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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 1173x577, fuckthesepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26203654 No.26203654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26203726

You're fucking delusional, Crypto Charts-kun. Not only will they put up with it, they will demand it.

>> No.26203757
File: 281 KB, 930x1021, pfizer ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying you need a "passport"

>> No.26203815


>> No.26203859

If Voter ID is racist then this is too.

>> No.26203884

If its "just a flu",
It's just a vaccine
You're NOT a beta afraid of needles, RIGHT?

>> No.26203932

i dont take vaccines for the flu retard, i just get it every year and shake it off because my immune-system works

>> No.26203967

Yes, racist af

>> No.26203976

>get it every year
>my immune-system works

>> No.26204054

why cant you keep your /pol/ threads on /pol/. is it because /pol/ sucks ass now?

>> No.26204058

So only the vaccined fellas will be allowed any social interaction in the future. Noice.

>> No.26204079


>> No.26204131

I left /pol/ for /biz/ because it was getting way too blackpilling. I enjoy it more here, less dumb shit overall.

>> No.26204238

it's amazing how retarded some people are

>> No.26204277

you don't really understand how the immune system works, do you, buddy?

>> No.26204408
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You gotta love how every leftist fag blames their problems on the rich but when tech companies - the richest, most powerful and cynical - companies on the planet tell you to get the mark of the beast they will lap it up like dogs.

>> No.26204555

If your immune system is strong you're not going to get the flu every year unless you work in a fucking daycare or urgent care clinic or something or are licking doorknobs in public buildings. Maybe once every five to ten years as an adult and every 2-3 or so as a child is more nomral. If you get it every year your immune system probably sucks ass.

>> No.26204649

I want to go back home to New Zealand from London where I currently am. They're requiring negative tests before leaving the UK, and I think this will be the next step. Not to forget that they make you book slots in quarantine for 2 weeks and make you pay for it. 3.1k. Oh, and to top it off, all of the spots are booked for the next 3-4 months.

Can't even get into my own country

i am coping

>> No.26204659

Tell me all about your AIDS, faggot.

>> No.26204758

>If its "just a flu",
>It's just a vaccine
No correlation. It's less than a flu and the faccine ir far worse than it.

>> No.26204860

What? I'm pretty sure the EuroTunnel is still open, just get on that, drive to Singapore and get the ferry back to NZ.

>> No.26204867

I think they (people) think they're (corporations) inherently good and the sinister possibilities don't even enter their realm of reality.

>> No.26204938

drive through countless borders bro

>> No.26204972

Just start spreading the idea that it will be used to keep black people from moving around.

>> No.26205005
File: 550 KB, 600x600, 20C64945-9D48-46DE-A36A-DC880910D07C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I think saddens me most about Trump losing is this great exodus of low IQ magatards from pol into the other subs. You are the worst kind of refugees. Just because they don’t want you there either, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t Take it to pol you insufferable faggots.

>> No.26205141

fuck niggers, fuck jannies, fuck kikes, and most of all fuck you, buy bitcoin b/c it's going to the FUCKING MOOOOOOOOOOOON TAKE THE ORANGE PILL BITCH

>> No.26205152

This. It so less dangerous than the flu, they had to manipulate the numbers and get some borrowed from the flu to inflate it.
The vax, however, is much more dangerous. Already 23 dead in Norway, 50+ in the US.

>> No.26205153

i get it every year, but because my immunesystem works it is literally just a flu. a single day with fever and headache and your done. just like the fucking memedemic we are in.

>> No.26205175

The only thing that is wrong on the second pic is that too many people are depicted as white.

>> No.26205196

this >>26205153
was meant for this >>26203976

>> No.26205231


>> No.26205232

The borders are close within Schengen idiot. Never mind going through several non EU countries. LOl at you

>> No.26205302

government has no right to exist

>> No.26205306

The "flu" doesn't give you asthma. Covid gave me asthma.

>> No.26205330

>Not only will they put up with it, they will demand it.
This is the sad truth. The trick is to not force oppression on the people, but to make them beg for it. Totalitarianism is always greeted with cheers and applause.

>> No.26205337

I guess if it doesn't kill you your immune system technically "works" but you should be careful because that indicates it's pretty weak.

>> No.26205347

Proof or LARP

>> No.26205375

Got in at 2800 bitcoin, I’m worth 2.6 mil. That’s why I hate these maga pol new fags shitting this place up with there poverty ideas.

>> No.26205440

i haven't had the flu for over 10 years. im not getting the fucking flu 2.0 vaccine.

>> No.26205506

How the fuck am I supposed to prove it? I am not larping. It has long-term effects even if you are like 18-24 like me.

>> No.26205670
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, 1578806694821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its more dangerous than the flu, explain why there are more deaths and hospitalizations last year than any other year, dumbfuck.

Seriously. You /pol/fucks probably got vax'd as kids for some disease and you never even knew, yet you declare vaccines as retard enhancers. Keep your retardation in /pol/ dumbass.

>> No.26205735

I meant less dangerous, not more. Its a typo

>> No.26205955

Most people don't get the flu every year...

Good that you're able to fight it off quickly, but your immune system is still pretty weak if you're actually getting it that regularly to begin with.

>> No.26205974

just use an off roader

>> No.26206056

What a coincidence it was that deaths from the actual flu were at a record low in 2020, huh? I just trust muh politically chosen experts when it comes to everything, personally..

>> No.26206200

retard. the flu is related to coronaviruses. when something else comes along, flu has a slow year. same thing happened with spanish flu. its well documented. blue pill answer would be "people wearing masks" which is wrong.

>> No.26206209
File: 400 KB, 1080x1230, 1582605664045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big tech tries to get so Orwellian that even Orwellian governments are wondering if it's ethical

>> No.26206222

I have had it once in my life. You're right, people who are exposed to children are more likely.
Back in my day, we had something called "flu season"
Nobody got vaccinated and we lived happily ever after.

>> No.26206264

lol. fucking pleb. i got in at ~300

>> No.26206307

Who the fuck states their own age as 18 - 24?
Gtfo shill

>> No.26206340

The flu deaths statistic is total hoax. The CDC's publicly stated policy is to release a bundled flu/pneumonia statistic to make the flu seem dangerous so people get the flu shot, which of course makes the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture flu vaccines and employ lobbyists to encourage such a policy loads of money. Nearly 100% of """flu''''' deaths (flu/pneumonia) are pneumonia unrelated to the flu. It's a worthless statistic that you should never cite. On top of that, influenza is much less contagious then SARS-CoV-2, so the control measures for it are devastatingly effective against the flu.

>> No.26206359

Covid vaccine is mRNA injection not viral protein load
Big difference, new technology, not well understood...

>> No.26206400

First of all, corona IS a flu, retard.
Second, you never answered the question: why are there more deaths and hospitalizations this year than average? I thought this was a weaker flu?

>> No.26206447

look at the excess deaths retard.

>> No.26206463

They're just trying to get more business for themselves. If they can trick the government into being even more orwellian, they'll have to outsource the actual spying and tracking to big tech. Sucks for smartphone sheep, I'll be innawoods.

>> No.26206483
File: 2 KB, 125x93, cleanitupjanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206504

Yes, but its been studied well across many skeptics and has been tested and well documented.
What, you want the "traditional" Chink vaccine instead, one that is shrowded in so much mystery? No thanks.

>> No.26206533

>Yes, but its been studied well across many skeptics and has been tested and well documented.
No it absolutely hasn't lmao

>> No.26206629

>no ID needed to vote
>no documentation needed to cross international borders
>medical paperwork needed to go to a concert
Isn’t that some sort of hipaa violation? I bet you can purchase fake IDs in monero. This is bullish.

>> No.26206644

They WILL make you get a vaccine eventually. Im not a conspiracy person at all but its very obvious.

They did the shit with staying at home
>oh we only need you to stay home for two weeks and everything will be back to normal!

They asked you to wear a mask
>oh itll only be for a little bit and only if you want

Both those things were false. Many places have shut down for good because of all the retarded precautions that haven't done SHIT and they're considering more lockdowns in the states. Now you can't get into an establishment of any kind without a mask. Very soon you will need to prove you had a vaccine to do anything.

>> No.26206707

Both of my parents got it and are absolutely fine. One of whom is a regular smoker. Coworkers who got it are fine. Acquaintances who got it are fine. You are letting the media distract you from reality. They have literally convinced you its a magic spell. It's a respiratory virus. We have a viral one every couple of years. If you aren't compromised especially with a lung/breathing problem there is no reason your body cannot fight it off. You have an immune system. At a certain point you have to examine the medias business plan and the governments conflict of interest.

>> No.26206759

>just a vaccine

Pretty sure it’s technically a mRNA therapy but they just call it a vaccine to prevent conspiracy theorists from looking better than they do currently. I would also like to point out that the same people calling it a vaccine are the same people that swear trans woman = real woman

>> No.26206764

Yes, it has.

China and Russia hide all the data of their "vaccine" in comparison. I would choose Pfizer over that Sinovac shit.

>> No.26206814

How about just not injecting yourself with any mystery potion?

>> No.26206820

Wouldn't corona and the flu both put people in the hospital meaning a higher number? That doesn't imply either is stronger than the other.

>> No.26206837

Sounds good bro, you can take my dose ahead of me then, no worries !

>> No.26206847

Yes nigger fatigue is just too much right now.
I usually take a break and visit every few weeks.

>> No.26206916

There is also the Astrazeneca vaccine which was so close to being approved but it was suspiciously postponed due to unexplained circumstances only to push the two genetic vaccines ahead. I'd gladly inject myself with the russian vaccine instead of the moderna and the pfizer one.

>> No.26207019
File: 459 KB, 930x1021, ftfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good anon, fixed a little oversight I saw otherwise 10/10

>> No.26207021
File: 2.32 MB, 457x640, 1578804930602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe because Coronavirus really is an epidemic that has increased death rates all over the world?

I would, honestly. Not that Sinovac shit though get that shit away from me.

If you dont trust it, I'm fine with it. It isn't a 100% assurance of safety after all. But at least, for the love of god, try to practice ways to prevent corona. At least. Jesus Christ. Corona is spreading fast because of retards who don't know how to wear masks or distance.

>> No.26207118

Dude, its the fucking flu. Stop being neurotic about the flu, you'll be alright.

>> No.26207297
File: 24 KB, 820x674, CAD_m0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe because Coronavirus really is an epidemic that has increased death rates all over the world?
Or maybe it's a red herring for a controlled financial demolition?

>> No.26207326

>pol into the other subs

>> No.26207329
File: 8 KB, 235x214, 1588100533735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you dont trust it, I'm fine with it. It isn't a 100% assurance of safety after all. But at least, for the love of god, try to practice ways to prevent corona. At least. Jesus Christ. Corona is spreading fast because of retards who don't know how to wear masks or distance.

>> No.26207337

Obviously you want lives unnecessarily lost by flouting the dangers of corona. Its sad, really.
I mean, how easy is it to literally wear a mask? Distance yourselves? Washing hands daily?
Why do people act like babies are getting eaten when told to do any of that? Its insane, in fact those people are the neurotic bunch.

>> No.26207460

>You guys are fucking crazy if you think anyone in the U.S. will put up with a vaccine passport for the fucking flu.
you mean the same country that time after time votes for regulations that allow employers to cuck them in every conceivable way?
>sorry goy, at will employment.
>no vaccine passport, no job.

>> No.26207502

>cares about people dying from rona
>doesn’t care about people dying from mental illness due to lockdowns and social isolation

Protip: mental illness and depression from economic destruction > corona deaths

>> No.26207518

people like you are already socially distanced eternally in your mother's basement. so you don't have to worry about it :^)

>> No.26207538

Nah you are just a gullible cuck bro. It's literally the flu dude, you need to stop.

>> No.26207552

Increased death rates really don't mean much when it's only the elderly dying a few years early. Despite what Taleb and the media say, the death of an 18 year old and the death of an 88 year old are NOT equivalent and SHOULD NOT be treated equally at all by anyone, policy makers or random joes on the internet. Just look at the actuarial data, all these early deaths are not only not a problem, they're going to be good because death rates will fall below previously expected rates for years to come since all the elderly that might have hung on for another 5-10 years instead got bumped off by a bad cold.

Additionally, given that many of the early deaths are early boomers, this will have the effect of spreading out the death of the boomers across a larger span of time, reducing the economic impact of the largest generation all dying in a compact period of time.

The only reason the western governments can't react sanely to this disease is because the elderly are the most consistent voters and must be pandered to. China realized it was not a big deal, turned the authoritarian information control back on, and they've gone back to normal and just straight up lie about testing.

>> No.26207564

I'm fit, 24, work from home, with a barely 19yo gf

>> No.26207582

The retards always expose themselves.

>> No.26207623


God, these days people are too privileged.
In the past epidemics of the world things like that were normally told and people never threw a hissy fit. Yet they had it much worse.

Preventing corona is so simple yet dumbfucks who go to places like /pol/ do the opposite and when corona spreads and closes down businesses they're the ones who cry about it.
They're basically spoiled brats.

>> No.26207622

>Increased death rates really don't mean much when it's only the elderly dying a few years early
but that's not true. there's no discussion with people like you when you refuse to acknowledge basic facts like people younger than 70 dying.

>> No.26207677

I face the consequences of my actions every single day, I LOVE responsibility
Speak for yourself loser

>> No.26207869

>I face the consequences of my actions every single day
Yes, I can clearly see that, since you're complaining and crying about the consequences of an epidemic you helped spread, loser.

>> No.26207883

>Obviously you want lives unnecessarily lost by flouting the dangers of corona. Its sad, really.
>if you don't agree with me you are a villain!
That's not going to work on this site.

Nor do the banks and major corps who were bailed out by the governments in 2008

>> No.26207885

Very few are dying, relatively speaking. How many people are dying from suicide due to despair and the shuttering of whole economies? This stupid cold is a nothingburger. It is nothing. We all as a species have decided to pretend that 2020 never happened. Stop wearing masks. Stop defending the Wuhan Kung Flu.

>> No.26207903

I'm complaining ?
>when the pot calls the kettle black

>> No.26207923

then you should accept the corona-related consequences of people like you without whining about it, moron

>> No.26207962

I do lmao, the only one whining is you

>> No.26208044

those of us who actually live in the real world will continue to follow the proper protocols for mitigating the spread of the disease. "people" like you can continue to live in your mother's basement and whine about the "CCP" and whatever else the TV tells you to do.

>> No.26208056

Im not the one who complains about things he himself caused, faggot. Thats you.
Its more like the pot (me) calling the kettle (you) a retard for making himself black doing stupid shit and crying about it.
Anyways, I am out of this thread

>> No.26208075

Yes please, go cuck out somewhere else.

>> No.26208116

Excess deaths should shut down every discussion by conspiratards. Also take into account that with lockdowns n shiet the number of fatal accidents (ie car accidents) have been lower than average, so do the math and the needful sir

>> No.26208137

You didn't address any of my comments. You were just pooping your pants with emotional bullshit.

>> No.26208143

You live in a clown world. Proper protocols doesn't mean shit. It is a nothingburger. There is no need to mitigate anything. I own a farm. This is a chink bioweapon and it is already mutated past any sort of effectiveness other than its use for propaganda. I don't watch tv. You are a scaredy-cat. Afraid of a scamdemic because the politicians told you to be. Very sad. Many such cases.