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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2622139 No.2622139 [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR: The original /biz/ delegate either ran off with last week's forged ARK or he got keylogged and had the forge stolen.

Either way, the /biz/ delegate is compromised and it's not longer a good idea to vote for it.


Two of the admins from the ARK discord where the old delegate, magnet, was are moving to replace him by setting up our own delegate node.

We're Uncle Chang (me) and Moon Man. You may have heard of us from when 4chan and eight chan raided Shia Labaouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" art project.

Why should you vote for us?
The hypothesis is we'll be less likely to fuck you guys because who we are is public record. We're inherently more transparent than some online pseudonym.
1) People know who I am IRL. (Google "uncle chang hwndu")
2) People know Moon Man's address. (He held a hwndu party at his house)
3) We're both actually technically competent people. We both have degrees in CS, work in the tech industry, and I have experience in cyber security.

A new node will be up before the end of the day and you guys can move your votes to that one if you'd like.


Just sent this tweet to verify who we are.

>> No.2622161

What's a delegate?

>> No.2622168


>> No.2622171
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>> No.2622178
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Once we can verify that enough people voted for our new delegate, which we can do easily if people don't switch yet, we can tell everyone to unvote the first. That's the easiest way to make this switch painless. So hold tight while we work this shit out.

We're going to offer permanent 90% to anyone who gets in pre-51 no matter the bag size, and 100% for first 50 days to everyone.

After that it's gonna be between 80-100%, with 100% going to ALL bag holders who own less ARK than the average amount (which means 50% of the pool will always get a full payout, something other delegates do not offer).

>> No.2622184

fucking cunt I haven't even earned 1 ARK yet... basically lost.

I will be following this.

It seems a /pol/ack (or the original /biz/ delegate owner) stole the cash

>> No.2622185

10k ARK ready to report

>> No.2622206

So everyone just got screwed over and now we're supposed to lay our trust in a /pol/tard?

>> No.2622222

As we mentioned in our other thread, politics does not play into this. We are presenting our identities for full transparency so you have a reason to trust us over a faceless name like /biz/ did with Magnet. We are also techies by both lifestyle and career, so we are significantly more competent than most other nodes.

>> No.2622226
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In the discord will watch and switch votes

>> No.2622242
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my 17k are also ready.
we just lost 1 week payout. it sucks but not really a biggy.

>> No.2622251

/biz/ is acting like we all lost money on this and will FUD Ark because of this, none of us actually had money taken away. This is all just an inconvenience

>> No.2622266

Politics doesn't -- and shouldn't -- matter here.

The point was we'll be more transparent (and more trustworthy) than some online pseudonym because who we are is public record. If we screw you, we'll get fucked in real life.

Moon and I are also technically competent. We both have degrees in CS and cyber security.

>> No.2622269
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>> No.2622274

where do i vote god damn i was in the top 20 of the compromised one. I just want something real.

>> No.2622288

We'll have the new node set up before the end of the day. Sit tight.

>> No.2622306
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>> No.2622332
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Well those certainly are some quints, aren't they.

>> No.2622358

Can I get a link to the discord bros?

>> No.2622368


Here ya go

>> No.2622395

Sheeeit I got paid out from the biz delegate last week too

Nice to see you here Chang, was a fan of you during hwndu.. I'll switch my vote tomorrow

>> No.2622427

for just 1000$ worth... ok if you feel smart anon...once this was a safe place for us

>> No.2622498
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sounds good

>> No.2622516

lmao hahahahhahahahaa well diserve for shilling this non stop here

>> No.2622542

average user lost 5 ark i would assume. biz delegate lost heaps more in the long run. prolly got hacked

>> No.2622549

Nobody lost anything. That's the point of ark's DPoS.

>> No.2622583

>average user lost 5 ark
the only thing the average user lost is the 1 Ark used to vote, that's it

>> No.2622589

Former polack here, now 100% bizreali
15K ark, let us know

>> No.2622618

1 to unvote and 1 to vote for this delegate

>> No.2622620

Will move my 12k

>> No.2622636

Ill join if and only if you pay out every 24 hours. 7 days is too tempting to run away with.

>> No.2622667

We're planning on doing daily but will have minimums. We may even allow users to choose how often they want to get paid since we can configure it separately for each wallet. The problem with daily is fees.

>> No.2622672

Min PAYOUT? idk because whalish nur these fees are so stupid

>> No.2622682

no need to even unvote technically, make new wallet, send all ark to new wallet, cheaper that way.

>> No.2622715

I'll be waiting until tomorrow to unvote for magnet.

>> No.2622718

Technically yeah, you save 0.9 ARK that way. If you're a small fry do this.

>> No.2622733


your saving will be 0.9 Ark. it cost 0.1 to move it to the new wallet and 1 to vote for the new delegate.

>> No.2622746

So you lose a total of 1.1 ark instead of 2 arks, still cheaper by 45%.

>> No.2622754

Daily or every other day is the only way I'll join. Small fries aren't getting anything regardless so it's stupid to cater to them.

>> No.2622763

already been stated that they're planning daily

>> No.2622777

biz vote count is dropping

>> No.2622780

Don't buy into another scam you stupid fucks. Even if it costs you just an ark...don't make these scamming pieces of shit rich at your expense. Fuck any delegate.

>> No.2622793

I already received more from forging rewards than vote fee cost and Chang is trustworthy.

>> No.2622800


>> No.2622804

Kinda like a taco...it's pronounced Del Gato though.

>> No.2622829

>People know who I am IRL


>> No.2622855

Just the fact that you're /pol/ folks means I'm in. I will use a percentage of my gains made in the pool to further ruin Shia LaBaouf's life should Ark take off.

>> No.2622876

What's the delegate name? Or do we not know yet

>> No.2622885

It's NOT up yet. It will be live in FIVE TO EIGHT HOURS.


>> No.2622895

I'm in the process of setting the new node up now.

>> No.2622954

I've been a vocal supporter of Ark since the beginning and I am telling you; DO NOT VOTE FOR THESE DELEGATES.

You are fucking idiots of the very highest order if you fall for this.

Trust in Ark but not in these jokers.

>> No.2622991

Who do you recommend I vote for then

>> No.2622998

>tfw you're a newfag who is actually serious about not knowing what a delegate is but everyone probably thinks you're shitposting

>> No.2623004


check the calculators. they will show you who will give the best return for what Ark you have

>> No.2623012

Yeah man, I might lose like 12 ark were they to set a pay-out/7 days and keep it after that period

>> No.2623023

I have no idea because i'm not trying to steal your money. Use the tools and work out your own vote, in trying to game the system with a /biz/ pool everyone got gamed in turn and these are just setting up to do the same damn thing.

>> No.2623070

t. Clueless Newbie who doesn't even know how ARK works

You're gonna wanna vote for whoever gives you the highest payout. That will be this pool unless we end up higher than anyone else who gives 100% payout if you're below the average ARK voter. Most delegates do not get 100%. Our incentives come from getting delegacy and encouraging whales to come in.

Delegate competition is a race to the bottom. We're at the bottom by offering the most of our potential forges to people. That's what magnet did, and he was too stupid to realize he'd make more than the measly grand he stole by playing fair. Or he got hacked; either way, his pool is not viable anymore.

>> No.2623123

Ok so that measly grand isn't much, fine.
So then you do the same and make a new thread with new names and do it again.

And every time you make a "Measly grand" off the people who believe you.

Anyone buying into this, I've got some lovely bridges for sale.

>> No.2623156

I'm not going to ruin my reputation and get stabbed in the streets of NYC by an angry voter just to steal $1000.

We're more transparent than magnet. We're actually real people with faces and real names.

>> No.2623159

We're allowing daily payouts for people with large bags. This will mean you will know within the day if we are scammers. The math is not difficult.

Magnet would have made more being patient instead of robbing people for fucking pennies compared to running a legitimate node.

>> No.2623207

Ark isn't mined, wasting wads of electricity, it's proof of stake which means they give more to the richest few, except Ark has another layer in there which lets people band together their wallets under a delegate, who gets the Ark payout and divvies it up between the voters. The top 51 delegates, judged by the collective Ark in the voters' wallets, are each rewarded 442(?) Ark each day, to be shared with the voters under terms they set up. More attractive terms gets you more voters, fucking over your voters gets you unvoted hopefully out of the top 51. Here's a current list:


You should note the more Ark voted to a delegate, the less daily rewards are earned per your Ark held, as it's 442/1.2 million per Ark for biz, for example, but say 442/900k for someone further down the list.

>> No.2623211

dont fall for the biz scam meme

use arkpool or quarkpool


>> No.2623216

The real question is why didnt you sell all your ARK when it was at 35ksat so you could buy back in at current prices

>> No.2623230

>biz pool pays out the most in every scenario

Nice one mate.

>> No.2623264

if you remove biz from the calculations you are looking at dr10 being te best for profit right now then, chris followed then ravelou and finally ghostfaceuk to give you the top four payouts right now

>> No.2623269

If I'd sold my ark at 35k, it would have spiked and set a new floor at 40k.

>> No.2623280

thats why i said which pools you should use

>> No.2623287

Except the new pool will pay out better. I already explained this.

>> No.2623309

falling for a biz scam twice


>> No.2623317

simbly ebin.

>> No.2623348

>Former polack here, now 100% bizreali
to think i wasted so much time on pol when i could be a millionaire by now..

>> No.2623356

I'm not forcing you or anyone to vote for us. I understand your concerns especially after what happened today.

I can only assure you that neither me or Moon Man will run off with the forged ARK and hope that our identities and addresses being public info is enough insurance to offer our voters peace of mind.

If that's not good enough for you then I understand and you don't have to vote for us.

>> No.2623359

a way to incentivize sybil attacks on your network

>> No.2623360

this is a very concerning development for ARK, which makes me not want to participate any more
think about it: the entire idea relies on the concept of trust and costs you 1 ARK to begin with
I'll be contacting devs tomorrow and they better do something about this like pay every anon for their original vote and last week's worth of forging
they have enough reserve and this case may make them reconsider the way system works

as for those saying it's merely a grand: what if ARK were worth $10 a pop

>> No.2623371

This is exactly why the DPoS exists. We found out we were scammed less than 6 hours ago and in another 6 hours we will have a trustworthy node.

The DPoS system is working exactly as intended. It isn't easy to rack up enough ARK to enter the top 51 after losing trust.

>> No.2623374

You pol niggers did a coup didn't you

>> No.2623380

I realized shitposting online wasnt making me money
We juden nao

>> No.2623401

Magnet just showed his face. Awaiting his response, but regardless of why or how, the bottom line is he was compromised and we're setting up a more secure node.

>> No.2623417

Pls let us know what he said, or better yet direct him to this thread so we can hear him speak

>> No.2623454

You are being a huge nigger moon and chang haven't even had a chance to fuck up yet.

>> No.2623458
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This fucking guy.

>> No.2623461

i just feel sorry for there guys who arent making 1 ark/week left with a loss now

join a professional pool!

>> No.2623469
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/pol/ will collect the crypto meme money here from now on you faggots and now vote

>> No.2623489

Pretty much he should pay out of pocket or expect people to jump ship.

>> No.2623504

if this happened at a relatively low price, what makes you think it won't happen again at 5x, 10x, 100x the price?
you think people will opt to revote to another delegate who could do the very same thing? and that their vote would cost them many times more in fiat terms while they're at it
unless payout gets hardcoded into a forging node I don't think I would put my money there

>> No.2623515

>I'll be contacting devs tomorrow
just take the L you fucking pussy

>> No.2623532

I agree that this is actually a weakness in ark. I was shocked to find that payments were manually triggered by a script. It needs to be built into ARK itself.

>> No.2623535

dont vote for a scammy pool

just take a look how much ark a pool has forged and payed

>> No.2623546

Is is just me or does it sound like he's lying

>> No.2623564

Doesn't matter, we're about to launch the new delegate. Get your votes ready.

>> No.2623595

if ARK is going to be a top10 coin, delegates will beg to be in that position

member how scammy btc was in the beginning?

>> No.2623608

What do you mean? Building it in wouldn't change who controls the delegates. It just means you can't fuck up like magnet did.

>> No.2623616

you're projecting
and you'd know to discern between scammy and non-scammy how? anyone can socially engineer an appearance of whatever on the internet

>> No.2623636
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And the new delegate name is...


We are LIVE.

>> No.2623654

look for the pools with the most forged arks

>> No.2623666

good luck tho

>> No.2623679

do polo and bittrex fuck up?
imagine what they can fuck up!

its always trust until we have DEX and truly trustless systems

>> No.2623687

can't believe magnet ran off with only 1 weeks worth of cash. 1k? Lmao some of our portfolios are down 300k+ USD today alone, who gives a fuck about 1k?

>> No.2623723
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biz vote crash accelerating

>> No.2623738
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there was an error when updating the vote. has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.2623747

You have to UNVOTE in one tx and VOTE in another. Refresh your wallet in between.

You can only do 1 action per tx.

>> No.2623755
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>> No.2623766

quit wallet

>> No.2623775
File: 270 KB, 2524x1006, Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 1.45.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i do this.

Whenever I try to add this with biz deselected I get the error in pic related

>> No.2623781

how does one unvote?

>> No.2623789
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Here we go boys.

>> No.2623791

unselect the voted delegate and press vote


>> No.2623800


Unvote "biz"
Send the transaction.
Add "biz_classic"
Send the transaction.

Has to be done in 2 tx

>> No.2623803

UNCHECK the box and hit VOTE.

Click on your account or navigate to another part of the wallet after sending your tx. biz should no longer be there.

Now ADD DELEGATE and type in "biz_classic".


>> No.2623808

nvm figured it out - you have to close and reopen the wallet after you unvote. What the fuck lol

>> No.2623809

I honestly think he's telling the truth but this just means that he shouldn't have any responsibility. You'd have to be full retard to scam people when longrun profits would be so much more than what he got today.

>> No.2623839

the client can be messy sometimes yea

>> No.2623841

I do not see this as a weakness in ark because there is no expectation by ark for delegates to pay anything to those voting for them. Most of the top 51 are not shared pools.

>> No.2623850

I have to spend 1 ark to unvote?

>> No.2623857

I know that. You can implement payments to avoid fuckups like magnet's, not theft. Implement configurable payments so you can't fatfinger like he did.

>> No.2623858


1 ark to unvote and another to vote the new delegate

>> No.2623860

you can send to a different wallet and just vote from it to save .9 ark.

>> No.2623899

See this is why I like you...you realize that will be exactly what happens if you ran off. You know the sicko fucks of /biz-pol/ well enough to know we would track you down if you conned us. Thanks for doing the pool, thanks for being visible and known, and thanks for knowing what happens when we get screwed over.

>> No.2623910

so is everyone from the old delegate migrating to the new one ? how are we gonna get 800k otherwise ?

>> No.2623930
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i just did

>> No.2623932

That's the plan.

Last time it took 6 days. It should be faster this time since we already have a voterbase.

>> No.2623957

agree with this. also, chekd

>> No.2623972

can magnet send a mini transaction to every voter with a message that a new delegate was set up due to "security" reasons ?

>> No.2623978

The node is biz_classic NOT bizclassic. We registered both just in case someone tried to scam BUT DO NOT VOTE FOR bizclassic, VOTE WITH AN UNDERSCORE.

>> No.2623988

my life for the six gorillion!!!!

>> No.2623999

This would cost too much money. It's .1 per voter. It would cost over $350.

>> No.2624000

biz has a lot of little fish, myself included, and that's why they had a weekly payout. A transaction fee of 0.1 would eat my whole payout, but a weekly payout it's only ~15% of. Even if you only got biz's whales, I think you could do top 51, but I won't be voting for a delegate with daily payouts only.

>> No.2624012

MIN payout guys!

>> No.2624027

We will have a minimum payout!

>> No.2624032

how do i change votes?
unvoted biz and now won't let me vote biz_classic

>> No.2624040

Oh, ok. How will it work, do your payouts just build up until a threshold value?

>> No.2624042

We're making it configurable for users with weekly default until we have configurable payouts working.

>> No.2624049

restarted ark wallet and it worked

for people with my problems:
1) unvote from biz
2) restart wallet
3) vote biz_classic

>> No.2624052


>> No.2624053

restart your client and go back to the delegates tab. It should be empty and let you vote for biz_classic

yes, that's built into the payout script every delegate uses (Arky). But that also means you won't be paid while larger wallets do.

We're also going to be working on our own scripts to do what >>2624042 is saying

>> No.2624076
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>> No.2624129

But I'm a small fry. If they pay out every day I should still see much or gains, right?

>> No.2624140

I have 2700ish Ark and I'm getting ready to buy some more. If someone pays my fee I will switch to the new pool.


>> No.2624148

>attention whoring chink mong expects people to trust him because he set up a twitter account

never trust autists, friends. especially a soulless chink autist

>> No.2624179

see: >>2624053

Better than an anonymous shitposter, no?

>> No.2624191

>I only have almost eleven thousand quarters I don't want to lose four of them

>> No.2624199

can't trust non-whites


>> No.2624200

I just voted for the #2 delegate, fuck you faggots

>> No.2624211
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sup tho

>> No.2624220

T-That's fine anon

>> No.2624227


>I stay in my current pool, I continue to get paid. I'm offering to help a different pool for a small token, but IDGAF either way.

>> No.2624304
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Magnet is acting like it was a minor slip up

>> No.2624317

>I stay in my current pool, I continue to get paid
you won't though
not with the amount of people leaving

>> No.2624546

Voting now

I trust you guys

>> No.2624562

ditto, fuck fat finger magnet...obviously incompetent and no one else is advertising to get my vote with a nice lucrative proposal. Uncle Chang you should be shilling the fuck out of this for the euros and pajeets later tonight. I want back in the top nine again.

>> No.2624587

I swear its a shame that pepecash isn't more popular on /biz/ I want to talk about it more but I hate telegram.

>> No.2624589
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If Magnet sends everyone a tx message telling them to switch and drops his node, people will notice and switch quickly.

Currently he is still online and forging blocks.

Considering what happened, it's unlikely he will be doing payouts again. I am currently worried he's going to run with whatever money is left after he drops out of top 51 with a bunch of blocks from this week.

>> No.2624590

Top 9 is actually not that good since it reduces payouts for everyone.

Somewhere in the 10s-20s is nice and comfy.

I'll make a new thread when this one dies

>> No.2624620

just voted

>> No.2624634

Let's go to the moon making pumps great again.


>> No.2624705


Done faggot, pay me back when we're in the top nine unless you're too much of a kike.


>> No.2624719

Voted, most of the hwndu stuff was pretty silly, but your rant was spot on Uncle Chang, you can definitely be trusted.

>> No.2624737

Honorary Aryan bro...WWHD?

>> No.2624753

I'll vote when I get off work tonight. when is the grandfather cutoff? I'm not trying to lose my status

>> No.2624759

Silly me, was hoping it paid more...i meant middle teens.... err yeah...i like middle teens.

>> No.2624771

When we hit #51.

>> No.2624867


>> No.2624900

>falling for this again

>> No.2624936
File: 244 KB, 492x497, pepe ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just threw down my 8737 ARK

>> No.2624949

payouts are going to be daily this time if you have enough ark to matter so you'll quickly find out if they're fucking you or not.

>> No.2624972

Holding 16k Ark lads. What's the address ?

>> No.2624977

biz_classic is the delegate name

We're currently #57 @ 160k votes

>> No.2624978


>> No.2625026

So some faggot made a delegate named bizclassic... what is his endgame?

Can't possibly hope to siphon enough votes to amount to anything worthwhile, so its purely aimed at damaging this new pool. Should probably spread this info immediately to avoid confusion.

>> No.2625051

Okay. Magnet has gone from being cooperative to taunting us.

He has been claiming to have a plan and telling us to "wait" while we try to switch to a node that is functioning.

He is still forging blocks and seems to have no intention of handing over the node so we could do a clean exit for the 'biz' node. The only reason he could have for this is to run away with the blocks he is forging from now until we drop him out of top 51. He even had the possibility of transferring over control of the node permanently but he did nothing but tell us to wait and to stall while playing the victim.

Switch your fucking votes. I don't care if it's to something else. biz_classic is taking off. Switch to something not biz related if you want.

Just. Fucking. Switch. He's going to be stealing every single block he is currently forging. Don't get caught with your pants down.

>> No.2625054

"bizclassic" is registered by one of us on the discord. They sent a tx to biz_discord telling people to vote there instead. It's fine.

>> No.2625079

adding onto this, the specific reason for making it is to grab the name before a malicious actor did.

>> No.2625089

Thx. Voted

>> No.2625121

what the hell happened?
I don't see his messages in the discord

>> No.2625124

2ark won't return me anything right

>> No.2625145

10k ARK moved to biz_classic

>> No.2625216

Discord auto-deletes messages when someone leaves, is kicked, or is banned.

He resorted to staling and posting bullshit platitudes when we kept asking him what he was going to do. "Wait" "I'm not a thief", "Give me time" was all we got from him. We asked him to at least pause his node while he was thinking, and he ignored all direct questions. He gave us nothing but meme responses or stalling victim garbage. Anyone from the discord can corroborate.

The longer we allowed him to stall and feed misinformation to voters, the more free money he was receiving from forging. Our hope is that people will now switch over and stop giving him free money. As long as he is in the top 51 he is making 422 ARK daily, for free. He made it clear he had no intention of doing what was fair or what had to be done to move over the delegacy to someone who knew how to run a node.

We had a discord vote, which ended in him being banned for doing nothing but spamming and telling us to "wait" while he forged free ARK for himself.

We're moving on to creating biz_classic and making it the node biz should have been originally.

>> No.2625250

it costs one to vote, propably not worth it for you, except you can wait a year

>> No.2625253

Yea I figured, you guys are on top of everything, and responsive!

biz is dead, long live biz_classic!

>> No.2625257

although I 100% believe you how are we supposed to prove this to the other anons on /biz/ without screenshots?

>> No.2625283


the fuck is there to prove? it's payday and the ARK is out of his wallet

put 2 and 2 together, he dun goofed

>> No.2625284
File: 43 KB, 1263x271, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont worry, see the Vendor field

>> No.2625287

Come into the discord and ask anyone you like. Even if I'm lying, the blockchain doesn't lie. His node sent an entire week's worth of payment to a whale. Over $1,000 up in smoke that he owed to his pool, instead either maliciously or (most likely) accidentally sent to some whale with over 100k in their wallet.

No matter the outcome or reason, the proof of his incompetency is public knowledge.

>> No.2625297

>voting for some random biz anon and not jarunik.
why does biz do this?

>> No.2625306

I am in the discord, and I do 100% believe you, I'm just worried about convincing more anons to leave the old group and join the new one

>> No.2625330

small fish 780ark here. but i unvoted the fag for being a total jew.

>> No.2625336


and if this delegate doesn't work out, you can unvote and vote for another

if $2 is too much to risk for you in crypto, pick another place to make money

ARK is legit and DPoS is proving itself right now with how easy it is to toss out a scammer

>> No.2625366

Well that sucks. I was delegating 14k Ark to him

>> No.2625379

So glad I changed my vote to biz_classic after seeing how Magnet reacted to this situation. Either he was malicious about it or he was grossly incompetent. Either way I am not voting for someone like that. I suggest everyone else change their votes as well.

>> No.2625388

Time stamp, please?

>> No.2625395

We're now 33% of the way to #51. To sit comfortably we need double that, but it's a good start given how fast we moved. ~200k in votes so far.

>> No.2625398


Or just google "uncle chang hwndu"

>> No.2625406

>if $2 is too much to risk for you in crypto, pick another place to make money
why the fuck do you think that's what I'm talking about?

>> No.2625409

He's at work. Check the twitter. He'll post a real photographed timestamp in a few hours once he gets home.

>> No.2625415

I accidentally the math. That's to get #52. We need another 200k on top to get 51

>> No.2625434

Bring it over to biz_classic so we can get our node up and running ASAP, with a competent delegate this time. Magnet came up with the idea but he can't be trusted with the responsibility, I've been lurking the discord channel for a while and Moon Man & Uncle Chang were the ones doing most of the heavy lifting anyway. The node will be in good hands with these guys.

>> No.2625485


not saying it to you personally, but anyone who is fearful of switching delegates

it's a minute fee for the possibility of good gains, low risk with decent reward for just sitting on your stash

the only risk is your vote, which you can retract at any time... nothing really to be hesitant about considering these are known(ish) people setting up the new node

>> No.2625490

Wasn't there a video of this scrawny asian firing his lip about racism and donald trump on youtube?

I remember cringing

>> No.2625503

Found it


>> No.2625551

I sent over my 6k, sad to hear magnet screwed this up

>> No.2625562

We're at #55. Spread the word and lets get this biz node back on track.

>> No.2625569

Wew Lad. If it's him I'm in. Waiting on timestamp.

>> No.2625585

Yea, I think he made a genuine mistake. Shame, really. Thanks for your vote though.

I'm at work atm. Is my twitter not good enough? You can cross reference it with various articles that have been written about HWNDU/my speech.

>> No.2625587

It's kinda retarded. I mean he's partially right but it seems like he's fallen into the same trap as the nutty liberals with his dogmatic support for Trump.

>> No.2625597

just went out of biz and to bi classic with 4k Ark.. Hope OP delivers

>> No.2625599

wait so i have to change my vote now? wtf happened to the biz delegate?

>> No.2625602
File: 64 KB, 764x405, chang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's him. One of the reasons he's running the new node is because his identity is public so he wouldn't be able to get away with running off with the node rewards.

>> No.2625604

A lot of us are less Trump supporters and were more anti-Hillary. Almost nobody still believes Trump isn't a moron.

Either way, this isn't the thread for that.

>> No.2625607

I'm more on the center desu.

I don't support everything Trump has done. But at the end of the day, I believe Hillary would've been worse.

>> No.2625613

>TL;DR: The original /biz/ delegate either ran off with last week's forged ARK or he got keylogged and had the forge stolen.

>> No.2625615

how often do you plan to pay out? also every week as paying out too often might cut the profits a lot due to the fees

>> No.2625620

It kinda is the thread for that because you tied your identity to the project. You can't expect people not to background search you. I'll take that answer anyway

>> No.2625629

10 more votes just switched to classic.

Daily payout WITH threshold so it will only be daily if it isn't a significant part of your profits taken by the fee, otherwise it will pay out after a certain amount.

I meant the thread to argue politics. Feel free to look into our identities, that's what we want so people can trust us.

>> No.2625637

What are you going on about?
I understand, just some solid proof would be a lot more assuring, I don't doubt its him, amazed actually.

>> No.2625641

shieeet well thanks bruh. i am holding about 2100 right now...gotta switch that shiz over somewhere new

>> No.2625648

My advise is that you do not spread this outside of /biz/ like Magnet the retard did. He diluted the pool due to his impatience and greed. Don't do that.

>> No.2625662

alright thanks and you said you have experience in cyber security.. is your account safe enough from getting attacked too?

>> No.2625672

I don't plan on it.

We are both technically competent enough to run a crypto node on a linux box.

>> No.2625676

ALL delegates make the SAME amount no matter what their position is - #1 or #51. What #1 gives you is SECURITY that one whale switching won't completely knock you out of the top 51, because then you made 0 ARK.

However, it DOES hurt the voters. We're going to attempt to keep it in /biz/ as long as we have the numbers to hit ~#30 where we're mostly safe from being knocked out from one whale switch.

Chang is hosting it on his home xeon server with gigabit uplink. It is a dedicated machine running in a sandboxed environment.

I'm tasked with VPN'ing that server along with setting up a redundant AWS node tonight in case his ever goes down for any reason at all.

>> No.2625682

alright great hope you'll make it and stay at a high ranking! Maybe try to post on other forums too like the biz delegate did to get more people?

>> No.2625695

Yes I am saying that he diluted the pool with too many non-biz voters.

This doesn't affect me, I pulled out of Ark a week ago. I'm saying this for others who are foolish enough to still be in Ark

>> No.2625715

Not the nerds biz voters wanted...but the nerds biz_classic needed.

>> No.2625746

get in boys. /pol/ is always right

>> No.2625750

Too late, someone already made a bitcointalk post about it.

>> No.2625771


One question that came up on the original /biz node was how to handle "delegate hoppers" (people who jump on biz_classic when forging) in the payout scheme?

>> No.2625787

Arky, the payout script used by most delegates, takes that into account.

We weren't aware of that at the time which is why were discussing it. But that's an issue that's solved now.

Arky calculates "fidelity" which is a payout modifier based on how long a wallet's been in that pool and the balance of that wallet over time.

>> No.2625793

Im drunk but id give you 5 ark to change

>> No.2625821

I'm high as fuck and I already changed my vote over. Though I did that before I got this high so I guess I sorta cheated.

>> No.2625850

give me 5 ark and I'll join biz_classic


>> No.2625869

Nah we don't need poor fags, if you can't afford less than $2 to vote, get out

>> No.2625905

it gives me an invalid timestamp error, what do?

>> No.2625920

Make sure your computer's time is set correctly.

>> No.2625927

I'll switch over tonight after work, if magnet doesn't have my payout in my wallet by then.

>> No.2625940

He literally lost it. You can see he sent $1,000 to a random whale wallet this morning. He can't pay you, the money isn't there.

>> No.2625958

Looks like he is switching to hourly payments to try and keep people. Don't fall for the scam. Switch to biz_classic.

>> No.2625977

I only have a little under $200 ARK, but for what
it's worth I have switch my votes.

I have faith in Ark, furthermore I have faith in biz_classic.

>> No.2625978

What he's doing isn't possible. If you check the payment amounts, he's paying a lot less than he should, and if he's doing hourly you lose 0.1 * voter amount per transaction. It's literally impossible to do this, he would burn more on fees than he forges. He's fucking given up and is now stealing from people under the ruse that he's helping.

>> No.2625980

He's doing hourly payments now to get people to stay. Don't fall for it folks.

>> No.2626008



Transaction ID efe4cd13c7297da2876eee8504a2ac6311d11ca366d7e68d8dacbf3f538932e5


>> No.2626012

can't believe I stuck up for him at first and said he probably just fucked up bad instead of pulled a scam, its obvious that he's scamming now.

>> No.2626018

>hourly payouts
>now instead of paying .1 ARK in fees for a week's worth of payouts you're paying 16.8 ARK a week in fees alone
What a great idea to get people to stay!

>> No.2626045

I don't think you understand how this works

>> No.2626064

Moved vote to biz_classic.


Let's do this.

>> No.2626098

That's per person.

>> No.2626107

I don't think you do. Every time you receive a payout, 0.1 ARK is removed from your payout amount as a transaction fee. By making hourly payouts rather than weekly payouts, you're paying 168x the amount of fees in a week.

>> No.2626123

Let's assume that he's giving everyone the correct amount(he's probably not) eating that much in transfer fees you'd be better off in any 90% node than eating all those fees in a 100% node.

>> No.2626159

wtf im getting an error when trying to unvote from that faggot thief

>> No.2626166

I'm really confused. I'm saying that it's a bad idea to keep your vote with him, which also seem to be what you're saying.

>> No.2626171

Error: Failed to remove vote, account has not voted for this delegate

>> No.2626180

close your wallet then restart it, then vote again


>> No.2626185

Restart your wallet. It means you unvoted for him but for some reason it doesn't refresh until you restart.

>> No.2626233

I'm not arguing with you, I'm adding onto why people should vote biz_classic instead of biz.

>> No.2626368

underrated post

>> No.2626383

thank you

>> No.2626410

Fuck it man, I switched.

But if you fuck with my nut I'll eat your dick like a piece of Kobayashi beef

>> No.2626414

Sad part is:
Magnet could have intended everything 100%, and it might have been a 100% legitimate mistake he made.
But when hundreds of other peoples' dollars on the line, one fuck up is too many.

Get it right, or get lost.

>> No.2626428
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>> No.2626438

Literally the only thing that might save him would be paying out of his own pocket, for his own fuckup.

>> No.2626454

im in this now, old biz guy only paid once since we got old biz to the top tens

>> No.2626469

so basically ARK is at the mercy of node operators not being huge dicks and stealing money of the delegates. sounds great.

>> No.2626484


>> No.2626492

that way none of the nodes are run by retards. cause as we see here, when you fuck up, you fuck it up for everyone, and you in turn get fucked too

>> No.2626493

Basically, yea. Unless AIP10 gets implemented where delegate payouts are done as part of the protocol.

Until then, I'm leveraging my "semi-public e-fame" to help gain voters' trust. I'm not looking to get hunted down and stabbed in the streets of New York by an angry voter just to steal $1000.

>> No.2626511

once ARK rises and the stakes get higher, this shit will never happen. losing a spot in the top 51 won't be worth stealing

>> No.2626541

there are very few "dogmatic" trump supporters. We are actually very rational people with jobs.

>> No.2626548


One fuck up for everyone is one fuckup too many

>> No.2626681

the people following Trump like a cult of personality are The_Donald. That's it. Even "alt-right" has been criticizing most of his recent moves.

>> No.2626718
File: 2.59 MB, 1080x1080, youllneverslitfuckyourdragonfu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Chang
>Moon Man
Literally fucking who

>> No.2626815



Look up "hwndu"

>> No.2626842


Also the ones that have been handling all of the tech stuff and been walking magnet through shit if you've been on the discord.

>> No.2626868

Pretty much this.

Shia LaBeouf had some anti-trump art project going on where he stuck a 24/7 live stream camera onto a wall.

I showed up and said some stuff. It went viral. Did some interviews with media. The Washington Post doxxed me.

That's it really. I'm not trying to attention whore or anything. I'm just attaching a public face (my own) to the delegate node as a way of gaining trust because it would not be in my interest to screw anyone as it'll harm my reputation and possibly end up in me getting physically hurt.

>> No.2626879
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>> No.2626928

Just switched to biz_classic with a few thousand ARK.

Can confirm I will spend this on plane ticket and baseball bat if OP is a magnet faggot

>> No.2627044

I love them tan skinned waifus

>> No.2627100

>delegate is compromised
Like real life voting systems / democracy. Fuck coins with voting. They are worthless.

I don't even know what this system ark is supposed to do, but I already know that something is wrong with it.

>> No.2627142

unlike regular politics you can rescind your vote after the fact when the person betrays what they said.

>> No.2627147
File: 115 KB, 1224x765, 1376501643128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me

now that i think about it, i was retarded for voting for someone from this website in the first place

i wish you all luck though

>> No.2627399

By the sound it was not intentional
But accidents with others' money has no excuse

>> No.2627619

Just unvoted Biz, and moved my vote to biz_classic

I'll be just fine with weekly payouts btw. Don't care, as long as my profits aren't ruined by fees :)

>> No.2627680

Actually this whole thing made me believe in the ARK system even more. If the node fucks over everyone, you just revote and they lose their spot in the top 51. Not in the top 51 = no more forging for them.

>> No.2627931


>> No.2628085

I checked my wallet, 0.02 ark isn't enough to keep me, last week's was 0.8. Motherfucker gives me a fucking penny? Switched to biz_classic.

>> No.2628095

>ark ends up hitting 20$ in the future
>have to spend 40$ to revote

>> No.2628136

He's 80k ark from not forging anymore.

>> No.2628144

are you idiots seriously trusting 4chan with your money? wtf?

>> No.2628163

>id: 1 question. Fuck, good luck!

>> No.2628179

>doesnt understand the system at all
dont fucking do it then, faggot

>> No.2628191

Obviously ran off with it. From the very beginning it was clear he was a scam artist. Every single part of his trash thread made it obvious.

>> No.2628197

How do I take advantage of this and make money?

>> No.2628200

That's a very solid plan. I'm assuming you're using part of the holdout to cover the transaction fees?

>> No.2628220

This ended up being too complicated for most people and they just unvoted and revoted.

The magnet fag is almost off the charts, 80k more ARK and he's done. We're at #54 now.

>> No.2628227
File: 14 KB, 482x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that was fast. 40k more ark and biz faggot is gone.