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2629133 No.2629133 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to realize crypto is useless. I really can't comprehend why crypto has become popular. It hasn't led to any technological advances or a better banking system at all. It hasn't improved anything in this world.

BTC/ETH/LTC and other altcoins are all having trouble recouping their losses. This isn't surprising.

- No new buyers want to buy as they're afraid it will crash down again and they'll lose money.
- Manipulators continue to make high sell walls & fake buy walls bringing down the prices
- Not to mention there isn't any incentive to buy any crypto coins as crypto gives you absolutely nothing back (besides the possibility of earning interest) which is all dependent on a ponzi scheme of new buyers.

Let's look at the facts..

1. Fiat & Credit/Debit Cards are better in every way to purchase shit. They work, everyone accepts them.
2. Smart contracts can't compare to legal documents written/printed on paper and signed with a pen.
3. Decentralization is a retarded concept that allows people to steal coins and get away with it. It just leads to more corruption.
4. Crypto depends on electricity & an internet connection to run. Fiat works in all situations.
5. Exchanges can easily crash and go down and not let you transfer funds and they all depend on bank transfers/wires in the first place to put money into them.

Explain to me how crypto can be used in REAL WORLD situations to make a better economy/world? I can't think of one positive any of these shitcoins have on anything in this world.

I do believe that there's a better system than crypto & fiat and it's as clear as day what it is....

+ A world with no use for money at all.
+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.

>> No.2629147

I think it's pretty stupid at times too but I'm just fucking around trying to make money doing nothing.

>> No.2629173

>+ A world with no use for money at all.
you better nuke israel then to start

>> No.2629197

how do businesses start without money? no money means no loans, nor investment=no business. you're retarded. you don't even have to read a page about economics to understand this.

>> No.2629200

Think of why they are called crypto coins...think of why it would be useful to exchange value anonymously, with less government interference

>> No.2629216

people will never give up their means, to create a business for you if they do not get anything in return, hence money must exist. no one is going to create equipment for your artisan cheese business, and believe an acceptable return to be artisan cheese. they want money.

>> No.2629224


>blames the jews/israel
>doesn't realize our own collective power to defeat any evil

>> No.2629227


>> No.2629228
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>+ A world with no use for money at all.
>+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
>+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
>+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.
Didn't read anything else.

>> No.2629230

Unless the fed gets on board it could help out the marijuana industry seeing as they can't hold funds in banks.
But maybe we will know more about that after the conference in october.

>> No.2629264


Get a job, fucking moocher! People who demand free things are the people who won't give back anything in return.

>> No.2629337

Commie begone!

>> No.2629343


It's idiocracy.

You have to wrap your head around the idea of living in a money-free society and how it could be done.

Why do we work in the first place? To provide for ourselves and family the basic necessities (food, housing, clothing, healthcare, childcare, entertainment, etc.)

What if all those things could be provided for you for free in exchange for doing work of some kind to help the community? Would that interest you?

Why did humans ever put a price tag on things to begin with?

I realize this is a hard concept to understand but it's very much accomplishable.

Look at countries where minimum wage is $1.00/hr or less... they're already basically working for free and still live in poverty in nearly all cases. What if they could be provided for, for no money at all? I'm certain many of them would opt for that over making $1/hr.

Look what Jesus/God created with no money at all. Yet humans want to claim ownership over this creation they never created and put a price tag on things.

>> No.2629393

>+ A world with no use for money at all.
+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.

Yeah we're about 10 million years behind in biological evolution from that possibility. Maybe go out in space and join the ayylmao's, I'm sure that's how some of them live.

>> No.2629437

Money will eventually be made obsolete.

It's just a matter of time.

Humanity's future is one based on utopian fundamentals.

We all know deep down this is the only way forward.

WIthout money, greed ceases to exist. People are more likely to share.

There's so many great improvements on the way once Humans realize they've been slaves.

>> No.2629459

In Star Trek, humanity has reached abundance. Thanks to scientific progress and good governance, the Federation has overcome the social ills commonly associated with the uneven distribution of material wealth. The citizens of the Federation no longer work to sustain and provide for themselves — they find meaning in more elevated pursuits.

>> No.2629464

It's going to take over whether you like it or not.
Digital money is the next step from fiat money, why waste tax money printing? Shit doesn't matter physically anyway
Then you have corporate interests where say, a coin backed by exxon, bp, and Saudi oil in general, would give them greater buying power whenever OPEC goes on another power trip
Non stop trading, limitless currencies, and a shit ton of normies with hot wallets.
Dude. Pick a path, you can't go wrong this early

>> No.2629480

It's a fad and people like the pyramid scheme aspect of it.

>> No.2629488

If we decide as a society to make things available to all as public goods, we’re going to be well on our way to improving the condition of everybody on Earth.

>> No.2629504

>+ A world with no use for money at all.
>+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
>+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
>+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.

No thanks, people already tried to achieve Communism, and it ended in mass murder and poverty.

>> No.2629533

A public library makes books available to all so they can learn for free.

Why isn't there a public store/warehouse in every community making numerous things available to all so they can borrow for free and use them when needed? Why are we so stuck on the idea of personal ownership? Why do hundreds of thousands of the same things need to be created and eventually end up in a landfill?

Why isn't there a public eatery making locally grown food available to all so they don't go hungry and can remain healthy if jobless or poor?

Please use your minds, together we can change society.

>> No.2629555

its not about ownership. society will not collectively agree to make fringe products that you see in capitalist nations. instead of going to the store and seeing 10 brands of potato chips in 10 different flavors, communist nations will have one or two "collective" goods. we are not Gods. Humanity is too fallible for this idea to ever work. Equipment producers have no interest in producing giant mining trucks for "the common good." They want money to spend as they see fit. Money keeps everyone's value in line and prevents them from overextending their reach beyond what society can provide. If there is no money, then I am free to go into your collectivist grocery store and take as many goods as I want. We are not a people that live to our needs. We live to our desires, and without money to limit the reach of our desires, we will all take more than our fair share and crash the entire system. The world would descend into native american level tribal development. There would be no innovation in technology, few medical doctors, no one reaching for the harder, higher positions, because they do not get any extra in return.

>> No.2629574 [DELETED] 

yeah I like acid too, OP.

>> No.2629585

There are literally flipside arguements to everything you posted.

>> No.2629596

I don't think you'll ever understand the economy well enough to understand why this wouldn't work. In a fantasy world where people have no self-interest, this might work, but it could never achieve the same level of development as capitalism. Its been tried over and over. The USSR failed because it couldn't keep up with the economic development of the west. Your idea has been tried and has failed because its basic premise ignores the basic human principle that is self interest.

>> No.2629601

Everyone needs to take acid and get the message

The hippies had it right. Peace and shit and lava lamps

Fuck conservatives.

>> No.2629603


>> No.2629618

You're assuming that humans will always need to continue working to maintain a base level of good creation

Nowadays robots are doing it more and more. Eventually robots will do all of it

Will we let the robots be purely in the hands of the rich - those who inherited this knowledge from past generations. Or humanity as a whole? I choose humanity as a whole

In 200 years when there are self-replicating factories for creating arbitrary objects that are too expensive for the commoners to afford, did these rich people create them? Do they even understand how they work?

No. These rich people won't understand shit about the materials engineering and complex mathematics and software used to make these wealth-creation objects work

They are the products of humanity, of our greatest minds, of our species as a whole - NOT THOSE WHO MANAGED TO BE BORN TO RICH PEOPLE

Communism didn't work in the past, but it is the ONLY option for the future. Star Trek had it right

Drop some acid.

p.s. I make more money than you

>> No.2629621
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>> No.2629623

>I realize this is a hard concept to understand but it's very much accomplishable.

It's not doable even on a small scale because not everyone is willing to put in the same amount of effort. Why would I want to share the fruits of my labor with someone who works less hard than me?

>> No.2629638

I took LSD and mushrooms several times and don't agree with that shit.

>> No.2629640

>In a fantasy world where people have no self-interest, this might work

no it wouldn't. even if we were ants who work for free, inefficiencies in the market due to flawed central planning would compound until these massive discrepancies manifest (IE famine and mass starvation).

The whole "we're just not good enough for wonderful communism" meme is ridiculous. Communism as an economy policy is fundamentally flawed because it ignores the huge advantage of a free market via adaptability and innovation.

>> No.2629644
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>There would be no innovation in technology,

There has been many advanced societies on this planet that were far greater than ours that had no money system yet their technological advances were out of this world.

>few medical doctors, no one reaching for the harder, higher positions, because they do not get any extra in return

If someone only works because they get more money than others their whole identity is a fraud. They aren't doing what they really love or have talent in and should quit.

>> No.2629655

You are totally right the blockchain is not the boat for the next tech revolution. Totally legit... Op are you a kids/nigga baghodler

>> No.2629707
File: 320 KB, 1013x632, ST TNG The Measure of a Man Picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A sufficiently advanced civilization will provide a base level of income to all citizens, as well as the opportunity to advance for those who want to. There would be honor based ranking systems for social prestige and additional wealth and advanced experiences for those who contribute more

But due to an increase in automation and widespread knowledge about birth control, abortion, and gene therapy, there would be no need for everyone to work just to live and survive as an organism

When we have automated self-repairing tractors tending the fields, when we have durable solar power plants giving us unending power, when we have created all of these things, all that will necessary will be a baseline level of maintenance - not "growth" in the traditional sense of money hoarding

As such, all citizens will be free to spend most of their spare time on personal interests, hobbies, art, exercise, socializing, and anything they want.

If you don't think this is do-able, you don't understand the power of automation and how it will continue to revolutionize the world for centuries. We're only getting started, this has all only happened in the past 100 years - think about what will happen in 200 years

This isn't about now it's about a generalized principle.

All species that cannot manage to provide a universal basic income to all members of the species while also maintaining its environment, has, by any well thought out definitions of a sufficiently advanced civilization - FAILED

End of

If you do not stick up for your fellow man, you are not a man but an animal still. Not civilized. Feel free to be one, but don't expect your kind to be treated like a man as opposed to like an animal during the revolutions of the coming centuries.

>> No.2629735
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Damn, gonna get reborn in time for 2420 n get lit for a whole year

>> No.2629751

>do drugs.
I have. Psychedelics only demoralize those of weak will.
>I make more money than you.
not an argument or something you can even pretend to believe as you don't know me.
Who knows what will be happening in 200 years. Even with "self-replicating" factories, there will still be economic classes. People will have to design the products that go to market still, unless you plan on innovation stopping at that moment. Robots will put a huge portion of society out of work, and wealth accumulation will go to those who design the best new products, creating even more class disparity than before, even though the average quality of life will improve. you're living a pipe dream.

>> No.2629777

dawg did you even read what I said.
>but it could never achieve the same level of development as capitalism.
I agree there would be huge inefficiencies in the planning (which is kind of you admitting that it is human fallibility that makes it impossible; a contradiction in your own argument), but to say it couldn't achieve a level of non-famine is kind of dumb. It definitely could reach levels of famine avoidance, especially at a global level, assuming it is very egrarian. The biggest flaw is the lack of consumer goods, leads to a lack of innovation and there is no invisible hand guiding the markets to saturation.

>> No.2629801 [DELETED] 

i get it now. i really get it now. we don't need cryptos. we need communism!!

>> No.2629814

>(which is kind of you admitting that it is human fallibility that makes it impossible; a contradiction in your own argument),

no. the inability to plan the economy is not a human failing. Even a super computer could not do so.

>but to say it couldn't achieve a level of non-famine is kind of dumb. It definitely could reach levels of famine avoidance, especially at a global level, assuming it is very egrarian. The biggest flaw is the lack of consumer goods, leads to a lack of innovation and there is no invisible hand guiding the markets to saturation.

Okay Pol Pot.

>> No.2629815

>4. Crypto depends on electricity & an internet connection to run. Fiat works in all situations.
>go buy some food in shop
>oh shit, the internet went down
>sorry we can't accept card payment at the moment

>> No.2629825

holy shit, i knew commies were stupid, but this is just embarassing

>> No.2629849

you're right a super computer could not do so. But there is theoretically no reason why it is impossible, only practical reasons why it most likely will not be. Since that leaves the room for it theoretically being possible, it still means humans are incapable of doing it, because they aren't good enough.
>Okay Pol Pot
great counter argument.

>> No.2629870

>you're right a super computer could not do so. But there is theoretically no reason why it is impossible, only practical reasons why it most likely will not be.

The only way to effectively plan the market is to be able to see the future, and seeing the future is impossible. So yes, it is impossible.

>great counter argument.

Well when you imply agrarian societies don't experience famine there's really not much that needs to be said.

>> No.2629888

>Explain to me how crypto can be used in REAL WORLD situations to make a better economy/world?

>> No.2629916


communism - a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

socialism - a society in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

capitalism - a society in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

I think all of these have good ideas but have all failed.

The ideal society I believe in is based more on The Essenes community at Quamrun & Ashrams/Monasteries/Adheenams/Communes around the world where people live spiritually together and provide for each others needs. Where all work & responsibility is shared equally.

>> No.2629923

"It's going to happen in this bad way, so that's how it should be"

>> No.2629928

You don't need to be able to see the future. You just have to get rid of all pleasure goods, and only provide those necessary as sustenance. If you calculated the exact amount everyone needed, and overproduced that at a given safety factor, yeah it would be possible to have a functioning planned economy. I'm not saying this is a desirable society, but it is definitely possible. I wasn't so much implying agrarian societies are immune, so much as implying the over production of food=more food, and would for no foreseeable reason be more prone to famine, especially if this planned economy was worldwide so areas not affected could take care of those who might have a food shortage. I'm in no way defending communism, just saying that theoretically, at a very low level of wealth accumulation per person, it could be possible to plan well enough to provide the most basic necessities of life to every person, although everyone would be less well off for it. I don't understand how you don't understand that it is possible.

>> No.2629960

I did not realise one could be this retarded.

A decentralized currency has no inflation. Nobody can print extra money for BTC for example.

"It allows people to steal..."
What? You don't give somebody your house keys either do you?

"Smart contracts can't compare"
Except they are even more binding. Nobody can change them ever.

"They work"
Because more people use them they are accepted more you dumb shit

"They can easily crash"
because the crypto market is smaller genius

If people accept BTC to pay with there you go... (Which some already do)

>> No.2629980

Alright, if you sacrificed everything else and got lucky maybe you could supply enough food, but at that point you're going to have other issues equal to famine.

>> No.2629985

It's better than the alternative, as the alternative faces too many practical issues, and makes too many wrong assumptions to ever function. Unless you like having less stuff, and less innovation, capitalism is the answer. Sorry that you're a chump who isn't at the top, neither are most people. But we all experience a higher quality of life in a free market economy.

>> No.2629993

I'm driving right now so I couldn't read your post and detail but I was able to see your first point.

Yes credit cards and Fiat are better, right now. But they have been around from decades to Millennia however Bitcoin has been around for less than a decade. Despite that is popularity is growing like a British refrigerator fire. Bitcoin is still in its infancy yet its Global and it's the first technology to threaten the bank period I would get in now if I were you.

We could see a good system in the future where Bitcoin is used for your transactions and gold and silver is used as your savings account. I can't see a purpose for the banks in that world.

>> No.2630050

Fiat can't live forever. Crypto can.

>> No.2630384

1. Fiat has no intrinsic value and will die from inflation.
2. Smart contracts will replace pen and paper
3. You're dumb
4. Problem how
5. Has to do with centralization of exchanges, go back to point three and see your error.

>> No.2630653
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the marijuana industry is a meme and so is shitcoin.

>> No.2630672

Ever think of Bank charges?

>> No.2630763
File: 38 KB, 480x456, heli ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+ A world with no use for money at all.
>+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
>+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
>+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.

It doesn't work, we tried that several times during 20th century. You can literally go to jail in my country for suggestion of implementation of such system.

>> No.2630830

>There has been many advanced societies on this planet that were far greater than ours that had no money system yet their technological advances were out of this world.

Like what? Literally every society that wasn't just small tribe-like commune developed and used money systems up until commies.

>> No.2630898


Different ways of looking at your facts
1. Processing is very slow
2. Smart contracts ensure that what has been agreed upon will happen, removing the biased third party of arbitration
3. Decentralization is needed even with its weaknesses. We cannot continue storing everyone's data in one place. Nature dictates that even the strongest (of security) will eventually fall.
4. This is debatable, some projects are in the works. Fiat without internet is also face to face.
5. Look up decentralized exchanges...

However, you are right in that crypto will fail. Business reasoning tells you that maybe 1 to 3% of crypto currencies are actually here to stay.

However, with China, India, Russia, and other countries developing an official cryptocurrency and company interest in blockchain, that small percentage that does survive will dominate finances

>> No.2631114

>No thanks, people already tried to achieve Communism, and it ended in mass murder and poverty.

an mansions of old rich people got (((redistributed))). now with better goy....guards
and new (((rulers))) appeared everywhere.

>> No.2631635

>Starting to realize crypto is useless.
Is paper money inherently useful
What are the flaws in fiat system
What did the internet do to magazines + publishing industries
Read the Bitcoin white paper anon, it sounds like you don't get it

>> No.2631670

crypto = gold of the new age

>> No.2631708
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>Is paper money inherently useful

Try that with bitcoins.

>> No.2631749

Who wants solid state hard drives? They're expensive, have little to no capacity and are unreliable. I don't see solid state hard drives being adopted en masse in the future.

>> No.2631757
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>> No.2631816

Repplace crypto with fiat

>> No.2631822

You just realized we're very early on in the development stages of cryptocurrencies. O worries m8, all of those issues you mentioned will be eventually taken care of

> tfw you're sitting on a fucking goldmine

>> No.2631852

Lenin said the smae thing about communism.
Then came Stalin.

>> No.2631903


Oh, man.

Go suck bernie's dick. The last 2 months cryptos have become a speculative asset and this is basically the dotcom 2.0. 90% of the newcoiners just keep their stuff on the exchanges.

How many people use a light client wallet on their pc or smartphone?
How many people know how to program smart contracts?
How many of you plan on adopting crypto in order to receive it as payment and spend it? That is the true backbone for crypto to stay valuable and to have it keep growing.

Sadly this tech has fallen into the le moon and lambo™ memes.

>> No.2631980
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the cope is stronk among indoctrinated goyim

>> No.2632002
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Cant believe I read all that only to find out OP was retarded at the end.

>> No.2632016


>> No.2632026

Typical newb response.

Oh you realise this only after the market dips, right?


I was saying this for the last 3 years, but guess what - offshore money going to crypto is trillions. Offshore regulations are tightened and people need to store their black money somewhere.

>> No.2632044

We are not in early stages idiot.

Joe Rogan recommending to buy Ethereum.

Dan Balzerian buying bitcoin.

Cryptogirllzzz on youtube.

NewYorkTimes.com etheruem article

This is not "early stage"

This is "normie stage"

This is why bubble burst.

>> No.2632067

Hello - my room is a mess, please tidy it for me for free.

>> No.2632082


>> No.2632097

Normie stage is when your grandma goes and tries to buy crypto. And by then it won't be a bubble. It'll be an unpoppable sphere.

>> No.2632118

You have no fucking idea.
We left the 1st phase of early adopters.
Now we entered the 2nd phase where traditional investors join the game.
The 3rd phase with normies won't begin, if there is no easy possibility to acquire BTC with a simple one-click transaction through your bank.

Talking about it is not the same thing as actually take action and buying it.

So no.
No fucking way this is a bubble.
We haven't even left the ground floor.

You have no idea, stay poor, leave, gtfo of you cannot handle this.

>> No.2632130

>Normie stage is when your grandma goes and tries to buy crypto.

It already happened idiot - there was literally a grandma going to Bitcoin ATM to buy Bitcoin because of ransomware attack.

>> No.2632131

Seriously, gtfo to the latrine you came from, /leftypol/

>> No.2632136

>Now we entered the 2nd phase where traditional investors join the game.

Traditional investors like Winklewoss and other billionaires bought in early unlike you laggard norms.

Admit it - this is late adopter/laggard stage, you are all normie laggards

>> No.2632138

>Normie stage is when your grandma goes and tries to buy crypto

According to this logic stocks, bonds and forex are in early stages.

>> No.2632144
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>+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.

Hi, welcome to the office of doing what you love fellow citizen. I'm afraid the openings for bonbon chocolate tester and boob inspector are allready taken. Hmm, lets see... yes, i do have an opening for shit shoveler however. I'll just sign you up for that.

Have a nice day, citizen.

>> No.2632154
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>argues everything should be free
>gets in crypto solely to make money
You are what is standing between you and your dream, OP.
I'm not in crypto to gain big bucks, but to hedge against central banking devaluating the fruit of my labor and authoritarian governments restricting my freedom of speech and thought (which includes but isn't limited to moneraty transactions).
Bitcoin and Ether are over 100% up since the beginning of the year. No investor would be discouraged by the recent pullback. Only speculators worry.
To be honest, you sound like you're 19 and invested your allowance. Go beyond college tier thinking, read behavioral studies, study history, experience the real world. You cannot have a political opinion worth more than toilet paper before you're 30 (even if you came to the right conclusion, it'd be for the wrong reasons).

>> No.2632160

You do realize the Winklewoss were exceptional early adopters?

>> No.2632165

This, the cointards are deluded. Normies have bought in and panic sold. Game is over. If you didn't make money by now, your train has passed, go back to wageslaving idiot normie

>> No.2632169

You're taking about a perpetual motion machine. You just don't realize it.

Scarcity is the underlying issue and you're not dealing with it.

Even if you solve scarcity you have the issue of r selected individuals breeding uncontrollably and heat dissipation from free energy.

>> No.2632187

Someone with the right attitude.

Yeah, don't cry if you lose half your allowance money.
If you invest in crypto, you support the bankless system and you may become rich by doing that in the future 10-20 years

>> No.2632190

>WIthout money, greed ceases to exist.

>> No.2632192
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>+ A world with no use for money at all.
>+ A world with no fiat, crypto, or a banking system.
>+ A world where everyone is doing what they love and not living for a paycheck or some futile fantasy.
>+ A world where everyone collectively joins together and makes things for the good of all for free.

>people bothered to seriously reply to this post

>> No.2632209


CRYPTO is the cash that you may use on distance. Thats all.

>> No.2632220

I like this

>> No.2632229

By the way, it is a cash that can't be stolen from you. You just memorize private key - and all your money will be only in your memory.

>> No.2632243

i remember when I was 16 but 4chang is 18+ kid

>> No.2632291

Then in some future some company will make a terminals that you can use to pay via crypto in stores.
They will also make some small device for users to identify them or store their key, so they wouldn't need to memorize the whole key sequence.
They will probably make it in such form so you can store it in your wallet, maybe something like... I don't know a plastic card with chip or magnetic bar.

>> No.2632453
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>> No.2632683

>The USSR failed because it couldn't keep up with the economic development of the west
Lmfao the ussr failed because it was corrupted from the inside out by the same folks who usurped the American govt, read a book u dip

>> No.2633004

Oh boy. You seem to think Joe Rogan, Dan Balzerian, Cryptogirllzzz are known worldwide. Trust me in this lad, 99% of the world population don't even know who these people are.
> m-muh nyt
Dude, normies barely know how to read. Do you really think they care about what the times says?

>> No.2633021

>Why did humans ever put a price tag on things to begin with?

>> No.2633034

>this is useless
>why not just use the things weve always used
>doesnt realize at one point people thought the same thing about the old system

You dont have to be a rough and tumbke internet crypto meme warrior if you dint want to take the gamble. Fucking leave. Strong hands only.

>> No.2633047


Usurped? The USSR was always corrupt, always shit.

>> No.2633114

These were just examples how widespread knowledge is about cryptos.
Normies are more aware of cryptos than forex for example, it's not some sekrit club for neets to make quick buck.

>> No.2633117
File: 38 KB, 400x367, IMG_6008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2633156

>synagogue of satan
>any evil
They are literally the top of the evil pyramid dipshit, pull out some fiat and you can even see the damn thing.

>> No.2633159


Crypto will be mainstream as soon as the President mentions it in a speech or Katy Perry tells her supporters to buy it on twitter.

>> No.2633175

Hello new friend

>> No.2633229

Good riddens newfag, go cry somewhere else. You made bad buys and whine like a schoolgirl when reality bit your dumbass

>> No.2633245

This is an incredible shitpost, well done OP

>> No.2633276

you would think that from being on biz but its really not true. As a 'failed chad' I have the most normie friends you can imagine I brought it up and litearlly none of them had heard of etherum, their understanding of bitcoin was almost non existent besides the name. One of these dudes is a kid who is the quintiessential finance-bro, he knew he wanted to get into it first year of college, majored in finance, worked at city, and now works in fixed income at Royal Bank of Canada. This dude could talk ad infimum about anything going on in real financial markets, had no idea what Ether was

>> No.2633295
File: 191 KB, 671x1004, MuhSafeHaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, good goy, sell everything for Yellencoins.

>> No.2633697



>> No.2634643

>hurr durr it worked in this one TV show I saw so please ignore the catastrophic failures of communism over the past century

>> No.2634943

Well at least they tried. Cryptocurrency was a vision to make a better world, but it was corrupted by (((greed))) as usual. It definitively failed in its current form.

>> No.2635190

>I do believe that there's a better system than crypto & fiat and it's as clear as day what it is....

>happy hippy dippy utopialand!!!

oh i see

OP is just retarded

>> No.2635421

If you believe this then you're free to move into one of the many existing utopian communes, but you won't. Those places are built by and for faggots, real men prefer unregulated capitalism.

>> No.2635437

Can you idiots get off our board please?


>> No.2636450

Dan actually went balls deep in ethereum (about $500k worth) when it was around $80... And he cashed at $400 for a 5x gain. I was told by a close friend of his to buy, but I ignored it... And I'm kicking myself. Hard. I bought in at $337. I've got $12,500 invested in so far over the last two weeks amongst btc, ltc, ans, eth, xrp, rdd... I'm dollar cost averaging into the market until I've got $100k or so invested. Maybe $150-200k total depending on how the market looks over the next few months. I see a ton of potential over the long term

>> No.2636599

> It hasn't improved anything in this world.

Its improved the balance of my bank account

>> No.2636681

>communism doesn't work
>socialism doesn't work

What examples are you using for your hypothesis?

The USSR wasn't a true communist or socialist country. Joseph Stalin was a dictator.

China & North Korea are not true communist countries either, they're both ruled by dictators.

>> No.2637193

>I realize this is a hard concept to understand but it's very much accomplishable.

it's called communism and it failed. You can't change the nature of man

>> No.2637201

>daftly provides example off why communism doesnt work without a hint of irony

>> No.2638265

not even ants have """real""" communism fuck off

>> No.2638302

I just got cancer

>> No.2638317

Basically this.
Rape the shit out of it now while you can like a greedy filthy jew in a swimming pool of money, before the whole shitshow collapses.

>> No.2638334

Hmmmmm.... it's almost like trying to implement communism leads to a dictatorship..

>> No.2638339

"""true""" communism will never exist, because the premise is flawed

>> No.2639100
File: 410 KB, 1105x1079, 1424574295358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stupidest post i have ever seen how the fuck does it have so many replies 10/10 bait i guess here we go:

>expecting something that was created 8 years ago to be the world currency all of a sudden

nigger you are a special kind of retarded get this commie shit outta here and come back when you've starved to death

>> No.2639117

It's called a setup.

That money you are making isn't free you know....

Here is what the IMF thinks:


"7 Given their pseudo-anonymous nature where the identities of participants in a transaction are not known,
cryptocurrencies do give rise to significant money-laundering and terrorist-financing risks. "