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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26188472 No.26188472 [Reply] [Original]

>tell my family members I got a new gf
>first thing anyone says is “is she Asian?”

>> No.26188491

Well? Is she? If your gf isn't asian then ywnmi

>> No.26188493
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Is she though

>> No.26188497

I have the same issue

But all my exes have been asians

>> No.26188511

Are you asian?

>> No.26188532


White male

>> No.26188551

they know you like the back of the market

>> No.26188557

I bet your house smells like ginger and old people.

>> No.26188559

>gf goes back to indonesia after 6 month visa expires
>70yo nan comes out and says it "she's not coming back is she?"

>> No.26188570

Is she Asian?

>> No.26188574


>> No.26188596



>> No.26188640


>> No.26188666


>> No.26188701

Does she have one of those dark Asian buttholes like Cindy Starfall?

>> No.26188776


Yeah. I thought all buttholes were like that? Maybe just cuz I’ve only seen Asian ones

>> No.26188810


>> No.26188884


>> No.26188890

Gook women are disgusting and you should be ashamed.

>> No.26188908

Your butthole is the color of your nipples anon

>> No.26188918

Uhh no... never once looked at your own butthole in the mirror? Mines pink.

>> No.26188933


>> No.26189021
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Based and redpilled.
Personally, after being with asian women, I will never touch a white roastie again.

>> No.26189064

i like asians
but then i see a group of them and can't tell them from one another... weird fetish imo

>> No.26189351

That's part of the appeal I think. I have fewer issues interacting with them because my brain recognizes them as animals rather then humans.

>> No.26189353

I once dated a girl from Colombia and then I thought of how ashamed my grandpa would be that I wasn’t with a white woman and I legit broke up with her

>> No.26189573


>> No.26190636


>> No.26191016


>> No.26191243


just kys, fever faggot

>> No.26191897

Sure they didn't say "Is she 'a man'?"

>> No.26192105

You made your grandma proud

>> No.26192183
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>tfw cumming into my Japanese wife every night
Tbh though if your Asian wife/gf isn’t Japanese, Korean or MAYBE Taiwanese then you’ve got a shit tier jungle Asian and should kys

>> No.26192210

It's common knowledge that whites are obsessed with chunk girls, we Dindus with white women.

Then what happens with male chinks and female niggers?

>> No.26192899

If your gf isn’t a white male unironically, NGMI

>> No.26193012

>doesn't know about Vietnamese

>> No.26193060

based shiro poster
rip in peace, master shiro. I hope to meet you on the cat star one day

>> No.26193124

Viet is top tier

>> No.26193260

How could a pale northern Chinese gf be jungle tier?

>> No.26193557

Based and familypilled.

>> No.26193583


>> No.26193754

/biz/ is and has always been about making money and thick asians

>> No.26193802

>thick asians
The appeal of asian women is that they typically aren't borderline or fully blown obese, anon.

>> No.26193873

I dunno dude one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen was this vietnamese bitch. Too bad she literally was a sugarbaby to some 60 year old billionaire.

>> No.26193969
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christ Im never dating viets again

FUCK chinese girls, I almost got tricked into impregnating one

>> No.26194019
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>i prefer asian women

>> No.26194122
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>> No.26194140

So you're family have correctly categorised you as a loser.

>> No.26194195

My sons said “mhm fatty organ meat”

>> No.26194266

Nice core

>> No.26194271

Extremely based

>> No.26194310

If one of the first descriptors you use for your significant other is their race, you probably shouldn't be with them

>> No.26194325

Wow. You were cucked by grandpa

>> No.26194335
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found the roastie

>> No.26194351


>> No.26194368

>doesn't know about Vietnamese
Ngmi was the best investor. RIP

>> No.26194423
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It is unfortunate all the white women have been infected with the Jewish mind virus. Please do Attempt to breed white but if its Asian or nothing at all do what you must. Haters be damned, passing on your genes is better then being an incel.

>> No.26194449

well done

>> No.26194485

retard Colombians are White

>> No.26194504

asian women are honestly better from what i see
>more conservative
>have values
>less likely to be whores
>age gracefully
>more feminine
>want kids

>> No.26194620
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I never understood this
why do south americans have such an inferiority complex where they desperately want to be seen as white when they're clearly not

>> No.26194668

Your sense of conservative is highly influenced by the education you were given. If a woman is marrying a foreigner of a different race she is not conserving even her genes so I'm not sure how you can call this conservative. Unless your idea of conservative means gay marriages and trannies are a positive benefit to society in which case I can't wait until the day of return where you get your reckoning you fucking faggot.
If you want to have halfie children whatever fuck who you wanna fuck, but to say someone who is attempting to completely flip their genetics and hope their children are white, or maybe their grandchildren can be is conservative in nature is delusional.

>> No.26194669

A lot of it has to do with their culture though. If you live in America, the culture is terrible and ruins women, even if they are Asian.

>> No.26194711
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These things are all true for the vast majority but you still have to use your head and make sure she's a good woman for YOU on top of all that. The dream can be a reality though if you're willing to put the time in. I'm the happiest I've ever been and we're getting married this year.

>> No.26194727

It’s like 40\50 split. Lots of Latinos swear they’re either black or white. Then there’s us who will filet both those race traitor retards.

>> No.26194769

>the day of return
Is there a bigger cope than this?

>> No.26194814

I already have a Thailand tranny lined up and yes she's hot and yes she wants me.

>> No.26194841
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How much money does she let you play around with each month?

>> No.26194893

You can never stop the revolution and that girl child will come. And the reckoning will be upon you. The idea that transgenderist wokism will last in perpetuity is a cope of such magnitude that when the guns come out the people who believe it will be nowhere to be found. Hidden in their little tranny caves as they are exterminated one by one, if it is all in a single night even better.

>> No.26195080
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>> No.26195134


>> No.26195201

dare I say, based

>> No.26195214

dangerously based

>> No.26195220

bluepilled. the most beautiful asian women are amongst the vietnamese, even if the average vietnamese woman doesn't size up to the average japanese woman

>> No.26195251

>parents encouraged me to marry a Japanese girl
>not a specific Japanese girl, they just thought that a Japanese girl would be good
>we're white
>told them I prefer white girls
>ended up marrying a Japanese girl anyway
I dunno what they knew that I didn't. I wasn't even a weeb.

>> No.26195297

your dad wants to molest a hapa granddaughter

>> No.26195312
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>this is a thing in Japan so it's unavoidable in wmaf relationships in the west
No it's easily avoided by not being a pussy.

>> No.26195370


>> No.26195409

imagine her face when the kid still looks asian

>> No.26195441

Do asian girls make those high pitched squeals when getting dicked irl or is that just in porn

>> No.26195453

they do

>> No.26195492
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she will look very disappointed and sad that her baby doesn't even have blue or green eyes

>> No.26195856

why would someone as attractive as her do something like this with that paper? its almost always poorer uglier ones who get paid to do it

>> No.26195939
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she just likes white cock enough to do it for free

>> No.26196335
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>attractive as her
anon, I...

>> No.26196370
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>> No.26196407

Your family seems based. They have probably been browsing biz longer than you

>> No.26196460

Shockingly based
You are gmi

>> No.26196643

Which breed of Asians looks best? I find Chinese to be damn ugly.

>> No.26196680

I don't think you have ever been to China then. They are some of the best looking

>> No.26196715

lolll your senpai knows you too well
better just feed their fears by telling them all you know about DIA and price oracles too

>> No.26196730

>>first thing anyone says is “is she Asian?”

She is Asian, right anon?

>> No.26196757
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>> No.26196760

I find Vietnamese to have better and more slender faces, for sure

>> No.26196772


>> No.26196798

it's chink propoganda, they want to mix with whites because changs have terrible genes

also she's a bug mate

>> No.26196865

>HAPA children
not based

>> No.26197142

Japanese, Korean, Taiwan and HK are top tier, rest are shit.
Been with a Filipino and Indonesian, never again.

>> No.26197273


How many white guys do you think have creampied her?

>> No.26197412

I think I threw up a bit in my mouth

>> No.26197435

They're all bugs, but the big 3 japanese, chinese, and koreans are advanced bugs. They actually have recorded culture and history. But they are hard to date. I dated a Korean girl freshman year to sophmore year. Insane sex, but she was also insane.
Turns out that's common among Korean girls, that they are not afraid to be "expressive" wherever they are.On the other hand indonesians, Malay (not chinese malay but real malay), Burmese, and Filipinos are non-people lol. They are still a big step above aborginies tho which are a different species.

>> No.26197454

not my problem that you cant keep the diet and exercise in check, faggot. lazy asian woman is not gonna save you

>> No.26197478


>> No.26197504

you're a real connoisseur, sir

>> No.26197525

Unfathomably based

>> No.26197563

Now that's fucking hot.

>> No.26197611

can some1 explain this yellow fever? why do u guys like asian women?

>> No.26197617

You're wrong, it's shemales instead of asian women

>> No.26197642


>> No.26197660

Guys I finally got a gf, we went out for like 6 months and I really loved her but then she told me she slept with like 7 dudes and now I think about her sleeping with those other guys all the time especially when we do it and it makes me depressed as fuck. Does everyone in a relationship with a girl who wasn't a virgin have to deal with this type of mental anguish?

>> No.26197680

Aboriginals need to just go extinct, fuck the "my land". China would have just killed them off.
I am currently going out with a Korean, fairly sane and cute so eh.

>> No.26197746

I mean, she started off fine for the first 6 or so months. Until I started spending less time to here due to stacks, gym, and school. She needed to spend like almost everyday for me and when I couldn't that slowly sent her over the edge and she would get increasing hostile in public. I hope your relationship goes well, is she actually Korean (the one I dated was) or is she from wherever you live.

>> No.26197754
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>> No.26197823

There's no middle point friend
You either cope or rope
Maybe leave her

>> No.26197871

Just don't think about it and make sure you're the best she's had. Surely you've fucked more girls than just her, right? She's not thinking about that.

>> No.26197905

like >>26197823 said, you have to suck it up. If you're dating a hoe you either have to be okay with it or leave her. Ask yourself do you really love a girl that let 7 (could be more for all you know) dudes inside of her? I have dated girls with body counts like that, never ends well. They are also not marriage material. I highly recommend you marry a virgin if you have this mindset. She may not be as hot, but that's not the most important thing always.

>> No.26197916

She is Korean from Korea (I live in Aus).

Maybe insane due to what the education is like in their country and the suicide rates? Few years older and she gives more vibes of being 'chill'.

>> No.26197962

I know the exact feeling, then again this was years ago in my teens. It lingers in the back of your mind all the time, its not healthy. If you can't get over it, move on.

>> No.26198036

Could be that, the girl I dated almost committed suicide a few times due to the pressure put on her parents to look better. They constantly pushed her to get plastic surgery and even forced her into changing her jaw. I was also 18/19 and she was 20/21, so we were both young, so it could be that. Also if you two go further, get ready for the insane racism from her family (not just immediate but grandparents, uncles, aunts) and how that may effect her mental health. But I do hope it works out for you anon!

>> No.26198046

Yea I think I'm just gonna break up with her tb.h I mean I was lonely being single but it was better than this

>> No.26198150
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That's ok fren, you will find a nice girl eventually, just keep working on yourself and your portfolio

>> No.26198218

More arm fat, less hair and that’s me

>> No.26198253

I’m so sorry about that anon, maybe start working on your body?

>> No.26198295
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I have mild PPD so I really know the feeling anon. I had a good girl who while we were friends fucked a dude. I dropped her, but realized I was being petty since we weren't even dating, but I still felt let down. We dated, but that always bothered me. Being lonely is fine if you direct your energy the right way. Work on accumulating and hodling and we can talk more while smoking cigars in the bahamas anon.

>> No.26198335

can you whites stop dating asian women?
it's hard enough as it is competing against kpop faggots as a western asian.

>> No.26198438

almost all gooks are hideous

>> No.26198492

why would they ask you that though, and in a good or bad way?

>> No.26198557
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>> No.26198735

fine, but then i have to find a wife in asia and she will probably bring her entire family over too

>> No.26198766

No need I’ve got STA

>> No.26198839


>> No.26198909

>cringey white nerds
>dating Asians

And this is why American is full of gay ass mutts.

>> No.26199078

Don't pretend that asians didn't want to flee to western countries anyways. Don't pretend to resent us then move to our countries, at least be better than the other races rather than assuming their retarded nonsense

>> No.26199674

i dont know why you are bringing up all these other points.

all im saying is that when the dating pool for asian guys is dried up, they are gonna have to import wives from asia. and those women will bring their family with them.

you right winger guys who date asians are indirectly diversifying your own country.

>> No.26199850

Fine chinkbro, I'm doing the same. Let's join forces and outbreed the niggers and degenerates.

>> No.26199974

Where do you faggots find asian girls? I would love to get an asian gf but never see them anywhere, do you live in big cities or Canada?
Only knew one asian girl in uni but she was married.

>> No.26200193

Unironically breeding the fuck out of my asian wife. Third little hapa on the way, aiming for 10+. Lets see how far I can stretch her fertility.

>> No.26200317

Marrying western men is still seen as ascending the social hierarchy for asians, mostly because whites were at the top for so long with colonialism.
Besides whiter is always considered better, it's the case in india, in south east asia, in south america and even among blacks.
The first thing black football players do when they become successful is getting a white trophy wife so they can bleach their kids.

The whlle white supremacy schtick is ultimately a rhetoric of envy.

>> No.26200434

Among Asian women, there is a decent chunk of them which prefer to date in their race. And you can also date kpop/anime obsessed white/black/latina/etc girls if you are into that. All you have to do is stand out among Asians. Not that hard, work out a bit and do improv or something to get a personality.

>> No.26200569

Oh, by kpop faggots you mean Asians from Asia (not born in the west). I feel like those people generally date among them elves.

>> No.26200636

more accurately its seen as a step up for lower class Asian women. for the elites of all Asian countries I know about, dating outside their ethnicity would be serious black sheep behavior unless the foreigner was particularly rich or famous.

>> No.26200857


Try one yourself and then you understand.

>full of gay ass mutts
like yourself?

Very based

>> No.26200892


>> No.26201043

i don’t have a link but there was a study that found that hapa asians in california were 10x more likely to have some mental problem. and then you have famous cases like elliott rodger.

>> No.26201260

I feel like people who are misfits in their race's culture are more likely to date across races. So you have two misfits having children. And then the hapa child will have a hard time fitting in with all-white or all-asian social groups. So the hapa then hangs out with other people who are misfits in their race's culture. I can see how it happens. That being said I don't think a kid with my personality genetics can ever not be a misfit whether the kid is a hapa or asian lol.

t. Asian

>> No.26201672

And a lot of the white/asian couples I have seen are actually a Jewish stem guy with a Chinese exchange student stem girl, both of which arguably on the spectrum. I can see their children having "some mental problem" easily

>> No.26201900

All-white social groups are a meme of the past anyway and hapas will always be of higher social status than mutts. /pol/-tier race theory aside, Asian genetics aren't that bad and the benefits from being raised by a traditional woman in a functional family outweigh any genetic downgrade, if there is any at all.
Hapas in Asia are probably going to be movie stars, as they are seen as literal gods.

Spergs just gonna sperg, regardless of race.

>> No.26201964
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B'd and rpilled

>> No.26202127

>mental problem
if this is true, I would assume it has to do more with what the anon below you said
yeah this is true, but it's not like there aren't similar cases from all races. Many famous hapas seem to be succesful and not turn into supreme gentlemen, like Dave Batista, Enrique Iglesias, Keanu Reeves and all the other actors I can't remember the name of