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26271306 No.26271306 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your choice investment biz. I will buy 2k USD worth.
>Make me money.
What I am considering.
What I don't want.
Pic Unrelated

>> No.26271331

how about rubic

>> No.26271365


Rubic is the way to go

>> No.26271367

Faggot can't read.

>> No.26271387

dont care pussy buy rubic

>> No.26271399

Go with ADA , ALGO, XLM

>> No.26271425

I already own 160k rubic.
>Stupid fuck, I bought it at 0.007 USD

>> No.26271429


I would grab some ADA anon.

>> No.26271462

jelly ngl

>> No.26271487


Go into the stock market with it, invest in something stable and swing trade it. Crypto is under fire because of (((Biden Admin)))

>> No.26271516

XLM is just an XRP fork, and thus doomed to the same fate as XRP. ALGO sounds like a good choice though.

Why does ALGO have a 10 billion supply but only have 803 mil circulating?

>> No.26271575

Why ADA over STA or some other shitcoin I can 10x from?

>> No.26271579

Out of these? Ada

>> No.26271691

What does ADA do exactly? I go to the website and it is just a sea of marketing babble.

>> No.26271785

Buying RBC is a huge a risk. It's gonna dump hard once the whales leave so it's hard to predict when to enter or exit. If you wanna day trade then sure go for it.

Otherwise here are the coins I'd recommend:


^ The bottom 4 for massive gains in the next year especially RSR and ADA.

>> No.26271828

Ada is vaporware but it's pumpable

>> No.26271887

This guy gives a very humble and informative breakdown.


>> No.26271937

Chainlink's biggest competitor. Legit project, not spaghetti code, could eventually drain ETH's market cap if the transition tools are as simple as they say.
On the other hand when has that ever worked. It's Linux to Eth's Microsoft. We'll see how it works out but huge potential if it actually gets traction

>> No.26271965


>> No.26271988

*Eth sorry

>> No.26272015

It will take all TRX market in 6 months. Compare where it is now.

>> No.26272092

HBAR, backed up by big companies. Definitely more legit then any of the other shit that gets shilled here.

>> No.26272108

You think now is the time to do it? Or should I wait for a price drop?

>> No.26272139

nano is on sale right now good chance to randomly 5x 10x 15x 20x the limit doesnt exist to the moon

>> No.26272327

Yeah, I feel like I already missed the NANO moon though. I was holding it off and on, and sold right before it tripled. I was a little salty. I had 1.3k NANO the day before.

>> No.26272375

I don't. Trust your gut on it. Timing markets is hard. Even though Cardano gained a lot recently, so did everything else so I don't see why it should drop more than anything else. If you wait you risk that it might shoot up without you. Whenever I decide to buy a coin I do it the moment I understood it regardless of price, cause either its legit then the price now doesn't matter or it's not then I get burned for not doing enough research. I never try to time markets. Never regretted this way of operating since buying Bitcoin at ATH at 3k back when. What's important is that you understand what you're buying

>> No.26272690

Exactly how I treat stocks. I do crazy research on that day when I have some extra cash, and whatever I understand on that day, I get into.

Also, you can buy in, say 30-60% of what you originally want to , and then if it goes down, you have some extra to average down, and if it goes up, then good job

>> No.26273027

oof lowkey its always good to have a stack on the low its actually got potential although dont get me wrong it is a shit coin

>> No.26273066

kusama. easy 5x in a month

>> No.26273115

I had this strategy for a while but most of the time I just regret not putting in more to begin with. When a coin goes down it usually has a reason unless it's general market sentiment and usually an indication I actually missed something so if that happens now I just do more research and decide wether to cut loses or to hold. I've never been successful with "buy half now, buy more when it drops" strategy. Either I buy to early and it drops further or I miss the bottom and it recovered too quickly and I'm priced out again. Either way that strategy has always lost me money. I focus more on research than trying to time markets. It's also less stressful. I like the feeling of buying something and just letting it sit no matter what happens to the price

>> No.26273231

>I’m considering shitcoins
>I don’t want quality like BTC, ETH, or GRT
woweejee OP you’re a little too smart for me, sorry I couldn’t really help here

>> No.26273306

Sir please consider for the rubic to be in your purchase. It is many great gain and to the moon.

>> No.26273335


But either LRC or ALGO. Both set to poomp in the coming days

>> No.26273364

I also had the same question, because it does seem decent. My question has never been answered in the 50 or so algo threads I've asked it in...

>> No.26273537

Whaddya wanna know about STA?

>> No.26274371

Meridian Network - LOCK

Low Cap, hype cycle picking up

Solid team, product, consistent growing development
Easy 10x

>> No.26274722

Definitely STA over ADA. Great ecosystem design, no viable competitor. Don't know anything about MRPH.

>> No.26274785

if you figure out the answer to this question youll see why no one wants to tell you

>> No.26275016


>> No.26275114
File: 25 KB, 753x621, dextokengov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a DEX that reduces impermanent loss for liquidity providers, where the pools are single token, not pegged to each other, where the asset price is worked out on chain using the volatility function, no external price oracles, linked to their own private network allowing for off chain transactions governed by an on chain smart contract. A dex with barely any slippage thanks to a unique automated market maker, limit orders, order books and a dextools-like system built in. Imagine all this with a market cap of $12 million and the beta already released. Also imagine that Cronje and Adams are suddenly scrabbling around talking about single asset pools now Jollen has shown them the future. This will easily hit a market cap of 500M this year (A quarter of UNI) X50 almost from here and then keep going.

>> No.26275703


>> No.26275741

>obvious MRPH shill thread
F off pajeet

>> No.26275800
File: 39 KB, 479x477, photo_2021-01-09_00-58-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEX hype is growing and INJ is has been pumping for weeks. they also launched the first-ever decentralized tokenized stocks like TSLA and TWTR. possibly it will be the best DEX performer of the altseason

>> No.26275883

Why not AVAX OP?
Out of those: ADA

>> No.26275950
File: 105 KB, 860x770, IMG_20210121_010840_760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bull season causes an extremely busy ethereum network and this shitty situation increased the importance of L2 solutions like the tokamak network. TON didn't boost yet but it might be starting its moon run. check that new generation plasma solution and its staking rewards

>> No.26276249

Circulating Supply
>76,937,055 / 360,000,000
>12 dollar coin
AVAX is going to get dumped so hard.
The coin is literally called "Avalanche", are you actually serious.

>> No.26276752

Might as well ask here, what do I do with the free crypto I get from coinbase from doing quizes and watching videos?

Should I just convert all of it to something?

>> No.26276945

>Wants a top 10 coin with a total supply of 45 billion
>doesn’t want sub 20MM MC coin with supply around 100MM

>> No.26277045



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