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26234512 No.26234512 [Reply] [Original]

What if the best investment is simply learning to love your wage job?

>> No.26234561

did you ever met a jewish cashier?

>> No.26234670
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That's how it's supposed to be though. The Bible says Jews are God's chosen people. They have their own hardships to deal with while simple labor and humility are our lot in life.

>> No.26234795

Unironically true. Get rich quick schemes harm 99% of those who try them. Better to take the safer route and enjoy an hour's pay for an hour's work.

>> No.26234799

Yes, but I live in a very Jewish neighborhood

>> No.26235553

I don't like being a slave.

>> No.26235646
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No the old testament says that. The new testament indicates that they've lost their status as the chosen people.

>> No.26235724


>> No.26235877

>tfw just got hired at walmart

What am I in for? Fuck, I feel like im not gonna like it and not go back after one day like I have for so many jobs.

>> No.26235940

it sucks but you can tough it out for 2 months so you can invest it all in monero, then get fired for 5x the money thanks to bidens unemployment plan

>> No.26235960

>What if the best investment is simply learning to love your wage job?
It's true. But replace "wage" with "white collar" and you will find yourself in a far more comfier existence. WFH while DCAing is the way.

>> No.26236036

If you leave most of your jobs after one day then you’re gonna fucking hate it. Sorry anon.
The whole point of wageslave jobs is soul crushing labor/customer interaction and shit pay to make up for the fact that you and your skills are ultimately very disposable and replaceable
Also checked

>> No.26236047

>just got hired at walmart
>What am I in for?

>> No.26236177
File: 140 KB, 421x371, 4D89EA64-1A78-402A-99DF-FF4D3F36A01D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID: Pig
>Tfw I just got fired from a min wage job of my own and am a cryptolet yet God still sees me as a wealthy and ruthless plutocrat
>Tfw going to make it

>> No.26236193

It'll feel like your soul is being ripped out of your body very slowly

>> No.26236224

that's a tapir you dumb shit, no wonder you got fired

>> No.26236605

It was the only pig-like creature in my reactions folder.
Granted, I basically was fired for incompetence. But only because I hated the job and refused to work at a pace that required actual physical exertion.
Min wage is not worth it