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26193702 No.26193702 [Reply] [Original]

Am I going to make it with ADA Cardano ? Goguen release in March ?

Polkadot stole the consensus from Cardano - check
Radix is a 7 year whitepaper with strange fucked up tokenomics (higher it goes in price the more tokens are being unlocked)
AVAX does not support atomic composability and neither DOT
Ethereum is years away from a scaling solution

Where are Cardano's competitors ?

>> No.26193722

No one cares about tech. Cardano is a ghost chain

>> No.26193806


We are betting on the future right now. Everything was a ghost chain in the beginning. With the upcoming releases everyone will be able to port their dapps to Cardano, and with the way they have solved the scaling issues, I'm expecting to see everyone flocking from ETH and from the other tweaked consensus mechanisms

>> No.26193905

Yes, but you must have iron hands to make it. You'll kick yourself in 2 years if you sell.

>> No.26193957

Cardano is a 2017 ghost chain. Zero adoption and no on-chain use. You retards are below EOS

>> No.26194175
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>have solved the scaling issues, I'm expecting to see everyone flocking from ETH and from the other tweaked consensus mechanisms
Sweet sumemr child lol i bet you are like sub 1y into this shitshow ahahaha
Cardano WILL PUMP no worry but only because of army of newfags like you eating up this shit not because of "THE TECH" lol

>> No.26194217

>AVAX does not support atomic composability

Again this meme thats been refuted many times. AVAX can do composability across chains, What retards (Mostly Radix fudders) say is that it doesn't allow "Cross subnet" which is just show zero understanding of Avalanche consensus as the subnets aren't sharded and not Avalanche scaling mechanism, They're mostly a nice feature used to make regulatory compliance manageable aka allow defining new set of laws under the AVAX chain.

ADA has literally nothing on Avalanche, I don't understand how many threads need we'll need to go through explaining you this, At best the ADA shillers argument is that they like the team and muh governance mechanism and that there's nothing stopping ADA from adoption Avalanche consensus if it's proven superior (It already did prove it), Argument that reeks of being emotionally invested in your project, aka dumb investor.

>> No.26194267

yes you are going to make it!!!! 3 dollars by March

>> No.26194296
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>muh ghost chain
>muh effirium network effect

>> No.26194348

Even Cosmos, Polkadot and Tezos has more devs than Cardano. Your ghost chain has amounted to nothing, even with the recent pump.

>> No.26194357
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Is that deboounked?

>> No.26194424

>1000% increase on my bag
If only...

>> No.26194981

2018 Called they want their shitcoin back.
The future is now old man. And cuckdano is not a part of it

>> No.26195180

2017 Cardano was just pure speculation. Learn before you speak next time duck eating cunt.

>> No.26195379
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Kek at calling radix a whitepaper project when everyone said the same thing about ADA for years. ADA can't do atomic commits across heads when cardano scales using hydra, the scaling is pretty poor too. Cardano failed at killing ETH but radix will succeed in killing cardano, but don't worry there is still time fore you to come to your senses.
Emin said they can't do atomic composability across subnets AVAX jeets exposed again
So basically what you are saying is you don't like facts and logic, you don't like sourcing claims and you are proud of being an edgelord brainlet. I can tell this meme was made in India by how awkward and cringe worthy it is. Cool got it, everyday Avax shills get so desperate, it's gotten to the point that they are admitting that they don't care about the truth. Mentally unstable third worlders who are shitposting to pay for therapy confirmed.
Radix the coin streets hitters hate the most because it is above their IQ range

>> No.26195415

It doesn’t even have smart contracts yet. Why would there be developers on it?

>> No.26195467

I wonder if this person just creates ADA threads to shill Avalanche. Seems to be almost a guarantee every time someone brings up Cardano that this type of post crops up.

>> No.26195504

Avax is the biggest fud to ADA there is.

I don’t think they’ll reach mass adoption and Cardano has too many partnerships. It does have network effect because Hoskinson is a good businessman and he did co-create Ethereum and Cardano is an insanely expensive project.

I’m interested in getting some AVAX — I ignored it as a coin too long. I think we can all agree Algorand is the proof of stake stinker of the group.

>> No.26195507
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I sad nothing like that but op sad bunch bunch of buzzwords with no real context
>polkadot didnt stoeld shit its open source space everyone is borrowing working shit
>ethereum may be decade from scaling solution (it is not) but how is cardano diferent?
>not everything was ghost chain acually, most ghost chains stayed ghost chains hitrate is 98% (cosmos is exception)
>you dont just "port daps" with no assets and infarstructure lol
Main problem is noone of you is user of this shit you are just overinvested lunch money newfag bagholders thats why its so easy to make you "community members"
Fucking normies

>> No.26196261
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>> No.26196351

For any retard who dont understand what this means. If uniswap app is on a different subnet than your tokens, then you cant use uniswap. This means that all apps that want to connect needs to be on the same subnet, so if chainlink wants to connect to uniswap and binance to make a bet on which will have the higher price of btc at the end of the day then both binance and uniswap needs to be on the same subnet. Now try to scale this because others want to connect to chainlink, uniswap and binance too, so everyone ends up on the same subnet and once again, clogged network with people competing for transactions by paying more in fees. Voila, that's the power of AVAX

>> No.26196374
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Logic bad sir pls I don't liking sir Radix too intelligent for me

>> No.26196436

>Polkadot stole the consensus from Cardano - check
>Radix is a 7 year whitepaper with strange fucked up tokenomics (higher it goes in price the more tokens are being unlocked)
>AVAX does not support atomic composability and neither DOT
Actually true
>Ethereum is years away from a scaling solution
>Where are Cardano's competitors ?
Actually only one, it's Algorand, the main platform for institutional use, and I believe both will thrive & complement each other.

>> No.26196491

Went deep balls @0.301


>> No.26196492
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>ghost chain
>ghost chain.
>ghost chain

You have been fudding with "muh ghost chain" since $0.03. Maybe had you bought ADA at $0.03 instead of creating threads laughing at holders you wouldn’t be broke ass poor.

>> No.26196511

Cardano failed to scale their layer 1 and are going to try to scale with layer 2 which breaks atomic composability.

"What is the relationship between blockchain and Hydra
The first layer options will always be limited in terms of the number of transactions processed in a given period of time. If decentralization is not to be sacrificed, throughput will never be sufficient to allow a large number of people to use a consensual distributed network. The solution may be to create a second layer above the first layer. The first layer is what we call blockchain. It is the most secure and decentralized network with lower throughput. Above this first layer, it is possible to create a quasi-independent network, a second layer. The second layer is built to scale as high as possible and make transactions fast and cheap. So Hydra is the second layer solution for Cardano’s first layer."

Nothing to see here, they failed to scale. Period. Not a competitor at all to Radix.
Buy Radix now or regret it later. Radix practical proof for solving the trilemma will be deployed this week by Dan.
After this happened - game over for inferior layer 1 projects like ETH2, Polkadot, Avalanche, Cardano, Elrond which break atomic composability when they tried to scale.

By the way, do you anons know that Avalanche doesn't even support cross-subnet transactions at all right now (I thought this is a joke, the first time I read it)?

Besides that, the Avalanche subnets are permissioned = centralised control (https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/platform/create-a-subnet))
"Subnets are a powerful primitive that allows the creation of permissioned blockchains."
"The upshot is that a subnet has control over its membership."

Avalanche is a joke and better look for something better. It won't go anywhere.
Also Avalanche's doom's day unlock is ahead :D

>> No.26196598
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Ahh you sound like the other idiot who bought Harmony One and laughed at us. When ADA was $0.08 how did that Harmony One thing go? Not well I heard... I notice you decided to sell your Harmony One stack and take your money and "invest" it back into another loser project this time some curry coin called Radix

>> No.26196610

Yeah reading about the tokenomics. 50% locked supply and the ICO unlocking are gonna wreck this coin. I’m high on klonopin.

>> No.26196628
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buy radix or stay poor forever cuck

>> No.26196693

I think this thread leads me to wanting more ADA. Thank you though.

Too bad I got a shitload at 4 cents and have already done a 10x and am expecting another in the next 2 years.

>> No.26196769

I'll say it one last time, it's always the one that has achieved ABSOLUTELY everything you can dream of, that isn't talked about, because everyone is fanatically accumulating before the inevitable x10.
>Scalable L1
>Ever more specialized L2
>composability, atomic swaps on chain, native assets
>programming in 4 different SDK, downloaded each one >100k times
>more than 200 companies actually building on it
>not defi shitcoin companies, real world companies
>46k tx/s, < 3s tx finality
>private interoperable chains (hello polka?)
>vrf-based consensus, extremely secure & decentralized
>everything is mathematically proven
>the algorithm works
>absolute best pure PoS system ever invented, probably can't produce something better
>founder is a turing fucking award
>team is based
>friend with sec chairman
>16 countries experiment their cbdcs on it
>retards here don't even understand what's going to happen to the trading volume & price this year
>only 1 year old, popularity is growing parabolic, even with lots of inflation during first 3 months.
It's algo you retards....I'm feeling benevolent this morning, make sure to jump on the, unironically, "next" Ethereum. Even though saying that is FUD, because it's much bigger. I will never shill it again, see you April 4th

>> No.26196823

cope harder

>> No.26196889
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>> No.26196980

>Ethereum is years away from a scaling solution
That's bullshit, right?
I thought they were releasing something this summer.

>> No.26197000

>Where are Cardano's competitors
Don't forget Cosmos.

>> No.26197031

that's not bullshit no, ETH 2.0 is when it scales, not before, no optimistic rollups don't change the whole deal. And ETH 2.0 rolls out, at the earliest Q3 2022, probably 2023.

Yeah, you get it, by then the industry (that follows the x4 in users that happened last year) is just going to build actual apps (not defi shitcoins) on Cardano, Algorand & real platforms...

>> No.26197105
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>Its the radix turbo schizo again fudding projects with his lies, meme words and over obsession toward atomic composability meme

Don't lie, You shilled masternodes and atomic swap meme scam coins back in 2017 didn't you

>> No.26197122
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Hahahaha algorand, literally Ethereum with higher tps. They haven't shown they can do 46k, they can only do 1k this far. This is like Ethereum promising years ago that they will solve the problems but still haven't. Meanwhile radix has demonstrated 1.4 MILLION tps.
And if they can't reach 46k tps with their normal regular blockchain, they need to go into sharding and break their composability, so algorand is fucked from the start. NEEEEEEEXT

>> No.26197159

>I dont know what atomic composability means so it must be a meme

>> No.26197214
File: 737 KB, 1538x312, 1610996340783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek seriously what the fuck is this shit "meme" It looks like it was made by an uneducated pajeet in a scam call centre. It looks like somebody paid 30 pajeets to spam bix today with "Buy Radix Sirs"
(pic related)

Your poor quality photoshop skills give you away as a third worlder.
People in western countries know how to use software correctly even amateurs.. Furthermore "Radix" is a dirty ERC20 token on Uniswap. It's like telling me your son who built a PC from broken parts on ebay and installed a cracked windows is going to replace apple. Pajeets you are not even selfaware of how stupid you are.

Kek this actually getting funny now

>> No.26197228

lol nice fud but no, 46k tps is actually solved, check their blog desu. When Micali does something, it's not empiric, it's mathematically proven you idiot.. kek..
>only do 1k this far
and you say that like it's nothing, when no other chain can do it with this kind of extremely high level of security, no-fork guarantees & decentralization. Not even talking about private side chains & interoperability.

I could continue but
> literally Ethereum with higher tps
I know you were a bad fudster just after reading that shit. I don't even need to shill it, nations and institutions are going to shill that network for us

>> No.26197233

How is it fud? Cardano is a ghost chain.

>> No.26197240

>Yeah, you get it, by then the industry is just going to build actual apps
DeFi crap moves at a snail pace because there's no real demand for it and it's mostly memeing and speculation.
The only reason to not continue to use Ethereum right now is that apparently, the network is "congested", which is a huge memetic fud in itself.

>> No.26197295

don't you realize that most companies investigate Ethereum and always stop because the fees & delays make their usecases impossible?

The biggest meme of the "ecosystem" is saying that Ethereum has all the industry on it, so "too big to fail". Except there is no industry on Ethereum, nothing is going to "move from on chain to another". The actual usecases are just going to pop directly on Cardano & Algorand. It's just facts

>> No.26197307
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But it's not.
Even without smart contracts real transactions are being sent through the network every second.


>> No.26197313

Subnets are a nice feature on Avalanche i don't understand why you're locking on it in order to fud the whole amazing effort that put in the protocol?

And it allow the creation of permissioned subnets, It's an option not a necessity, Subnets just make AVAX governance much more flexible than anything on the market currently, Instead of static ideal that's been forced into people face you can create now a set of custom made rules.

>> No.26197367

Just checked to see 5 empty blocks.... It's a ghost chain bro. No one is using Cardano

>> No.26197390

They haven't achieved it yet. Radix on the other hand demonstrated 1.4 million tps.
How does it differ from Ethereum except that it has higher tps?

Is this the blogpost you're referring to? Because it just says that they will achieve it in 2021, it's like Ethereum who keeps talking but nothing ever happens.

Neither does it explain how they will achieve it.

1k isn't high and even AVAX has 4k tps without subnets/sharding. So even without subnets AVAX beats algorand atm, but hey at least you got atomic composability as long as you dont start sharding. Meanwhile radix has both and way more tps.

>> No.26197453

Kek I'm glad I didn’t listen to you at $0.05.
I wouldn’t take advice from the guy that fudded Apple at $0.05

>> No.26197501

>Radix on the other hand demonstrated 1.4 million tps

Radix is an ERC20 token running on Ethereum.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.26197503

Comparing Charles to Steve is delusional at best. Good luck with your ghost chain.

>> No.26197517

> How does it differ from Ethereum except that it has higher tps?
Bro why do you start by fudding, showing only that you're a complete retard (and hurting heavily your radix shilling btw) instead of just asking questions like a normal anon?
How is it different, are you like, serious? It's a pure proof of stake chain with a VRF-based consensus that guarantee zero-forks, absolute decentralization and security while having absolute scalability. It's actually the solution to "the trilemma". It's closer to Cardano but has nothing to do with Ethereum.
The thing with the tps debate, is that people tend to forget that above >10k tps it's not important, what matters is that there is ZERO compromises on security & decentralization, which is what Micali & his geniuses team designed for years. A Turing award dude, this kind of dude isn't there to fuck around.

See? you're a retard but I still answered you.

>> No.26197531

Yes, but if you take away the subnets, Avalanche does not have any sharding. Therefore it simply is not able to scale for real world mass adoption. You need sharding for this otherwise you have a bottleneck (similar to why Solana is irrelevant -> they only have one single blockchain without sharding).
The next big default smart contract platform which overtakes Ethereum needs to be infinitely scalable (without breaking atomic composability which is a key factor for ETH1's current success and why no other project replaced ETH yet).

That's why only Radix has a chance to compete against Ethereum's huge network effect.

>> No.26197569

how u get so much money to buy ADA in first place annon fren?? teach me.

>> No.26197633
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It's clear that every post of yours is trying to somehow push avax and "composability" near it despite the fact that you can only fud AVAX in that regard if you only look at it from the added exclusive feature (subnet) perspective, AVAX functioned as Radix/ADA/DOT/Algo etc. have composability and other things that nobody have AS A WHOLE LAYER 1 SYSTEM, It's a knockout there which can't be refuted, Especially with a product that doesn't even have mainnet running rightnow.

I understand that part of your shitcoin marketing strategy is to force rivalry and discussion with other shitcoins communities using some mildly clever nitpicking and things that seem right at first glance but are total lies when you dig into it. I mean Radix pumped x2 recently so it kinda working.

>> No.26197635
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>That's why only Radix has a chance to compete against Ethereum's huge network effect.
Radix is a part of Ethereums network, Raj.
Also It's not a good look for a project when literally the very first thing thing you see when you visit their website is a massive banner that says "PLS BUY ON UNISWAP NOW"

>> No.26197702

Yes you can't get ahold of the actual token yet, the ERC20 token is just symbolic and to be swapped 1:1 later.
This is what I'm talking about.

Above 10k tps is necessary if crypto is ever going to be useable, especially if you can't even shard. Imagine having twitter, reddit AND 4chan + other things running on algorand and getting hit by "your reply is getting sent, wait"
If you actually want crypto platforms to be useable you can't have only 10k tps, that's okay for now but for it to be an actual platform for the future it needs way more. And the security and decentralization has been solved long ago, those aren't the problems, the problem is getting all of these things to work together without breaking 1 of the other things which as of now people usually sacrifice scalability. But recently it has been composability that has been sacrificed, Algorand has that though so that's great. But Ethereum does as well, cardano doesn't. Hence why I'm refering to Ethereum as you do nothing different even if you run different code, in the same it's the same result with improved scalability.

>> No.26197758

The fact that you have done so little research into radix but still talk about it shows that you're a complete retard. The ERC20 token is symbolic and temporary so that you can buy it now and trade it for XRD later. It was by community request and not because they themselves wanted to.

>> No.26197805


>> No.26197846

>magine having twitter, reddit AND 4chan + other things running on algorand and getting hit by "your reply is getting sent, wait"
Bro this kind of isolated apps is why layer 2 exists (you can call that subnets on Avalanche, or other names). Btw you don't need twitter on a blockchain. People are not thinking straight, that's like saying we need to route all the internet traffic through a blockchain, that makes 0 sense. But I agree, 46k tps is going to look real good. 3000 times faster than Ethereum, no compromises.
> Hence why I'm refering to Ethereum as you do nothing different even if you run different code, in the same it's the same result with improved scalability.
So you're saying Algorand is the same than Ethereum because it's a smart contract platform? kek. Btw Algorand is the only chain where the documentation is CRYTAL FUCKING CLEAR (check it out, right now!) and can develop smart contract in Python (!!), Java, Javascript & Go. It's no fucking joke, it's the main industry langages and C# is coming I believe.
> bonus
Can you imagine the hype train when Uniswap goes on Algorand and that trades take max 2s and cost not more than 0.1 cent? Yeah, you can

>> No.26197892
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What are you even saying? AVAX has composability on the same subnet and no other layer 1 system does?
Ethereum has had that since the beginning, hence why it's so slow because everyone is clogging it. If you put all ethereum transactions on AVAX without subnets you have 4500 tps and would also get clogged, especially if the network later grows to mainstream adoption, AVAX can't scale and that's the thing, if it has atomic composability between subnets it could scale somewhat, but it doesn't so it can't.

>> No.26198002

Listen here. Take this for example, you got chainlink and an oracle that Trump will tweet something within the next 30 minutes, then twitter and chainlink and the coin you're betting needs to be on the same blockchain. If you have it on L2, then the problem still arises as chainlink will probably want to connect to more apps than twitter and therefore want more apps on this L2 layer which again, get's this L2 chain clogged with apps talking to each other. And the twitter example is just an example, there can be other apps, or twitter tipping or whatever. We don't know yet because it's not feasible yet. I don't think people thought we would have facebook, videochats or sell coins on the internet either, but that happened because it was feasible.

>> No.26198109
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>not a ghostchain
>because it can..it can..create blocks


>> No.26198184

It's creating right now blocks. Those are real transactions buddy.

>> No.26198356
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>looks again few transaction per block, thats it thats the usage
Ok buddy do you know how ada plans to pays for security since there is no inflation in future?- same as bitcoin trough transaction fees.
Your fucking "not a ghostchain" is secured by 1.050,91$ fucking bucks moron

>> No.26198380

lmao, love this retarded board sometimes
you're saying a lot of stuff that isn't really connected to our previous conversation. I think you don't realize what is the role of blockchains in the web ecosystem, what's the role of decentralized storage networks and the role of layer 2 / sidechains. Layer 2 + storage networks are for your social network, for high speed high volume data sharing/processing/distribution. Blockchains are for settlements, data settlements, financial settlements, ownerships settlements, etc. Having a 40k tps mainchain + sidechains for specific high freq use cases (like high frequency trading apps like loopring, but even faster) is the right scale for the entire web

>> No.26198393

This grammar is how you detect a pajeet
>get out now

>> No.26198446

retard, do you realize that fees aren't what secure a chain? absolute fucking retard.
The future is scalability, and scalability simply bring down the cost by orders of magnitude.
Ethereum having millions of fees paid everyday shows 2 thing: smart contract platforms are in high demand, Ethereum cost a fucking lot.

That's it, stop being a retard. One day there will be millions of dollar paid in Cardano/Algorand fees everyday, but it will be to execute 1000x more trades/transactions/usecase per day, than Ethereum.

It's...I thought that was obvious

>> No.26198525

I'm trying to explain to you that when apps want to connect to each other you can't put them on isolated layers, that's what you do when you do regular sharding and it breaks composability. Retard

>> No.26198578

>oh but we will run everything on the same layer
congestion galore and gas bidding aka Ethereum all over again.

>> No.26198603

Near protocol. Betting on developer experience is an easy win. Devs are on point with the UX. Came across them when deciding what to use to build something so did lots of dd from a dev perspective

>> No.26198653

oh yeah I fully agree that apps that need to connect can't be isolated. But that's also what I'm saying. In the context of a super fast high volume social media platform, the part that can be isolated on L2+storage networks will never need to connect to the rest of the ecosystem. The part that will need to, will be on L1 and will not require 100k tps

>> No.26198663

Who attended the Metadata workshop yesterday? Devs being unsure if metadata is accessible from smart contracts is a huge fucking red flag bros.

>> No.26198704

bro Algorand got that for a year now. Can't beat that dev experience. If you are yourself a dev as well, I'll stop the shilling here. Have you tried it? It's really nice, the SDK are really well thought, I did projects in Python & Go and it was pretty cool.

>> No.26198801

Yeah, but you know what is the biggest red flag? It's devs saying that something like that is "unsure". That doesn't happen, when you design a system you know FROM THE START what is accessible by what, what are the data structures and what can call this function or not. Fucking joke

"Unsure" lmao

>> No.26198810

Cardano still has mainnet launch hype not priced in I advise you to sell once the clown show reaches maximum this is a future ghost chain like tezos the devs are absolute amateurs when it comes to selling product

>> No.26198864

Good, then you know that uniswap, chainlink and others might need to be on the same layer and that could cause congestion as 1k-10k tps is not enough. Just imagine the Chinese which has a population of 1b all want to use uniswap and 4 other apps that are on the same layer. Congestion and gas bidding starts again, 10k TPS is not enough for 1 chain, you need to be able to do sharding with atomic composability if you can only reach that number of tps. Algorand therefore can't scale with mainstream adoption. Is it better than most others today? Yes it sure is, but businesses wont touch it because it isn't good enough for adoption yet, just like businesses aren't really building any thing on ETH even if they find it interesting to practice with.

>> No.26199145

But of course, gas bidding will always exist in a decentralized network. It's just that at >40k tx/s, it will be fine. And then there's always loopring-like systems to go faster.

>> No.26199179

No I haven't, I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the tip. Was already looking at picking up a stack but I feel like if I've got Eth and NEAR I'm already balls deep in layer 1 so should probably diversify into defi or layer 2

>> No.26199221

Yes. 300 smart people are working on Cardano.

>> No.26199230

Nah, Radix has 1.4 million tps, sharding and keeps composability between shards, meaning scaling is unlimited. So no gas bidding

>> No.26199240
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>One day there will be millions of dollar paid in Cardano fees everyday!!!
>but today its1.050,91$ fucking bucks
>aslo not a ghostchain bro