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File: 275 KB, 836x1238, There Will Be Bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26264790 No.26264790 [Reply] [Original]

what's going on boys? quite the pumpling today

>> No.26264857

Seesawing is the best outcome for farmers. Paper hands are paying off for me

>> No.26264977

spoonfeed me on bao

>> No.26265145

I’m staking and I’m comfy

>> No.26265354

checked. bao is basically snx for uni and sushi. this is a big deal because bao is ~$3M and snx is ~$2B. lots of market cap room to moon.

essentially, bao will allow you to create synthetic assets on uni and sushi using chainlink. in the simplest form, this would include crypto options and derivatives and similar. in more advanced forms, this could include literally any asset you can imagine with some basis in the real world.

the baoman says this (and a lot more):
>This means users could make synthetic assets that track either the price of BTC or the inverse price of BTC (creating a synthetic put). It also means you could track prices of stocks or other traditional assets, allowing users around the world to have trustless, decentralized, 24/7 access to stocks like $AAPL.

>> No.26265560

stake liquidity pool tokens get 1000%+ APY with bao which you can take 5% of now and 95% becomes a daily salary for the next 3 years (beginning DEC 15).

In FEB, BaoBaskets begin which are "soft synths" and Bao will begin to be burned to create them.

In March, xDai Migration will be completed and we will have .15c harvests.

In December Full Synthetic Assets will cause MASSIVE token burn, while Salarys begin to unlock.

Put 500$ in this today, it'll be worth 21000 at the end of the 3 year period if you don't do anything other than stake at the current price.

>> No.26265712

The logo alone turns that project into shit.
Prolly gonna pump then.

>> No.26265826

rule of thumb on biz, if the dialogue of the thread is helpful; it's from a place of passion not shillary.

Also logo cute as fuck.

>> No.26266014

ill respond because of your digits.

buy some, stake it with ETH in uniswap. collect a shit ton of BAO. you'll need a minimum of 10M BAO to make sense to get started.

>> No.26266015

Nothing is comfier than staking this rn. Early investors are basically setting up a safety net of passive income for the next three years.

>> No.26266352

is it Dec 15 regardless if you started farming after Dec 15 2020? Thought it was 1 year from when you started that it unlocked? sauce?

>> No.26266566
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>> No.26266612

Next halving soon. Sushiswap is incredibly bullish tokenomically. I'm not even just farming, I went hard and bought a bunch.

>> No.26266634

Harvests unlock when this block is mined

>> No.26266669

Sushiswap partnership*
Think... sushiswap BAO-ETH pool with a huge reward. People will buy up the small amount of unlocked BAO to stake it for SUSHI. This will lead to a huge pump.

>> No.26266716

also wondering this, have 7.8mill staking now, and already farmed like 50% of that in 4 days, this shit is INSANE

>> No.26266741
File: 67 KB, 850x589, image0-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo is getting changed soon. Someone in the discord is working on it.

>> No.26266785

This pump will increase the farming APY for Bao. This means that more people will pool into BAO. Plus the aggressive halving schedule... very comfy hold to say the least.

>> No.26266907

Same block for everyone.

>> No.26266916
File: 2.55 MB, 1200x1670, kll8pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell are you guys going to be when Sushiswap adds BAO/ETH pairing to their site with big APY and drives the price of this up? Where the hell will you guys be when token burn kills supply? Where the hell will you guys be when BAO is needed to create synthetic TSLA shares to invest your crypto into during the bear market instead of sticking it into USDT?

I know where I'll be. In my Japanese vacation home fucking prime Japanese pussy with all my BAO earnings.

>> No.26267362

Fuck off, degen. I'll be investing in the Shangjai xiaolongbao industry.

>> No.26267518
File: 235 KB, 375x360, COMFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll be in my room at the Shanghai Citadel (early Bao investors only) discussing the collapse of America with you fine gents

>> No.26268373

make it/sui stack?

>> No.26269102


>> No.26269160

Difficult to say because the farming rewards are crazy at the moment, but I'll go with 100 million suicide, 1 billion make it.
Keep in mind this is after all is said and done. I have farmed 10 million in 2 days lol.

>> No.26269165

explain to me why bao is needed, why not just buy sushi?

>> No.26269275

Synthetic assets

>> No.26269286

Buy sushi and stake it with Eth to make Bao. Best of both worlds.

>> No.26269344

how do you farm?

>> No.26269359

The US president will officially change his last name to Baoden on President's Day on February 17th.
Bao will then become the new US currency and also the global reserve currency.

>> No.26269541
File: 277 KB, 930x1024, 4BB36BAF-EC5F-4E81-884B-0FD7BA785498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 60 million and farmed 10 million... I have no idea what a synthetic asset is lmao

>> No.26269667




sweet, im ready to moon sir.

>> No.26269681

how much do i need lads to have a suistack in dollar terms, im a poorfag i can only buy the minimum

>> No.26269740

how did you farm? did you send eth to metamask and then use the site?

>> No.26269877

I have a number of bao farmed and 0 harvested... how and when should I press the harvest button?

>> No.26269892
File: 38 KB, 343x145, 2dw5aAP_d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao get wr3ked n00b!!!

>> No.26269946

LOL this thing could easily go to $.01. If that's the case a suicide stack is $1M and a make it stack is $10M. No way in hell.

Suicide stack is 10M. Make it stack is 100M.

>> No.26269989

how do i use other coins to farm bao? metamask holds only eth, no? so how do i use my metamask wallet to farm bao

>> No.26270021

not very often. you only get 5% of your pending harvest when you go to harvest. so no point in paying gas fees for a piddly amount.

>> No.26270040

It can't be that easy. I've made a suicide stack already.


>> No.26270097

Harvest just before the switch is made. When the new, reduced rates arrive for the UNI pools you want to be harvesting before then.

>> No.26270140


that's how early we are bro. i'm sure snx holders said the same.

>> No.26270158

So if you harvest the bao right now then you only get 5 percent of it?

>> No.26270176


>Put ETH in metamask
>Provide liquidity to Uniswap with any ETH pairing (look in bao.finance APY rates and pick a pool you like, or just use tokens already in your wallet like I did)
>Uniswap gives LP tokens after providing liquidity
>Stake LP tokens on bao.finance in whatever pool your LP token was generated from

Whenever you want. Keep in mind that it costs gas to harvest, and if you plan on withdrawing LP/adding more to your stake then your pending BAO automatically gets harvested in the same transaction without requiring extra gas.

>> No.26270249

I have some questions on this.

Lets say I have 100 Bao, and I then deposit bao to be farmed. With 1,256.44% APY, at the end period, I'd get 1256.44 Bao?

Same with having 100 Tether, if I staked that on the finance area at 3,682.94% APY, at the end of the period I'd have 3692.94 Bao?

>> No.26270262

Metamask also holds tokens that run on the Etherium network. For instance, you can hold LINK in your metamask, because that's built in Etherium. BAO is also an Etherium token, so you can buy and hold BAO in your metamask.

>> No.26270436

so if I if I have 100,000 earned I will get 5000 from harvesting it?

>> No.26270470

Yes. you get 5% of whatever is farmed and 95% is locked up until a certain block (around December) at which point it is released over a three year period, linearly, so you'll get a certain amount per day.
By the time all this happens the project will be in full swing.
It's to stop whales dumping the project into oblivion as soon as it takes off.

>> No.26270480

dude you're so fucking early. keep accumulating.

>> No.26270541

correct. the other 95% is locked up until december.

>> No.26270606

You get 5% of your harvested BAO, this is usually enough to cover gas fees if you've been harvesting for about a week depending on your pool and the amount you're staking (calculate before harvesting so you know how much you'll get before doing it!) The other 95% is locked up until December, where you'll then receive a daily unlock of BAO. That sounds long but the point is this is pretty much a public pre-ICO sale, so we're being treated just like the super early investors and need our tokens locked so we don't dump on the market when the actual product comes out.

Remember, this isn't primarily a farming token. Farming is how it's being distributed fairly to us. The main product is a token that creates synthetic assets for Sushiswap and a balancer. By the time your tokens unlock, the main project will be out, and the price of BAO would have mooned if all goes as planned. So if you get in now, you're part of the early crew, just make sure you have the patience because this is a long term project. Most BAO will be locked up for a while, so we don't get rugulled or dumped on. Developers have the same restrictions as us so can't just dump on us.

>> No.26270719

you should google what ERC-20 Tokens are

>> No.26270761

>see people talking about staking 10mil+
> can only afford to stake 900k

feels bad man

>> No.26270805

this is the comfiest part of bao. knowing that my fellow anons have made it (if they don't pussy out) before they even realize it. synthetic assets could be a MAJOR gamechanger and we're in on the ground floor.

don't congratulate yourselves yet, but do recognize the good fortune that awaits.

>> No.26270841

You'll still generate a decent stack from that, but if gas fees are an issue for you (it's fucking rediculous right now) wait until next month when the project moves to xDai so transactions will only cost pennies.

>> No.26270864

so best to harvest before then?

>> No.26270910

should i wait for the xDAI migration or stake now? poorfag so i want to avoid gas fees

>> No.26270912

Newfag here, how do you acquire bao? Can I trade some of my btc or eth for it directly? I don't see it on the exchange I use.

>> No.26270935

i'm not sure of baoman's plans there since we're so far off. there might be an auto-harvest feature before december. but yes you'll probably want to harvest before then.

>> No.26270939


use metamask wallet and exchange for eth on uniswap.

>> No.26270975

whats the best site to liq pool coins, uni? i've hodled this for a while and figure i should start earning some passive token, can any1 help a newfag?

>> No.26270978
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I think of it as a Christmas surprise. You're setting yourself up for a very good end of 2021 by starting now. If you're farming every day, by the time we reach December you may end up with a stack worth millions of dollars that will pretty much be universal bao income paid to you daily.

This is what DeFi is all about. We're all ganna make it.

>> No.26270982

i'd say the minimum you'd want to stake is 5M. you'll have a little over a month to farm.

>> No.26270988

The swap is like 5 weeks away. You may earn the gas fees back if you start now.

>> No.26271234
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Always be sure to verify you're connecting to the right contracts btw. I'm giving you an easy copy+paste, but it's good practice to get the contract address from coingeko.com and manually paste it into Uniswap/the URL above (replacing the "output currency").

In fact, just so you don't fall into the bad habit of trusting an anon posting a random fuckin contract link for you to buy,! I wholeheartedly encourage you to NOT click my link and learn how to trade tokens on Uniswap yourself. It's like when you get a bank email and it asks you to check suspicious activity on your account - never click that fuckin link, just visit the site yourself and manually check it. Anyone can create a token and link it to you pretending to be the real token. So verify with a trusted external source.

>> No.26271297
File: 126 KB, 289x418, Remi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight
>Send like .5 ETH to Uniswap
>put 0.25 into BAO
>put 0.25 into some liquidity shit that lets me farm BAO
is that how it works?

>> No.26271403

yes but you need gas costs + fees.
So bring more than .5eth so you can pay the gas + the fees

>> No.26271419


>> No.26271428

Literally gonna DCA into BTC after my BAO farm pays its fruit.

>> No.26271484
File: 260 KB, 540x393, Aryan King Almond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ratio of ETH should I put into each? 1:1 for the BAO and the liquidity?
Also, doesn't providing liquidity always lose your money?

>> No.26271581


1:1 BAO/ETH.

impermanent loss if one of the coins moons vs the other, but don't worry, APY is so high that you will make back your initial within a couple of weeks for sure, if not days.

>> No.26271606

is 150 dollars enough to make it?

>> No.26271643

doesnt this only make 100,000? isnt sui 1m plus?

>> No.26271678

Probably not but it’ll give you a good position when you cash out. High 5-figs to low 6-figs.

>> No.26271697

how fast is a Lamborghini?

>> No.26271725

With 150 I'd honestly just wait until xDai migration because gas fees are stupid right now. Keep in mind gas fees don't go to the dev or anything, it's just an Etherium thing. ETH hasn't scaled well. There's nothing the dev can do about it, so that's why he's moving the project to xDai so transactions only cost pennies.

>> No.26271754

when are you cashing out that you would have 6 figures from a 150$ investment

>> No.26271807

When will this xDai immigration be? Does it mean we'll not be using ETH to purchase BAO?

>> No.26271917
File: 8 KB, 368x371, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright lads i added liquidity but i'm not seeing the alleged "BAO-ETH UNIV2 Tokens" in my metamask wallet, pic related

is there something else I need to do after adding liquidity on uniswap?

>> No.26272137

So you'll need to add the contract to see them but you don't even need to see them, just go to the bao.finance page and stake them.

>> No.26272185


>> No.26272247

math adds up, but they're weighted pools that change based on volume, so it may change based on your percentage. Underperforming pools can be chopped off; as per the pending governance votes.

started with 6mil bao, i now have 8mil. it adds up quick.

You also retain all LP revenue, so your making money on both ends. There is no reason not do to this if you have a spare 1000$ it'll be worth a minimum $21k by the end of 2024, and that's if bao remains at its current price. Which it won't once token burn starts.

you really don't want to miss out.

>> No.26272264
File: 32 KB, 713x630, baokerm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been farming 4M bao and almost at 1.5M farmed now, agmi bros?

>> No.26272322

All the hondurans coming into USA this spring.

>> No.26272324

ok just got 5mill...

what's the mak'it'stack?

>> No.26272372

ty anon

>> No.26272399

gas fees? Isnt the 50 dollar fee one you stake your tokens the real killer? thats the devs system for bao
Gas fees are 2-3 bucks.

>> No.26272402
File: 33 KB, 557x377, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's totally normal to see pic related then when going to stake it?

>> No.26272549

you guys all need to add liquidity to convert your bao to BAO/ETH. youll need an equal amount of ETH to your bao holdings to stake

>> No.26272559

Do i pool eth/bao in uni or in the bao official site, does it even matter?

>> No.26272625


>> No.26273393

so according to the bao rate of collection, I will get 1.400.000 bao per day, or about 40-45 dollars per day at the current price. Meaning about 16k per year at the current price

am I missing something? am I bamboozled?

>> No.26273477


rewards are being halved shortly. plus the more people stake obviously the lower APY, you won't be getting that many for a full year.

>> No.26273518

>1.400.000 bao is 40 dollars

wait wtf I am wrong that's about 210 dollars/day meaning 75k/year

will it be at least a third of that? when is the halvening starting? will there be more halvings?

>> No.26273609


take a look on the medium, I would link it but i'm on my phone rn. there was something like 32-35b tokens circulating when we swap to xdai (in feb) iirc.

>> No.26273777

I didn't realize Bao meant "Balancing, Automation and Options" until now

the hell

>> No.26273787

I aped in with 3.5 eth worth of bao and paired it with the other 3.5 eth, will I get at least a low 6 fig from this after 3 years?

>> No.26273915

ironically our coin to make it

>> No.26274064

No, gas fees always go to miners. Staking and harvesting is expensive right now because it requires a lot of calculations. The only fees taken by bao.finance are on LP deposit and withdrawal.

>> No.26274073
File: 127 KB, 323x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warning: Bao Finance is in alpha, it is unaudited and was originally developed by a one-person self-taught team. While we are in the process of scaling the team, please understand the risks and use this product accordingly.

>Block deltas could have bug or risk of not making correct calculations which would impact user fees.
>Once fees are taken it is challenging to remap fees back to the main user.

>Unknown edgecase logic gaps could cause contract errors.

>Bao does not have a full-time engineering lead yet. It is a one-person project from a self-taught developer. This increases the early risk of bugs and glitches that the project may not be able to respond as quickly to.

Prove the dev won't suddenly drain the contract due to a "glitch" and disappear.

>> No.26274099


highly likely, if it has any degree of success (which i'm confident of)

>> No.26274174

chink scam

>> No.26274243

easy low 6 at current prices.
based on my projections we are looking at .007 by Full Synth rollout, even without farming, you're looking at low 6

>> No.26274270

If you believe that Sushiswap and Uniswap will become established in the next 3 years... yes.

>> No.26274375

why do people link the official bao site if you can do it in uni, is there a difference?

>> No.26274536

Can anyone refute this? I'm interested in buying but it's too fishy.

>> No.26274552

you get the LP tokens from UNI, then lock them into bao.finance for farming.

>> No.26274561

bao.finance allows you to liq farm for bao tokens by staking UNI LP tokens, so the prerequisite for farming is to first pool on uniswap

>> No.26274716

crypto disclaimer needs refuting?

>> No.26274793

What makes this better than kleros or even rubric for example?

>> No.26274825


>imagine being this much of a newfag

>> No.26274911

Sushi partnership, high TVL. There are whales with 100+ eth locked up in bao. Don't stake if you're afraid of baoman stealing your LP, but I don't think there's a real risk of that happening.

>> No.26274986

just sold off my stack and its pumping, no need to thank me

>> No.26275024

I think you still need to pair them.

>> No.26275098

>selling sub 100m mcap

>> No.26275317

Are there any guides on how to mine BAO?

>> No.26275323

This project in my eyes in no different from the other 90 coin on here shilled

>> No.26275343


oh so thats how it works thx, then i just collect them manually daily or is it automatic?

>> No.26275446

It’s automatic there is a dashboard on the bao website. You will pay probably $100 gas all on all from buying bao, adding to Uniswap liquidity pool and then staking it , but will be more than worthwhile if you have a decent sized bag

>> No.26275516

You have to harvest manually. Gas fees are so high that it's not worth harvesting right now. Since harvesting is automatic when you deposit or withdraw LP, you should just wait until the xDAI migration where you'll want to unstake from the UNI LP pool anyway. Join the discord to stay updated.

>> No.26275805

I've done
BAO-ETH UNIV2 Tokens Staked

Is this going to get me back the horrendous amount of money I've put in gas prices?

>> No.26276319

So what's the farming rate? Lets assume i get 1MM Bao and liquidise with same amount eth and stake that. How much bao am I looking to make per day? I can't see any details on the site about farming rate

>> No.26276508

I should word that better. The contract will remain on the main Ethereum network. The farming will be offloaded to xDai, where you will farm a wrapped BAO to exchange 1:1 ratio into BAO sent to your main ETH wallet. You could continue farming in the main net if you wanted, and the main token isn't leaving the network. It's purely to save money for us and the team while lowering the barrier if entry (so more people will definitely want to try in board/stake more).

>> No.26276571

This is going to make a 100x within the next 30 days. It's like DeFi from last summer like the YFI, yfii and yffi pairs.

>> No.26276608

Is it easy to switch farming pools?

>> No.26276761


>> No.26277152


>> No.26277284

yes. but you have to wait a year.

>> No.26277463
File: 642 KB, 907x1136, 531a4dd314526af041279fe4fb0e98f63ca94db2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officially partnered with Sushiswap, given a grant by sushiswap, and provided mentorship by sushiswap. Sushiswap is the 3rd largest DEX on the ETH. They want this token for its future, and the staking contract is just a copy+paste of the sushi one. There's more money into doing this project legitimately than running a scam - the dev already has a golden spoon handed to him. You can look through the contract address transactions to see people installing LP just fine.



>> No.26277579

can anyone tell me if i can just pair other ERC20 tokens in the UNI pool and receive passive income or do i have to connect the pair in some site with the uni v2 token like you have to do with BAO?

>> No.26277581

is it worth waiting for xDai to stake? got a small 1m staq

>> No.26277588

Well said.

>> No.26277648


>> No.26277696

I'm so glad to see our little BAO bringing me the monies. Thank you to whoever shilled me this weeks ago.

>> No.26277782


>> No.26278020

did some quick math and it looks like you get 5% of how many univ tokens you stake every time the page updates, which is about 20 seconds. someone please correct me if i'm wrong on this

>> No.26278153
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aped the fuck in with my rubic profits and it does a 33%, eggcellent!

>> No.26278253
File: 3.77 MB, 2700x1912, SPOILER_She-sees-your-bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming rate is dynamically calculated based on a bunch of moving factors (such as how many people are in the same pool, the base rates if the pool, how occupied other pools are in comparison, etc) you'll get a general idea by doing calculations based off the APY percentages on the front page. Some pools are going to be nerfed for underperformance so I don't recommend buying a shit dead project like ChartEx just for the sake of farming its high APY pool. Here's the pool balance patch update coming out in a few weeks.


These are all discussed beforehand and community voted on (using BAO) so you'll never get caught by surprise from having your favorite pair nerfed. You'll always be able to harvest from a pool even if it gets delisted on the main site - it just won't generate any bao anymore.

When the xDai bridge goes live, we will also have Sushi pairings.

>> No.26278677

Do you think 1mm bao is enough to farm? How much could it reach by the december unlock, like 80mm? Wondering what the price could go to / what i would need for like a $200 daily payout. Poor and on the fence

>> No.26278691

is it worth it to stake now or just wait?

>> No.26278970

why does my BAO not appear in my metamask wallet? i only see my eth but the swap went through

>> No.26279048


here you go newfriend

>> No.26279087

Threw 1k into this. How much will I have by the end of the week?

>> No.26279146

add the contract newfag

>> No.26279199

$3000 more shilling this week by other youtubers

>> No.26279213

>I know where I'll be. In my Japanese vacation home fucking prime Japanese pussy with all my BAO earnings.
based as fuck, anon.

>> No.26279595

Give me one reason not to buy 1.4M of these little guys.

>> No.26279605

3 years

>> No.26279632

how does half a lambo sound?

>> No.26279648

Damn I'm waiting for a retrace to reenter didn't realize it went up so much

>> No.26279707

im adding the liquidity but its pending since 10 minutes, is that normal? also i had bao left over as i didn't have enough eth

>> No.26279732

you have to add the contract...

>> No.26279914

If these are the kind of people jumping in asking questions like that, then we are at the beginning of a giant bull run.

>> No.26280077

i tried to deposit the BAO-ETH UNIV2 from my metamask on the bao website but after 20 minutes pending the transaction shows (dropped) on etherscan. on metamask it still says that the tranaction is pending ?

>> No.26280437

I just added LINK Liquidity and it took 20 mins so I cancelled it and upped the gas fee. Cost me 20 dollars and another 20 to do it again.
Ethereum is a fucking rip off.

>> No.26280476

So many people are doing it it's crashing. Try again in a little while and maybe up the gas fee.

>> No.26280533
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>?market cap go from 5mil to 8 mil??

>> No.26280607

But how do i cancel the pending transaction then.
i already paid the gas

>> No.26280638

>trending on dextools
Yeah this shit is going to dump for a bit. Anything that starts trending on pajeettools dumps

>> No.26280739

You can do it in metamask. Go to it, open up the 'activity' tab, and press cancel on the transaction.
I would wait some time though, paying another 50 quid would suck.
Don't blame Bao though, it's Eth's fault, it scaled awfully and whenever there is a large amount of activity shit like this happens.
Looking forward to xDai soon.

>> No.26280900

Debating on trading my JRT for BAO now that we are hitting a dip. Should I?

>> No.26280942

Maybe, should you?

>> No.26280969

The dip won't last, a youtuber literally just shilled it

>> No.26281084

Eh whatever, I got tired of JRT doing nothing, the partnerships between UNI and Sushi give it a form of promise

>> No.26281096

So when xDAI migration happens: I unstake my pair, be able to switch to a different pair that I want to, and only pay 1 gas fee for the unstaking + harvesting? Basically asking bc I want to switch my pair in the future but not pay that much gas fee

>> No.26281106

How can I track Bao price in blockfolio?

Also is HODL retarded? Not sure if should farm which BAO pumps due to my impermanence loss?

>> No.26281169

>then we are at the beginning of a giant bull run.
yeah, i'm feeling that too.

>> No.26281234

What if my BAO stack increased in value, do I need to pair it again, but with more xDAI than the initial etherum?

>> No.26281369

reminds me ESH/ghost marking the beginning of the bull run desu, bao is prob legit tho if its backed by sushi post-chefnomi its been a pretty serious project

>> No.26281939
File: 130 KB, 701x728, 4A15048BB0C94013BF5A4C9CF8C3022D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah another surviver

>> No.26282438

>food tokens are back
>board avg iq dropped at least 2 standard deviations in the last couple of months
Could this be it bros? Is this going to be summer on steroids?

>> No.26282513

Also buy stake you retards, its about to blow up

>> No.26283354

Yep, BAO is the next YAM. Thank you retarded normies!

>> No.26283740

Good call. If anything it can pay the gas fees on the xDAI chain.