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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26222677 No.26222677 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, tell me where to find a good job online.
LinkedIn is shit.
I want to find a job online and leave this third world country so I can go to Europe and have a better life.

>> No.26222742

kneepads online.

>> No.26222769
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Fuck off we're full

>> No.26223304

Stay in your third world shithole, and put your skills to use improving your local economy.

>> No.26223356

They have suffered enough through immigration, leave them alone. Let white people have their own country.

>> No.26223358

learn how to code

>> No.26223413


fuck off pajeet, we are all full. In fact, we have so many niggers even in europe that you should take some

>> No.26223423

The economy is not the only problem, we have narcos here.
You're not understanding I NEED to leave this shithole, I don't wanna die.

>> No.26223452

kys, pajeet faggot

>> No.26223473

How does that help me?

>> No.26223499

thats the fucking meme. sage and kys

>> No.26223535

Learn that, then go to fiverr for developers and get paid

>> No.26223541

You will never fit in.

>> No.26223678

>we have narcos here.
Don't get involved with drugs then faggot.

>> No.26223700

you people really don't understand how bad it is, saquenme de latinoamerica is real. Being born a spic is like the suicide stack of ethnicities, too underdeveloped to make life miserable but not miserable enough to reach the ignorance is bliss point

>> No.26223783

>first to take the vaccine

Not alot of you are going to be left in a couple of years. Africans mistrust the vaccine at a rate of 87% doesn't matter if they received the white mans education.

>> No.26223924

OP I made it out of there, I hope you do too, it is so much better here than there. Be aware however that you will very like miss your family so much that you will never feel truly realised here.

>> No.26224013

just pretend to be a muslim and Europe will literally pay you to live in an apartment and rape/behead their native population.

>> No.26224393


>> No.26224502

look at the immigration policy of your favorite countries and find out what skills will fast track you there.

>> No.26225121

Brother I am afraid I cannot help you, my family wasn't poor and I came here as a student, which is quite the investment but will set you back a good $20k at least.