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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2628131 No.2628131 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you finally get your shit together? I'm 23 and I feel like a worthless fuck. I dropped out of college because I really didn't know what I wanted and I was depressed.

I've been working at this shitty restaurant for the past 8 years and I really feel like I am stuck here forever. All my coworkers are college drop outs too. I work in a very toxic environment and it just makes me even more depressed. I make good tips, but its not enough to where I can live a good life.

I've been thinking about going back to school, but I just don't know what I should be learning. Before I dropped I was going for accounting, but I really don't feel like its for me. I do want to stay in the business field though.

I've been told that I hould go into HR because I've worked with a lot of people at my other job and Its the easiest major in the business field.

Idk guys I just feel fucking lost and I feel like my time is running out.

>> No.2628158

I was getting it together at 20 but then i got in a drunk driving wreck, and herniated my back in 6 places. Had to leave school, living with single mother who works 6 jobs. Can't even get out of bed without feeling like im made of glass.
I am shooting for a full recovery in 2 years time.
I am already walking again after 13 months of being numb.
so I guess im getting it together now at 22

>> No.2628159

I just dropped out at 21 and im going to get extremely wealthy off of digitilized currency

>> No.2628214

i spent 2 years as a neet recluse from 19 - 21 and after that i just felt like working hard for some reason.

>> No.2628228

Im the same as you. 24 now and decided two years ago to fuck uni off and work more at my casual job.

As long as you're saving your money you won't be stuck forever. You still need to save it in the right places though.

Get some stocks even though they're high, keep some dollars even though they suck, get some Bitcoin just in case it's the future, and hold the rest in Monero because it is the future.

Always be on the lookout for side hustles as well.

>> No.2628237

Probably around 25. Then I fucked up again and ended up even worse than I was before. I'm 30 now.

>> No.2628258

What do you do now and how did you fuck up?

>> No.2628284
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Ask yourself what you want to do and then write it down in physical writing then take the step necessary to doing it. If you do decide on school save up and try to pay for as much as possible student loans are a literal plague.

Good Luck.

Oh you poor child you.

>At what age did you finally get your shit together?
26 I finally learned the importance of making a monthly budget and have nearly paid off my 15k in student loans only 6 months left on them. Then I am going to make an emergency fund, start putting away 15% of my pay check to retirement and then start investing into mutual funds.

>mfw I didn't do this when I started working at 19
>mfw I would have had almost 100k by now if I did

>> No.2628302

Thanks, sounds cliche but believing in myself helps.

>> No.2628320

kekked at the gif

>> No.2628323
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>off of

>> No.2628364
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I dont know how many times I've considered joining the Armef Forces just to get away from home. (22)

I guess I can finish my degree but I'm sick of school, and I dont care for playing Resume Roulette anymore.

Basically its entrepreneur life or I'm going infantry, on the chance they even take GEDs.

God sometimes I want to break something

>> No.2628365

Long story, but to keep it short, after I graduated college, I got a job, my fiance dumped me, lost my job, fell into an alcoholism fueled spiral, jail time, got really fat, dad died, grandpa died, etc. Now I live with my mother on life insurance money from the deaths. I've been making a lot of progress towards improving myself though, so I'm not really doing too bad. I have no debt, and my old boss is willing to cover all the holes in my resume for me if/when I decide to find a job. Basically, I'm a real retarded piece of shit.

>> No.2628390

It's because most self improvement is honestly very simple. Do some basic small changes and you will see big changes eventually. Want some money spend less and save more, want to lose weight and get /fit/ eat less and lift... then eat more because you'll never make it with that attitude brah.

>> No.2628444

I won't post my long and depressing story but I finally stopped living paycheck to paychek at about 28 or 29. I moved out on my own at a pretty young age without any savings, and dealt with debt, endless overdraft fees, and grinding fucking poverty for the better part of a decade.

>> No.2628456

Good work anon how did you do it? Paycheck to paycheck is the fucking worst.

>> No.2628493

Im 46 and still live paycheck to paycheck and a grocery store shelf stocker. Still live with my mom. Im hoping crypto will help me elevate my position in life

>> No.2628530


you should be able to according to this

>If you have a high school diploma or higher, you are categorized in Tier 1 classification and if you have a GED without college credits, you are classified as Tier 2. However, if a student with a GED completes 15 college credits, that student is reclassified as Tier 1. The Tier 1 student has to perform in the 30th percentile and above on the ASVAB in order to be eligible for service. The Tier 2 student has to perform above 50th percentile to be eligible for service.

Also you don't have to go into infantry, the army has a ton of jobs, it depends on how well you do on the ASVAB

you could get a tech job like this

>> No.2628561

I landed a job that pays okay and offers plenty of overtime, and managed to hold onto it for four years. After about a year I finally had my debt under control and had some savings for the first time in my life. It was just a lot of time and grinding away.

>> No.2628619

I was in the exact same position you are in except a friend pulled me aside and said "stay in, just get a fucking business degree and get out"

Im glad I did. I'm not saying get a business degree, but stick with it and get something.

There are lots of people like us that don't know what we want to do.

I have a really good paying job I would have otherwise without the degree or confidence I got From sticking it out. Hang in there, pick something, work hard and graduate.

>> No.2628626

Thanks anon, I'll keep that in mind.

I really hope I can make this crypto thing work though. Fuck.

>> No.2628643

I bought my ex a $4000 engagement ring with a fucking Kay Jewelers credit card. Mind you this was during a period in my life where my financial situation was desperate to begin with, and somehow I totally thought this was a good idea because, you know, love. I ended up getting fired from my job a few months later, and the relationship falls apart. My car gets repossessed and auctioned off around this time as well. I have to beg for her to return the ring so I can pawn it to cover rent. I fall behind on the credit card payments and eventually Kay Jewelers sues me for the remaining several thousand I owe.

Don't be a retard like me, anons.

>> No.2628649

Read 7 habits of effective people immediately

>> No.2628703

Your degree wont save you. You won't be successful until wake up thinking about your goal, think about it all day, and go to sleep thinking about it. Repeat every single day for years. You probably have alot of vices being in the industry. Every single one of them is robing you of your energy and holding you back. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better. I'm just being honest.

Here is what I did. I got healthy. Stopped ejaculating (ancient Taoist energy practice) Stopped drinking blood and consuming death. Re-mineralized my body. Started working out or doing yoga everyday. The future is clear to me now. Crypto is the future and it's all I think about. How far into the future do you think? How far do your co-workers in the industry think? 1 day? 48 hrs? I think 10-30 years into the future and it effects my daily decision making. I don't care what anybody says. If you don't have health and clarity you have nothing. Life is a grind and you were born into slavery. Sry. Either fight back or die. The jews arn't giving you any other choice.

>> No.2628712
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I had feelings of being a loser since I was 15 and I tried to change myself, then I worked really hard up towards a point where the challenges presented itself and towards a level where others far exceeded my own abilities ever could reach so then I dropped back down to the level I was before. Then I repeated this process once every 3 years.

I'm not 27 and about to try one last time before I turn 30, if this time doesn't work out i'm going to become a wagecuck with no ambition but trade Crypto on the side hoping to fuck off forever.

>> No.2628714

That's a great one. Dave Ramsey's stuff is pretty good as well especially if you are trying to get out of debt.

>> No.2628737


please be real

>> No.2628844

This is pretty much me except I'm still paying off loans and my job is putting me on the edge of suicide

Literally am about to fucking pop and quit on the spot but I know I can't because it'll just put me in an even worse position.

I have passions that I want to pursue but the market of said passions are so overly saturated it's pretty much useless. I've been looking at online degrees or maybe trades but again I'm still paying off loans from dropping out.

I'm lost as fuck as well and I can feel the depression getting heavier

>> No.2628920

What passions do you have that are oversaturated?

>> No.2628925


>> No.2628970

Same here. I just make music for fun though. There are lots of career paths related to music though, engineering/mixing, marketing, film, games, management/agency etc... Don't give up

>> No.2629005
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I went back to college at 21 and now I am a sophomore. Only problem I have atm is I can't pick a major but I'm still trudging through school, I'm getting a degree if it'll kill me

>> No.2629021

try being 26 and feeling like you're in the same position but also having lost ~$8M in crypto

>> No.2629072
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I turned my life around in the last year. I had a 6figure career with a company I've been with for 10 years, made 1 mistake that cost the company <$8k and was fired. Drank a ton of beer, gained a lot of weight. Now barely above minimum wage hoping to not lose my house and that my car survives. Lost everything else. But I got a sweet computer.

>> No.2629095
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Made "Okay" money on crypto, still depressed.

>> No.2629101
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Late 20s without purpose or direction.

When I was in college I tried to kill myself because I couldn't handle the pressure of being a failure. I was able to talk my way into good research/teaching positions even without the grades, but the deeper and deeper I got the harder it became to fake my knowledge.

Haven't been back to school since they handcuffed me to a gurney and took me to a facility to be monitored for 3 days.

When it all happened and I admitted that I wanted to "hurt myself" in the psychs office she walked out and there was an instant panic in the hallways. I could hear people running and pacing really fast doing stuff to call for help or emergency.

I just sobbed uncontrollably and there was a knock at the door. They handcuffed me and rolled me out of the health center. It was a weird sense of "WTF DID I JUST DO & THIS IS IT. MY LIFE IS OVER"

I remember being strapped down in the back of the ambulance trying to keep it together. I was stuck between crying and laughing with the EMT trying to make jokes about the situation attempting to convince myself it was alright.

Once I was admitted it was a hell hole. Plastic everything, no sheets, no soft pillows, but foam wrapped plastic for everything. There's this strange "fire" you feel when it all is happening.... when you can hear the shrills of patients begging for help, people staring at walls, slobbing all over themselves, and shitting the beds. Ugh the smell of bleached mixed with vomit.

when i got out I had a spurt of happiness & fulfillment but then it wears out... Just be patient anon. We all want to be rich, have it all, drive a lambo, friends, mansions but imo until you can find "you" and be comfortable with yourself nothing really matters or last long enough to be satisfied.

today I live at home had a few mgt jobs, but I cant succeed. I only wrote this because today I felt like just ending it. I hope crypto can save me from this...but only time will tell.

>> No.2629111

not sure if anyone would use this website if they had their shit together.

>> No.2629209

Don't worry anon. I was a fuckup like you before, working bullshit food service jobs for hundreds of dollars a month.

I picked up a semi-technical labor job running cable as a contractor and started to see decent gains. Gains on the order of thousands per week. I also lost a ton of weight and got very strong.

Always be 1099. It makes it a lot less likely that you'll have a problem if you're getting paid by more than one source for the same job. Why do something for 11 dollars when you could do it for 11 dollars and 50 more dollars? Always pay your taxes.

I worked 6-7 days a week for a couple of years and had a fat stack to sit on and figure out what I wanted to do without worrying about anything.

I used that time to smoke lots of weed, and read lots of programming books.

Now people I don't know know me and use my warez. Mega-corps send me job offers all the time. Some pay for my flights/hotels just to go see them at a conference. It's almost like I'm relevant somehow.

Also, another thing to keep in mind is - If you're not dead, you haven't fucked up bad enough to be hopeless. You can do cool shit, you have plenty of time to master something. At this point in time, there are things you can do that people don't even care about yet, so if you start now at mastering something new, by the time they do care about it, you'll be experienced at doing that kind of thing before many other people are.

The fewer people who can do what you do, the more you get paid for doing it, unless you're a fucking idiot who doesn't charge what he should.

It will not be easy. If you end your day not feeling thrashed mentally and physically, you're not working hard enough, and you will fail.

>> No.2629288
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Same boat, went to college because I didn't know what the fuck else I was gonna do. Finally grew a pair 2 years in and dropped out. About 3 years later as of tonight I'm down to about 600$ left out of the original 13k. What a fucking waste. As salty as I am about it though I'm sure I would have made some other dumb ass mistake if it wasn't this one. Live and learn.

>> No.2629384

>When it all happened and I admitted that I wanted to "hurt myself" in the psychs office

This is exactly why people like me with severe anxiety and OCD dont get help. The fear of something like this happening is just too much to bear. Walk in like a normal person and get carted out and locked away? Wow....

You can feel suicidal and you can BE suicidal, they are two different things but I assume all mental health people have selective hearing. Yeah, im depressed and I hate it, sometimes I dont want to live but I would NEVER act on it. Of course just saying that would probably get me carted away...

The experience of that shit alone would make my anxiety 100 times worse. fuck mental health care. I often wonder if weed would help.

This kind of shit is why all these mental illnesses are underreported/undiagnosed. You just lock people away...

>> No.2629388


>It will not be easy. If you end your day not feeling thrashed mentally and physically, you're not working hard enough, and you will fail.

That's good advice anon. I'm gonna try to physically and mentally fatigue myself every day because something needs to change. I'm 25, earning just enough money to pay rent and food, just going nowhere. I have been doing this for five years now, and it's starting to scare the fuck out of me to think that if I don't change, in another 5 years I will be 30 living the same way.

>> No.2629402

>I'm gonna try to physically and mentally fatigue myself every day

Go hard at it man, im 24, nearly 25 and one day when I was trying to sleep I had a severe anxiety attack over my go nowhere situation.

Gotta change somehow. Exercise and diet is first and foremost.

>> No.2629456

I started at about 21. Before then I failed highschool (barely graduated) and then did mediocrely well in community college for 2 years. Had enough of it. Joined the military and did some cool stuff. By the time I was 25 I got out and learned enough about the system to get out on full retirement. Now I make 3k a month from my Army retirement and collect social security. At 26 (this year) I got into crypto and have been making thousands, including this shit month. I'm about to get paid to go to school and I might try to work a shit job for extra cash to invest in crypto. Hardly matters since I'm frugal and already retired with everything paid off. Anyone that joins the military can leave with full retirement after 3 or 4 years if they're not afraid to seriously pursue that goal. I also get 1k a month from social security for free.

Kinda feels like I'm leeching off the system so idk. Haven't worked in a year and it's great.

>> No.2629506

>Haven't been back to school since they handcuffed me to a gurney and took me to a facility to be monitored for 3 days.

What the absolute fuck? I can't even think of anything to say about this. I'm just sitting here in disbelief.

>> No.2629544

The only thing I can think of is that he said something like "as soon as I walk out of here im shooting myself in the head".

Other than that or a past admittance of an attempt I cant see any justification for that at all.

>> No.2629575

Please expand on the retirement thing regarding the military?

>> No.2629593

I'm a fairly put-together person. I have a stable, decent paying, job; I'm a recent college graduate; and I'm an easy to talk to, chill kind of person.

However, in high school, I was an absolute social retard and loner who couldn't talk to anyone to save his life. I thought about killing myself every single day and I hated just about everyone. Very few people gave me a chance and it didn't help that I was known as "that guy". Things didn't get better after graduation. I went to college for a couple years to get a business degree. I didn't know what the fuck I wanted to do with my life, so a business degree was my way of buying time. But, after a couple years, I had a mental breakdown because I felt like I was just existing, without really living. I felt empty and purposeless and putting in a modicum amount of work was exhausting for me. I ended up failing a bunch of classes because I just stopped showing up. Anyway, after I failed multiple classes, I switched degrees to a tech-related field and ended up eventually getting my bachelors degree.

Now, I'm 25 and living at home. I still feel empty most of the time, but I occupy myself with hobbies and I'm still looking for that one reason to live. Every time I think I've found it, it seems to slip from my grasp and I end up looking for it, once again. I think I understand what Siddhartha Guatama meant when he said "life is suffering" (better understood as "life is dissatisfying").

>> No.2629680

>But, after a couple years, I had a mental breakdown because I felt like I was just existing, without really living.

Those words hit home man god damn...

>> No.2629720

I'm 24 and feel like I'm just now getting things figured out

>> No.2630157

After reading hundreds of posts on 4chan about the same exact thoughts and feelings that I have, I wish there was a place I could go to talk to you faggots in real life. Am I the only one who thinks this? Would face-to-face ruin what 4chan is? I have felt close to people on 4chan more often than people in real life. I can't help but think that knowing you faggots in real life and checking in once a week or so would do a lot of good for everyone.

>> No.2630192 [DELETED] 

Join The Army in your country you miserable faggots

Be a man. Grow up. Stop crying.


>> No.2630200


Longer i sat there not doing anything the more i realized this is not what i want and now i work hard

>> No.2630210 [DELETED] 
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The Army?

>> No.2630255

Don't fool yourself. If you were the type of person who would do all that (care about people, build relationships) you would have done it a long time ago in the real world.

You don't want 4chan in your real life, trust me. We are anons for a reason because the best and worst are among us.

Go out, join an association, join a club, go give some food to some poor scrub out there. Don't wait for 4chan to be the meaning you want.

>> No.2630263

22 with no future going to kill myself

>> No.2630267

>Here is what I did. I got healthy. Stopped ejaculating (ancient Taoist energy practice) Stopped drinking blood and consuming death. Re-mineralized my body. Started working out or doing yoga everyday. The future is clear to me now.

this is copypasta levels of retarded. very nice.

>> No.2630294
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the university doesn't want to get sued, so they take extra precaution when people say shit like they want to die.

They had me double dosed on 2types of meds just the week before.
zoloft /welbutrin. within that week I cracked and just felt really sad wanting to not live.

I never said I would kill myself, but I did say that "i don't have a future"

google the hospital Rawson-Neal. It wasn't the best.

Once I was there I had a strange primal urge to escape. I was trapped, couldn't sleep, go to the bathroom alone, etc etc. There was a brief moment when I was in the rest room and alone that I thought about slicing my wrist. It was the first time I really had thought about truly killing myself.

After the first 2 hours of sobbing uncontrollable I got a call out to a friend who instructed me to be "NORMAL AF" after the 3 days you're evaluated, so nurses, orderly everyone whos working watches you and takes notes. This is where I learned how to turn on/off my bad thoughts. if i didn't act cool or convincing I was afraid they might leave bad notes and I'd be suck there forever.

4 years later im maxed out on my CC, no jobs on the horizon, recently gained 30 lb, have real health issues, no insurance, no real friends outside of /biz/ shills. everything irl is just an act when im at night club drinking myself to death because once i go home and sit here with 20 bottles of opened/unopened drinks, clothes on the floor I start to think about my true "life" and it hurts

Sometimes I wish I would have died. When i think about actual death my heart pounds, my hands get clammy, and i start to feel intense sadness. I want to die, but I'm so afraid to die.

I hope you guys never have to go through what happened to me. Since then I've been even more shut off and recluse about my true feelings of suicide because I'm afraid to get sent back.

>> No.2630306

Go study Productivity shit. It will teach you to get shit done and create a mind of clarity.
Like 7 Habits of Highly effective People, Getting things Done.
Easiest is the read the crap out of blogs like Zenhabits.

Find or Download anything from Tony Robbins. Motivational Speaker.
Like Get the Edge!. Seriously. Do It.

Always remember that for ages people have been in the same situations are you have been. And people have find a way out. Take hope in that shit!

And Wear Sunscreen:

>> No.2630332

Rofl, you think people can't change or something? I am only 23. I am much, much different than I was even 2 years ago. I don't think it takes a "type of person" to benefit from having relationships with other people. I think that every person alive would benefit. The difficulty is that anons are special breeds. I certainly enjoy talking to people and hearing about their life. It sucks, though, when they devolve into normalfaggotry. It seems like there is an immutable gap between anons and the rest of the world. I wish there was a better way to interact/find them than 4chan because I think person-to-person interact beats text on a screen every time.

>> No.2630373
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>26, almost 27
>live with parents
>no job. never had a job
>got some DGB gains and literally thought daytrading crypto would make me rich enough to never work again
>everything in blockfolio is red

>> No.2630401

> never worked
> concern is never working again

>> No.2630932

Sob story thread?

23 here, zero friends, zero interest, been seeing doctors for months to try to fix the depression that I've had for 10 years.
Was doing programming job for 3 years,
Just left my job recently because I couldn't get my early anymore.
I hated the job but didn't know what else I could do, kinda stuck at home now hoping I'd get some decent money from coins, but lost 1000 from the recent crash.

>> No.2631084

>Anyone that joins the military can leave with full retirement after 3 or 4 years if they're not afraid to seriously pursue that goal.

>> No.2631404

He probably got medical pension for "having an injury" which is just faking back pain to collect a paycheck for life. I see it all the time, considered doing it if I don't get a fat resign bonus.

>From the website
File a disability claim. Assuming you have a qualifying disability and it gets approved, you may receive a monthly disability compensation check and possibly health care benefits as a result of your disability

>> No.2631418

This is me except I don't have any cryptogains. Fuck

>> No.2632357
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You need to rebuild yourself hurrrd

>> No.2632872

>The future is clear to me now. Crypto is the future and it's all I think about
Hahahahahahaha I love it. 10/10 post

>> No.2632922

yeah basically it was an accident for me because i got cancer but you can look up the 100% VA qualifying issues and as long as you do the paperwork anyone can get it. And then you get SSDI as a civilian as well which is about 1k/ month. Then you get unemployment for 6 months after you leave while your paperwork is processed and if you go to school you get anywhere between about 1k to 2k per month in most decent sized places. Obviously you can do something like side hustle with crypto and at the end of the day you have a lot of money coming in

>> No.2632935

anyone that joines the military is a fucking coksucking bitch.
If you join the gayshow you are weak as a child and even dumber then dumbo.
You just can go get raped in the ass if you like the army so much, it's the same.

It really amazes me how stupid people can get. And if you talk to people who were in the army, you know you don't wanna end up like them, one of the dumbest greates faggots in the country. Daaaaamn they are stupid.. wheew

>> No.2632992

Thought the same thing. "The future is clear to me now - Crypto is the future and it's all I think about" is like a brilliant Nicolas cage national treasure line

>> No.2633031

Tony Robbins is brilliant. Not even trolling that dude has life figured out

>> No.2633052

Sometimes it sucked but I also enjoyed it and it paid off for me personally. Always thought the coast guard looked cool too.

>> No.2633078

People sleep on that GI bill so hard. I went and did 6 months title 10 just for that sweet GI bill. Now making 1500$ a month, and free tuition in my state while I trade crypto and study. It's pretty much god tier

>> No.2633140

Depends on the job, I do cyber warfare with the Air Force, and was taught by some of smartest people in the country on this stuff. Granted to get into this field involved 15 months of tests, certs, and schooling. Most AD people here in Langley have silicon valley companies up their asshole for when their contracts end for 200k+ jobs.

>> No.2633251

>do poorly in school
>skip uni
>neet for years
>live at home
>at 24 get a programming job since mom insisted
>been working for 3 years
>made like $10k from crypto
>saved up about $65k so far
>27 now and hate my life
>health going down the shitter
>feel like crap everyday
>gonna quit my job
>still no GF
>no idea what to do with life

to answer your question, never.

>> No.2634006

>social security
>at 26

Holy fuck people are actually buying this??