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26221518 No.26221518 [Reply] [Original]


Tell me why you're bullish or bearish on Litecoin

my personal opinion is people have their priority's fucked up. first you should always own bitcoin. Its the peoples/ the worlds reserve currency. Then there is Litecoin, which is the silver to bitcoins gold. The reason i like it so much is simply it does exactly what it intends to do it transfers value while not pretending to be Bitcoin (cough, cough) rogerver and faketoshi (cough cough).

Litecoin has historically came late to the halving party of bitcoin, but always packed a punch. Litecoin, similar to bitcoin has only had higher highs and lower lows. It remains to be seen if litecoin will moon this bull run or not. but simply looking at it from march to now, it certainly mooned...just not past the ath yet.

>> No.26222251
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- Litecoin has had zero downtime since creation
- No pre-mine
- Consistently in the top 10
- Scarcity
- PayPal
- Visa
- Flare Network
- MimbleWimble (Privacy)
- Available on every exchange
- BTC/LTC ratio about to explode

>> No.26222963

Still not even halfway to its ATH as well
I see LTC as basically guaranteed gains, but those gains will be reasonable and not facemelting. Its a nice hold to know that even if the rest of my shitcoins get bogged worst case senario, i'll make a comfy 4-5x out of this bullrun minimum. I'll also be getting free flare/spark in the airdrop.

>> No.26223078

How to get in the airdrop m8?

>> No.26223241

LTC will absolutely melt faces this bull run. It had a 10,600% increase last run and will likely exceed that this cycle. I’m expecting a top of at least $3k.

>> No.26223479

I think the details are yet to be announced really, other than that its happening, and the ratio of FLR:LTC will be similar to the FLR:XRP airdrop. If your litecoins are on an exchange they will take care of it all for you, if you self custody like me its a 5 minute process to link an ETH wallet. Then theres a snapshot on a certain date, and you are airdropped the FLR a few months later based on how many LTC you had at the snapshot date.
Fuark i hope to God you are right, and you very well could be. My expectations are a little more conservative though, I might reassess closer the time but I plan to start taking profits at around 1k.

>> No.26223488

I think that's reasonable if BTC runs to $200k. My thesis basically hinges on LTC/BTC returning to 0.016, so for every $100k BTC hits, LTC should add $1600 in value.

>> No.26223945

Nothing wrong with taking profit on the way up, $1000 would be a nice area.

>> No.26223999

Here’s my plan:
It hit .025 December’17 so hitting .01 is a very reasonable conservative expectation. I’m personally waiting for .018. Then I go all in BTC and wait for the dump to .009 and go back into Litecoin while doubling my Ltc stack doing so. That’s the long game plan.