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26233354 No.26233354 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26233385

whatever happened to this scam coin, the threads died off out of nowhere

>> No.26233394

chink scam

>> No.26233416

People werent actually taking this coin seriously, right anon?

>> No.26233457
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>tfw BAO and LCX buyer

>> No.26233482

I made the decision to pick either rubic or bao.

I made the wrong choice

>> No.26233500
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Nothing happened to it. It's still doing just fine, people just don't understand the tokenomics. This is an ICO/distribution period, not the main project. And you're not supposed to be buying this, you're supposed to be farming it. The price action at this stage literally doesn't matter because people would only buy coins exclusively for staking. When they harvest, they only get 5% back, which is usually enough to cover the gas fees, so they instantly sell and keep their remaining BAO.

>> No.26233543

lmao I lost half my net worth to this fucking coin

>> No.26233572

big same

>> No.26233587

How? It says right in the documentation that you're not supposed to be buying this. You literally couldn't lose that amount unless you didn't read a single thing about the coin before going all in.

>> No.26233589

ok well can you spoonfeed me on how to farm

>> No.26233753
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>Provide liquidity on Uni (don't need to buy BAO, can use any pair listed on https://bao.finance/ and they have like a hundred)
>Get LP token
>Stake on BAO under the pair you provided liquidity for

Gas fees are a pain in the ass right now though, but you make it back by the time you finish farming for like 5 days. They're moving over to xDai in about a month so they can significantly lower gas fees to pennies.

That's it. The project is still infancy, this isn't the main project and this isn't supposed to be a farming token. It's being distributed this way, but its main purpose is to create synthetic assets using the token (which gets burned every time one is created).

>> No.26233884

>BAO only 6 weeks old
>LOST 0.5 of net worth
yeah well if you're this retarded, maybe you're still overvalued.
Farming BAO rn

>> No.26233924
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This is from 2 days of farming btw. Even at current prices this is $437.56 worth. You'll earn more than the token dumps, but the point isn't even to worry about short term price for this project.

You literally don't have to buy this coin, and you're not supposed to unless you want to do the BAO/ETH pairing for a bit of an extra boost. This project is partnered with Sushiswap, it's on the roadmap for 2021 and a plays a big role in making Sushi unique. Being able to trade shares of TSLA on Sushiswap will be a gamechanger, and BAO is what enables that.

>> No.26233979
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>buying a coin named after food

>> No.26234020

so bag holding would achieve nothing?

>> No.26234030

They're partnered with SUSHI

Unless you dislike SUSHI as well.

>> No.26234286

discord pajeets pumping up the value by shillposting relentlessly

>> No.26234401
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This guy gets it.
The price could fall by 95% and I wouldn't give a fuck because I'm farming a silly amount right now and when Baoman forks SNX and starts building the ACTUAL PRODUCT the price will explode, and I will have farmed literally billions of them.
Yes, Billions, with a B.
I'm going to be laughing at /biz/ for missing this once-in-a-lifetime chance till the fucking sun burns out lol.

>> No.26234712

>This guy gets it.
>The price could fall by 95%
Hell of an investment strategy, let me know it works out

>> No.26234821

>Price falls
>Farming tens of millions of Bao a day anyway
>Project begins to develop steam
>Price rises

I WILL be letting you know how it works out, anon, I WILL.

>> No.26234846
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You can hold it until the project comes out, like most other ICOs. Follow the development, chill with the community members, vote on governance, etc. Farming rates are large now but will be significantly reduced later. You're not going to be making nearly as much BAO if you decide to farm months from now, and eventually farming will be phased out and the only way to earn BAO would be creating synthetic assets with the token; which is its main purpose.

Bao Finance currently plans to add:

>Synthetic assets to Sushiswap based on Sushi LP tokens.

>Margin trading and limit orders to Sushi based on staked LP tokens.

>Lending pools created on Sushi tokens.

>Options/Perpetual Futures to Sushi based on staked LP tokens.

>Auto-balancer systems so users can balance their synthetic assets, futures and LP tokens.

tl;dr - farm this now, you're supposed to use them later when the project develops. You're NOT supposed to buy aside from your initial farming stack and the current price action reflects this. If you're iffy about BAO's short term price then just stake another pair and don't spend a single dime on BAO.

>> No.26234936

So if I have a million Bao tokens, am I better off converting and staking them or holding them until it moons?

>> No.26235004

They still don't get it. I'm at 12m farmed and I'm farming with almost nothing. By the time the synthetic assets and sushi integration pan out I'll have 100m farmed. It doesn't matter if the price gets pummeled the entire time, I'll still be far above my buy in by farming an altcoin I wanted to hold anyways kek

>> No.26235018

So everyone's just going to end up with enormous bags they can't sell? LOL

>> No.26235028

how much are you farming? image is meaningless without knowing that

>> No.26235076


>> No.26235124

wait i have 3 million BAO, you telling me that hodling them means nothing? wth

>> No.26235177

No, because the token won't unlock all at once, it unlocks over three years after a specific block is hit, which should be around December.
The token is released linearly, so that means you get a set amount per day. Whales can't dump even if they wanted to.
Indeed. It's frustrating trying to explain. I have realised that the true genius of this method of distribution is that it filters out the low-IQ people who can't figure out to farm, or the deeply cynical who simply want to see everything fail.
The only people who the token is being distributed to is people who have can see more than three feet ahead of them, and want the project to succeed.
That the tokenomics basically incentivise that in a huge way is a bonus.
Just stop trying, though, dude, it'll be funnier when they all realise what a mistake they made in 6 months time.

>> No.26235217

I would estimate he's farming anywhere between 8-12k dollars worth of liquidity depending on the pool he is in.

>> No.26235315

Why do some tokens offer more APY than others? Is it beneficial just to go for the highest APY?

>> No.26235327 [DELETED] 

Oh, over TWO DAYS, my bad. Half that then, $4-6k.

>> No.26235373

Better off staking them because the distribution method is meant to fuck over whales who just buy a bunch and hold. You're supposed to make a shit-ton of BAO at this stage, cover your gas fees with the 5% harvest return (if you want) and keep the rest building more BAO. 95% of it is locked until December, and by then the project will have reached fruition.

It seems long but keep in mind this is meant to mimic if you were an early investor who got in pre-ICO and had your tokens locked. BaoMan is literally giving us all early access to his project and people are confused as to why it's designed this way. There is no rugpull, you're supposed to farm billions, there will be token burn later to offset the amount we're farming now, and you're supposed to be involved with the project in the upcoming months to help with its growth. The price of this isn't supposed to move upward short term because you're EARLY to get in on the project now.

You CAN buy and hold but you may not get the returns you're hoping compared to those of us who will just be farming for months.

Nope. Just $2.5k. I have a good pool and don't want to have more people use it, but there are plenty of high yeilding pools to pick from. The point is to show you that within 5 days you can definitely make your gas fees back from just 5%. Gas fees are going to be pretty much eliminated in about a month because the dev is moving the project to xDai.

Are you farming them? Or just actually holding them in your wallet? It's still worth something but you're supposed to be farming with that 3m. Provide liquidity on Uniswap and stake that BAO.

>> No.26235375

To clarify my point. I'm farming with $1000 of eth-(top200alt). My buy in is gas only plus fees for exiting/harvesting only. These posters just don't understand limiting exposure to bao itself is an option and a good one for poorfags.

>> No.26235415

>Nope. Just $2.5k
Holy shit my pools suck lol

>> No.26235521
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The APY is calculated based on how in demand those pools are. Some pairs are actual shitcoins that won't really do you much good to purchase just for the sake of staking. Some pools will be removed by the end of the month because literally nobody uses them and they're diminishing the return on active pools by being there. You want to pick a pool that has high APY but isn't something you'd have to be retarded to buy. The reason why there are so many pools is to make this as easy as possible for people to get into - so even if they just have random shitcoins in their wallet they can stake those and farm BAO.

>> No.26235609

This is retarded.
As If crypto wasn't already confusing, now I have to farm it? Fuck you faggot.
>Ye mate I'll buy some food just let me got get my crop.
>>Retardedly long convoluted process of getting my money
Inb4 "uh you're just a retarded because you didn't take time to understand my super fucking stupid process of holding money hehehe"
No, no ones going to want to go through this shit.

>> No.26235610

Comfiest shit ever I don't even think about the price. This will scale to be proportionate with sushiswap mcap ($847,869,152). Right now mcap is $2,811,728. Easy

>> No.26235625


Here are the pools being removed by end of month by the way. Don't use any of these listed. Also some pools are going to get buffed while others nerfed. This is all community voted on, so you won't have this kind of thing randomly happening and fucking you over. Baoman discusses every and all developments with us with full transparency before putting it up for a vote.

>> No.26235722
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Suit yourself, not a very difficult process really. Farming isn't a new thing this token created, you should be somewhat introduced to it if you've been here for more than a few months. This is the most fair distribution method to ensure whales get fucked and people stay invested in the project long term. On top of earning BAO, you should be earning 0.3% from providing liquidity to Uniswap. At least learn about liquidity providing for your own sake, it's like crypto dividends.

>> No.26235730

This project is a sure 20x, minimum, if it goes as planned.

>> No.26235751

So if I wanted to be really safe I could do the USDC pool, and basically have all my gas fees covered by what im getting through the farming? And If I really believe in the project I could get BAO directly itself to make more of it instead of being safe?
Youre retarded. You sound like how people disbelieved in bitcoin when it started because it had to be mined with electricity. This is how normies get shooken out at early phases and real money is made

>> No.26235868

>Inb4 "uh you're just a retarded because you didn't take time to understand my super fucking stupid process of holding money hehehe"
No man, one of the perks of defi is that you can make money off your holds by keeping your crypto pairs within liquidity pools. It's actually common thing because rewards can beat interest rates. We're farming BAO by providing liquidity which has no downside other that impermanent loss, which is a known risk.

>> No.26235893

my SUSHI is up 400% in the past few months with bentobox on the way. and L2 in q3 or q4. Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.26235913

Didn’t some anon buy like 200k$ worth of bao the other day

>> No.26235927

>So if I wanted to be really safe I could do the USDC pool, and basically have all my gas fees covered by what im getting through the farming? And If I really believe in the project I could get BAO directly itself to make more of it instead of being safe?
Pretty much, although the non-bao pools APY are pretty good right now.

>> No.26235986

>Pools to Remove:
>These pools have drastically under performed, or are from dead projects, or are mostly empty and used by people just to dump $BAO on the community.

>Removing them means setting their weight = 1. They will always exist in the contract, and will stay in the UI for the next few months just showing 0% APY. (Rocky is working on a section for archived pools)

>If approved these pools would have their weight set = 1 before the next halving.



>> No.26235989

Yes, but only 5% of the farmed BAO will be unlocked for immediate use. The rest is on token lock until December to prevent dumping. Most people just use the 5% to pay for fees because ETH is ass right now. But you could recycle that 5% to start staking it, if you've earned a lot.

>> No.26236698


Ignore the retard. I am curious 95% is released at a later date. What confuses me is how this will be airdropped to wallets in the future? This is already an issue for the 2/3 vested 6 month SUSHI.

I read the docs. Its just one chink as a dev? I am worried that this guy is a moron or going to fuck us; but its LP's on UNISWAP so nothing really to worry about no? Did anyone look at the source code or is it just a fork of SUSHISWAP for now?

These stupid little projects usually develop a nice community in the long run (ie sushiswap, SNX)

I see boringcrypto and 0xMaki are on board after reading the sushiswap forums. Is BAO.finance chink or jap? I trust the Japanese but I get a feeling this guy is Chinese because he is just copying everyones code... lol.

I'd rather supply liquidity to SUSHISWAP any idea when they will move pools?

>> No.26236803

I strongly suspect baoman knows one of the sushi devs IRL. Maybe he's like a cousin or something. Sushi devs are working hard and have an opportunity to create generational wealth so I seriously doubt they would integrate a shitcoin from a dev they don't know/trust.

>> No.26237107

I just checked bao.finance docs and the first line is Chinese. 0xMaki is Japanese, and BoringCrypto is a white dude. So they are not related.

I think I will jump on this project when bao.finance is integrated in SUSHISWAP. Until then I will have to pass; furthermore, the fees for early withdrawal and shit are pretty steep.

This project does seem solid for a single dev, who is quite ambitious. I'll jump on this in the future. Thanks anon for putting it on the map interesting project.

If you provide to a uni LP are you still collecting the fees? or Does BAO.finance get the fees and you get BAO?

>> No.26237127

Dev is German, and speaks 3 languages. As part of the deal he's getting guidance from Sushiswap, who wants the project to succeed since it'd be mutually beneficial for their platforms and they already gave him grant money. The source code is just a Sushi fork for now, yeah. There's not any risk of anything - if you trust Sushiswap you should have no issue with Bao. They want him to succeed, and he wants us to succeed.

>I'd rather supply liquidity to SUSHISWAP any idea when they will move pools?

Currently his top priority, actually.

If you really want, you can wait out until they move over to xDai and add Sushi integrations, which should be next month if all goes as planned. There will be very little gas fees when it's moved over to xDai.

>> No.26237137

> Its just one chink as a dev? I am worried that this guy is a moron or going to fuck us; but its LP's on UNISWAP so nothing really to worry about no? Did anyone look at the source code or is it just a fork of SUSHISWAP for now?
He speaks English, German and French. I know his English is pretty decent. I think he's German. Some other anon said he has actually spoken to him via discord voice chat and he said he sounded German.

>> No.26237178

Well what if he dies or loses interest in his pet project?

>> No.26237180

You still get fees for providing LP. Bao doesn't get a cent of that, it's all yours. The only fees are the standard deposit and withdrawal fees that you'd see on any other farming app, which you can pay off with the harvested 5% return pretty easily.

>> No.26237182

the partnership states that Sushi has devs specifically helping baoman including any mentorship he needs, including finding devs.

they aren't going to let this die, they want what he's working on. Synthetics will be huge for Sushi. And at the rate I'm accumulating, they'll be huge for me too ;)

>> No.26237240

he set a proposal for 250k salary, i doubt he's losing interest. this will make him a millionaire.

>> No.26237253

I mean...what if any solo dev dies? YOU DID CLAIM HAIRCOMBS SIR?

>> No.26237275



>> No.26237360

pamp et

>> No.26237361

I picked both, feels good man

>> No.26237628

What LP pool are you using? I just looked at unsiwap info and checked some Lp's 0x addresses for eth/bao. Quite a few fat 200k plus addresses moving on this.

Let me know what pools you are in; thanks anon.

>> No.26237648

when is it too late to farm this shit

>> No.26237730

Oh WOW, a dead cat!
>rug in 3, 2, ....

>> No.26237748

Just hold LCX. Not one person said it was a quick buck. It’s always and still is a long term hold.

>> No.26237969

everyone here wants a 10 minute moon.

mother fuckers, bitcoin took 11 years. we are asking for ONE.

>> No.26238016

I'm still farming.

>> No.26238254

>t. Cuck

>> No.26238302
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>> No.26238329

I told you it was too cute to be true

>> No.26239252


>> No.26239669

Don't use Ushio and Hamakaze, or fatalpulse for that matter, to shill your coin.

>> No.26239846

I fucked you're waifus.

>> No.26240513

Is there any benefit from voting on new changes? The good stuff seems to be winning by large majority.