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File: 413 KB, 1242x1197, 75E8527F-8533-4E89-94A3-B08FF31752AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26179758 No.26179758 [Reply] [Original]

My goal is now to accumulate as much GRT as possible and bring a truly decentralized internet infrastructure into place. Free speech will come at a cost, future 4chans and Parlers will use these decentralized cloud services to host their apps. This will become one of the Link-tier legendary tokens, and I will dedicate my life to ensuring it’s success.

>> No.26179798

Cool blog commie

>> No.26179856


>> No.26179895

When it go down so I can accumulate more though.

>> No.26180002
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>> No.26180285
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>> No.26180388
File: 341 KB, 1242x2688, 32B56D53-31C2-481D-B79F-36B8288DFE57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on my portfolio allocation I am currently a top 300 holder, here is my recent trades

>> No.26180426

Why didn’t you just buy when it was low? It made the most obvious bottom I think I’ve ever seen.

>> No.26180464

>market sold 2000 link
How much money did you lose on that? Kek

>> No.26180489

Etherscan would be way off due to people delegating, wouldn’t it? Delegated tokens wouldn’t show up in people’s wallets?

>> No.26180537

I don’t care about money in the short term, I care about how I can generate a future living

>> No.26180556


>> No.26180584

I’m a terrible trader but a good visionary, my last big purchases included 15,000 Link but was not able to hold onto the entire stack and so couldn’t stake/run a business with what I had left

>> No.26180677
File: 592 KB, 1280x720, grt-chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26180712

Market sells link and buys grt at the high instead of stacking his bags when it was .3 for 2 weeks
Lmao do you feel proud about this thread?

>> No.26180837

What do you see the price going to OP

>> No.26180864

You place value on a well timed trade, I place value in the future of technology. The numbers don’t matter, and you sound like someone with a poor persons mentality

>> No.26180906

Don’t know, don’t care. Whatever is the price of free speech I suppose

>> No.26181041

I grabbed 85k bag at .3. Didn’t sell any of my link/eth though because I don’t trade in emotions like you, visionary fag.

>> No.26181217

And what do you plan on doing with those tokens? Sell them at a higher price right? It’s not like someone like you will stick around or contribute to this space anyway

>> No.26181241

I got a 1k stack yesterday. Should I get more? Unfortunately I have to use to Uniswap cause I can’t buy it on the exchange. GRT seems very promising I want enough to hold but to flip as well if that makes sense

>> No.26181274

I’ll be running an indexer.

>> No.26181287
File: 259 KB, 566x414, Unnieshenlo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decentralized internet


this is the Jibrel Network Token of 2021. Get out now. it's multiple billion cap. when has that ever ended well.

sell for a new low cap like UNN or be forever fucked by EOY.


>> No.26181326

I'll remember you OP when it dips back to .1 when the devs dump 6 billion more tokens in 5 months

>> No.26181342

they're opposed to free speech though. GRT is founded by jews.

>> No.26181354

You can't see the people who keep hundreds of thousands on exchanges. No way I'm putting that on metamask.

>> No.26181380

then it has no choice but to succeed

>> No.26181390

thats not even the correct token icon you fucking retard. get back to photoshop.

>> No.26181740
File: 121 KB, 1170x348, 33272B9C-E5ED-4C7E-8708-856F8C1E01E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the right token icon on delta

>> No.26181935

>I’m a terrible trader but a good visionary,
You're an idiot. What "vision" does GRT provide where you would choose a GRT graphQL api over an AWS serverless graphQL api? The latter is faster, better, cheaper, scalable - better in every way that matters.

>> No.26182005

Hmmm idk fuck amazon

>> No.26182203
File: 101 KB, 626x617, 47842680-D847-462C-8021-60CD4CDFD4CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graph wants the create a decentralized internet.
>Why wouldn’t they use a centralized monopoly?!

>> No.26182261

>shuts down your entire app infrastructure overnight due to leftist views
also yes fuck Amazon

>> No.26182288

How do you delegate GRT? They have a wallet out you use?

>> No.26182373

>selling LINK

>> No.26182375
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>> No.26182471

Normies dont care about this stuff though

>> No.26182497


>> No.26183028

Brainlet here

Is this a scam

>> No.26183306

No this looks right just double check the contract address https://etherscan.io/token/0xc944e90c64b2c07662a292be6244bdf05cda44a7

Also don’t delegate to an indexer taking high %

>> No.26183732

Thanks senpai.

>> No.26184263

It's not decentralized internet. It's data retrieval from the block chain.

>> No.26184319

Cannot get GRT in New York state, anyone know the regulation why?

>> No.26184344

Ty bro

>> No.26184723

oh dude, selling LINK this close to 2/16? ngmi

>> No.26184768

yeah just centralize the api layer you idiot!

>> No.26184777

Jews mainly.

>> No.26184865

2/16? Spoon-feed me.

>> No.26184877

nice portfolio this week, next week only 15$

>> No.26184918

lot of schizo threads about the meaning of 216 to sergey and ari. i don't believe it, but it gives me hopeium

>> No.26184966
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Oh. Don't intend to sell but I wouldn't rest into it.

>> No.26185115

i can guarantee you normies aren't thinking "oh just host that in aws"

instead, they'll fomo in when it is too late

>> No.26185208

>Just use twitter
>Get banned
>Just host your own on aws
>Get your service terminated
>Just send payments through MasterCard to some other server host
>Have your back accounts and credit cards terminated
Now is the time for decentralization to take off. FAANG went full mask off. Don't even care what your politics are. You should be worried. And that worry would translate into a big stack of GRT, LINK, and BTC.