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2620153 No.2620153 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else legit feeling suicidal right now?

>> No.2620213

you are supposed to invest only 10% of your money dummy

>> No.2620220

Anon, close your eyes and breathe. Take a walk. Literally do it

Walk to the grocery store and buy a soda and drink it on the way home.

What's the difference now compared to if you hypothetically did this while up $10k?

What were you going to buy with that $10k either? Stuff

Stuff doesn't matter. You're alive and healthy

This is a LEARNING experience, it's EXTREMELY valuable. Stop thinking in terms of "I lost money" and start thinking in terms of "I lost money NOW instead of LATER in life when I had more to lose"

You're probably young and lost a bit. Maybe quite a bit. Just learn from this man

Don't be a lil' bitch bruh, this is the name of the game. We have our whole lives to make gains - sometimes we lose. LEARN FROM THIS and don't worry, you can always get back on the horse and do it more intelligently this time. It's okay my anon

>> No.2620224

No. I'm just less up.

>> No.2620225

well it only took 10 years to rebound from the 2008 crash,

>> No.2620330

Not even close. A wee bit depressed and angry, but it's part of life. Bout to just go play videya or something since there's no point in watching my money evaporate further. It'll come back eventually.

>> No.2620372


>> No.2620413

Feeling pretty miserable. I considered selling around the peak but didn't. Down 60k now. Lost all my June gains, though I suppose I'm still above May levels, for now.

>> No.2620430


>> No.2620452

>What's the difference now compared to if you hypothetically did this while up $10k?
The difference is that I've lost all hope for the future now and I'm still in a wagecuck job that makes me want to kill myself on a daily basis. Crypto was supposed to be my way out of this shithole of a life and now I have nothing to look forward to anymore.

>> No.2620523


this. I feel your pain, I came so close to escaping this life of horrible wageslavery, but like Icarus I flew too close to the sun and got burned.

>> No.2620654

It'll be back, anon

Just go to the park and have a moment away from the charts

>> No.2620702
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You two are legit idiots. But here me out.

I bought 2k ethereum in the presale and fucking lost that wallet.
800k usd in the drain. I am in my 20s, I could have retired, my father works very hard, he could have retired and never work again. But I fucked up and lost that wallet. Game over.

Your fuck ups are nothing. I've gotten over that 800k loss. I've made over 60k USD trading crypto in the past few months. It ain't over yet.

You've lost nothing. There's opportunity everywhere.

>> No.2620766


If crypto didn't exist as a potential way out of your wagecuck shit, would idiots have killed yourselves or something? No, you'd probably have found some other way out of it. So start doing that now instead of sounding like depressed little faggots who's gamble didn't pay off.

>> No.2620772

my fucking hopes to get motherboard for 2011 socket are dead.

everything that i bought is red.
everything i mined and hodled is red.
its fucking bloodbath!

i don't feel suicidal but i'm mad at myself that i'm not a nagger or some ((())) =( who could get tons of easy money working in porn fucking bitches and getting rich without this whole crypto-skrypto.

>> No.2620811

damn thats ruff

>> No.2620848

That's the right attitude. Thanks anon, you lifted my spirits a bit.

>> No.2620894
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>retiring on 800k in your 20s
Anon you'd be working in your 60's because you'd have no money.

>> No.2620898

Yeah I probably would've killed myself by now. Every year I grow more depressed with how much of a failure my life has become. Crypto was literally the only glimmer of hope for the future.

>> No.2620909


>> No.2620960

she lives in guatemala and lives off rats and tortillas. 800k is .001% down there.

>> No.2620972

I think he was implying that if he had 800K to work with, it would would be very easy for him to make enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

>> No.2620980

>implying 800k crypto isnt enough to live off the investments

>> No.2621022

nope, that was definitely a rat tortilla reference.

>> No.2621040

is it going to get worse? Almost all of my investments are down by half and im really starting to think im going to lose it all

>> No.2621072

If you can't retire on 800k you need to learn a few things about money.

>> No.2621073

I'm up 50k since January but still kind of depressed
I was so close to 100k

>> No.2621080
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>> No.2621085

Went from ~140k to 82k these past few weeks.

>> No.2621097

When did you start, and with how much?
I started with 10k in January

>> No.2621419
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>> No.2621603
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why? made $250 today so far

>> No.2621706
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gob me som o dat brains, i lost all monies on ETH. not enuff smarts.. gonna..kill..self or...idk...help...please.

>> No.2621819
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>This level of coping
How much did you lose?

>> No.2621894

man all I want is to make enough money to help my parents retire, I would be flipping shit if I had enough and then lost it for no reason like that. you must be a saint or something.

>> No.2621943

ah yes. the true face of crypto "investing".

do you know the portion of the population that buy the most lottery ticket? the poorest and least well off.

>> No.2621952
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Why invest money you can't afford to lose?

are there people here who take literally all their money and invest it all into crypto?

>> No.2622109

I made all I have with crypto
Started with 1000 EUR in 2013

>> No.2622176

just don't fall for the hodl meme, it's the biggest scam on /biz/ next to buy high sell low

>> No.2622364

You haven't lost anything until you sell low, then when the market recovers in two years you'll really want to an hero

>> No.2622601

>know about cryptos since the beginning
>think they will go nowhere
>learn about mining
>think is a waste of resources and poor investments
>people get rich mining and investing crypto
>read news about it
>think it's just a meme
>read more and more news about it
>ok it's time for me to invest and mine some crypto
>not even a month in
>everything crashes and burns


>> No.2622623

Because of this crash I only had a 100% return on my money. Feels bad man.

>> No.2622957

>he wasn't here for the 2013 crash
reddit had a sticky post for the suicide hotline. idiots had taken out $100k+ student loans and invested at the top.

>> No.2624003


>> No.2624041

wow some of you faggots are taking this dip really hard