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26230992 No.26230992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I‘m going to kill myself but I don’t want my parents to see my body

>> No.26231023

Jump into sea with weights attached to you. If you are afraid of drowning just do tons of drugs before you jump.

>> No.26231032

Why kys? Please dont.

>> No.26231071

Please dont kill yourself man you don't understand the type of guilt you'll put people through

>> No.26231089

Also if ur serious why kill yourself before the golden bullrun whats wrong anon

>> No.26231092

Kill your parents and then kys.

>> No.26231130

What do you mean guilt lmao, maybe they shoulda not been pieces of shit or actually helped you. thats why they are guilty

>> No.26231166

this is arguably the worst thing you can do.
i know a girl who's been missing for 8 years and is 99% dead. the family has no closure and is still looking for her.
my advice is that you have not thought about any of this enough, so take a step back reevaluate what you think is the right move. go hug your parents and get a nights sleep. you can always start fresh tomorrow.

>> No.26231169

make sure you leave a note, it's only polite

>> No.26231184

I was unironically considering this before i posted this thread. i take that as a sign of some kind. i dont live near the ocean though only lakes and man made reservoirs

>> No.26231196

Jump into a cremator

>> No.26231234

give me all your stinky linkies befroe you an hero fag

>> No.26231288

Stay alive, pal.

>> No.26231318

based. Or into a WW2 bone chipper

>> No.26231367

I'll unironically give you 100$ worth of eth if you just wait like a week and think this shit through man, don't do this

>> No.26231380

I’m a linklet with 2k Linkies. I’ll give you 100 if you roll trips but I’m going to sell the rest and leave it for my parenrs
Aside from that it’s been fun shitposting with you guys. I’m going to do this >>26231023 most likely

>> No.26231395

Why kill?
At least explain reason

>> No.26231425

don't do it. whats troubling you fren?

>> No.26231442

When I go, I'm going to jump in a river. A good fast river is as good as the ocean. I figure if I get pretty drunk it will be easy to do and my parents will think I just fell in if the body is found. I don't know when I'll do it. I still enjoy a lot of things. Not enough things to make life worth living but enough that I don't see death as a friend yet. I may never do it. You should hold on for as long as possible, just to see what happens. You can die whenever you want and things still have potential to get way worse than they are.

>> No.26231461
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I agree with this >>26231367 guy.
This site would be just a little more gay without you, so please stick around, okay?

>> No.26231520

Mate go for a walk and try start convos with everyone you see , you really have nothing to lose if you don't want to live but you have a lot to gain you might meet someone with a few strands of humanity and common interests which will make life that much easier.

>> No.26231521

>You should hold on for as long as possible, just to see what happens. You can die whenever you want and things still have potential to get way worse than they are.

Things can go the otherway too i'm currently up x10,000 from my lowest moments

>> No.26231591

You will ruin your parent‘s life if you do that anon dont do it! If not for you pls at least for them

>> No.26231608

Factually anon if you kill yourself there will be no moment in the future where anyone finds your body that you will ever experience.

>> No.26231609

Do acid before you do OP

>> No.26231645


>> No.26231648

I simply dont want to put up with things for another year. I’ve had enough. I feel like I’ve been considering wanting to die for most of my life(I’m 20) and theres no real solution to that that im comfortable with. Exercise etc have only carried me so far and I’m not interested in taking prescription drugs. Talk therapy doesnt work. Things like that. I feel like most guys my age struggle with this kind of stuff nowadays

>> No.26231676

Please don't OP.

>> No.26231702
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This. Also wear scuba gear, so that you survive as long as possible while the psychedelics peak. And just in case you change your mind part way through and decide you actually want to live, bring a key to unlock the weights. But to make sure you don't change your mind lightly, put the key in a box full of spring-loaded razor blades. That way you either have a moment of pure Will and emerge from your Abyssal Baptism as a new man, or else you tumble into a pelagic Hellscape of self-reflection as the pressure builds and your body shuts down. When your empty husk lands at the bottom, the isopods will devour it and it will be like you never existed.

>> No.26231717

Let this be your sign not to do it brother. I also almost killed myself a couple months ago and now my life did the old switcharoo on me and im doin better.
It will get better for you.

>> No.26231729


>> No.26231730
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3 years ago I desperately wanted to kill myself.
Now I'm in a much better situation than I could have reasonably imagined at the time. I'm actually happy right now. Fucking happy.

>> No.26231771

Re-roll, ill put the linkies in their own commerative wallet and ill never sell them

>> No.26231781
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Actually meant to reply this this >>26231521 post but I'm retarded sometimes. Or maybe all the time, I don't know.

>> No.26231782


>> No.26231789

When I was in my 20's and had serious depression I went and stated couch surfing with strangers through Europe England then France till I made it to Berlin all on a budget of less than £50. Helped a lot maybe you should consider going rouge for a while instead of ending it all.

>> No.26231827


>> No.26231846

>(I’m 20)
Oh man. Give life at LEAST another 5 years. That might not seem really young to you now but I'm just 27 and 20 seems like a century ago. Things can change a lot in a few years, anon. Good on for exercising and not taking drugs.

>> No.26231851

Just rolling once for lulz

>> No.26231862

I'm pretty sure I can hold on long enough for them to die first. That's pretty much my only life goal at this point. I am autistic, not all that bright, and quit developing emotionally at 14. I've felt out of place and sad for over 20 years. It's hard these days. Everybody's trying to be something greater than they are while I'm just trying to be human. There are still a lot of things to enjoy though.

>> No.26231941

roll i wish you the best of luck anon

>> No.26231953

make a protonmail and swing me the addy, ill buy you a prosty and a hotel room.

>> No.26232000


>> No.26232019

hang in there bro, hopefully crypto will allow us some quiet peace and comfort before we die

>> No.26232023

Roll for your life buddy, don't leave us.

>> No.26232059

Honestly OP I'm with you. Stupidly thought I would try my hand at trading futures, and 2 days before Christmas I lost 90% of my net worth... now i'm down to about $55. Also currently unemployed, meanwhile crypto surges on without me... I live with my parents, no relationship, no money, hobbies or real interests. Starting to think the best thing for me would be to just call it quits here. This is the first time I have admitted this to myself and honestly it feels like a weight of my chest.

>> No.26232075

Hey future dead kid can I get them Linkerinozs? I have no wallet but if digits I will make one. Also don’t kill yourself, let’s make a video game instead. But first gimme links

>> No.26232079

>only 20
>already going to suicide
LMAO I was the same way until I realized I should get out of my own head and go with the flow of life, 20 me seems so far away and it's only been 3 years. I'm still a little sad but not suicide level sad.

>> No.26232117

Unironically start going to church and praying. I was in your spot this time last year. I even jumped into the bay while I was blackout drunk hoping to die, instead I was pulled in by the coast guard. It still took 4 trips to the hospital until I realized that my spirituality was completely absent from my life. I never took medication besides what they forced me to at the hospital, yet today I am feeling amazing. Please just consider it. God loves us all man, just give it a real shot I beg you. Please don't kill yourself.

>> No.26232129
File: 99 KB, 746x512, 8348312F-C9D0-41A6-A16F-B5D67D214691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy bitch coin
>Wait a year
>Go to island with money
>Get eaten by animals
You're welcome, fren

>> No.26232159

Hopefully I roll trips and you decide not to kill yourself but i get money anyway

>> No.26232178

When I was younger I was depressed af, just give it time and stay away from the pharmas. Exercise, eat better, get sunlight. This is the only life you get, theres no respawns or any other schizo dimension versions of yourself where things wouldve been better. Youll have to eat that shit sandwich for a few more years but once you get direction in life with a career and goals itll become easier. 20 is young, thats like level 1 in life. Dont quit just because the enemy is spamming you with bs
And rolllinggg for trips

>> No.26232183

there's no evidence that death will stop your problems.
Think about it, no one knows or can know what happens when you die. Would you gamble all your money on a game you don't know the rules of?

It's not deniable that it is possible for your life to become worthwhile as a human, that is not true in death.

>> No.26232208
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>> No.26232216

Dude please don't kill yourself, I'm 23 and I was ready to die for the last two years but things really do get better I promise. I felt prescription drugs made me crazy and exercise wasn't helping either but getting a dog and quitting all hard drugs (including shrooms & acid) made a huge impact. If this is close to the worst you've ever felt then it will only go up but please don't off yourself you're a 2000 link Chad you have a ways to go before your life is worthless and your parents won't know to hold them.

>> No.26232229

I've been holding on hoping for some cure or at least mitigation for autism for as long as you've been alive. You can do better than me.

>> No.26232241

Honestly I don't know what to do anymore. From $18k down to $55 and crypto just keeps pumping. No job, poor physical and mental health, no prospects, riddled with anxiety and depression... what's the easiest way to do it with minimal trauma for my family? Pills?

>> No.26232305
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1610857729183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some psychadelics dude. It sounds like a retarded druggie thing to do but it really helped me connect with god and see the light in life. It does wonders for depression and hopelessness man. You can get through this.

>> No.26232307


You're not wrong (this is becoming more common), I was in you shoes by 24 and I'm 30 now; a lot has improved for me now, though in still unemployed and have many things to sort out - I'm not even sure I will FEEL or BE better continuing along the path, I just know that there is so much potential for good, bad, learning the difference, and the nature evolution of all things in general, myself included.

This is why I am.
This is why I will always be.

Just my 0.02 FIAT.

>> No.26232318

Don't do it, things will get better in time. Also rolling

>> No.26232336

You sound like a little bitch grow some balls bro lmfao your hormones acting up

You don’t even have a reason to die

>> No.26232368

This, get a dog and you become a happy insta chad.

>> No.26232384

Money is not your life anon. You can have a fulfilling and happy life without it. Let God into your heart and your soul will be healed. There are parcels of cheap land all over the country that are less than 5000 dollars. You can live off grid and reset your mind away from technology and the rat race of modern day technocracy. The number one thing is to have faith and practice praying and meditation, everything else will fall into place behind that.

>> No.26232396

20 SUCKS for most people
most of your 20s are a shitfest of not knowing how the world works and stumbling your way through life
it will most likely get better, you are way too young to be able to know yet
be patient

>> No.26232404

gotta roll but don't do it anon

>> No.26232463

also, committing an here while people that care about you are alive is dick move.
it's a great thing to do if you want to sow misery and hatred amongst those you're leaving behind
don't be a dick anon

>> No.26232509
File: 75 KB, 746x900, 0964E5E5-26D2-410B-9F85-9FD0A7C50378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m rolling trips, but I have no desire in taking your posessions. If I recieve trips, dump your stack into AVAX and leave the fortune for your parents.

Dedicate your life to Jesus Christ, and volunteer with the Peace Corps or volunteer at your local animal shelter. Meet a nice partner, and help out the cute doggos

>> No.26232511

Least exiting roll of all time

>> No.26232530

ok, been there too. i decided to move far away and start over. married with kids now and stable.

reflect about your life and what went wrong and why. then just press the restart button and do things different

>> No.26232545


>> No.26232554

it does get better anon. my early 20s were the darkest and hardest times of my life and I wanted to end it so many times but i couldn't put my parents through that. years later every time i'm with them i think about what sad people they'd be if they lost their son so young. life is hard but we keep going for the people who love us and ultimately it's worth it

to answer your question though cause i've thought about it a lot, the only way is to jump into a volcano

>> No.26232557

Your brain still has a lot of developing to do, you can grow out of this pretty much by magic. The capacity to be happy never actually dies. Even if you had to sit in a mental home and stare at a wall for the next ten years you have a chance at a good and happy life after. What difference does it make when you’ll be dead for 100 quadrillion years at the end either way?

>> No.26232573

A mans gotta roll some trips

>> No.26232580

Yeah don't do it, also trips please (roll)

>> No.26232599

my early 20s sucked hard
30 now and much better off

>> No.26232610


>> No.26232613

Get Lugol's iodine off Amazon or wherever and take a drop in your food each day. If you still feel the same way in 6 months then KYS

>> No.26232617

I'm going to roll to waste the get :)

>> No.26232630

if i roll trips you have to keep on living

>> No.26232644

Nice to see a fellow iodinebro. No one knows they're deficient and it pisses me off.

>> No.26232648

dont take ur like anon

>> No.26232662

and one more. Don't do it.

>> No.26232675

If trips you give all 2k to me and also don't kill yourself.

>> No.26232691
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Don't, read up on https://www.nderf.org/Archives/exceptional.html to see what awaits you. You were put here for a reason, a purpose. It's always darkest before the morning.

>> No.26232699

Trips. Don't kys

>> No.26232726

link now

>> No.26232734
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>> No.26232739


>> No.26232742


Consider if discussing your potential decision with your closest family and/or friend(s) would be something you feel up to.

Sharing deep bonds is the foundation upon which trust is formed - in some way you may be breaking that trust by NOT considering the above.

> ~

Finally, and ULTIMATELY, there is no right or wrong, no good, no evil, no better, no worse.

There appears to be only ONE thing; infinitely intricate, infinitely illusory, infinitely infinite, and ULTIMATELY incomprehensible (these are just my/our scribblings).

I love you, bro.

>> No.26232772
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>> No.26232815

someone's getting trips tonite

>> No.26232818

Dont do it but you could go into an old mine and do it there.

>> No.26232819
File: 28 KB, 476x344, maildubs3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to introduce you to the power of trips. Don't kill yourself, but send me 100 Link anyways. Charity will make you feel better. :)

>> No.26232840

Get a part time job, pool some money for a few weeks, swing trade options (not fucking 100% OTM dailys and weeklys) and not fucking shitcoins. Futures and trading crypto is for tards that want to go broke except for a handful of lucky autist. crypto you should hodl with spare profits from trading. Nobody ever remembers the people losing in the casino, people only focus on the winners. Learn technical analysis and swing options in high growth companies in hot sectors and youll recover in no time. Or buy SPAC warrants. Dont be a pussy, if you actually want to succeed trading you have to want it.

>> No.26232843

shit I'll give it a go. I haven't really thought about thyroid issues.

>> No.26232873

Hey man you'll be able to build back up it's not the end. You made a bad move and yeah it cost you but in the long run you'll be stronger for it. You can use this time as a period to reflect and try to improve and you know full well you could turn that $55 into $5500 with one good coin and then you're on the right track again. Use this time to read and improve yourself as much as you're able, like I told the OP getting a dog really helped me maybe try that? Don't end it over money man it's meaningless if you end up at 60 with 60k you can live like a fucking king in Asia.

>> No.26232889


>> No.26232891

From what i've read of drown-suicide survivors, most say they realise it was a mistake the moment they jump. Please anon, if nothing can change your mind about it, at least make ot in a way that you can get out if you want.
Life is worth living.

>> No.26232893

dont do it anon

if you are going to kys at least sell your linkies now and take a vaction before you do. reconsider on a beach somewhere

>> No.26232897


>> No.26232916

Gotta try

>> No.26232928

>change mind
>unlock weights
>try to surface
>get the bends
>wish you were dead again

>> No.26232936
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>Would you gamble all your money on a game you don't know the rules of?

>> No.26232950


>> No.26232986

I’m rolling, but if I get trips you don’t kys

>> No.26232997


>> No.26233004


>> No.26233007


>> No.26233010

Don't kill yourself, it'll get better, do some LSD.

And if you have good reasons to kill yourself at least make a name for yourself a la Gavrilo Princip. Take an evil political figure with you.

>> No.26233023

Don't do it anon. I feel you, I really do. I don't know why I'm still going on, I hate it here.
It sounds like you care about you parents, if you go through with this it will absolutely destroy them. I would have loved to have parents that cared about me..
Read the Bible, embrace struggle and suffering. Your life matters, your soul matters. You will get better with time, you won't believe that right now, but stay alive long enough and you will find out.
Good luck.

>> No.26233029

Gots to roll

>> No.26233044

re roll

>> No.26233084

You belong here with us motherfucker you're 100% staying. It'll be alright bro

>> No.26233094


>> No.26233096


>> No.26233098

I'm probably gonna off myself in the next 10 years or so to. About to turn 30, don't have any direction in life what so ever

>> No.26233149


>> No.26233151

111 get

>> No.26233152

rollin hommie

>> No.26233187

Dont do it OP you need to be here to see GRT moon.

>> No.26233188


>> No.26233218

Roll for haunted links

>> No.26233222


>> No.26233229

gg anon

>> No.26233236


>> No.26233266

I win!

>> No.26233269
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rivers are handy
If you are under 30 I impore you not doing so, however, we can be friends
I'll introduce you to some people.

>> No.26233306

I hope its a larp and you don't get any money. I used to want to jump off the ben franklin bridge but am glad I didn't

>> No.26233339

Unironically gigabased.

>> No.26233343

Don't do it, retard.

>> No.26233365

Just know nearly every person who has tried to commit suicide and survived have said that in the moment they felt regret and wanted to live.

>> No.26233382


>> No.26233431

Well there are trips.

>> No.26233435

You seriously need to give life another shot for at least 5-10 years. At 20 you practically still a hormonal teenager. Don't be an idiot, in a year those 2k linkies are unironically probably going to make you a millionaire.

>> No.26233437

OP, hear me out: be patient, things are at an all time low for you now but they will get better, I promise you that from the bottom of my heart.

Don't kill yourself, I beg you, there's an afterlife and people who commit suicide suffer greatly for a while before they can transmigrate properly. Forget this website and all this greed, you absolutely don't need to make it to be happy and fulfilled, I assure you. You don't need a girlfriend either, you are ENOUGH.

Learn about the Dharma and the real reasons why you suffer, you will be illuminated by this new knowledge, I promise you.


>> No.26233438
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>> No.26233443

This, don’t do it, things can and will get better

>> No.26233450

Bro idc if bait but dont kill yourself. Trust me man it gets better.

>> No.26233453 [DELETED] 

What now

>> No.26233552

Rolling for trips, btw do not kill yourself you’ll regret it

>> No.26233580

Rolling for trips

>> No.26233583

Trips have been had people.

Don't do it Anon, not yet at least. I am on the same path as you but no rush to do it yet.. Let some more time pass to see if things improve at all. You never know and you got plenty of time to spare currently. Let some more pass.