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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 502x531, XSN_LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26201122 No.26201122 [Reply] [Original]

Some poor sod bought 10 XSN for $14 each, and then watched as his investment instantly reduced to 1/28th of it's price.

>> No.26201139


>> No.26201143

How does that even happen

>> No.26201145


>> No.26201175

Anon I.....

>> No.26201216

that's a bad investment

>> No.26201234

Imagine watching your $140 investment turn into $5 in the same amount of time as it takes a tranny go from thinking their a female to wanting to commit suicide because the thoughts they are really an abomination poked through their attempt at psychic defences for the 2 millionth time since they woke up.

>> No.26201525

ohnononononono pumpy dumpy

>> No.26202213
File: 61 KB, 578x396, bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob's Candle

>> No.26202513

Well done Bob.

>> No.26202642

do you think the fudders will still be complaining about this when we're at $10+?
>down 30% SCAM

>> No.26202698


>> No.26202884
File: 423 KB, 1373x1333, XSN is a SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam because this is a blockchain that you're buying that's built on the same tech as DASH.

Imagine buying DASH in 2021. How fucking stupid can you be?

And then also, the PoSW exit scam. And people are still buying this scam?

>> No.26202940

>the month is June
>XSN crashes to $25
c u then fag

>> No.26202951

Nigga $140 is nothing, I've lost 140k in bad trades before

>> No.26203015

Everything I said is a fact. That's a big problem you have if you can't deal with reality.

Don't take your anger out on me because you can't face the truth.

>> No.26203059
File: 62 KB, 1024x512, 0C0CF4DF-9940-4256-9D64-4DB0C4C779DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26203066

i-its actually a /biz/tard who bought?? AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stay poor

>> No.26203136

>Everything I said has been refuted everyday for the past 10 months straight, but I'm a colossal deceptive faggot who's been doing this ever since it was 5 cents and I can't get btfo enough
kek. fixed

>> No.26203153

Yesterday I sold $700 of XHV for $40 of USDT. Best trade of my life because now I know some lovely human being is going to be rich in a year

>> No.26203214


i dont feel very well lads, where is anon who was supposed to take a loan

>> No.26203406

holy cope

>> No.26203478

The delusion is unbelievable with you shills. It’s honestly astounding

>> No.26203569

>tell you to buy at 3 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 5 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 7 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 10 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 12 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 15 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
>tell you to buy at 25 cents
>you throw a massive shit fit and call it a scam
I could go on.

>> No.26204284

so I can finally rest of this shitcoin shilling in my board?

>> No.26205298


>> No.26206234

bumping this to say never one more time and to remind fudders that they will still be seething about XSN on this day at this time in 2022

>> No.26206667
File: 55 KB, 653x300, 1610940765189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever fudding. Forever faggots.

>> No.26206908

There is no way this will be around in 2022. Remember, you're buying a replica of DASH.

You're not buying an EVM compatible network token, but you're buying a BLOCKCHAIN or an L1 that's built on the same tech as DASH, which is a fork of BTC.

Imagine buying DASH in 2021 and thinking it's the future. Think about this. Really sit down and think about this. I'm glad we had this discussion.

>> No.26207066

imagine investing $140

>> No.26207187
File: 2.15 MB, 2560x1440, STAKEGOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207233

Dash is a top 20 coin. Bullish. Just went all in

>> No.26207385
File: 7 KB, 656x39, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaah why couldnt we keep it ?

would be fun ATH goal to reach

>> No.26208373
File: 87 KB, 758x737, vintage VI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. we will get there
people were saying that same thing about XSN in 2018

>> No.26208479


You're probably the whale that artificially crashed the price and spammed /biz/ with FUD so you can accumulate more.

Neck yourself.

>> No.26208861

I think pbtc35A is undervalued


pBTC35A is by a token by the 2nd largest mining pool. Each pBTC35A token represents 1Th/s.

The largest mining pool issued and Binance BTCST which is collateralized by 0.1 terahash per second (“TH/s”) of Bitcoin mining power.

BTCST is currently $68 or $680 per Th/s

But pBTC is currently $86. $86 per Th/s vs $680.

Since markets are irrational. Lets assume $320 is fair for pBTC35A. So thats an 4x from here.

Am I missing something?

>> No.26209265

im not mad at whoever sold at $14
they just gave us a glimpse of the future like when XSN pumped to 69¢