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File: 555 KB, 700x468, 16777-700x468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26198170 No.26198170 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>26191438

>Flare/Spark Tutorial:

Flare Finance Intro:


>SEC Lawsuit


>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance Source Code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Insiders Threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
***Do not use Droplet wallet - it's a scam***

>> No.26198190
File: 32 KB, 263x298, 1717c6c65f0181b33f94b8a67709a54fe70b5772_s1_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Netherlands Gov resigned
2. Merkel step down
3. Estonia PM missing
4. Italian gov. collapse
5. Russia's gov resigned, Putin rewriting constitution
6. Declass Obama-gate
7. DC lockdown. 65k soldiers
8. Kuwait PM resign
9. Wuhan lab = Chinese Military since 2017- per State Dept
10. Rothschild death (Suicide/HA cover)
11:New Zealand PM allegedly missing
-77.80094859421469, 166.77442426361605

>> No.26198236

Does anyone check the Baex platform (#baex)? I found a post about this defi binary project, looks like it is a new gem. A lot of instruments, bonus model and profit range from 180 to 220%. It will be good with the modern algorithm. As I get, they have Yahoo Finance quotes source.

What do you think about this project?

>> No.26198319
File: 76 KB, 1278x786, minor consent for vaccination b23-0171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they close their grip on the children. when you're not so powerless anymore, please remember to do some good

>> No.26198344

bless the baker

>> No.26198383

if they allow this and not get consent from their parents then they can allow children to have sex because they consented.

this isn't a good thing.

>> No.26198415

you misread my sentiment, i don't imply this bill (now law) was a good thing.

>> No.26198509

I can't believe you imply that this bill (not law) is a good thing

>> No.26198522

Should I buy more now or wait a few hours/days for the price to drop

>> No.26198528
File: 5 KB, 374x144, 03aaa13d4535f694d5ef343713a7928a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one answered me yesterday, so again: Does anyone know why Gatehub gave me 20 XRP? Pic related

>> No.26198556


>> No.26198561

maybe they closed your account.

>> No.26198598


I just opened it 2 days ago. I'm waiting for my money to get there.

>> No.26198736

The bill passed and was enacted Dec 25 2020 as A23-0532. The good work I refer to is resistance to these efforts. The law passed only in DC but soon I imagine they'll try for broader adoption. To >>26198383 and >>26198509 , I don't condone this law and again, you're misreading my sentiment

>> No.26198856

You need 20 XRP to open an individual wallet, and I would guess Gatehub isn't like other exchanges, in that Gatehub gives you your own wallet, not an address in an exchange wallet. Maybe it was an account open bonus, or maybe they'll remove it if you close your account. So that's at least why the number was 20.

>> No.26198943
File: 64 KB, 336x656, how to refuse poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all get a choice...


>> No.26199157

If they treat a minor "of any age" as an adult for the purposes of legally defined informed consent, that form won't have any power.
>"We all get a choice"
will be warped into allowing children be goaded by the school teacher and nurse into "choosing" the shot while you're not around

>> No.26199268

Public school is the most destructive oxymoron the majority of voting Americans never realized.

>> No.26199295
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Correct. But smart parents will opt to homeschool / virtual learning.

Hoping the Q stuff pans out in our favor.

>> No.26199341

Sheldon adelson and Donald Tober dead

>> No.26199357
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but what does it all mean!?

>> No.26199371

forgot his name, will add to list.

>> No.26199574
File: 188 KB, 680x680, 1602245475415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the list, keep up the good work. I encourage all schizos to keep this list up to date with all happenings, its our duty,
There are no such thing as coincidences!

>> No.26199606

I was just playing dumb parrot my fren

>> No.26199608
File: 90 KB, 1222x219, 3jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will find out on the 20th.

>> No.26199655


Hey ds, I hope you're having a great day. Again I'm a huge fan of your work. I'd love to meet up take you out for dinner and just do something nice for you and the crew. I really appreciate all of your hard work. I dont understand the fundamentals as well as I could but I am always willing to listen.

Again thanks a lot, have a great week fudding your own products, and shit posting on xsg with actual retards that are here.


>> No.26199738
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>> No.26199819

I'm 100% bullish on xrp and a shizo but believing in this kind of stuff is borderline retarded

>> No.26199917

some of the troops in DC are from Guam which is 8000 miles away. currently around 65k troops.

>> No.26200018
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If i remember 1 of the riddlers posted this.

>> No.26200069

Don't get me wrong. I really do hope that Trump will drain the swamp and execute people in minecraft but if something happens it won't be according to some dumb boomers facebook post or private message

>> No.26200093

Lol how in fuck has the right gone so fucking schizo retard especially in regards to China?
Please explain how a country with essentially no navy and an army with almost no combat experience that literally had an entire base drop their guns and run against a mild Islamist attack is going to conduct a war 11,000km away?

>Trained Antifa and BLM

Yeah man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHw5ZosmgO8 These are totally highly trained super soldiers.

>> No.26200191

The Chinese are pretty easy to inspire animosity towards, the US built the current world because of the animosity towards the Soviet Union after WW2.

>> No.26200260

Ideological subversion. How stupid are you? They have blackmailed all of our politicians, military has been compromised, technology stolen and handed to china, they own all our media, they own Hollywood. Big tech and google helped fund AI and quantum computer technology, Obama gave them codes to all our military, able to spy on our coms and turn off our computers through Intel chips compromised. They crippled our domestic steel production and dominated steel manufacturing, they send shitty steel marked as good steel for our military which crumbles into dust while they keep good steel for themselves.

Liberals put a knife to the American peoples necks and are attempting to cut its head off in an attempt to virtue signal, they are frothing at the mouth with trump derangement syndrome while not noticing the noose around their necks.

>> No.26200287

Having a rough morning bros. Dog, whom ive had since i was 17, if just pissing and shitting constantly...can barely walk around anymore. Hard decision is has been made. Not my personal blog, just a rough morning

>> No.26200302

There is literally no reason china would have to place missiles anywhere near the united states to be a military threat that's absolutely retarded. ICBM tech has been around since before the 70's.

>> No.26200353

It’s genuinely quite funny.
I mean, the antifa/blm thing is likely partially true, in the sense that they’d be funding them for the sake of stirring up shit (with civil war being an ultimate goal, albeit one that would be very unlikely to happen). But actual direct conflict on US soil? Not in our lifetimes.

>> No.26200365

chaz had a couple of trained antifa members, they gathered a bunch of libtards to be their shields for their message to be heard.

>> No.26200423

Corporate media has such a tight grasp on the minds of young Americans that direct actions are not necessary to inspire a civil war. Do not underestimate the influence of social media.

>> No.26200426

are you absolutely braindead?
the CCP wants the US for farmland, they don't want to destroy it. they practically won with Biden, their plans will go to shit.

the first icbm launched every country on earth will pay their attention to the CCP in unison and see it as a mad dog. the US has over 17000 nukes.

>> No.26200504

china owns most of american treasuries thanks to their debt.
China owns America, the west can't even produce any manufacturing goods without Chinese slaves.
in 94' Clinton with his executive powers took out all the sanctions against China and let them into the WTO without any human rights regulations.
If things continue the way they are now there's going to be more big tech sellouts for communism, less freedom of speech and more gulags.

>> No.26200574

If China takes over what happens to my xrpies?

>> No.26200581

Yeah nothing I said suggested that I think China is going to attack the US.

>> No.26200596

Hey, I’m not saying it’s impossible, I just think it’s unlikely due to conflicting priorities (with so many armed citizens, civil war in the US would be a fucking nightmare lasting years and years - which would not necessarily be in many of the elites’ interests).

The point is simply that it’ll be proxy wars between the US and China - they’re not going to directly attack the US on US soil.

>> No.26200602

Pelosi tried to ask a US General to hand over the nuclear codes and take it away from trump.


>> No.26200620
File: 50 KB, 640x640, dog_comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof, hope your dog gets better man :(

>> No.26200662

Bread and circus

>> No.26200730

any happenings expected today frens? When does all this boomer Q stuff get put to bed? 21st?

>> No.26200731

the CCP is about to collapse, their manufacturing depends on microchips provided by the United States, the US is the only country able to produce these microchips. without it the CCP collapses, their economy will be over. they want to invade Taiwan because they produce a chip that is very advanced, Intel is out of the game.

the Nuclear codes are important for this. the CCP is desperate. If your liberal retard self can't understand anything outside of Drumpf then gtfo. your opinion does not matter as you have not been paying attention to the world or the state of the country.

>> No.26200744

Think we are beyond that now though, sad about my kids feelings as well but its life. Thanks for the picture and kind words!

>> No.26200783


China could do a first strike emp. Everyone wonders wtf. Word/propaganda/ccp media gets out solar flare. Ccp kwekwekwek. Ccp military in Canada and Mexico ride in. Ccp libtards like newsom and pelosi get their golden parachute to china and disappear. But Ccp hate traitors so they eventually get live organ harvested like jack ma.

>> No.26200814


I understand your pain anon.
Clinks coffee in your direction
Mans best friend!

I'll pray for you today anon.

>> No.26200839

trudeau allowed CCP to train in canada.


>> No.26200865

Pol exists for a reason

>> No.26200879

Retard cnn doesn't talk about that stuff!

>> No.26200890


>> No.26200895

get out of this thread. this has been ontopic since XSG #1

>> No.26200905

Never. The 20th will come and go without any incident and qtards will spend the next 4 years saying it was all part of the plan.

>> No.26200914


>> No.26200939
File: 760 KB, 250x251, 1483214101202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is XRP still at the same or even higher USD value than 3 months ago ? It is getting delisted everywhere and is still in teh top 5... how is that possible shizos ? Explain it to me.

>> No.26200944
File: 50 KB, 600x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be prepared to buy this, hang it in your room.

>> No.26200958

XSG turned into pol

There's like 12 people posting in the past 50 xsg threads

Nothing xrp related gets posted anymore. Nothing juicy

Move to pol already

>> No.26200971

XRP newfag, youre in the schizo thread, all of this has been the discussion from day 1. We're now seeing it unfold

>> No.26200994

Eat shit, faggot. This thread reveals all sorts of enlightening material. I'll poster harder as a result of your post. Thank you.

>> No.26201011

>T. crazy boomer or sheltered zoomer

>> No.26201013

Thanks brother, prayers are always needed!

>> No.26201088

Hopefully we can go back to discussing xrp on the 21st after Biden is sworn in.

>> No.26201128
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You will need to take off your simulation goggles one day and come to reality.

>> No.26201204
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>> No.26201247

Ok, I must be sucking Donald dick or be a liberal communist because I don't know what China is up to on a daily basis. The only thing that China, Russia, and the USA give a fuck about at the end of the day is erecting a one world government/economy, that's really all there is to it.

>> No.26201327


>> No.26201350

where the heck is my heckin sparkarinos? or was it flare? i have all of my xrp on cuckbase, where the heck is my airdrop?

>> No.26201358

You missed the fud a few days ago

>> No.26201380


>> No.26201417

How do I setup my wallet for the flare snapshot?

>> No.26201424

If Trump pulls something off and the Q thing was true, I will post a genuine apology in XSG. However i doubt you would do the same if nothing happens.

>> No.26201434

>5. Russia's gov resigned, Putin rewriting constitution
this happened a full year ago retard

>> No.26201456
File: 73 KB, 640x1136, tr3hahavp5e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there man. My cat that I had for 16 years had to be put to sleep last October. I know its rough and I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.26201464
File: 335 KB, 500x398, 1505778491022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Shane Ellis Theory?


>> No.26201510

No one knows who you are, Shane, nor do they care about your "theory".

>> No.26201529

Russia was first retard, does it happening 1 year ago prove it wrong?

>> No.26201559

literally snopes

>umm actually ! i happened 1 year ago so its wrong!

>> No.26201576

Speak English ya poofter.

Will you kill your parents when they become feeble with age?

>> No.26201604

You giant faggot

>> No.26201820

They want to set you up for an illegal security fraud.

>> No.26201824


>> No.26201853

I'm not the one killing my dog to spare my carpets am I? I've got an old dog, have to wake up in the night to take her out, carry her around, clean up after her when she defecates and urinates in the house and worse. But the fact is, even though it's a massive inconvenience to me, my dog is generally happy because I rectify these issues immediately. If she has an issue I can't solve or alleviate, I pay out the nose at the vet. So I don't know why you've come on here to tell everyone you're going to kill your dog, expecting sympathy, when it's really for your benefit that you do it.

>> No.26201897

a nehoi Chinese rocket unit just deployed over my house and trumps been executed by well trained Chinese insurgents through the antifanian South African spec ops making them fully capable of stealing tvs from Walmart while their highly militarized non profit fully decentralized anti success comrades fail miserably at growing tomatoes. Now The xrpl blockchain is in the hands of Jack Ma (resurrected) and he's batting at the switch for Patriots to be in the green to beat back the Chinese hordes who're incapable of sailing fishing vessels to Brazil without being sunk by USA/Uk Armada units. While the three gorges swept out the wuhan region and nuclear reacts alongside bitcoin mines are hit with massive water walls to fully charge Massive Natural Disasters to wipe out all White People forever and Ever until the end of Time Which Is Now.


Adolf Hitler has raised a secret Clone Army in St Helba ANDDD with napoleon he has trained Massive drone armies into well trained altirely units to smash the Chinese communist party deep stated blue tied cult of time traveling transsexuals transvestites who's sole purpose is to make xrp happen while haarp rocks the whole world sucks down dark matter jfk and a magical army of unicorns dolphins falls from the sky to lead the second coming of Jesus Christ to personally let you know ccp/deepstate was already killed months ago

OHMYGOD THERE"S TRUMP leading a calvary charge across the entire Atlantic Ocean to sack ROME and the VATICAN for freedom of every man woman and child from our pedophille overlords.
Screencap this!

It's already happened in another timeline of course.

Thank me later(or now)

>> No.26201929
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My dude they're already letting kids transition without parental permission. Power over your children will be taken from you under the guise of compassion.

>> No.26201944
File: 224 KB, 596x615, Going down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To much fud in this shit today,

Time to take a break.

>> No.26202148
File: 79 KB, 259x259, 22774703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud all you like, I am comfy af right now. Let it all burn

>> No.26202154
File: 14 KB, 589x149, 1611063329095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's back

>> No.26202185

He's not killing his dog to spare his carpets you utterly contemptible faggot. If a dog is old and has no quality of life the most humane thing you can do is have it put to sleep. Any animal that is suffering should be humanly put down. Only a selfish psychopath would want to prolong their suffering. Same goes for people. If a person is old and in constant pain and they want to die they should be allowed to instead of wasting away in pain in a nursing home. The difference is animals cant make that decision so its up to us. It's clear anon loves his dog and doesn't want him to suffer. Go fuck a cactus.

>> No.26202228

Sell now goy. Before doompa.

>> No.26202325

the dog could be dying for weeks before its truly dead, some people bury their pets alive thinking its dead when its just too weak to move.

>> No.26202398

Hopefully, all of these retards still believing that Trump will be the president are not thinking straight

>> No.26202442

>The difference is animals cant make that decision so its up to us
That's a strange leap in logic isn't it? Will you decide if retards and downies get killed or not as well?

>> No.26202517

how about i make the decision for you, in minecraft.

>> No.26202548

Come 'ed la.

>> No.26202581


Scouser Alert!

>> No.26202656

why price pumped earlier today?

>> No.26202662
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>> No.26202751

good question but it was all in one huge candle so either a very wealthy individual decided to marketbuy or an institution (what do they know that we don't?). go fucking figure it happened less than an hour before the money hit my account so i could make my last buy on Coinbase but I guess I can still buy on Kraken for another 10 days

>> No.26202773

No its not old animals who are old and in pain do not equal some one with downs syndrome who can live free of pain and suffering. if a kid is born mentally retarded and deformed to the point that they only experience pain and suffering who cannot live any semblance of a normal life. His/her parents should have the option of humanely putting them out of their misery. Only the most vile people would want some one like that to spend their entire life in pain and misery. Imagine their parents watching them suffer knowing this will be their entire life.

>> No.26202914


I live next to two retard schools and I don't think the government should give a single penny in tax to "educating" these people. It's a massively expensive daycare. They have well over 20 school buses because some of the brands of retardism aren't compatible with eachother, so they have to be separated into different buses. Some can't on on any bus so they hire private taxis for those ones. If people know the child is going to be like that before it's born and they don't abort it, they should be on the hook for the cost not the taxpayer. These people think oh I'll just have the kid and dump it on the state so I can continue working. Only reasonable and humane option is aborting all mentally handicapped babies. I wouldn't want to live life with no pain but the mental age of a 4 year old my entire life.

>> No.26202946
File: 84 KB, 750x500, 137532090_3858535387511881_6758605743427767971_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok which one of you guys is Matt irl?
I swear he's in these fucking threads. It's like all our autism gets into one Bong.

>> No.26202956

yeah, it’s a containment board for wieners
check mate

>> No.26202978
File: 145 KB, 2048x946, EK5NyqxXUAEmXOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what time dose xrp get delisted from coinbase?

>> No.26203144

Why would XRP being a security be a bad thing? I think it could be very good for us since it unlocks potential for big fish to finally come and play.

>> No.26203177

My parents would never slap me. When I was like 10 or something another parent asked my mom why
>I don't want to take care of a retarded person
Tangential, but that stuck with me. Having a retarded child is like a curse.

>> No.26203219
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Checked. There has been a disturbing lack of digit checking in this thread. Stop slacking lads!

>> No.26203251
File: 152 KB, 1232x1548, 1610428332331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good things are coming to XRP no matter the lawsuit outcome. If heads we win if tails they lose.

>> No.26203264
File: 419 KB, 1083x1600, cfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,
and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

New world reserve currency. Back to gold. It's happening this year, all of it. They are using this virus to push through blockchain in months rather than years.
They wanted more control, more checkpoints, so they blew up 2 towers and told everyone their safety and lives were at risk. -UHNWI

>> No.26203318

xrp is so dead you are all talking about anything but your shitcoin, hope you are enjoying missing the bullrun because its going to get worse

>> No.26203416
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non-fren detected

>> No.26203454
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>ENdsBoy id
What do I make of this anon?

>> No.26203494
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The fate of non frens

>> No.26203497

straight after each other must be a good sign, checked!

>> No.26203648
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fren detected

>> No.26203875
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>> No.26203981

guys can you tell XRP to hold .3 for me? I get paid next week and want to dump 5k more

>> No.26204064

xrp is my only hope

i'm a deformed fucking loser who constantly gets treated like shit for it. my only hope of not dying alone is cracking my face open to get a stupid number of plastic surgeries, which'll probably cost me the price of a fucking house in total.

my only chance of getting enough money to do that before i'm already old as fuck is if this coon somehow moons. it's legit life and death for me. my entire hopes of living a somewhat liveable life resting on this schizo coin.

it is what it is

>> No.26204098
File: 105 KB, 1200x600, 2ac448ca539cf57cab2d402f19d232b6ae779533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reassurance of normies at work not liking XRP cos its a scam coin

>> No.26204161

Every coin is a scam coin, until it isn't.

>> No.26204194
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mumsy saw my screen open... she said she liked the name ripple... Some hardcore fud frens

>> No.26204287

fuck off Matt

>> No.26204346

Poloniex offers Flare IOU's

I can see this doing multiple x's just on the hype alone.

Not an investment advice tho.

>> No.26204465
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>> No.26204880

>literal who

>> No.26205039
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i was a paraprofessional for kids with autism/downs syndrome for a semester. retarded kids are often extremely beautiful souls and every person deserves a decent life regardless of the circumstances of their birth. the fact that you are directing your angst towards facilities that provide services for people who were born with disabilities instead of, say, the billionaire owners of megacorporations and financial institutions who horde obscene wealth and hide their money in offshore tax havens, or the war profiteers and pharmaceutical companies who pay corrupt politicians in order to keep mankind sick and at war, means not only that you are dumb but also that you lack empathy. hopefully at some point in this lifetime you will experience a kind of awakening which allows you to be more in tune with the interconnected nature of all living beings in order to be more compassionate, failing that, i imagine if reincarnation exists you will come back as a homeless retarded person. literally repent you faggot

>> No.26205065

Means man’s from down ends blud

>> No.26205105

Fuck holding, let it dump

>> No.26205120
File: 274 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 5.14.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noon CST 11am EST 2pm PST

checked. i fear the trend of women having children later in life as well as the increased presence of exogenous hormones/chemicals in our water/food/life means that the number of children born with disabilities will continue to increase. we are a sick, sick society in more ways than one.

bless u fren and thank you for your service

>> No.26205180
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I'm not talking about slow retarded or downs syndrome. I'm talking about full blown needs to be restrained in a chair for their own safety, cannot take care of their own toilet needs, cannot communicate etc. My post at no point indicated I don't have contempt for the types of people you mentioned, and you assume that not wanting to make people suffer through 40+ years of needing their ass wiped for them means I'm not compassionate.

>> No.26205230

I’m sorry to hear anon.
You’re in the right place. Just hodl. Don’t lose hope. Don’t listen to memedates. It may not happen as soon as you’d like, but it’ll happen. And when you look back old and happy, all this waiting will look like the blink of an eye.

What’s your stack like? What’s your make-it price?

You’re gonna make it, fren. Im certain of it.

>> No.26205237

Spent £700 on the ol' crypto so far this month

>> No.26205283

we are all going to make it fren. i know it's pointless for a stranger to say this and also patronizing/gay as hell/cliche to the point of meaninglessness but it's what's inside that counts and there's somebody out there for everyone. you've seen the pictures of the mangled dude in the wheelchair with a hot gf? if you get some hobbies and get good at stuff/join groups/do service/etc you might maybe meet a nice lady who sees the quality of your heart instead of your face. people love a good feel-good story and people who rise above difficult circumstances are universally respected. good luck fren but yeah i hope XRP moons too

>> No.26205301

sell xrp. buy rsr. wait 4 hours. sell rsr. buy xrp. profit

>> No.26205423
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ah yeah i think there's a case to be made for compassionate abortions when disabilities of that level are detected pre-partum. never could figure out why people would be opposed to terminating a pregnancy when it was found that the kid is going to require full-time full-spectrum care for the entire duration of their life. religion i guess?

>> No.26205430

Never selling, but I do have a shitcoin gambling pot.
Why, what’s happening with rsr?

>> No.26205510

everything Peter Thiel touches moons

>> No.26205529

Bros I think its going to dump.

>> No.26205531


Sometimes it's compassion. Aborting your child for medical reasons is always going to be hard. Religion is one also.

>> No.26205626

Ill pray for you anon. This is the real deal, as it has been stated many times, and we all just need patience. Im sorry that life has kicked your ass

>> No.26205710

We just need some scared burgers to panic

>> No.26205713

or maybe you just dont hear about his failures

>> No.26205854

i heard he touches dudes

>> No.26206012

>a nice lady who sees the quality of your heart instead of your face
I don't think people like that exist. I really used to believe one day I would find someone but that's look less and less likely every day. But dating is hard to do when most of my time is spent taking care of my parents and my niece or working. I've never met a woman who really cared about anything below the surface.

>> No.26206181

That said, you can always be undeniably cool, no matter what. Think of the kid with the harelip in Cobra Kai, Hawk I think his name is. Got spiked red hair, learned karate, and had girls swooning. Sure it's fiction, but just having a good attitude and confidence can get you much farther than feeling sorry for yourself, even if you genuinely do deserve sympathy.

>> No.26206192
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We're here with you anon

>> No.26206202
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I converted my entire portfolio to Xrp, cant you see the writing on the wall???
I see it mooning when world events take place, maybe banks adopt it openly, maybe china war, maybe the scarcity of being delisted , might take months or years but xrp is the next BTC

>> No.26206430

Friend of mine told me if you're living off your investments (e.g capital gains) and you have no salary you're not taxed for capital gains

Are xrp holders safe from the irs frens?

>> No.26206539

China has the largest and somewhat still operational mining operations for rare earth metals. Also those patents for microchips were sold to China as well a long time ago. It’s always “about” to happen with you people. No one is about to go to war. The economies are too intertwined and war isn’t conventional anymore

>> No.26206548

Your friend's an idiot. Holding more than a year will get you lower rates on capital gains, but you still have to pay taxes, salary or not.

>> No.26206575

Is xrp gonna crash in a few hours like anon said?

>> No.26206589

as long as you dont sell your xrp fren
sell as you need it, and maybe take collaterized loans and shit against your xrp
also dont forget passive income on flr

>> No.26206595

Are they going to apply this age of understanding and consent to criminal activity also?
That could lead to some circumstances

>> No.26206642

why would it crash? this is the last chance for ppl to get in for a long time; scarcity is here

also checked

>> No.26206643

Does it only count as a sale when you transfer money to your bank account?

Or does , say, putting my chain link gains into xrp count the same?

>> No.26206676
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Uniroically depends if they're white or not.

>> No.26206681


Yellen speaking rn

>> No.26206706

Huh, how does the 0% rate works then? If I sell less than the bracket?

>> No.26206714

If you convert it to USD or any other asset, that's a sale, even if it stays on the exchange.

>> No.26206718

Good post

>> No.26206727


France moving towards a CBDC

>> No.26206851

That's possible. If total gains are lower than whatever the standard deduction is ($12k?) then you'd pay no tax. But it's below the poverty line.

>> No.26206852

former SEC commissioner talkin spicy about Jay Clayton and the lawsuit

>> No.26206861

Absolute horrible pic

>> No.26206918

It's gonna be hard for me to calculate right?

I've been steadily buying link from when it was $1.40 all the way to $22.

So if I sell it all for $20 each, how will I be able to calculate my total gain? I probably have hundreds of transactions, given that I take some of eah paycheck every week automatically to buy link

>> No.26206922

Seethe faggot, those retards will literally be happier than you will ever be

>> No.26207042

Gotta sell it all

>> No.26207045

Most exchanges have transaction history or tax reports you can download for that. Import into a spreadsheet and calculate that way.

>> No.26207126
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Imagine being this sad kek

>> No.26207173

>their manufacturing depends on microchips provided by the United States, the US is the only country able to produce these microchips
Bitch, you be trippin'. They've been producing knock-off sillicon that's good enough for the job for decades now. That's what happens when you outsource your chip fabrication plants to China.

>> No.26207210

Literally the only worthwhile thing is this entire shit thread, ty

>> No.26207221

Why would it be the last chance?

>> No.26207231
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>> No.26207237


>> No.26207311

thank you anons

it means a lot

>> No.26207328

Ah, of course, being white is terrorism, how could I forget.

>> No.26207354

Just grab a record of your transactions, isn’t it money out minus money in, assuming you take it all out.

>> No.26207356
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I was honestly going to be content with my stack but I just bought another 10k because of your very precise time statement, thanks anon!

>> No.26207358

for US people, since most won't be able to buy again, unless they go to uphold or something like that, which most won't

until lawsuit settles and exchanges reactivate xrp, which by the time will be valued much higher and people will be priced out

>> No.26207379

Because it’s not going to be on exchanges anymore until the lawsuit is settled. Don’t know how long that will take. The longer it takes, the more people will flip their XRP into something else, the rarer the asset becomes.

>> No.26207399

I’m in Aus, I only hold 116 xrp, would be nice to buy in a crash

>> No.26207413
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Will be when Biden gets in.

>> No.26207569
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The "/pol concern troll"
Has no children himself (and likely never will) but will fight muslim grooming gangs from the comfort of his keyboard one infographic at a time.

>> No.26207627
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Seek help

>> No.26207651
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2 hours left

>> No.26207748

There should be mandatory abortion for the disabled, those conceived through rape, those conceived out of wedlock, and non-whites. It should be banned in all other cases.

>> No.26207766

Until what? We pumping or dumping?

>> No.26207785

The tick is tocking!

>> No.26207837

CB delisting. right now were up 9% i really hope it dumps hard so I can buy more.

>> No.26207842

DCA in if you believe in the project. I’m not going to blind you with delusions of grandeur. XRP is a legitimately interesting project that could achieve what posters here believe it will. It could also crash and burn miserably. If you believe in the project then start buying in now because there is no guarantee that it will crash again. It might. It might not. DCA in so you don’t have to worry about it.

>> No.26207863
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will 60k be enough

>> No.26207894

Til up or down

>> No.26207896

Isn’t it already halted? I thought it was 11am EST?

>> No.26207906

that's like $120 million

>> No.26207908

i feel i am going to regret for the rest of my life not taking loans to buy more

>> No.26207922

the fuck are you guys doing????? FUCKING SELL THIS SHIT NOW AND BUY ALGO OR XLM

>> No.26207954

Checked. What’s your stack like anon? What’s your make it price?

>> No.26207957

i dont feel thats enough, i wanna have a big family desu

>> No.26207965

you had an extra month to accooomolate

>> No.26208000

>mandatory anything to anyone
>especially baby murder

>> No.26208007
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then you will regret it for the rest of your life anon

>> No.26208074

eh, i feel i'd probably regret never having enough or never buying enough regardless of the amount I had

>> No.26208080
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>> No.26208081

8k rn
will probably buy some more later
no exact make it price; but if it got to a couple dozen $ in value i could achieve a lot

>> No.26208084

Lol no

>> No.26208179
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>tfw friend texts me asking if he should buy XRP or XLM

>> No.26208232

Tell them to buy xmr

>> No.26208235

Not really murder if you kill a nigger is it?

>> No.26208236

That’s a good stack, fren.
I think a couple of dozen is not a long way off. As soon as we beat the SEC suit, things will really start to take off.
Post wallet address please.

>> No.26208269
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>> No.26208283

cool picture! i hadn't seen new Bluefluke in a while.

>> No.26208306
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>> No.26208351
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>> No.26208385

Hellom does anyone know when we will get our spark coins?

>> No.26208433

its over

>> No.26208434


That’s just greedy desu

>> No.26208439
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>> No.26208471

impossibly unfathomably based.
If the world wants to enter the space age we need to do this world wide asap.

>> No.26208478


>> No.26208505

Much as i hate niggers, it is still murder if they have yet to nog

>> No.26208523

look into the eyes of one. They have no soul. No essence. Just a dark emptiness.

As far as morality goes its like cutting hair or clipping fingernails.

>> No.26208561

just gave my pup a big hug and sending thoughts and prayers your way anon. much love.

>> No.26208562

when you think about the fact you're having many children, and this needs to last many many generations, you realize it really may not be enough desu

>> No.26208598


>> No.26208625

you're very kind anon but no thanks.

>> No.26208631

Thanks brother, another reason to love this place.

>> No.26208729

will it dump or pump?

>> No.26208782


>> No.26208792

Why is it like when eth, and other coins go up chainlink goes down, and when chainlink goes up the others go down?

>> No.26208793

Fair enough, fren. What you said struck a chord with me, so I wanted to help bring down your make-it price (not by much, admittedly!.. It was intended more as a gesture).

Anyway, like I said. I know you’ll make it fren. WAGMI.

>> No.26208799

dump and never recover

>> No.26208810

How does 2k eoy sound?

>> No.26208818


>> No.26208833

see you in lamboland fren

>> No.26208851

The way things have been over the past few weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if we pumped hard.

Also, I bought some XRPDOWN earlier, so a dump has been protected against.

>> No.26208862

Okay I have 240 xrp, not much, but not much risk either

>> No.26208874

you retards are all delusional

>> No.26208908

How does that work? Explain pls

>> No.26208919

You’re delusional.

>> No.26208920
File: 290 KB, 1280x1024, frrieends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are misinterpreting. Deep state actors across the world are at war with the U.S. This is the age old battle of good versus evil. God wins. Feel the energy. It is pure and inspiring. We have won. Bless all real people and take care of your loved ones.

>> No.26208944

stop fudding your own bag, manlet

>> No.26208958

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.26208960

xrp is my only hope

i'm an incredibly handsome shad who constantly gets treated like gold for it. my only chance of dying alone is cracking my face open to get a stupid number of botched plastic surgeries, which'll probably cost me the price of a mansion but that's ok because I own ten.

my only chance of losing enough money doing that before i'm already old as fuck is if this coon somehow never moons. it's legit life and death for me. my entire hopes of living don't even depend on this coin at all.

it is what it is

>> No.26208979
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>> No.26209004
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>> No.26209013

I'm sorry to hear that you are losing your friend. I hope you have others around to help you mourn.

>> No.26209073

You still can't feel it? Reach out with your mind and feel the power of our energy manifesting. It is real anon. I hope you come to terms with it before you break.

>> No.26209111

We might have to start a colony of like-minded people like the Amish have. I don't want to suffer from normie-opinion induced suicide in future.

A nigger nogging is as certain as the sun rising. >>26208523 is correct. Much of the white population is like this of course, but niggers are nearly to a man soulless destroyers.

>> No.26209118

Just wait two more weeks right? Fuck off with your Q bullshit.

>> No.26209140

What is really left to say. It is the standard. Now we help people with the hard part. Accepting what is to come and how to deal with it. If you want updates on the space i suggest brad kimes, DAI or extraVOD depending on your schizo level. But the threads are for energy now. God wins my friend.

>> No.26209167
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Fuck you and fuck your dead relatives

>> No.26209178

It’s a leveraged coin on Binance. Leverage varies between 1-4x.
It’s useful for betting on quick drops (and its opposite, XRPUP is good for quick pumps).

>> No.26209221


>> No.26209250

Don't we already? We choose to let a lot of people die. The trade off is that others live or that we have more comfort etc.

>> No.26209259

i'm a chud

>> No.26209427

I'm sorry you feel trapped. I wanted to point out how there are other aspects of life worth pursuing apart from the physical but that just comes off as fucking retarded because I'm not deformed. If you think PS will help you, get it done man. I hope you get the quality of life you want. But do know that there are people who value your spirit more than the machine you occupy. Real people are few and far between so don't lose hope because you seem to be one.

>> No.26209441
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>> No.26209520

blest and baste. feel the energy. WAGMI.

>> No.26209536
File: 181 KB, 1773x1773, ABCDF259-DCC4-4064-8ABB-44E5AABA1BAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when i always fud xrp in other threads
>tfw im 5’6

>> No.26209562

manlet with little man syndrome

>> No.26209602

Beats being brown desu

>> No.26209754
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 35F82976-88BA-4E81-8CB5-5DA52CB1013C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put $5k into xrp please

>> No.26209795
File: 146 KB, 998x636, B778B24E-59D6-400D-B649-A3FCCC89F4FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 5’4
>Tfw still get grills

>> No.26209827

How can you be so angry? Either I'm right and god has won or you are correct, which is what I'm assuming you want. Care to elucidate?

>> No.26209933
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I hope you have ammo and food, anons

>> No.26210004

Ive been gang volcel for 6 months now bc trying to be better child of God, but yeah i have np getting some before that.

>> No.26210008
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Hey frens, what do you think of my new shoes?

>> No.26210086

Fucking checked. Ammo so hard to buy now... need moon soon to buy all i can

>> No.26210087

Your money will be the least of your worries

>> No.26210094

March apparently

>> No.26210098
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Boo get new material

>> No.26210110
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>> No.26210115
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we have to stick to the curfew at the end of the week, this is really insane

>> No.26210145

what calibers you got?

>> No.26210161

Doesn't it get drip fed in the next few months?

>> No.26210175

*had, shit

>> No.26210204

it starts out with 15% getting airdropped to your wallet then 3% every month after that. it's done this way so retards don't sell it all at once and crash the market

>> No.26210218
File: 87 KB, 845x925, BFB4BD0B-3BD5-4403-BD6C-8E51421D8E15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of mine?

>> No.26210332

They'll find a way to cause chaos with their unlimited retard powers, they always do

>> No.26210344

I’m in Australia

>> No.26210443

sorry to hear that anon. make sure to spend the time you can with them. and when it is time, be there for them, don't let their last moments be of fear, wondering where you are. comfort them.

>> No.26210470


>> No.26210568
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i've got enough food to provide for myself and feed others for several months as well as medical supplies and the training necessary to use those supplies to help others. i have no weapons because i am protected by powers stronger than guns or blades. if you have violence within you, violence will find you. if you are afraid, whatever you fear will manifest in your reality. remove negativity from your surroundings and you will be protected. you might think i'm LARPing but this has been my philosophy for a decade now and it's never steered me wrong- with that said, use your intuition to perceive the intentions of others and if people mean you harm then move in a way that prevents their plans from coming to fruition

>> No.26210653

a bullet usually prevents them from coming to fruition
or breathing for much longer
.40 caliber master race

>> No.26210772

What will you do when it moons, frens? I really don't think it will change the way I behave much. I don't want for luxury. I've been fixing up a cottage on the coast the last few years, but I'm getting pressure to sell it just as I'm nearing the finish line. Mooning would let me keep it, buy another house near my family, fix up the family camp, and clear debts. Other than that, I don't know what I'd do. Hike a lot more in my free time. Raise my daughter well. Maybe reinvest in my hometown. Once I clear that debt and real estate stuff, I'd happily live on 100-150k from interest. Really don't want it to change me too much.

>> No.26210776

t. retard who will go looking for trouble larping as Mad Max and get plugged by a fudd drunk on Busch Light with a hunting rifle from 200 yards away on Day 2 of the boog

>> No.26210832
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>> No.26210860

Not really, i plan to stay right where i am

>> No.26210901

I don't plan on doing much maybe buying a new truck. I'll help my parents retire but overall I plan on doing exactly what I've been doing without having to worry about money.

>> No.26210925

my life is literally not going to change at all aside from i'll be able to fix my car, pay my rent and make some substantial anonymous donations to organizations i care about. gonna enjoy changing a few of my friends' lives too. mostly gonna put my stack in Flare and Flare Finance and play around with that for a year. might take a trip to someplace with a beach for a while, this winter's got me down

>> No.26210935
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>> No.26210945

>use your intuition to perceive the intentions of others and if people mean you harm then move in a way that prevents their plans from coming to fruition
Good outlook, it's mutually beneficial for both parties. I once had this Nigerian guy pestering me to go to his Nigerian church for a month, showing me a recording of their 'lake of fire' sermons. I threatened to break his neck and he never pestered me again.

>> No.26210951

Your fault for living in DC. That place has been a shithole for anyone who isn't wealthy and powerful for decades.

>> No.26211014

price swinging up or down on coinbase de-list?

>> No.26211058
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literally shidding and farding in my pants i am covered in poo and pee

>> No.26211078


>> No.26211084

lmao that's the best FUD meme i've seen so far. respect


did you guys see this? the headline is a bit misleading. former Leaf PM is saying that the world will probably transition to a reserve currency tied to a basket of currencies, of which BTC might be one.

wonder how XRP might play into that plan? for context, Canadian gov't and Bank of Canada has been very pro-crypto and pro-Ripple



>> No.26211088


>> No.26211119
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>> No.26211143
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new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.26211159

when flare launch?

>> No.26211245

Pretty much where I'm at. I always have a good time working on my house, I find the honest work cathartic. Helps keep me sober, too.
Same. I wanted a stack of 15k, only made it to 11.4. I'd probably cash that 1.4 at 2k, and run the rest through flare. Or maybe cash and divest with 5k xrp to stake since I'll only be getting around 5k spark. I suggest taking vitamin D, I always get down during the winter, find supplementing with D helps my mood a little bit.