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File: 332 KB, 2000x1330, 0166FCFF-4929-4731-A7B8-F616DCEE2ED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26303292 No.26303292 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit guys I’m so sorry. I voted for Biden thinking he was just going to tax the rich. Now he’s coming for MY gains? it’s barely been a day and he’s already trying to take my shit. I made a huge mistake and I apologize for all Biden voters. We didn’t realize what we were doing.

>> No.26303347

As a Trump supporter I am glad Biden is in office. We may see oil reach $150/barrel which is a boost to my oil stocks.

Thank you, now hopefully all the poor can suffer even more. Enjoy, faggot!

>> No.26303372

Weak hands

>> No.26303391

This, I work in Frac and I’m ready to ask for a raise in a few months.

>> No.26303474
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you had it coming LMAO
you though you vote for bernie, but you got senile clinton

>> No.26303476

Fellow Biden voter here and I’ve gotta be honest, we are a bunch of faggots and there’s no getting around that. Tbh we should all just rope ourselves. I’m genuinely sorry Trumpchads, I’ll do better next time. Fuck I hate myself

>> No.26303490

I invested in a lithium company that is fucking MOONING thanks to Biden.
No matter what im gonna win bros

>> No.26303494

No you did a good job. Based Biden will turn all the nonwhites into welfare slaves who will clean the white man's toilet and serve him food for mere pennies. They will inflate the USD in order to give the niggers their $20 hourly wages while slowly raising salaries of white people by 100% over the coming years.

>> No.26303530

>tax the rich
Hah, oh you silly goose, you didn't know that "tax the rix" means tax the plebs? Welcome to "socialism".

>> No.26303543
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>I voted
kys tranny

>> No.26303560

ok vlad, you can stop posting lies.

>> No.26303579

Kek, these guys are insane. All it takes is a couple terrorists with bombs to crash their retard system. Infrastructure takes decades to build but can be wiped out by a couple muslims using household products

>> No.26303618

Sorry, but I'm not getting out of this car, Riden with Biden, bitch.

>> No.26303639
File: 1.64 MB, 1242x2472, 2E68B203-6C92-49EB-B048-257616E38CB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own nothing and I am happy
>Fellow human

>> No.26303756

What the fucks wrong with her eyes?

>> No.26303757

Why do you think he needs 30k troops surrounding him full time

>> No.26303819

idk she's danish

>> No.26303865

Dems are all cancer, though.

>> No.26303954
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> I'm sorry

You literally f..... retard

>> No.26304005

Imagine being stupid enough to be white and voting for the anti-white party.
>just tax the rich meme
White middle class men always get to pay for socialism. It's always a net negative for us. t. swede

>> No.26304026

Oh come on you're pulling my leg, hahaha, nobody actually voted for Bidet.

>> No.26304095

Hang yourself.

>> No.26304155
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Demons. If you don't realise that the Antichrist is being ushered into the world by technology, you don't know what is going on. Technology controls all humanity, "progress" through the "Enlightenment" (Lucifer being the Light Bringer) is always towards the summoning of the Adversary.

>> No.26304197

Y'all mind sharing what you're putting money into?

>> No.26304284

Urns, caskets, liners, tombs, stones, etc

>> No.26304290
File: 727 KB, 1298x739, MI voter fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking your vote counts.

>> No.26304337


Why the jew-media hated trump so much in your opinion, retard?

>> No.26304379

>Medie lied, anons stocks died

>> No.26304601
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C3ai, Piedmont lithium, crowdstrike, Diamondback energy

And of course LINK
Chainlink and eth on a dip

>> No.26304729


>> No.26304734
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, C8A113EF-799F-4E90-9216-3366CFB400D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy MIC stocks. War with Iran and Yemen soon, full on boots on the ground stuff. Thank me later.

>> No.26305599

If you resent wealth it will always evade you
Probably a troll but if not then OP you are literally never going to make it, and thats a good thing.

>> No.26305828

You nincompoop, the reason oil is going to soar is because America won't be producing it. You won't have a job.

>> No.26305906
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you get what you deserve

>> No.26306186

lmao people are falling for this bait

>> No.26306663

lol, this is why I’ve been saying BIden supported are retarded. They actually believe that guy even though he blatantly lied severely times during the “debates” and actually believe anything a career politician says. Not only that but the media and other departments of the govt were obfuscating Trumps deeds and taking his words out of context to influence the masses. Hahaha, you’re literally fucking cattle and all you idiots supported this satanic cheater.

>> No.26306821

That's what you get for being a low IQ.

You fucked America.

Trump was as close to "the good guy" as it gets in politics.

The confirmed highest IQ man on Earth supports Trump btw.

>> No.26306907

It was the archetypal giant douche or turd sandwich election anon. The only winning move was to vote for Kanye or otherwise deface your ballot paper.

>> No.26306912
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>> No.26306963



>> No.26307012
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kek. i wonder how many americans are going to regret their poor choice

>> No.26307027


>> No.26307051

He's right, though, projecting brainlet.

>> No.26307322

when he said tax the rich he meant everyone thats not a nigger

>> No.26307367

None of our votes counted and we all know that now. Thank god Trump proved it.

Patriot Party 2024

>> No.26307522

What? Did he raise capital gains taxes already?

>> No.26307568

From what I understand, the carbon taxes are coming. This doesn't mean oil stocks go up. These taxes are meant to discourage oil production and consumption. If anything, this means you should consider selling.

>> No.26307807

fuck this cunt, scourge of Denmark, reminder she is member of a socialist party that label themselves as 'liberal', and she is the niece of scum politician Svend Auken a social democrat.

>> No.26308489

>biden is increasing the cost of necessary goods
>now people will stop needing it
leftist logic

>> No.26308800

The good people need is not oil specifically, it's energy. The Biden administration and their globohomo handlers have been incredibly vocal about shifting away from fossil fuels. The government will now heavily subsidize renewable energy while penalizing the production and consumption of oil via carbon taxes. Do you get it yet?

>> No.26309173

Yellen wants to tax unrealized gains. baka

>> No.26309183

let me know when the jews start buying the goyim electric cars. until then, oil is necessary

>> No.26309312

Buddy buddy buddy, you ain’t in the industry don’t act like you know. I’ve seen the downturns and I’ve seen the come ups. That oil and natty gas gonna flow in good ol west Texas regardless of emission standard none sense from Biden. All he’s doing is hurting the mom and pops of the industry. Oil got at least another 20 years and that’s me being conservative.

>> No.26309377
File: 492 KB, 2048x2048, bidensniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, retard. Biden raped me by ending the Keystone pipeline project. Burn in Hell!

>> No.26309421

pure delusion+a non existent sense of self worth.

>> No.26309454

Here comes the shilling from Trumpsters

>> No.26309459

Your vote didn't matter anyway. You just happened to vote for the same guy the national security apparatus also wanted to win

>> No.26309560

>Wir haben es nicht gewusst.
You get what you fucking deserve. Now take your apology and shove it up your ass.

>> No.26309569

You'll be fine, they can only ban on federal lands which is pretty much north Dakota and Alaska. Maybe some Colorado but otherwise if you're in Texas, Oklahoma or the northeast you should see work pick up. We're gonna see a commodities boom soon anyway

>> No.26309624

Biden is going to sink crypto:
>Janet Yellen suggests 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, saying they are mainly used for illegal financing
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin
> 'curtailing' cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin

Start selling, the Biden dump is coming.

>> No.26309659

>le nazi maymays
Bring dich um Digga. Hab deine Mutter was klebriges gegeben

>> No.26310626

Top retard oil isnt going anywhere retard.
Less production= less supply=more rupees per barrel

>> No.26310854

thanks a lot retard