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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26208726 No.26208726 [Reply] [Original]

Things are starting to look really good for us now, the fud was strong at the beginning and not many people knew about the project. Seeing how CT was reacting to Radix yesterday made me feel really comfy. I knew the technology was amazing but it surprised me that nobody seemed to care. Turns out they probably did and were just accumulating while it was cheap. Can't wait to see radix tear through the coinmarketcap rankings in the next few months.
Positive radix vibes bros and chadixes

>> No.26208875
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"Let me lay my Radix healing hands on you.

Lord! Remove the AVAX sickness from this poor soul!"

>> No.26209026

imagine not buying radix at $0.12 with a bitfinex listing tomorrow and $0.50 imminent

>> No.26209660

I know, I was worried at first but I'm so bullish on Radix now, it feels being back in 2017 again

>> No.26209877

You should be pooling, guise... max rewards are set at 90 days
We'll have to share the rewards if you do, but i don't care because you also deserve to make it.

>> No.26209899

It may not be the high risk shortterm 100x flip, but there is no other coin on the market right now with a safer 10x potential and such low risk, which makes it a perfect hold for big pockets (DOT whales, LINK whales, Quant or Ocean whales)

>> No.26210058

Buy and HODL this gem all day long. Radix is on the move.

>> No.26210579

Been pooling since day 1 anon those multipliers are stacking up nicely

>> No.26210932

Worth it to pool still? How do you get the multiplier?

>> No.26211729

If you have some USDC available then yes I'd say so, you get the multiplier for staying in the pool past a certain time period, a guy in the telegram made a pretty cool bot that can calculate your pooling rewards

>> No.26212041

Whoever can explain RadixDLT consenus algorithm in lay-man terms will receive 0.5 BTC from me.


>> No.26212264

Hey, thinking of buying this. Any proof of the 1M+ txps, sharding and smart contract running on it?
Or do I have to trust devs' words?

>> No.26212319

how much would you guys say do i need?

>> No.26212505

This. Please may someone deliver, I'm tempted to buy but I need some solid reasons to do so.

>> No.26212996

where and how do I buy this piece of shit? I can't find good directions anywhere

>> No.26213077

yes, until feb15th you'll still get max multiplier (90days)
Sharding = Splitting a chain into separate sub-chains. They can operate independently and therefore they don’t all demand all of the network resources at the same time.Each has its own features and everyone belonging on that shard can interact with each other and use its features.
Composability = the ability for dApps to interact and build on one another.
To solve the composability problem, on radix not all shards are equal. Some are self-contained, and don’t have a lot of activity; others need to commerce with other shards. When that happens, they temporarily join each other for the duration of the transactions required, and then go their own way.

>> No.26213168

What are the stacks?

>> No.26213833

Uniswap ticket eXRD
I got a suicide stack of 10000k

>> No.26214266

> Sharding = Splitting a chain into separate sub-chains. They can operate independently and therefore they don’t all demand all of the network resources at the same time.Each has its own features and everyone belonging on that shard can interact with each other and use its features.

We heard about this since 2016 with Ethereum and even on Bitcoin, side-chains we called them then.
Where is the novelty?
Besides side-chains sub-chains whatever you call them, loose composability and atomicity.

> they temporarily join each other for the duration of the transactions required
Explain join and consensus for joining and leaving.

>> No.26214336

Thanks, I got myself a nice suicide stack as a start until I learn more about the project

>> No.26214356
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No need to send those 50M sats, but at least don't be a faggit and aknowledge what i wrote.

>> No.26214663


I'd do if I didn't have to sell ETH for USDC, which would be a retarded move right now.

>> No.26214700

because theirs is working from day 1 as a core feature. We won't see this in ETH for a loooooong time.

The way they award app dev on their platform will basically fuel adoptability. It's a hidden gem that has a high potential.

>> No.26214922

whole bunch of dick touching niggers and reddit in here. What is this scamcoin that yall are talking about doing a 100x ? It relieves pressure on the blockchain ks what im getting?

>> No.26215033

U gotta be a real dum muthafuker to not be buying Radix. Seriously have a word with yourself you stupid fuktard

>> No.26215071

Kek at asking this in a biz thread, you probably know more than me, I'm a confirmed brainlet just aped in because the telegram group seemed like the autistic high IQ type and I always trust the autists.

>> No.26215461

They are separated at the application layer. It needs all commands to previously contain their partial ordering requirements.
In order to merge, local instances/shards designate a leader, which broadcasts a local proposal to all nodes in the instance (previously specified using app layer partition function). Each one of the nodes takes each proposal and merges it into a merged proposal, which includes intermediate results provided by app layer's map function. Leader collects votes from each of its nodes and emits a quorum certificate, all of those are grouped into a quorum certificate set. Set is passed back to the leader in the next view, who repeats the process until a 3-braid of QC sets is formed, which in turn is considered commited.
Can't find an easier way to explain it.. you should read the whitepaper, it's an incredibly awesome document. Basically it introduces the necessity to input "dependencies" at the application layer in order to be able to split/join commands relative to their composability needs.

>> No.26216151

this kind of response is exactly why I am comfy

>> No.26216384

So are you going to pay up now?>>26215461 this anon answered your question.

>> No.26216764

there's really no need, but that's a lot of money so i'll leave this here just in case anon decides to deliver

>> No.26217276

I think the anon who offers to pay you 0.5btc has just rug pulled you, knew he was larping about paying up

>> No.26217836

haha no worries, anon never delivers
i'm happy if i also helped others who might have the same questions

>> No.26218226

No, he didnt answer my quesiton. Though it is a good attempt.

There is nothing about consensus in the answer.

>> No.26218232

Hopefully he at least picked up a bag of eXRD with it after that explanation. That was one of the best technical breakdowns I've ever seen on biz.

>> No.26218525

sir, pajeet

now tell me, what would prevent somebody from writing a smart contract which requires all the infinite shards to participate in the atomic execution of said contract?

>> No.26218863

You just don't want to pay up anon, that's a pretty shitty thing to do man. The dude just gave you a full blown explaination of radix to you on biz and you just rugpull him like this? Biz has been turning to crap lately because of people like you.
If I answer your question you'll just rugpull me like you did to the other anon. Your question doesn't make sense either. Pretty sad you get your kicks out of trolling people into answering questions then never paying up.

>> No.26218973

what a sad person...

>> No.26219027

Its no explanation, a nice attempt, but it doesnt explain the novelty or how consensus works in Radix.

Any pajeet can work up a similar protocol of exchanging data between 2 pbft groups.

Reminder that PBFT and similar family of protocols is used by centralized shitcoins like XML and XRP.

If Radix is only another PBFT shitcoin with some "join/leave" other validator-set according to protocol, you could have said so and won the money.

>> No.26219212
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>writing a smart contract which requires all the infinite shards
Again, constraints at the app layer. From the whitepaper:
> the implementer must define the following pure functions for the application layer:
>INIT defines the initial state of the application. PARTITION yields the shards a command must be synchronized with to maintain correct partial ordering. When a command is to be executed, it is first mapped to per-shard intermediate results via MAP. The intermediate results are then reduced to a global result and applied across all shards of the command via REDUCE.

>> No.26219533

Can you explain what of the cited green text you provided is constraining the INIT in your example, to only include a subset of all shards but not all all shards?

In other words, what if an attacker would just require so many shards to just join/leave and perform that expensive operation forever as long as he has fees? How would that affect the tps metric

>> No.26219674

Dude stop throwing around buzzwords and mUh pbft to try and sound smart.
Here's a hint. Similarities between 2 coins don't mean they're the same.
Here's another hint, whatever you say you won't give me the money you will just rugpull me and make up some more bullshit.
Here's another hint you know how to say all those buzzwords but you don't understand what local consensus means, I'm not even a Dev and you're dumber than me.
Here's another hint, you're a dick sucking scammer

>> No.26219870

Here is a hint: yes I am ETH devloper and been involved in plasma, have read the radix whitepaper even when they called it tempo adn read this latest one many times, and yet it still smells like absolut horse shit. So, I may be dumb actually, so explain it to me, but instead of explaining it, you become aggressive.

Gee I wonder why.

>> No.26220017
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how do can you call XRP a shitcoin. It's the fastest transaction, i use it for purchages all the time and loving it.
then you're saying radix can be developed by "any pajeet". It has been in development over 4 years.
The fuck you're plebbing about? You're the same guy who called everything shitcoin in 2018 and missed all those 10-30xes.
You're only pajeet here.

>> No.26220047

>I'm an Eth Dev on plasma
Asks random anons on 4chan Dev questions instead of contacting radix Devs and asking them.
>I'm an Eth Dev on plasma
Doesn't know what local consensus means
>I'm an Eth Dev on plasma
Asks someone who just said he isn't a Dev to explain Dev shit to him.
Either you are a fraud and not a real Eth Dev or you should get off biz and ask this question to other Devs you scammer

>> No.26220099

another pajeet scam, bought 1k, tnx

>> No.26220136
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>> No.26220404

When I asked Dan these questions he said thats left for future work.

Which I doubt, he just didnt want to bother, since I ask here, somebody must know.

>> No.26220465
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All the hot DeFi projects running away from their beta platforms because they can't get enough of Chadix MASSIVE GREEN CANDLE.

Imagine being born with sidechains.

>> No.26220529
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Asks for a laymans explanation
Then a few posts later claims to be an 'Eth Dev on plasma'
So you ask biz instead?

>> No.26220680

The radix white is absolute horse shit
Could have been written by GPT3 or even a markov chain text generator
But if Im so stupid to not understand it,
somebody can explain it in laymans terms and I would know I am wrong and stupid.

Still waiting for any reasonable explanation of radix consensus and how it can still reach claimed millions tps.

>> No.26220967
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Or maybe you are just a shit Dev who larps as a 'layman' on biz so you can spam technical language to try and impress 4chan but you don't even understand local consensus.
Why did you ask for a laymans explanation Eth Dev?

>> No.26221185

> Why did you ask for a laymans explanation Eth Dev?
Because the whitepaper is horse shit
Radix doesnt have any consensus mechanism and all the ideas they spew about is not better than XLM is doing, and certainly not in the "millions tps" range.

But I may be stupid or wrong, or both. Biz is where I go for discussions, not twatter or smaller glowie waterholes.

>> No.26221342

Anon I don't come to /biz/ that much anymore and when i do i just lurk.. wanted to give anon a heads up about pooling, and somehow got involved in this exchange with you but I really need to go now.

IMO there are lots of things that still need to be proven to work, and there will be some limitations, at least initially, but what you're presenting is not a concern for anyone on the team afaik.

I undestand your scepticism (i'd have all-ined if i were so sure, but am 20% in, which is probably too much anyhow). I'd recommend you check warosu, there have been lots of technical threads with similar discussions. Maybe we'll see each other in one of those in the future.

>> No.26221627

Or maybe you're just upset that anon up there in this thread made you look silly and now you are trying to blame it on Radix so you don't have to pay him

>> No.26221760

see you fren

maybe you just invested more in a ecr token than you can swallow and are getting angry at an internet chat now

>> No.26221926

Ok well when you decide to pay the other anon let us know