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File: 131 KB, 1440x467, 1611079548210[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26213240 No.26213240 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of this?

>> No.26213314

4 years of fun :)

>> No.26213329

Mass wageslavery. We are nothing but tax cattle for Israel and God's Chosen People.

>> No.26213347

Oh for fucks sake.

>> No.26213368

Kys op and back to /pol/
That's it

>> No.26213378

why do this "Chosen People" do that to us? Don't they know that it might just provoke another... disaster for them like last century?


>> No.26213380

It means the US government is about to slam the door on the funhouse. It was fun while it lasted but yea I’m selling regulation is no joke

>> No.26213401

Voted by electoral fraud so his power is limited.

>> No.26213407

Nothing really. Maybe more regulations in a few years.

>> No.26213412

>Biden's gonna be good for crypto
>Biden wants us all to make it bros
What happened to all of those trannies pushing this shit two weeks ago?

>> No.26213416

The synagogue of satan are not God’s chosen people

>> No.26213439

>t. Brad Sherman

>> No.26213456


>> No.26213461

aaaaaand we're dumping

>> No.26213472


>> No.26213480

Hopefully catastrophic for crypto in the short term.

>> No.26213501
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yeah because regular banks dont do this with actual FIAT

>> No.26213542

Right because regular fiat money was never used for any of those purposes.

>> No.26213566
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sell. total commitment.

>> No.26213574

just dumb fud. that dude is super into crypto

>> No.26213585

buy monero

>> No.26213606

If anything that would mean his power is unlimited because the political system has decayed that much in the first place to where more can be gotten away with.

>> No.26213607

please stop shilling QAnon bs

>> No.26213615
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>> No.26213621
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I mean she's not wrong
the only thing I've ever used my btc for is illegal transactions and big gains

>> No.26213623

It means they're coming for you.

>> No.26213633
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>well well well.... nice crypto portfolio you have there anon
>your entire life savings huh? that's too bad sweetie but that's dirty money from now on
>we'll have to confiscate the majority of you portfolio
>don't worry you can keep the low market cap shitcoins but if you ever try to cash out we'll rape your ass and throw you in jail

>> No.26213646
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The kikes don’t like the competition

>> No.26213664

Nothing if you ignore it. Governments can only control BTC and other cryptos if people believe it's actually possible to do so. There's a reason why Tor is built into btc node software and satellites have been launched streaming the btc blockchain. They can only kill the price through fud and fears of enforcement if you believe in it and panic sell. A big effect, but non fatal.

>> No.26213672

Synagogue of satan is Jesus referencing only particular group of jews that disagreed with him.
They are in fact god's chosen people, just look at prophecies of giving them back Israel and 6 days war miracle. Even if they are atrocious god still choose them and did all for them. By actions you are second class citizen for God. So more you know.

>> No.26213727

>What are the financial implications of this?
Absolutely nothing. Maybe more regulation for on/off-ramps. Law enforcement for crypto that is already in the system is impossible and they are 5 years too late. Black markets will always exist. Just be prepared to have your ass audited by the IRS when you have regular deposits from a coinbase account.

>> No.26213762

It’s afraid...

>> No.26213829

you will never be a woman

>> No.26213878

Oh please. All evidence of fraud has been clearly and incontrovertibly refuted. Open your eyes man.

>> No.26213901


>> No.26213915

Post nose

>> No.26213979
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>/pol/tards thinking that their banana republic has any effect on btc

>> No.26213982

>disaster for them like last century
Nothing happened to them in the last century.

>> No.26214003

>refuted by the powers that were involved in fraud

Gullible gonna gullible

>> No.26214005

>he thinks banks will even accept deposits from coinbase accounts should crypto be marked as dirty

>> No.26214040

Debunk all those. Go.

>> No.26214042

>The fraud was refuted (read: literally ignored by the SC) by the people who are being accused of fraud

>> No.26214055

Nazis use bitcoin too. Something needs to be done and the DNC have full power.

>> No.26214062

I didn't said that what god did was good but its true. We have been kiked from highest position.

>> No.26214067

The elites are not the ones that would suffer in this hypothetical situation. They are fine with it.

>> No.26214090
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Bullish for Monero

>> No.26214109

what do you think big exchanges are working on? they are all becoming banks.

>> No.26214126

>terrorists don't use dollars

>> No.26214173

They’re not Qanon... they have a higher accuracy rate than most MSM.

>> No.26214185
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>Bank regulator gives the ok for US institutions to invest in block chain technology
>This comes out days later
Who has more power?

>> No.26214194

Okay so what? Literally nothing will happen

>> No.26214219

have sex incel

>> No.26214245


Neither of us is going to accept the proof that the other posts. Your proof sources from what I will call loony tune rednecks.Mine will be from what you will call deep-state corporate media. It'll all come down to your word against mine. Put simply, a matter of belief. NOT fact.

[But deep down everyone knows that it would have taken an impossible fraud to elect Biden over Trump]

>> No.26214273

lol they've realized nobody will do anything to stop them. they've been testing the populus for a decade now and are shocked at how little people are motivated to fight, so they will destroy you and they will rape your children in front of you, and you won't do anything about it.

>> No.26214296

In the US if you find non-FDIC backed banks (highly rare but they do exist) they are far more willing to do business with you.

>> No.26214427

Cope harder you fucking demon

>> No.26214436

it's fake

>> No.26214489
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Hands up terrosists

Pew pew pew pew

>> No.26214494

>Bank regulator
do you really have to ask who has more power?
the proper question is whether this is even real or not
no one has posted a good link

>> No.26214496
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>What are the financial implications of this?
Non-fungibility for people who commit wrong-think.

>> No.26214530

It means the house(kikes) always win

>> No.26214536

Exactly this

>> No.26214544

I heard it on my stock scanner a couple hours ago, can't remember the source.

>> No.26214552

So it is written.

>> No.26214587

CNN you say?

>> No.26214593
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>> No.26214660

If you look at actual dissident causes, a lot of it is funded by young white males who get wealthy from crypto. Kikes thought we were supposed to have no way of getting rich, especially without them having leverage on us. They are seething to such a degree because it has made them quite behind schedule.

>> No.26214666

Should JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs be held liable because someone withdrew money from their ATM and used it to finance illegal activities?

>> No.26214679

Well your precious judges that refuted election irregularities stated that there IS fraud, just not enough to overturn the election. But since no federal investigation can happen, no one will really ever know the extent of the fraud. So, there was fraud but theyre not going to investigate. That sound fine to you???

>> No.26214685

what's wrong with cnn?

>> No.26214690

Funny because because USD has been used to fund actual terrorist organizations

>> No.26214724

> Taking cock for heaven ticket
, but you will take the cock !
Cope harder christcuck, go on debunk me.

>> No.26214744

bro i'm in their vocal chat right now it's full of boomers who believe in this shit

>> No.26214751

They’re working together moron.

>> No.26214769

>citation needed

>> No.26214807


>> No.26214832

It's the measure of trashy propaganda outlets that they are so desperate in their calls to censor/deplatform any and all voices of dissent that go against their narratives. I don't consoom any media outlet that makes me feel like I'm just licking boot in taking it seriously.

>> No.26214840
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>> No.26214849


Wish I had time to go through more of that. But I looked at the top-most post about GA voter fraud and voters using the address of an outreach service. There's so much wrong with the claim that this is voter fraud that I don't know where to start. But here's my take:

1) Republitards have long sought to disenfranchise poorer LEGAL citizens (who normally vote DEM), so hence you have a law about voting rights and having a permanent address.
2) Homeless people have a constitutional right to vote.
3)Many people were made homeless by COVID disaster -- the economic impacts of which were made worse by Trump's inaction and delayed response.
4)Social work/outreach organizations have long been dong this in plain sight. [https://www.wabe.org/unproven-voter-fraud-claims-target-atlanta-homeless-an-often-disenfranchised-group/]

See how complicated this is? We just live in a fucked up democracy that Trump fucked up even further.

>> No.26214866

>move to Asian country
>cash out and live like a king
Well played!

>> No.26214867

America doesn't matter.

>> No.26214876
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>whats wrong with cnn?

>> No.26214900

this is /biz/, not /pol/. there's no money in seeing the world inaccurately. you are literally cutting your nose to "spite the magatards" while your democracy is stolen in broad daylight

>> No.26214955

This. But something should happen to them in THIS century. I'm thinking of something final...

>> No.26214978

wonder if theyve ever heard of USD

>> No.26214986
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>What are the financial implications of this?
Bitcoin $250k eoy

>> No.26214991

I thought the feds in America loved BTC because they can trace it easier than cash. They said they are concerned with stable coins and privacy coins not BTC.

Is this Yellen person just a political appointee who does not know what the fuck they are talking about?

>> No.26215040

I love this fucking movie

>> No.26215058

>all this /pol/ shit


>> No.26215100

The same thing that’s wrong will every MSM outlet: it’s propaganda.

>> No.26215110


Also, the real fucked up thing about all of this is that most of the sources on "hereistheevidence" link to partisan sites like Judicial Watch. So what happens is an echo chamber.

Here's a doc you might want to skim :

>> No.26215112
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>> No.26215128

Is it even possible to shut down bitcoin at this point?

>> No.26215200


Our democracy is not stolen. It's fucked up. But there was no election fraud. What is wrong with you man?

>> No.26215204
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>Is it even possible to shut down bitcoin at this point?

The network, probably not. But addresses are vulnerable to being blacklisted since BTC isn't fungible.

>> No.26215221

Yes. She’s thinking about Monero, which will likely be outlawed in the US. However, this does nothing because crypto is borderless. Even if I can’t buy XMR on a US exchange, I can always use a wallet like Exodus to swap whatever I buy into Monero and then back out again. Crypto can’t be stopped at this point.

>> No.26215238

Probably more kyc/aml coming down the pipeline. They won't ban it though, the banks/corporations/politicians stand to profit big time by quietly adopting. Bullish.

>> No.26215244

>voter fraud isn't real
>But a massive nationwide network of white supremacists in all police, HR and government offices dedicated to holding the black man down is
Get fucked.

>> No.26215251

none. US can shoot itself in the knee if it wants to do that.

>> No.26215277

Yes there was massive fraud. It was obviously fraudulent. Doesn’t change anything though. Keep putting all of your faith into a system that doesn’t work though, I’m sure that will work out well for you!

>> No.26215289

no but they can stop the fiat onramps

>> No.26215343

The biggest voter fraud in history will occur when Biden and the Dems legalize 11m invaders (in reality probably 22m) and sign them up to vote.

>> No.26215353
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>Yes. She’s thinking about Monero, which will likely be outlawed in the US. However, this does nothing because crypto is borderless. Even if I can’t buy XMR on a US exchange, I can always use a wallet like Exodus to swap whatever I buy into Monero and then back out again. Crypto can’t be stopped at this point.

BTC<->XMR atomic swaps are coming soon so the process will be even simpler, the golden age of reliable mixing will be upon us.

>> No.26215379

kys retard

>> No.26215412
File: 27 KB, 474x320, trumpbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retards losing their curry over this

>> No.26215446

No they can’t. Because I can simply buy something else, send to wallet, swap for Monero, and then buy BTC with it. Then when I want to cash out, you swap back into XMR, back into whatever you bought from Normiebase and voila!

>> No.26215450

You have to go back.

>> No.26215462


>> No.26215526

Doesn't every Jew today disagree with him since they don't follow him?

>> No.26215564

Why do you think they push holocaust studies so fucking hard, cry about it every fucking week, and make it the most taboo thing to poke fun at? They condition their cattle to fear ever doing that *"monstrosity" ever again.

>> No.26215594

>he thinks we need banks where we're going

>> No.26215601

>anything we dont control is racist, nazi, terrorism
How long are people going to keep being slaves to their governments?

>> No.26215634

Should i buy monero im willing to buy ten tokens

>> No.26215650

Yes. But that does not change the fact that we goy's are shit for some jewish spirit. It proved this with it's actions.

>> No.26215655

its a joke

>> No.26215728


>> No.26215812

Crypto is going down can't wait to see you wagekeks in chains at Wendy's for eternity hahah

>> No.26215918

That was inevitable after the 1965 immigration act. When they got approval to import as many voters as they like it was only a matter of time.

>> No.26216090

check DG threads
monero is true digital cash

>> No.26216126

Citation - All of reality and our current Hell World Khazzarian economic system.

>> No.26216166

expected price

>> No.26216185

You will be bent over and raped. Imagine thinking you can fight the fed and win

>> No.26216192

The true not caring of politics were the results we made along the way

>> No.26216215
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>load ze FUD

>> No.26216229

there's a whole philosophy behind it, it's not just about the price
but with the 1984 future we're looking at it's expected to have a five figure number
fuck fiat

>> No.26216289

We aren’t doing anything, they are fighting themselves

>> No.26216428

>a commie being super into decentralized anything

>> No.26216756

Election is over, Biden shills not getting paid now.

>> No.26216813

Kike detected.

>> No.26216827

lmfao they still fud like this?

>> No.26216874


>> No.26216913
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>> No.26216991

They can also fall out of favor of god and be punished

>> No.26217056

Where are all the bidentards now? You thought this was all fun and games and that you can cash in your good goy points for being antiracist?

>> No.26217081

But did not.

>> No.26217091

Christians are supposed to be jew 2.0. Jesus cam to save jews and when they wouldn't go along with it he told his disciples to start going after goy

>> No.26217108

Matthew 24:43
>Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken away from you, and shall be given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof

>> No.26217191

The system isn’t broken nor has it ever been. It works as intended by those who built it.

>> No.26217238
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Go long on Steel


>> No.26217269


>> No.26217290

But did not. It was given to them on golden plate during 6 days war they have no chance of wining alone. Study it..

>> No.26217315

spotted the XMR chad

>> No.26217402
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Yeah and look how much power they gained from milking their victim status

>> No.26217629

All major media sources are propaganda but heres a funny account of just one of CNNs major fuckups

>> No.26217678

Is this a word typically used by neutral parties?

>> No.26217705

Dude they have been out of favor with God for 2000 years. Just cause they got some land in the ME doesnt mean they are favored again.

>> No.26217955

They fucking rule and own this world and WON war that is NOT POSSIBLE to win STUDY the 6 days war there is no way ! And it was PROPHESIED IN BIBLE even.

>> No.26218458

Hey, I'm half white in the Philippines. How can I buy? I got $3k throw.

>> No.26218627

They've been kicked out of countries for 1000s of years. Human nature doesnt really change, it's in their blood to overstep their boundaries. This time they might do succeed due to technology.

>> No.26218888

Does it bother you that as Biden comes to power, he doesn't allow anyone to attend and actually has 30k troops and walls protecting him people coming to protest. Does this sound like the peoples mandate being executed?

>> No.26218992

They are criminals. That does not equate to ruling the world. They are hated by many.

>> No.26219884


>> No.26220172
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The physical Israel is doomed. Jesus' people is a SPIRITUAL Israel of people who are saved by him because they are relying on him for their salvation.


>> No.26220452

So i can be second class bitch for jews in his kingdom because i am for sure now. He acts like it and it matters. If it was so as you say he would write condemnation list on first page of bible already telling them to go for Christ and dont hurt goys. But he didnt he shades and wins wars for them instead even SAID SO -in prophecies- !

>> No.26220484

This shit really exposed me for the ivory tower dickhead I am. I couldn't care less right up until there were National Guard troops occupying the park my dogs like to play in. I'm moving, this is obscene

>> No.26220551

2020 showed no one will do anything.

>> No.26220595

it means sell xmr and quit trying to commit tax fraud and other illegal things

>> No.26220640

>disaster for them like last century
Nothing happened