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2629823 No.2629823 [Reply] [Original]


Besides ETH and BTC which will double from their ATHs, the rest of those coins will at least quadruple in value by the end of the year.

I've made over 90k from pumping and dumping, but I've made 1.2m from holding good coins.

Don't be a retard and fall for scam coins, you'll eventually get fucked over even if you've been lucky a few times.

Good luck bros. Ask me questions if you need an explanation as to why the coins I mentioned are good. (Try not to ask retarded questions)

>> No.2629836

ans is a scam
eth is driven by scams and is currently worthless
bnt is a scam
dgb is a scam
xrp is a scam
ltc is okay but not competitive

>> No.2629847

>coins that went down over the weekend and that didn't moon from a pajeet scheme are scams

>> No.2629850

>the coins OP is holding

OK senpai

>> No.2629860

Why XRP?

>> No.2629865 [DELETED] 

you forgot SC, OP.

>> No.2629872


>> No.2629900

you're a scam

>> No.2629901
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XBY matters

>> No.2629904

Yeah... because they're good investments... I own over 30 coins but all the money earned from the others flows into these 7 coins.

It is stable and cannot be manipulated.

Sorry but SC is garbage, it will be used for CP and it will give crypto a bad name. It's not a currency, it's a tool.

>> No.2629905



Unless you consider Alibaba a scam site

>> No.2629914

Funny how people always slip a couple of their own bag shitcoins into these lists.

>> No.2629915 [DELETED] 

WE ARE MOVING JUST NOW FROM DISCORD - https://t.me/finepumps

>> No.2629962

>Sorry but SC is garbage, it will be used for CP and it will give crypto a bad name. It's not a currency, it's a tool.
I hate to tell you this but anything that has a use has value in the crypto world. evil or not.

>> No.2629965

Why do you see value in XRP as a token when XRP is value comes from the protocol itself?

>> No.2630001

then name the shitcoins genius.

you people make useless fucking posts I swear.


>> No.2630014

you forgot XMR
obviously a reference to dgb

>> No.2630017


>> No.2630040
File: 140 KB, 512x512, S16aUtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you're what everyone wanted ethereum to be

>> No.2630045

hmmm let's see

Scamcoin that proved nothing yet and has its entire price based on hype.

Overhyped shit, overvalued atm.

Only good long term investment on your list

crashcab scam that proved nothing yet.

Shitcoin that increased its price based on memes and already mooned a dozen of times already.

Scam and won't increase that much in value even if it gets to BTC marketcap due to 10000 quadrillion coins

Not a scamcoin, solid investment.

Put something on your shitheads, 99,9% of the coins are for short to medium term profits. If you are planning to just put money on a coin and leave it like that for years then BTC is the only safe bet, the future of all other coins is very uncertain because they can always be replaced and their price isn't based on anything solid yet.

>> No.2630072





>> No.2630073

What about ETC?

>> No.2630079

Scamcoin that dindu nuthin yet overvalued hypecoin

>> No.2630083
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>no BTS


>> No.2630084


where do you see LTC july 31st? august 31st? december 31st?

debating on selling

>> No.2630096
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The only coins that matter are BTC & XMR

Everything else is a scam, a shitcoin, and/or could be better implemented as a sidechain to BTC/XMR

>> No.2630115

Dun tryna sell us yo bags you dicc

>> No.2630177
File: 84 KB, 750x709, 1488854247438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fully and comfortably vested in both, shorting the shit out of the rest to up my positions

I would hope no one is stupid enough to deny BTC as King Supreme, especially with SegWit2x pre-signalling over 85% and raising. XMR, meanwhile, is the only legit fungible privacy coin, the value of which SHOULDN'T need to be explained.


>> No.2630190

Just saw their website. No indication that I can use ANC there.

If you have proof post it.

>> No.2630199

Coins that matter: Bitcoin

>> No.2630209


Eth but too many true believers still

>> No.2630216
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>There is no Bitcoin, only Bogcoin.


>> No.2630224

Bog is God from Russian

>> No.2630296

>all those shitcoins barring BTC and LTC

How to never make it: The Post

>> No.2630361



>> No.2630508

>no XBY

>> No.2630529


lol sure.

>> No.2630859


you supposed to buy them before that happens dummy, not afterwards when they cost $500

>> No.2631484
File: 677 KB, 545x370, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins are dead, that said I do love some wojak

>> No.2631495

oh god anon, pls

>> No.2631549
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More ANS means i make more shit memes

>> No.2631562

>no waves
>no iex.ec
stay poor nub

>> No.2631571

What is ANS doing different than eth?

>> No.2631802
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>> No.2632123

>Falling for chink dollars

>> No.2632414

Compared to ETH it's undervalued imo, but it wouldn't be my personal investment. Like I said, if you just plan to hold indefinitely BTC is the only safe bet. If you plan to hold short to medium term, pick something with low still marketcap and circulating supply, but with promise, like Factom or Blocknet.

>> No.2632445

ETH drop 20% yesterday lol. Only keep BTC and LTC phags

>> No.2632469
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Senpai we will get there just keep buying.

>> No.2632474

Lol you fucking retards

ANT is good though.

>> No.2632500

>CANNOT be manipulated

Nigger, what?

It's 70% held by ripple, inc and the token is now completely removed from the actual ripple business solution

It's a 100% speculation vehicle.

>> No.2632501

Let's be real here, yesterday we all saw proof that crypto currency is a meme, if i've learned anything from my 3 years in a multi-level marketing company is that the closer to the core of the scam you are, the safer you'll be. Keep your BTC because when shit finally hits the fan it'll be your lifejacket.

>> No.2632525

>yesterday we all saw proof that crypto currency is a meme,
We did?

>> No.2632536

These plebs only care about hot new shiny plastic coins (see all the new zcoin shilling)

They'll come around someone when people begin to understand that distributed ledger tech doesn't need to be applied to everything under the sun

>> No.2632607

If you cough hard enough (for example in an anonymous animeboard) value will plumet, that speaks volumes. Until states/banks accept them to settle debt/pay taxes, or something big like a dieing state like Greece starts accepting it as side currency, it's a meme.

Not like it's not a good asset to my poker regular revenue, but anyway, yesterday was an eye opener, i'm just saying to be careful of scammers and shills, it's your money.

>> No.2632712

Be more specific anon, are you talking about the vitalik shit? If so, even big news sites like CNN were tricjed by 4chan in the past. Don't understimate weponized autism

>> No.2632768

Bitcoin is legal tender in Japan you stupid fuck.

>> No.2632836

My mom just called and said she saw "ETHEREUM PRICES PLUMMET AFTER FALSE RUMORS OF FOUNDERS DEATH" on the tickertape at the bottom of the news.. On the tv in her doctors waiting room... normies are pretty into this, scary senpai

>> No.2632916
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>> No.2633567

>100% speculation vehicle

what other coin besides bitcoin isn't?

>It's 70% held by ripple, inc and the token is now completely removed from the actual ripple business solution

Good, that means 3 whales don'e own 70% you buffoon