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2629001 No.2629001 [Reply] [Original]

>Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, private, smart form of payment that will revolutionize the financial industry.

He never bought anything with crypto
He never interacted with any smart contracts using crypto

Let's look at reality, shall we:

>Payments are slower than Western Union
>Payments cost more than Western Union
>Crypto isn't private because none of you fags use TOR while trading
>Crypto isn't decentralized, Bitcoin is at the whim of chinese miners and Eth is at the whim of vitalik
>Companies are going to IBM and JP morgan for blockchain solutions, not lord skeletor
>None of the currently existing chains are scalable past buying drugs or running a few illegal gambling companies

Admit it you austists, crypto is only a speculative asset and it's overvalued by a factor of 3 and it's going to crash hard.

>> No.2629029

Bumpin so that you autists can sell before it's too late.

>> No.2629086

Bumpin so that you autists can tell OP has an extra chromosome.

I´ll take the bait:

> Not really;
> Not really;
> Not really;
> Not really;
> Yeah;
> Not really.

I suggest you look into crypto a little beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum before posting.

>> No.2629108

Valentina Nappi to anyone wondering

>> No.2629120

Speculative asset that made me 30 grand, which is now nestled away in my bank account. Can you explain what's wrong with that? It felt like fake money as I was holding it in my hand. Complete disbelief. Big fat wad of hundreds, but then I deposited it at the bank, did the questionaire and reserved a portion for taxes.. I'd love to hear what's wrong with 10x gains. Go ahead.

>> No.2629138

what other coins do you think are scaleable or have use outside of currency/scamshit.

>> No.2629149

you stole it from literal retards.

>> No.2629162

Why not just see crypto as a way to get more money?

If you don't believe in crypto then don't hold.

BUT you can't deny the fact that some people with myself included are making tens of thousands of dollars very easily.

>> No.2629170

>He never bought anything with crypto
wrong senpai
Anyways I see crypto as a wild bet, the moment I made the 500 USD transfer to buy some bitcoins I knew that money was lost.
I got into my head that no part of that money will ever see the light again as any other centralized currency.
Is just hoping for the best, like the relatively hot girl that takes selfies all day long hoping one day she'll be famous or the guy that bough an insurance with premiums thinking that one day he'll need it.
There's nothing wrong with hoping something, that's basically the foundation of modern world, everybody owns everyone hoping one day they'll be paid.

>> No.2629174

Thanks mate literally the only reason I'm here

>> No.2629205

the point is that its supposed to have some kind of real world application that would create value, at this point its all promises and no performance. your gains are just other people losses, its not like the coins are being used to buy sell or create dao's.

>> No.2629278 [DELETED] 

nobody cares enough to explain things to you no coiners anymore. enjoy buying 1000 satoshis in 2020 for $10 when you finally realize it's a serious thing and buy some poorfag stuff with it.

>> No.2629304

I agree completely but still trade shitcoins. It's a ponzi

>> No.2629309

>decentralized and private
>the government hates both of those things

sorry but face reality, crypto has no chance of ever being widely adopted. it will always be used to buy drugs, child porn, and weapons on the darknet by the scum of the earth. thats as far as it will go.

>> No.2629310

You do realise that literal retards are making profit on this right?

>> No.2629321

nice larp

>> No.2629329

im not

>> No.2629355

pull your head out of your ass. just because people are making money at something, doesnt mean its a wise or viable long term investment. people make 30 grand at the roullette table in vegas, people make 30grand betitng on dog races. that doesnt mean its a smart or reliable investment

>> No.2629385

You really think that 10x gains are a larp?
Have you even looked at the charts once

>> No.2629407

>Gambling is the same as investing
You can pull out at any time with investing, not so much with gambling. You're free to leave any time no coiner

>> No.2629422

>He never bought anything with crypto
Couple years back I bought Star Trek Online for 4 Bitcoins and a brand new router for 10.

>> No.2629436 [DELETED] 

anyone who made more money than me is larping.

>> No.2629482

post some proof of the 30k gains you cashed out

o wait youre larping

>> No.2630127


Fucking $30,000 router better be the bee's knees.

>> No.2630159


>> No.2630160

Idiot have you ever been gambling? If anything its easier to leave a casino then cash out of crypto fag

>> No.2630191

You're missing the point.
You're hating on crypto and trying to scare everyone away despite that fact that many here have made money.
Yes it's risky, of course
Just stop being such a salty nocoiner

>> No.2630208


cripple is done. oldest bag in the box

>> No.2630221

Even BTC is cheaper than WU
TOR doesn't make BTC private, but XMR is private
I've personally purchased lots with BTC/XMR

drugs, gambling, and tax evasion are multi-trillion dollar markets, even if this is all crypto is ever used for, it's still undervalued

>> No.2630233
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>> No.2630258
File: 149 KB, 1536x2048, DAiMugVXYAAiV2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTS and STEEM and EOS can do all those

all are FASTER THAN VISA 100,000 tx/sec

BTS has tiny fees, STEEM/EOS have 0 fees always

i2p better than tor anyway. EOS, BTS have privacy

all are scalable past VISA right now

bts/steem been operational and each handles more than double traffic of btc and eth combined without hick up.

>> No.2630350

Holy fuck you're retarded. Obviously the tech is still young and being worked on literally daily. If it was already fully developed and flawless there would be no money to be made you moron, how is this a hard concept to grasp?

This is getting in on amazon on the ground floor


>hurr durr why would people order stuff online when they could just go to the store?
>hurr durr why would people put their credit card information online where people could hack it?
> hurr durr why would people wait a week for something they could by the same day?

This is literally you. Either you're a legut retard or your larping and hoping someone will spoonfeed you information

Either way you should kill yourself

>> No.2630359

I have bought things with crypto though.

>> No.2630376

>retards shouldn't be stolen from

>> No.2630379

Not american so not sure nor care how fast western union is. Ethereum is faster than bank transfers (~15s) and payment doesn't put my info at risk.

Fees are definitely lower. A few cents on Ethereum, whereas my banks apply a hefty minimum conversion fee from euro to dollar (€1) and PayPal uses non-market rates and pockets the extra change.

Ethereum is much more private than having my name and address directly plastered on my purchase.

Ethereum is less centralized than central banks.

I don't really care about companies do or don't, the technology is valuable for me.

BitShares can send 100,000 tx/s, Bitcoin and Ethereum are both working on improvements.

Who cares about the valuation. It needs to be stable to be widely used. Whether that's at $1000 or $20 hardly matters.

>> No.2630388
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>> No.2630398

What the fuck do you want retard? The idea is good. If you don't understand the merits from it then fuck off.

>> No.2630400


Yes its going to crash hard. But when btc goes back down to about 1000$ you faggots better buy some of it, as well as a basket of other well established crypto you believe in because you know the story is not finished and it will reach new highs later on. It's only the beginning of the tech, just do some DCA when it reaches the bottom of the slope and you will be golden.

>> No.2630413
File: 31 KB, 231x346, luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move crypto to coinbase
>sell crypto for fiat
>transfer fiat to bank account

where the fuck do you people live?

>> No.2630414

I made 5k in a week and I'm just a 26 year old NEET. Go to hell nocoiner.

>> No.2630441

Thats because theyre not a real distributed blockchain

>> No.2630456


You so obviously never used crypto, lol

buy a little, use it, then you can make a more educated critique on it. crypto has its flaws, but your points

>Payments are slower than Western Union
>Payments cost more than Western Union

you can make a transfer of 100K usd for less than a dollar in 30 minutes? Fine, make it 2USD for high-traffic hour. You can also do it for free if you have a spare week and really don't want to spend money (and that's BTC, smaller chains do it even faster/cheaper at the moment)

>Crypto isn't decentralized, Bitcoin is at the whim of chinese miners and Eth is at the whim of vitalik
China is falling below well below 60% on Bitcoin mining share rapidly, and if you don't like Vitalik controlling your currency, you're free to use ETC. None of those are arguments against crypto, just 2 certain coins.

>Companies are going to IBM and JP morgan for blockchain solutions, not lord skeletor
literally what? where did companies go to them for blockchain solutions?
loads of companies use Bitcoin (Microsoft, Steam, Newegg...), and a lot show interest in ETH, however.

>None of the currently existing chains are scalable past buying drugs or running a few illegal gambling companies

I'm pretty sure cryptocurrency markets make far bigger traffic than drug&gambling sites.

Still they're definitely used for a bazillion other things, though that's an area still under heavy development.

>> No.2630543

Valentina is pretty and anal is standard. Weird. Usually the prettier girls dont do anal as much.

>> No.2630712

Can't you get convicted of money laundering if something goes wrong though?

>> No.2630740

What coinz?

>> No.2630953

Crypto are the future no matter what unless there is a complete civilizationnal collapse but in this case even here noone would give a fuck about it because there would be more urgent things to deal with.
It would need a global effort to ban currency (one more reason to fight globalism) and it will not come anytime soon.

>> No.2630994

its true

I had to wait an hour to send $250 via bitcoin

>> No.2631018
File: 94 KB, 2650x1440, Fiat-logo-1968-2560x1440[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are correct on all counts and the bestest goy ever
don't let that lack of foreskin stop you from covert wealth redistribution in your beloved fiat

pic relate, only fiat worth anything

>> No.2631192

No. Pay your taxes.

>> No.2631217

Crypto currency is a great concept. Our current implementation is babby level though. Compared to early Altair computers at the start of the home computer revolution.

The concept will survive. Our current shitcoins? Probably not so much.

>> No.2631383
File: 122 KB, 960x916, crypto meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2631389

Also, I think some inflation is needed.

>> No.2631754

>He never bought anything with gold
>marketcap 8+ trillion
>inb4 some dumb gold uses justify 8 trillion marketcap
See you at 10k per coin faggot. Start thinking about suicide methods.

>> No.2631773
File: 1.71 MB, 1297x4344, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the intrinsic and unique value of being able to move X amount of money seamlessly borderless and without middlemen and permissionless is the same as going to the vegas casino

You deserve what's coming to you.

>> No.2631835

Only retards still think cryptos are usable as money. They function as a store of value now like gold. Problem is that cryptocoins are easily and constantly replicated so that point is moot, thus inflation is still a risk.

>> No.2631864

>gold doesn't fluctuate in price
>fiat isn't constantly being produced
>what are crypto caps

1/10 made me reply

>> No.2631867


might be controlled by miners, but at least they have an incentive to keep the price high, not hyperinflate it to worthlessness

>> No.2631872

>what are taxes

As long as you pay your fair share you get the cash that's how all investments work. It's also better to keep on the shelf for over a year so the tax hit won't be so intense.

The only worry about laundering is over the shady shit crypto is connected to with darknet activities but if it were really that bad they could just follow the blockchain back to your addresses.

>> No.2631926

>I don't know how crypto works

The volatility is kind of like gambling and can be unpredictable but it definitely isn't only on a chance or whim. Imo I treat it as investment for startups based on the actual assets related to the coin. The only problem is a lot of people on /biz/ either pretend they're retarded and losing to spread FUD or are actually retarded and losing, and a lot of it is based on the same fallacies a gambler would fall for (hot hand, causation=/=correlation, etc.). Don't kid yourself like we aren't due for this kind of tech in the future. The fact that it already exists only means it will evolve.