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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 995x1012, C39FUR6VcAA8EBx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2627468 No.2627468 [Reply] [Original]

>making hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars every day

>still living like a retarded poorfag who never leaves his house and only eats ramen noodles / frozen pizza

taking applications for a carer

rich neet in need of a mommy gf

>> No.2627495

Stop being autistic, leave your house, stop eating shit food, meet grills.
Caring about yourself will show the person you hope to court that you will and most importantly , CAN , care about them

>> No.2627498
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>tfw plan to make enough during the crypto boom to put it all in a vanguard account and passively earn 100k a year so I can move to Japan and find an oneesan waifu

>> No.2627507
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>OP is a faggot
cool story. Why would you even try to look on biz, how are you this new.

>> No.2627512

i thought maybe others could relate...

>> No.2627516

Op, I have the same problem. I don't have any friends because I spend all my time trading. How to make friends? I have a gf at least but no one to go for a beer with. damn.

>> No.2627517
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are you me?

>> No.2627526
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no, just go on okc or some shit and say/show you have money.
You're welcome

>> No.2627534

I'll get a beer with you for .2btc/beer

>> No.2627540

Give me tips what to invest in and I'll teach you how to live properly!

>> No.2627541
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>has gf but no friends

>> No.2627546

I know those guys...
its pretty common

>> No.2627549

I'm married and have no friends.

It's a fucking nightmare, I can completely understand how

>> No.2627550
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>oneesan waifu

>> No.2627557

getting a gf is easier than getting real friends because of the crutch of sexual attraction

>> No.2627561


i just bought some litecoin at $38.25

I will sell it when it tests $40 again

and that will be about $300 profit for me in an hour of "work"

it will probably go higher than 40 but i dont really care, I just scalp

>> No.2627573
File: 36 KB, 151x134, guzma eyebrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just the difference in hobbies and interests, but since I like a whole bunch of nerdy shit making friends comes naturally, whereas I have to go out of my way to make a gf.

I'm not sure what kind of interests and hobbies you'd be investing yourself in where you don't make friends naturally but have a gf.

>> No.2627578

Literally everyone on biz is trying to do this

>> No.2627587

What issues do you feel you have with women?

>> No.2627607

im an ugly manlet that draws zero interest?

>> No.2627612

Can you drop me an email? abdkaz33@gmail.com

>> No.2627631


>> No.2627644

i hope you use a condom or else you'll just create psychologically damaged happa children

>> No.2627647


>> No.2627653

Then keep living like a retarded poorfag. I wanted to ask you about your life and give tips.

>> No.2627655

Rip tips
But like holy shit dude, how do make money? I only ever got lucky with verge and redd.

>> No.2627668

Im not a selfish race-mixing faggot

>> No.2627670

Like daytrading always fucks me in the ass

>> No.2627679

well are you a female interested in submitting an application to be my carer / gf / lifecoach (i.e. help me spend my money)

im jewish and i have a sixth sense for reading charts

>> No.2627681

fly to vegas for a few days and rent girlfriends. become a regular there. while youre there try to learn about the vip parties and pay to join them.

>> No.2627699

No, I'm a guy who lives like he's in lamboland and I thought we could exchange information and benefit each other.

>> No.2627703

Shit man I guess lol. What tools do you use (If any, I mean you could just be a crypto jedi for all I know).

>> No.2627715

>>making hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars every day

hope you aren't talking about crypto (or any other investments)

only a retard would think of their gains in terms of daily income instead of overall %

>> No.2627723
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sorry unless youre trying to set me up with your cute sister im not interested

crypto and stock trading both
well this retard quit his job and is living off gains for years to come

>> No.2627727

Ahh yes, because you buy shit with percents.

>> No.2627729
File: 110 KB, 1065x735, bitfinex-btcusd-Jun-26-2017-23-39-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just doodle a bunch of meme lines all over the chart, I made 500 bucks on BTC while it was going downhill today following my lines

>> No.2627734

>I will sell it when it tests $40 again

and what about when it drops to $25 instead of going to $40, do you just hold?

you sound like a fucking retard, I seriously doubt you are consistently making money every day as you claim

if so, fucking prove it, screencap your account

>> No.2627736
File: 1.66 MB, 270x178, goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich neet in need of a mommy gf
Are you me? ;_;

>> No.2627742

Fine, good luck! I'm out for now, you got my e-mail if you change your mind.

>> No.2627746

>crypto and stock trading both
well this retard quit his job and is living off gains for years to come

and let me guess, you aren't willing to provide any proof whatsoever, right?

>> No.2627756

you daily trade ?

>> No.2627758

>screencap account.
You know you can fake those with inspect element right?

Anyway it's not hard to make money with crypto right now. Litecoin won't go to $25 because BTC upcoming days have way too much uncertainly. People will flock onto Litecoin to hedge.

>> No.2627762
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I would cut my losses very quickly if that happened

I would not hold through a 30% drop kek...

HODL is reddit tier retardation
I scalp

I dont care about proving shit to anyone here so whatever call me a larp idgaf

>> No.2627781
File: 3.01 MB, 600x600, LadyTrollface_raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are playing smart by not increasing your spending. You need your profits reinvested so your gains compound.

Please see what principal*e^(interest_rate*periods)
looks like. That could be your equity curve :^)

>> No.2627784

Damn, nice. I've tried to predict shit with bollinger bands. Went well a few times, but not as many successes as fails.

>> No.2627785
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>> No.2627800

>I dont care about proving shit to anyone here so whatever call me a larp idgaf

Ok, anyone continuing to humor this idiot by posting in this thread is fucking retard

>herp derp i have women troubles

then this belongs in /b/ or /soc and not biz

>> No.2627818
File: 225 KB, 1090x2638, MemeWar7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2627826

Maybe you're the one who is fucking retard.

>> No.2627827

any book do you recomend ?

>> No.2627833


uh what

stephen king's the dark tower series is probably my favorite

>> No.2627835
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>well are you a female interested in submitting an application to be my carer / gf / lifecoach (i.e. help me spend my money)
This will not end well for you, senpai.

>> No.2627837


LOL beat it you scamming shitskin.

stop being a dishonest piece of shit, and maybe youll make money.
brb while i peep some DB's for your email password.

>> No.2627841
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>> No.2627846

about trading ?
where can i learn more ?

pls im a no gf neet just like you

>> No.2627872
File: 895 KB, 400x300, SatanHank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent. It's cheaper.

You will not find a woman who will love you like your mother loved you (assuming non-shit mother). That is impossible.

$500/night rent for a 20 year old firm hottie is much cheaper than a divorce with your bankroll.

>> No.2627949
File: 116 KB, 675x1200, DAcZ9yLXYAUuwrH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the best way to learn how to trade is to trade, and fail. every loss is a learning experience
just sold half my LTC, about 100$ realized

>> No.2627956

Lmao it's my anonymous e-mail, good luck you won't find anything there! Also I'm the whitest person you can imagine.

>> No.2627961

getting antsy that it will have trouble at this 39.5 staircase of big orders (on GDAX)

>> No.2627989

>passively earn 100k a year
How much would you need to do this?
Like 10mil?

>> No.2627990

Sounds like some of you faggots need a findom to set you straight

>> No.2627993

Hey OP, odds are low, but are you in Michigan?

>> No.2627996


>> No.2628025

Ahh, rip. There's a few hundred miles there lol

>> No.2628031
File: 265 KB, 1302x2000, 黒悪13 - おっぱいまとめ10 (48991674) 1ページ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about half that

western femdom is shit, I require a yandere-type who I know actually loves me

>> No.2628316
File: 14 KB, 280x210, animepaperscans_welcome-to-nhk_jigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 24 year old dropout with a net worth of 2.7 million.

I'm still a Dateless KHHV no friends, and haven't left my house in 8 months. What should I do? I just built a $3,000 gaming pc but I don't even have the drive to play games anymore...

>> No.2628335

I'll be your friend for money

>> No.2628442 [DELETED] 

Just play Heroes of the Storm all day getting take out for food until you're dead.

>> No.2628518

Find your interest and just learn about it. Work on finding your purpose. Soul search.

Money is but a tool. You won't have to be a wageslave, but you won't be 'normal' either. Get some rich friends, enjoy tgeir company and live life.

Women and sex, think of that shit post fap and you will see how overhyped it is. It's nice and all, but the responsibilities > the gain. Better off investing a flat amount in an escort for a night if you really need to.

>> No.2628585

So do you think money brings happiness or do you consider suicide on a regular basis?

>> No.2628618

Go away gaijin, desu

>> No.2628635

Give me 5k, fly to my location and we'll hang out. If you shower.

>> No.2629327

Happy for you anon. Wishing you good fortune with your earnings

>> No.2629365

what's a vanguard account?

>> No.2629406

im worth 6 gorillion

>> No.2629479

I would also like to disguise my wealth if I make as much as you do one day. Just not THAT much. I'll actually learn to fucking cook, and dare I say, maybe even work out and make a really weak attempt at meeting people while at the same time keeping my wealth under wraps.

>> No.2629773

Pay for a personal trainer to tell you what to do and help you exercise, with that kind of money you can basically hire someone to motivate you and afford the right diet. This will also give you a Chad to analyze the behavior of.

All while doing this read literature, and read people's analysis of it. This will help you grow as a person, and give you an imagination/info/content to talk to people about if you're bad at socializing. Both of these are in the grand scheme some of the most affordable activities to do with the most benefit. Also helps to develop a good memory/learn languages, but that's extra.

If you work on being healthy and fit, you'll actually feel outgoing and confident. I know we're told this since grade school, but it's so true. You're only getting weaker, the only thing you can trust and are stuck with is yourself. But you have to want the cure, you have to actually work for it. Think about how many people live like garbage and feel like garbage just because it's so easy.

I've had a similar experience (not as much though) but I'm older, and trust me it's a nightmare the longer it goes. Wish I had done it at your age, please take this sincerely if what you're saying is true. Back throughout history we had rites of passage, the trauma, abuse, war, isolation that would transform us into men. We've lost our ways though in the last few decades, and without direction the average person ruins themselves. You're stuck in some inbetween, but it's obvious you're feeling yourself outgrowing your own habits.

Change is good, but both easier and harder than you think if that makes any sense. But it is so worth it. I'm about to have my first son because I decided to change one day. Good luck anon.

>> No.2629797

I dunno, I worry the stock market will crash worse than crypto soon since it's overbought.

>> No.2629848

>Parents were wealthy but raised me and my siblings in a very middle class lifestyle
>Only now that I've gotten older I've been talking to my parents about trusts, etc, realizing there's a shitload of money put aside for me/siblings
>Trying to think about what to do with it and how to ask my parents to let me do things with it

For now I'll just live the life of a semi-autistic engineer.

>> No.2629939
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Where you live?

Any other tips? I got like $500 to piss about with. Teach me senpai.

>> No.2630112
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Vanguard Mutual Fund, while it is a good idea, its not for everyone, unlike hedge funds they are by law supposed to invest in certain index funds and have restrictions placed to protect which arguably is valuable, basically you get small reliable gains with a mutual fund. investing in real estate or whatever else you think is smart is probably better.
put your money where you are confident and educated, not just what /biz/ does.
for example i work as a real estate agent so of course rental properties or commerial properties are what i would like to manage, and of course land has really good leverage. correct me if im wrong on anything /biz/ fags.

>> No.2630136

This is the most real thing I've seen on here in a while. Change your life before it passes you by.

>> No.2630143

How is it possible to be rich and still have trouble with women? Literally just put a screenshot of your bank account on tinder and you will see how rucking shallow some women are.

>> No.2630166

I did this. Typing this at 430p in Koenji even though it feels like 1am.

I love Japan. No niggers, no SJW bullshit. Peace.

>> No.2630185
File: 98 KB, 680x836, 1481424940924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notch. He got rich, his wife left him with the kid, and he's apparently still single in his fuckhuge mansion. Pretty sure he's autistic and spends his day playing too much factor.io.

Not much room for a woman to put up with, not that he seems bothered being alone, at least publicly.

>> No.2630206

women cut men off from their friends until they no longer hang out with anyone else. they are actual leeches on your time, energy, and money.

>> No.2630253
File: 7 KB, 200x169, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too young and rich to settle down in any way shape or form. Sure tfw gf is great feel but if you devote that much from yourself to someone else youre eventually going to forget how to be happy without them, and that is a far worse feeling.

>> No.2630473

based anon

I'm another millioNEET here to say hi to my fellow 1%ers who still live with their parents.

I propose all us rich fucks move to San Francisco and ruin it for the libtards.

>> No.2630626

>well are you a female interested in submitting an application to be my carer / gf / lifecoach (i.e. help me spend my money)
Are you serious about the female lifecoach part or do you just want someone to fuck you?
I know this smart, legit 9/10 asian girl who does the whole companionship shtick online for money, super good at it. Beats fucking dumb armcandy who can't empathize with what you feel. Post throwaway email if you're interested.

>> No.2630671

I already have a wife.

I dont really love her, but she enables me just sititng by the PC thinking I can make crypto-money into real money like a god.

I cant. Ive lost 20% over the past 20 days. Im shit. But it doesnt matter cause my family is rich and my inheritige is virtually selfsustainable.

am i doing this right?

>> No.2630700

He was depressed for a while after he sold off minecraft

>> No.2631075

I'll be your friend for free, desu~

>> No.2631102

You should find more hobbys

>> No.2631109

white pig go home

>> No.2631176

>it's a /biz/ learns you can't just go to another country and live there for no reason episode

>> No.2631185
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Send me the money and then you can kys and die happy knowing it's in good hands.

>> No.2631422

join some discord servers until you find one not full of normalfags, and make some friends there. that's what I did, it ain't perfect but it helps.

>> No.2631507

Low test beta confirmed.

>> No.2631539

Go and get some shots of testosterone and start exercising.

>> No.2631590 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 640x380, Insert_your_own_meme_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars every day

BTC 16ZUA67BPJ4Cj4dsWJe77jag8j1yavi1ww

>> No.2631614

>seriously considering moving to Japan

You're in for a wild ride. Get ready to waste a lot of time and money and get treated like a second class citizen. Don't mean to hate on your dream but watch videos about ESL teachers going to Japan to teach on some weeb fantasy. It's a fucking mess if you're too westernized.

But luckily a big part of the problem is getting and keeping work so I guess at least that would be covered? Keep in mind that a lot of Japanese don't like the quality of life there.

>> No.2632073


>tfw you will never have a big tittied qt waifu

>> No.2632135

Travel to Asia bro and bring me along with you I have alot of asian waifus over there and trust me you won't regret it.

>> No.2632143

also invest in property and start renting out houses and getting a income for yourself, 2.7 million can go a long way.

>> No.2632155

Do you /tg/ or /k/?

>> No.2632529
File: 50 KB, 500x486, ImTheLordNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back throughout history we had rites of passage
True and correct
>the trauma, abuse, war, isolation that would transform us into men.
Please don't have children. They will grow up as shells or [worse] to become prisoners.

It's the confidence gained by formative experience. Trauma, abuse, etc, do not make war veterans stronger. It gives them PTSD. PTSD does not make you stronger.

Remember the school-wide class excludee? Was it fun telling him to go away, nobody likes him/wants him around? How was watching him get a beating at least once a week? That kid did not end up stronger, but with C-PTSD. If he's still alive, he's probably a puddle of mush for an adult.

Ordinarily I'm more skeptical of government power, but the more I read /pol/'s opinions on child rearing, the more I realize that: if we're going to reduce prison spending and [the small amount of white-caused] crime, parents will need to be required to sign up for parenting class and get a parenting certificate to be approved for breeding. Actually, best outcome would be requirement of child rearing/psychology courses, tests, and certification, to be eligible for a $10k/year government award (parents who do not certify do not get the cash). Regardless of income, $10/year or $10 million/year. Government must has a big requirement for the checks to continue: anything that will put you in jail doing to your spouse (assault/"spanking", imprisonment, mental harassment/torture) should be checked for, and if found should be grounds for [minimum] multi-month removal of the children and a fine equal to the size of the last year's check ($10k).

Parents are raising humans, and many parents got the wrong parenting program from their parents. That wrong program is especially pernicious in the nigger community. Niggers are some of the most spanked children in the US. How is it doing stopping bad behavior and building confidence?

Trauma eats your mind/soul. It does not build you up stronger.

>> No.2632592



Why would you do this? Fuck those faggots, and fuck their shit videos.

Just go for a holiday, if you make it and get rich with coins why even work, just live in Japan and do your coin investing over there.

>> No.2632626


This is not accurate.

While people can indeed become victim to PTSD they can also fall into the category of PTGD (Post Traumatic Growth Syndrome).

Which is, basically, your mind learning how to deal with the trauma. The opposite of PTSD where the mind continuously fails to deal with it.

I bet you're an amerifag. amerifags have had a shit culture for taking care of their soldiers for almost a 100 years now.
"that would be socialist".

>> No.2632662


I wasnt being specific im afraid.

I only disagree with the PTSD part. I completely agree with your view on society.

also i just solved a captcha 6 times in a row - wtf.

>> No.2633087

fuck off whitey

>> No.2633211
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cool larping thread /biz/

>> No.2633252

>mental harassment
Someone stood in a corner way too long as a kid. Marxist stuff like this is why the west is going down the hill

>> No.2633302


What's her name?

>> No.2633902


learn how to reverse image search

>> No.2634358

How many trades do you do per day? How much do you stand to win/lose on one trade? What's your position size? Do you use margin?