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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26226908 No.26226908 [Reply] [Original]

>mods let confirmed scam spam and duplicate threads slide out half the catalog
>any attempt to derail the threads with nsfw is very quickly deleted but not the threads themselves
Nice. I implore anons to breakout the airplane mode and dump gay scat loli art or whatever pesticide you have in Rubic threads. And to that one Russian dude hope you doxx the Rubic team and have them running for their lives.

>> No.26227101

Advertising and spamming is blatant rule violation. The fact that even multiple duplicates are allowed screams that admin here has been paid off

>> No.26227165


>> No.26227287
File: 85 KB, 1076x1052, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not letting this thread die

>> No.26227333

Fuck niggers

>> No.26227431

Hopefully the next dump is tonight

>> No.26227512

sounds like this could be a thing. jannies could be paid off easily and possibly a mod, but dont mods have multiple boards under their control?

>> No.26227544

time to abandon ship fellas

>> No.26227591
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bump with booba bum

>> No.26227596
File: 106 KB, 750x520, E2C38AB9-5288-4568-9096-AA32C6D23B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikes (Israel) and chinks (China/ South Korea)- and Britain (traitor to whites)
Every one of these countries on rubic’s language list has ties to mossad/ CCP
The /biz/ moderators are literal IDF agents because they try to control stock market from here

>> No.26227651
File: 580 KB, 750x850, BDD9B06B-6A8E-4825-A551-37155E9780DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a meme cryptocurrency started by 4chan to lead people to financial/spiritual ruin. The oldfag early investors were IDF (Israel Defense Forces) members stationed here to quell nazi rebellion online. Soon they realized they could create useless ethereum tokens to scam anons visiting 4chan who had hopes of crypto gains. These old fags bought $100k+ of chainlink EACH ($100k of chain link at $0.17= A LOT OF CHAINLINK) for pennies on the dollar and now are selling it to idiots for over $20. There’s even an agent that goes by the name of “42” (a spiritual pure number corrupted by the kike who uses it as a pseudonym) . This agent tries to control the narrative within his Saturn indoctrination / chainlink cube worship threads..
Now these “oldfags” that we are supposed to respect are trying to get people to lose even more money after the 2018 bloodbath. Chainlink is a specialized collection of Oracles, companies don't need this. They will just create their own private blockchains with Link network(token not needed). Sergey himself already said that LINK tokens arent needed to use the network. thats right. it's still unclear when and how the LINK token will be used if private networks are an option, and not to mention the massive allocation of LINK not locked up but in dev control (2/3 of supply).There is no need for tokens if chainlink isn't even needed to run the nodes.
, silence for months. generally, this happens 1-2 times a year
Stinkies compare Sergey to Jesus, they worship Saturn and endevour in other blasphemies (like telling anons to put sharpies how up their anus to get free link which is never sent) which marks their impending doom (and financial ruin)

>> No.26227664

Stay poor faggot. And go back to pool. We're all Jews here and we'll serve if the IDF calls upon us

>> No.26227773

>Britain (traitor to whites)

>> No.26227805


>> No.26227840
File: 445 KB, 750x791, 6AAAFA5A-71D0-45A8-882D-468309941983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked jew might as well slit your Jewish children’s’ throats now- It’s a kosher homicide that way and they don’t suffer from punishment of suicide (which you will)

>> No.26227844

Anons need to see this.
I've been here for almost 2 years and every few months a new shitcoin spawns with memes and multiple threads full of pajeets. Once you get used to it it's so easy to spot them, the last one is rubic for example

>> No.26227855


Lenocinium was a ficticious website which originated around 2017/2018. It was made by chain link FUDers to insinuate they were the source of the constant chink shilling etc.
It transpired the website was made within 24 hours by an Anon who then proceeded to winge about how much effort he went into to make the website look legit.

That screen cap is a screen shot of the price structure which was on the website.

It's just recirculated as anons have it saved and this RBC shilling is on a par with chinky linky.

Your welcome.

>> No.26227870
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Mods are notoriously abysmal on this site and Hiro is an expat criminal hiding from his 2chan lawsuit out in France.

>> No.26227894
File: 515 KB, 750x958, C8682533-A163-446B-AE3F-29309305E801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M16 is Mossad’s bitch. That faggot tommy Robinson is mossad too

>> No.26227989

4chan is always on some 4d chess type shit

>> No.26227992

>that grammar
I never said it was RBC you illiterate gopnik

>> No.26228087

do you really want jannies to start removing scams? these people work for free, and you expect them to research and get into every project here, just so they don't accidently delete legit projects that they misinterptered as scams? a lot of good projects would be caught in the crossfire i think. if you want a babysitter go to reddit

>> No.26228193

Markets are mainly governed by emotions, look at tesla. It's in the red and only lives from the good will of the subsidies it touches. But elon musk is a guru and very good at it, so it just casually x10 on the market.

>> No.26228215


>> No.26228233

Here’s a profitable method that takes advantage of the RBC spam:

1. Create a shitty fake erc20 token with one of those token creation services. Call it RUBIC.

2. Create a bounce.finance presale with it

3. Spam on 4chan

4. Profit by tricking newfags into buying your fake rubic token, taking potential gains away from slavs

At least profit off of this madness

>> No.26228281
File: 101 KB, 750x451, E35D1D26-52EF-4542-A825-A380E279A52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDF is deploying chat bots with programmed scripts to pump ‘rubic ‘
> Kikes (Israel) and chinks (China/ South Korea)- and Britain (traitor to whites)
Every one of these countries on rubic’s language list has ties to mossad/ CCP..

>> No.26228325
File: 146 KB, 611x409, 36411D0D-7931-43CE-AF6C-27228A7D100A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nuke Israel, China, South Korea, and India - nations of pond scum scammers

>> No.26228333

When they're this blatant to the point of violating board rules, yes.

>> No.26228363

ROSE- was a similar scam token. You cannot sell these tokens because they aren’t REAL

>> No.26228410

you will never be a real artist hbn1

>> No.26228413

Are you retarded? He’s talking about making a second scam token where newfags buy from YOU on bounce.

Nothing to do with the actual rubic token kek

>> No.26228412

Range ban China, South Korea, India, and Israel and you fix 4chan permanently

>> No.26228463
File: 258 KB, 476x522, 9B2DA2B9-8626-4296-9709-EA6A519E0E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek lowercases
Shut the fuck up you filthy shitskin

>> No.26228890

he's right though, you're too retarded to read. fuck off back to r/thedonald

>> No.26228988

Wow you are SEETHING huh? KEK. This is hilarious, you just can't see others win for once. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. SEETHE. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.26228990

Do you have a single fact to back that up?