabbler?

>> No.26316973

you should look up the early 2017 FUD. it's nearly identical.

>> No.26317719

Not selling

>> No.26317732
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Whether in the form of a white, a pajeet, or your own mental weakness. The hooked nose beast is an eldritch horror of constantly impeding on your progress. You can bounce you sociopathic snob. I need to have a steel jaw, brass balls, and a long knife.

>> No.26317799

Double based.

>> No.26317827

Jokes on you, I'm out that scam
dont believe such projects can show you anything except for poor wallet
I better will listen to my fellas and join Cascade on BASE protocol
best market volume on uniswap exchange and amazing benefits among other platforms for last months

>> No.26317840

I remember it. I remeber Jamie Dimon on CNBC everyday.

>> No.26317861

they already sold normie retard

>> No.26317938

FUD IT HARDERRRR it still fucking 30k wtf

>> No.26318067

100k is FUD. It always does at least a x10 from top to top. So more like 200k.

>> No.26318231

>No. BTC went to an extreme record breaking high
Barely 2x from the previous ATH three years ago is nothing extreme, that's less than blue chip tech stocks have done since then.
We're in July 2017 right now.

>> No.26318321

fuckin kek
don't worry, you're not alone
i bought efferiumz and a couple $1000s of BTC yesterday before the dump

>> No.26318345

This guy gets it

>> No.26318347

not at all they bought eth and btc back in march

>> No.26318387

The few times they luck out and are right in their predictions make idiots think they know what are talking about. The 99% of the time that they are wrong come with zero repercussions. Economists are only slightly more correct than some random jackoff on the street. Why do people convince themselves that certain people can see the future?

>> No.26318407


>> No.26318435

fucking hell that's a buy signal but i still have 3 sell signals short term... so that's 3:1

>> No.26318436

You're giving yourself away. Return from where you came.

>> No.26318440

A motto to live by

>> No.26318484

so he doesn't give you virtual rona
also so you can't see the shit spilling out of his mouth

>> No.26318543

Fuck. Had buy order at 30k... Thinking about fomoing in now.

>> No.26318575

>Billy Bambrough
>wearing the mask in his profile picture
>the mask has the bitcoin logo
This is a textbook NPC, and we don't give a shit about their opinions, as a matter of fact we need them to be bearing after a dump to sell us their bags, and bullish after a pump to buy our bags.

>> No.26318675
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Are these headlines real or is OP shitposting? I've seen these posts pop op frequently over the last years, always calling for people to buy the top and sell the bottom. Surely they can't be this incompetent. It must be fake.

>> No.26318739

"Don't gas me please goyim ;)"

>> No.26318749

I currently have around $600 in BTC and could probably toss another $400 in. Should I?

>> No.26318873

the jews want you to sell so they have a lower entry point

>> No.26318878

Yes, we’re at or close to the bottom.

>> No.26318949

its true though, if bitcoin cant reclaim its high and prove to the world it can continue its bullrun, then yeah, its over. question is will investors allow it to reclaim its high and continue by stop fucking selling and allowing it to go up?

>> No.26319135

How many days? I might go countryside with no internet, should i postpone and be ready to buy?

>> No.26319186

jew hate is spreading everywhere. it's normal now and deserved.

>> No.26319235
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Only weak hands are selling now, more and more coins are moving to cold storage (iron hands). Whale count (>1k bitcoins) is going straight up during this dip too.

>> No.26319361

Buy signal. Weak hands getting flushed out.

>> No.26319400
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We need this orange line to hit 1. So, not too long to go now.

>> No.26319766

not sure, but he might mean that the price fluctuations are much greater in the derivitives market. i saw january 29th 50k calls go nearly x20 in a week, from BTC $34k to BTC $42k. (i was up x10 but held too long and had to settle for a x3)

>> No.26320207


>> No.26320643

> Forbes Contributor