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26239788 No.26239788 [Reply] [Original]

So what exactly do I do with my 34,192 XRP

>> No.26239814

you swap em for Eth. Send your Eth to your metamask , swap it for Rubic. and never look back.

>> No.26239836

Hold. If the SEC lawsuit is dismissed it will be worth billions.

>> No.26239871

Don't listen to this pajeet scammer. Never sell your XRP.

>> No.26239899

Hodl until after the court case and see if it moons or not

>> No.26240034

>just hold for years bro as countless other alts moon
>no the SEC lawsuit is actually very bullish haha

>> No.26240124

Sell. Don't be an idiot and miss the golden bullrun because you fall for the sunken cost fallacy. Buy literally ANYTHING else.
Just a few suggestions, not shilling but just that you know that literally anything is better than XRP. Right side is three month returns
AAVE - 384%.
UNI - 174%
LRC - 158%
ADA - 214%
INJ - 682%
PRQ - 1318% (and that's only because it dipped today)
Avax - 168%
CRV - 215%
SNX - 273%
DOT - 265%

Purposely left out the big coins and only randomly listed coins that are mentioned on /biz/ on average. Literally put your money into anything, it's impossible to not get rich right now unless you hold fucking XRP because you believe the cult

>> No.26240165

sell it for 10k rlc
hold the rest

>> No.26240242

Oh and just for comparison
XRP 3 month return is 9.45%

Please don't do it OP but if I were an XRP holder I would probably rope. It already hurts me just imagining that I could have bought XRP. Don't even wanna imagine being someone that bought the top and lost half their money instead of joining the bullrun on literally anything at all

>> No.26240257


Ditch it for xlm.

>> No.26240285

You guys are fucking relentless

>> No.26240348

Send me some at... rPtBKMpTJ7yZacB3EhdCFTNY3sRpDNQpy

>> No.26240829

have a nice ban poor fag.

>> No.26240842

shove em up ur ass

>> No.26240864
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bankers will pay $1K EOY for xrp, so don't sell for any less than that

>> No.26241783


trillions even

>> No.26241833
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gajillions more likely

>> No.26241984

shove them up your butthole

>> No.26242667

dump into xlm and then into link. then KDA at the end. you can thank me now