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File: 53 KB, 1024x1104, 5373623413687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26239661 No.26239661 [Reply] [Original]

avax waiting for people to fud so it can pump harder
Now it's your chance anon, buy now before it's too late.

>> No.26239699
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>AVAX shills

>> No.26239859
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I'm unironically all in on avax. It's going to at least $100, it could go as high as $1000. It's not even listed on coinbase yet, when that happens it will skyrocket. Not to mention pangolin exchange coming in the next couple of weeks.
t. white

>> No.26240203

let's see your hand then

>> No.26240376
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>> No.26240650
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>NoVAX Laggard

>> No.26240852

>taskbar on the bottom of his screen

>> No.26240897

not everyone here is as autistic as you dude

>> No.26241026

I have 1500 avax. Will I make it?

>> No.26241053

start delegating and you will have 2k in notime

>> No.26241067

1500 x 100~1000 is a pretty nice payday I'd say.

>> No.26241088

>He fell for AVAX

>> No.26241101

What's delegating?

>> No.26241133

You low effort fudders only make me want to hold tighter.

>> No.26241160

Not buying your shitty turk coin, scum pajeet.

>> No.26241200

So low effort that you didn't even notice that I'm the one who posted a photo of my pure white Australian hand in this very thread. Not selling to you faggot.

>> No.26241616

What did he mean by this?


>> No.26241670

>trusting a turkroach with your money

>> No.26241781

This is literally not an argument. Please actually put some effort into your fudding retard.

>> No.26241995
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good to see us avax chads are still around after the rubic swarm caused mass casualties across this board. keep on keepin' on gents

>> No.26242285
File: 210 KB, 675x450, EsHg2ZUWMAUm701[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic is an obvious scam. Avax actually has massive potential. I'm holding until I make it.

>> No.26242296



I've seen this before

>> No.26242332

what's your stack size, australian crusader?

>> No.26242463
File: 198 KB, 1079x666, EsHPlqzXcAooIt_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turkish social media has been fascinated with his story.
>Mr Aydin had previously tried to make it big in rap music and tried to sell glasses on the internet which he said showed people naked, according to reports.
Whereas AVAX founder Emin Gun Sirer is a professor at Cornell university. Put more effort into your fuds please.

>> No.26242808

all-in AVAX!

>> No.26243018

Quite big lad. I'm gonna make it.

>> No.26243032

Lmao I knew I'd see you here

>> No.26243107

What a weird larp, has that ever worked before?

>> No.26243159

it is lmao

>> No.26243163

Whatever you say man

>> No.26243211

Retard detected.
Not even sure what you're trying to achieve with this larp. There are more effective ways to fud retard.

>> No.26243264
File: 58 KB, 640x675, 1610955907096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard niggers who will never own a node because they'd rather FUD

>> No.26243314

thanks for pumping my ico bags, dumped this shit days ago

>> No.26243379

now this is how you fud a coin

>> No.26244161
File: 17 KB, 403x408, 1610622204030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the $3.5 to $12 runup was legendary, now imagine when it hits $100

>> No.26244280

What does AVAX have over Cardano or Algorand?

>> No.26244310

our boss mang has spoken https://twitter.com/el33th4xor/status/1351791291034697728

>> No.26244326

>Windows OS in general

>> No.26244344

>caring about anything except making money

>> No.26244352

50k Chad here, considering a 10k sell wall at $15 because with AVAX mooning this hard I'm not diversified enough, and I want to take profit (bought at $0.50).

>> No.26244375

>Thinking he can make money using Windows
>Hoping he doesn't get bluescreened just as he's about to make the trade of his life
I'm also talking from experience btw

>> No.26244412
File: 196 KB, 2500x1406, Erk7zIKVcAI3SjG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano is a good hold but avax will perform better.
I will buy your coins and hold them until over $100.

>> No.26244449

Luckily I have more than one computer and a phone. Thanks for your concern though, sucks that you missed a good trade anon.

>> No.26244630

its not vaporware

>> No.26244733

It's more decentralized while being faster with sub 1s finality. It's the first to solve the trillema on chain, The rest require layer 2 solution in order to compete (Which defeat the point and play in the same ballpark as ETH 1.0), and L2 have their own disadvantages.

>Radix=Turned themselves into EOS 2.0, Centralized and the only thing going for them is "composability", No wonder they keep repeating this word.
>ADA=Less decentralized than Avalanche (Number of nodes that can participate in the consensus are limited) while suffering from high latency (Many use cases aren't possible on ADA because of it) and slower.
>Algorand=More or less like ADA just that it's going full centralized soon, so even worse
>Polkadot=Inherently centralized and doesn't even hide it, hype merchant that even while being centralized is less impressive than Avalanche in each of the trillema problems
>ETH 2.0=Mess with sharding which is unknown territory and even if they nail it and increase transactions per second of the network they can't compete with finality which is projected to be 6 minutes.

As a pure system Avalanche has no competition, But adoption is more important, I'll be the first to admit it, Avax has the best tools in order to get adopted but it doesn't have merit until it does (It's on the right track for sure), So you can say betting on AVAX is more risky (But with higher reward).

>> No.26245041

Will I make it with my 1200 avax? Would've been more if I didn't buy at 13.00

>> No.26245069

Very based comment
Given the fact that Europeans e-money will run on AVAX I feel confident about it's adoption long term.
A question, do companies really care that much about decentralization ?

>> No.26245141
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sleep well avaxbros praying for a steady decline so I can fill up more

>> No.26245541
File: 167 KB, 887x923, SOLVED Problems in DLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do companies really care that much about decentralization ?
yes they care because they want a secure robust system that works 24/7 and you know what they also want?
that they can develop their product and not bother with all the meta shit in the backend.
just look at companies that decided to build their own centralized oracle and what happened.
its the same thing with Consensus Protocols, make your own centralized shitty one or just plug into fully EVM compatible AVAX and profit from the superior technology.

>> No.26245648

Based, ty anon

>> No.26245755

Wheres it supposed to be? hidden? You autistic kids make me laugh.

>> No.26245779

Top quality pajeet shitpoasting fud.

>> No.26245787
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>> No.26245808

AVAX fudders are getting lazier by the day. They can't make any actual criticisms so they try to attack weird shit like taskbar location. It's fucking weird.

>> No.26245821

AVAX is literally unfuddable

>> No.26245924

imagine listening to this crap

>> No.26246082
File: 89 KB, 1113x626, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not listening to Pure Shores and imagining that you've finally made it and are sitting on a private beach with four sexy birds. Zoomer detected.

>> No.26246141

I'd rather listen to Emperor and imagine I made it and I'm standing on my throne made out of 2b Indians and niggers skulls inside my castle made of virgin girls imbibed tampons.

>> No.26246195

We will both live out our fantasies one day fellow avax chad.

>> No.26246318

>worthless shill blog
>confirming anything
If anything, it will be easier for avax to support cross-shard atomicity, unlike with blockchain-based consensus.

>> No.26246330

Nigger if this isn’t a larp you are sitting on probably $70m in three years once you factor in compound staking.

>> No.26246380

Feels so good to use Windows 7.
Feels so good to be a normie, to be riding the boomer train.

You can try, anon. Autism have a cure.

>> No.26246594

Based boomer doesn't even bother to reply to the autist he's mocking. Truly based as fuck.

>> No.26246783


>> No.26247220

On top like a non-retard?

>> No.26247368

You curry munching street shitters are a bunch of weird cunts.

>> No.26247515
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>> No.26247614

What's with the weird taskbar style fellow AVAX chad?

>> No.26247688
File: 543 KB, 1060x893, 5d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it dumping sirs? SIRS? My village cannot take much more!

>> No.26247754

Mates, what is the collectible stuff? Can I collect cool stickers?

Also, what is this family thing? Can I have an autistic avax family??

>> No.26247775

Focus on c-chain

>> No.26247826

We're your autistic avax family Anon.

>> No.26247835

How the fuck do you have 1500 AVAX and not even know what delegating is?

>> No.26247882

Lads I'm never going to be able to add another 1k to my 4k stack on the cheapies am I? I think I timed my $5 buy in perfectly.

>> No.26247886

where do i buy ?

>> No.26248065

Where are you based? Binance I'm using (UK)

If you're US then VPN and you can use binance if they haven't done kyc. Or voyager is working for other anons as well.

>> No.26248069

Uh, why? I don't get what the point of it is, I just transfer to P to stake
Based autismo

>> No.26248268
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>> No.26248416
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>> No.26248492

Not interested in shitcoin s

>> No.26248519

Buy signal